Inflammation throughout the body

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Is there any evidence that inflammation in other areas of the body, joints, legs, arms, face etc, can make Peyronies Disease worse? Have any of you noticed that when another unrelated area of your body is inflamed due to overuse or injury that your Peyronies Disease was directly affected? I am getting paranoid that mild joint inflammation I am getting from lifting weights will make its way south to a much more important area. I have looked online for studies about non local inflammation and have found nothing. Any educated input would be helpful.  


inflammation in the joints,soft tissue,penis are different types of inflammation.

inflammation in joints generally indicates some type of arthritis.
inflammation in soft tissue like arm and face is an edema that ususally means you are retaining water.(take a diuretic)
inflammation dealing with peyronies is more related to blood flow or lack of.

When elderly people retain water all over they usually are going into congestive heart failure which is deadly.

People in the last stages of hepatitis will retain lots of water all over their body.

There is just so many different things that cause inflammation its really difficult to say but i don't think they are related.

(EMT/spec skills, Lab tech, firefighter for 20yrs)


Reynell you are partially right.

Duputiens contracure in the hands for example are the same kind of plaques like Peyronies.
I have a few in my left hand, happily it stopped developing more than 10 years ago before they made some real damage.
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Good points - different inflammation can lead to different conditions, but Im wondering if something happening in another part of the body can impact the Peyronies Disease directly



In my opinion is possible. We had some long discussions on the forum regarding the causes of Peyronies disease.
High blood sugar for example.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


The C-Reactive protien test is a blood test that is a marker for inflamation.  I am not sure if it relates to only certain types of inflamation.  I know it is used to indicate inflamation in the artieries.  It may also refer to the gut and other areas but I just don't know and don't want to suggest it does.

Maybe someone with more knowledge can weigh in.


I am 61 got peyronies 3 years ago but erectile disfunction was already in place for several years
I was previously getting zig zag visual disturbances,
chronic fatigue,intermittent atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation.
I already had dupuytren's.
Bisoprolol worsened the peyronies to max bend.
I surmised from my research that I had a genetic or
Familal or lifestyle tendecy to systemic inflammation.
I now have Osteo arthritis in finger joints.
Also in spine. My back gives up every few months
Leaving me in screaming agony.
Most of the time I look perfectly fit.
I had a heart attack 3 years ago.
I have had many symptoms including tinnitus and memory problems.

My hypothosis:
Systemic inflammation caused by infection
Such as spirochete, protazoa, or micoplasma etc.
Infections help each other by disabling the immune system.
Hyperbaric oxygen has helped greatly pointing to anaerobic bacteria.
I take Neprinol which thins the blood and the serrapeptase chopps up the protein in the blood.
Also very strong omega 3 and glucosamine sulphate.

Also magnesium and zinc.

My treatment is very effective but not much change to extent of bend.
I am about to start on a course of very powerful serrapeptase,nattokinase,vit D
I do now get good bent erections
No more fatigue or migraines.
I will be looking at antibiotics.
Lyme disease gives simila systemic inflammation.



Your sentences:
QuoteI do now get good bent erections
Quoteafter having ED for several years
are very interesting for me.
ED is the main issue I want to make an implant.

Can you give some more details regarding your treatment?
It is:
Neprinol, strong omega 3, glucosamine sulphate, magnesium and zinc or have more?
Can you details the quantity of the daily intake and timing for each?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


There are really only three major causes of systemic inflammation.

1) Infection

2) Diet

3) Environment (toxins)

A few dietary factors that cause systemic inflammation include:

1)  High carb diet (excessive refined carbs)
2)  Low carb diet (insufficient complex carbs from fruits)
3)  Low fat diet (excludes anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats and leads to high carb diet)
4)  High fat diet (excessive inflammatory omega 6 fats)
5)  Low protein and/or low fiber diet (leads to high carb/fat diets)
6)  High protein diet (excessive consumption of red meats leading to systemic acidification of the body)

The typical dietary causes today are driven by misguided dietary advice from the medical establishment that tends to demonize fats as a type and ignore the dangers of refined carbs which have become pervasive in diets around the world.

Another major dietary issue is nutrigenomics.  Specific foods have a major genetic impact on our bodies.  There is a lot of concern these days over the GMO issue, and rightly so.  But for years crops have been engineered via hybridization which has served to alter their genetic impact in ways that were unforeseen.  Take the simple comparison of wheat to rye.  Consumption of heavily hybridized wheat alters over 70 human genes in ways that have a negative impact on human health.  Conversely, consumption of rye alters over 60 human genes in ways that have a positive impact on human health.  This process is being promoted in all kinds of ways that we currently don't understand, because this process is just beginning to be explored through research projects.  But food is either killing you or healing you depending on what you are eating.


