VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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I was surprise they didn't throw in a couple extra seals and more lube......

"The Sun Also Rises"


So I communicated with my urologist (a very repuable uro from all I've heard) today and he said "no-go" on the VED.  Didn't give a reason why (we traded voicemails) but just said that at this stage (I've had Peyronies Disease for about three months) he would advise against it.  He has me on a rountine of Viagra/Pentox/L-Arginine right now (to which I'm adding Gingko and ALC) and recommends keeping that course of action and seeing him in another month.  Since I can't get the VED without a script and am hesitant to build my own I think I'm going to forego it for now and bring it up again in a month when I see him in person.  I'm a little bummed because I wish I could "do more" but at the same time I guess I also don't mind hanging on to my $500 a little longer and having a extra 20 minutes freed up each day. :)

I'll keep y'all posted and will also let you know what he says about the VED when I see him next.


Danny Ocean,

When I made up my mine to use the VED, I had to wait almost six weeks before I got mine, the new soma was suppose to be coming out and they said they had fixed the pinching really isn't that much different and I could of order the ring....but heck, a few weeks is not going to make that much difference....I took the time to get my inflammation under control and read every article on the VED I could....

Bring some studies in and tell the doctor you are not using the devise for ED, and it is a exercise, short pumps ect....they think you are going to pump it up and throw the ring on for 30 minutes and ride the pony....this is how it got the bad rap for peyronies....I would down load the spivey report and bring that with you also....

I plan on making another visit with my urologist so I can educate him so some of my brothers that are not on this form will have choices, because he is the star of the movie "ClueLess"  he told me the last thing I should ever do is VED....he wrote my script without a question two months later....

"The Sun Also Rises"



I like you recieved the same type of reaction from my doctor, he pretty much rejected the VED and laughed me out of the physicians clinic.  I must say I couldn't agree more with hawk on replacing the defective pinching cylinder free of charge, especially after one drops $595 on a VED.  I would encourage all who are using the soma correct as myself, to finish the 26 week protocol and keep measurements as hawk has prompted all to do.  We need to collect data on this.  I really wish Augusta would publish any studies they have out there, I'm wondering when they will publish these studies?  We have a lot of people working with the VED and especially the soma, I think a poll is something that would benefit us all as I have called for in the past, someone should take the lead and create one for our forum.  I have no doubt in my mind that the VED will work for some people as i have talked to 5 people now who saw results, however I really question efficacy rates of 90%, just seems to good to be true.  For now we can gather data as a forum, as we did regarding the Verapamil Injections, and to everyone who is pumping, keep on pumping and finish the protocol!




Working in your favor is that he has you on what might be the best medicine (or did you have to tell him to do that?). I think that you might be able to get better on what you are taking alone (which would be terrific).The VED will always be available to you, and if you worsen while on your current regimen, let him know and make him go faster.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Rico on September 23, 2006, 02:15:52 PM
There is another site on the net  they just posted on there forum the Q&A for August... which I might warn is disturbing as far as a no hope look at this condition....

You got that right. I read the Aug. Q&A this morning