You could write a whole book on diet and still not cover it all.

The wheat thing is going to blow up at some point.  ONe of my teachers told me that ~100 yrs ago  the gluten content in wheatwas around 5% or so.  Now in some cases it is as high as 50%.  The large industrial bakeries like it for some reason.  Makes their processing run smoother, I assume.

I have recently cut out corn and have noticed an uptick in energy.  Corn is highly GMO in the US.

You really have to consider food allergies and sensitivities. Sensitivities are much harder to identigy.  An elimination diet is really the only reliable method.
Many people have a leaky gut and don't know it.  That sluggish feeling or overall fatigue you chock up to aging.  May just be the food you eat is killing you very slowly.



Goodluck sentence
QuoteYou could write a whole book on diet and still not cover it all.

I was changing it to:
With your knowledge you should write a whole book on diet and still not cover it all.
It will be a best seller

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I'm slightly skeptical of the claims of "leaky gut", but I wonder how many Peyronie's sufferers have had such afflictions? Probiotics could have a beneficial effect on systemic inflammation if the inflammation originates in the guy. Some of the proponents of leaky gut say if can cause widespread effects, particularly auto-immune conditions.

A great source of info on the role of guy bacteria in systemic inflammation is: Cooling Inflammation
He doesn't update it much anymore, but there's a lot of fascinating information there that I haven't seen anywhere else. Especially in regards to the importance of a healthy gut flora.


Quote from: pizzaman on September 20, 2012, 01:31:05 PM
Especially in regards to the importance of a healthy gut flora.

I've had illnesses in the past that decimated my intestinal flora. Caused me all kinds of health problems. I eat a lot of fermented food as a result, and often make it myself. Sauerkraut is ridiculously easy to make. Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz (used ferments as part of his treatment for HIV) is the book to get on the subject.


Pizzaman, the webiste you suggest is interesting.  I  quickly skimmed it and will go back and give it more time.

I have recently read the book "Gut Solutions" by Brenda Watson and found it an easy to understand lesson in good digestive health.  It gives both the western med  and the functional medacine approaches to many digestive track conditions.

They talk about yeast over growth in the gut and how it can give you symtoms that doctors chase but never identify as yeast.  Men get it as well as women.  Our SAD way of eating promotes it.

They do devote some time to leaky gut and suggest probiotics, prebiotics, N-acetylglucosomine (NAG) and L-glutamine to repair leaky gut.
As well as low sugar and high fiber.

I think that everyone has a leaky gut it is just to what extent.  After all it if was totally unpermeable you would not get any nutrition.

There are lab tests for it but I am not so sure any insurance would cover it. I am not so sure about it accuracy. Last I looked it cost about a $250.

I would just assume you have it and follow the dietary and supplement advice for a while and see if you feel any better.

After taking antibiotics or steroids there is a good chance you may have it.


"Leaky Gut" is actually immune system related.  It happens because the gut's immune system is letting things through that it shouldn't be.  This could be anything from pathogenic bacteria to certain other substances that should not be admitted to the body.  And all of this indeed is tightly related to the gut flora.  Bad gut flora can also cause abnormal weight gain and predispose people to metabolic syndrome.  So it is VERY important to try to optimize one's gut flora.  Pro-biotics are great in either supplement or food form, but their are also key herbs out there that are capable of killing off undesirable bacteria while leaving good bacteria untouched.  - George



What key herbs do you know of that will help with dysbiosis (inbalance in the flora)?


Actually I don't know of any off hand.  I DO know that they are out there because our naturopath prescribed some to my wife for just that purpose.  So I am looking at a product now that is intended to purge the gut of bad bacteria and here is what I see:

Aloe leaf (has also been used to treat intestinal infections)
Cascara sagrada bark (has also been known to expel parasites)
Berberine (a natural antibiotic, also effective in expelling parasites)
Black radish root (also has an antibacterial effect)
Ginger root (recommended for fighting parasites)
(The above are selected ingredients from Puristat's colon cleanse treatment)

I can tell you that there are a LOT more examples out there.  They usually come in some sort of proprietary herbal formula.  The naturopaths are usually up on these products and know how to use them.

- George


This is a good thread. My wife and I are passionate about this subject, its kinda our hobby. I have diverticulosis and while trying to keep it under control I came across an unlikely supplement that I love to reccomend. Cinnamon capsules (2 with each meal) are an excellent form of fiber. Cinnamon keeps the colon clean and happy as well as being known to help balance blood sugar and boost energy levels. Another plus is that cinnamon caps are CHEAP. Like 8 bucks for 250 caps. I also cut out wheat and corn except for bread I bake or a few healthy brands I have found. I make my own mayo so I can control the quality of fat I ingest and we eat no prepared foods. Unfortunately my dick is still curving but hopefjully when my ved and pentox arrive I can get that under control as well.


With a price like that it's probably not even worth the trouble, but you can buy empty capsules and fill them with whatever you want, which you could do with cinnamon. I may have even done that in the past, I'm not sure. I know the Chinese herbal formulas I've gotten have often included some form of cinnamon.

I have cut out wheat except for Ezekiel and Alvarado St Bakery brand breads which are sprouted, so I seem to tolerate them fairly well. Corn has always been the hardest thing for me to cut out but I've done that too. Food seems to be the real battleground over health for people and I think it's where you have to make the most sacrifices but also where you can gain the most. You really have to give up all your ideas about food and start anew, though. I do fairly well with temptation but one of the big problems is the social and cultural aspect. I can eat a simple healthy diet when I'm by myself (though I do get bored with it) but then you hit the outside world and BAM. People think you're weird or being unnecessarily contrarian or fanatical when you say you don't want to eat something, it's often just impossible to eat how you want when you don't have time to run home to your kitchen, etc. Culture can really be a trap, and while it's easy to see how modern society is detrimental to health in many other ways, it's often really benign things that are pushed on you that can be the thorn in your side. I know this all too well having lived in the Southern United States most of my life.


Cutting out gluten is getting a bit easier as there are more choices than in the recent past.  However as you guys mentioned corn is a common source of irritation in the digestive track.  Many gluten free items use corn.  So it is still a tricky course to navigate for many.
I am currenty trying to be glutten and corn free.  It is not easy so I almost always eat at home.
The sproated grain breads are suppose to be more nutritious but they still have gluten. Gluten can be an issue even if you test negative for celiac or gluten sensitivity.  The testing is not 100%.

IDHW:  Again, take a look at "gut solutions" they have a section on diverculosis



Thanks goodluck, Ill check out gut solutons.



I, myself, don't eat a lot of wheat, i'm not particualrly gluten sensitive, but i really enjoy pasta. what i buy is made with brown rice flour. tastes like the regular stuff. the only down side is that it costs 3-4 times more than the regular wheat. to me, though, it's worth it. ya can't go wrong with brown rice. i think the brand name is tinkyada, or something like that. give it a try.



It has been all over the news lately that rice has very high levels of arsenic and that brown rice is the highest.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hehe you definitely can go wrong with brown rice.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


maybe i should have stated getting the organic style. they have both.



I think I would just go easy on rice UNTIL they get all of this sorted out.  The arsenic in question comes from the soil in which the rice is grown.  So rice grown in arsenic free soil has no arsenic while rice grown in soil high in arsenic can contain high levels of arsenic.  Until now the FDA has simply turned a blind eye to this issue, but now they are under pressure to at least force rice vendors to disclose arsenic levels in their products.  Since arsenic is a NATURALLY occurring substance in some soils, the fact that a product is organic would likely not guarantee it is arsenic free.  The body does naturally shed arsenic, so as long as you are not getting too much of it, there is nothing to worry about, but I would certainly not consume large quantities until this issue is resolved.  - George


Quote from: pizzaman on September 20, 2012, 01:31:05 PM
I'm slightly skeptical of the claims of "leaky gut", but I wonder how many Peyronie's sufferers have had such afflictions? Probiotics could have a beneficial effect on systemic inflammation if the inflammation originates in the guy. Some of the proponents of leaky gut say if can cause widespread effects, particularly auto-immune conditions.

A great source of info on the role of guy bacteria in systemic inflammation is: Cooling Inflammation
He doesn't update it much anymore, but there's a lot of fascinating information there that I haven't seen anywhere else. Especially in regards to the importance of a healthy gut flora.

Thats funny because I have a severe case of leaky gut and I am certain that together with the penis exercises I did it started the bad loop of inflammation/autoinmmune called Peyronies. You know, a trauma or injury and something goes wrong, inflammation never ends and the wound dont heal or stabilize as it should. It was just very timed with the onset of my leaky gut because of aluminum poisoning. Tonight its 6:20 AM and I havent slept the last 3 nights because of this sharp, cold feeling in my penis. Strange, but I didnt have pain this day until the evening, pain its worse at night for some reason. This night saw an obvious bend while having a semi erection. Im wondering about buying Ubiquinol. I could buy Pentox too but I fear customs here hold everything coming from outside the EU and I dont want a box with meds hold in customs as it is illegal. On the other hand, iherb always reach my home without problems, it just takes two damn weeks usually.  I doubt any doctor in my city not even one will be convinced by me of prescribing a med they havent heard of for Peyronies. The appointment with the specialist in Peyronies by insurance its in one month. Shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

At this point its very obvious to me addressing the leaky gut its a priority but every month or 20 days I have terrible flare ups of penis pain so I wonder if I should treat the Peyronies at the same time. For leaky gut I have ordered Cats Claw and Bacillus Coagulans and there is evidence supporting both of those will ease inflammation and pain but on the other hand I dont want this problem to progress more. I know I have leaky gut because of a long road of testing, guessing and reading. I have eczema, with dandruff IN THE FACE and lots of dandruff in the scalp. My nose its pinkish reddish at times. My body its so inflammed by food allergies (histamine?) that rubbing, hitting or scratching the skin will result in the developing of red bumps with the form of the scratch. This condition its called Dermographism. I cannot get weight and I am losing it, progressively. Those are symptoms of Leaky Gut. Real scientists acknowledge and accept increased intestinal permeability and inflammation as something very real and involved with a lot of serious disorders. I am very inflammed and the inflammation comes essentially from my intestines which from time to time also hurt a lot, plus I have IBS. I even got "Leaky Gut Syndrome" diagnosed by a naturopath Georges Mouton who did me a lot of expensive tests that showed I was intolerant/allergic to every food I ate (he made me the tests for my most common foods of that time) but that was a joke the guy basically wrote what I told him, its not a very well known disorder even by alternative doctors and despite what people say its not easy to rid of and its a severe condition that leads to worse disorders with time.

Evolutionary Psychiatry: Leaky Gut and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dermographism ...What on Earth is That? ~ BHS Blog

I was really stupid and had very bad luck, I did in the same period the st00pid penis exercises (I didnt need them, idiot, idiot!!) and was using a 20% aluminum antiperspirant for two years. At that time my face eczema started to show up... Perfectly timed as I said, for my destruction. Leaky gut plus penis injury results in peyronies.


You should research Chinese medicine, Sargonnas. I think it has a lot to offer you, though I of course would not stop exploring all methods of treatment. I have, at times, horribly dry flaky skin on my head, behind the ears, etc, and in Chinese medicine this is a sign of a corresponding imbalance in the lower body, with inflammation. I've also had horrible digestive illnesses in the past. I don't know the state of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, herbal therapy, etc) in Spain, but you should at least research it.


Quote from: swolf on November 09, 2012, 10:37:06 AM
You should research Chinese medicine, Sargonnas. I think it has a lot to offer you, though I of course would not stop exploring all methods of treatment. I have, at times, horribly dry flaky skin on my head, behind the ears, etc, and in Chinese medicine this is a sign of a corresponding imbalance in the lower body, with inflammation. I've also had horrible digestive illnesses in the past. I don't know the state of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, herbal therapy, etc) in Spain, but you should at least research it.

Thanks dude. Yeah im very interested in TCM and trying to contact with an expert I know can help me with it.



Try TIENS. They tea helped me to end my migraine that I was suffering all my life.
Two other herbs cleaned completely my kidney stones.
Unfortunately, I didn't get answer to my questions about Peyronies remedies.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: boomerang on June 27, 2012, 12:47:20 PM
I am 61 got peyronies 3 years ago but erectile disfunction was already in place for several years
I was previously getting zig zag visual disturbances,
chronic fatigue,intermittent atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation.
I already had dupuytren's.
Bisoprolol worsened the peyronies to max bend.
I surmised from my research that I had a genetic or
Familal or lifestyle tendecy to systemic inflammation.
I now have Osteo arthritis in finger joints.
Also in spine. My back gives up every few months
Leaving me in screaming agony.
Most of the time I look perfectly fit.
I had a heart attack 3 years ago.
I have had many symptoms including tinnitus and memory problems.

My hypothosis:
Systemic inflammation caused by infection
Such as spirochete, protazoa, or micoplasma etc.
Infections help each other by disabling the immune system.
Hyperbaric oxygen has helped greatly pointing to anaerobic bacteria.
I take Neprinol which thins the blood and the serrapeptase chopps up the protein in the blood.
Also very strong omega 3 and glucosamine sulphate.

Also magnesium and zinc.

My treatment is very effective but not much change to extent of bend.
I am about to start on a course of very powerful serrapeptase,nattokinase,vit D
I do now get good bent erections
No more fatigue or migraines.
I will be looking at antibiotics.
Lyme disease gives simila systemic inflammation.

Hey! You are the user "IBS" from other board arent you? Very interesting all what you says. I am about to start a wholistic treatment for myself.



Not related to holistic treatment, please don't quote the entire post, it takes space on the server and makes the forum less readable. :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


[Full quote removed - Admin Les
You are responding to a post that is 5 years old. I would suggest you send a PM to James and ask him directly]

Hi James what were the herbs that got rid of your kidney stones ?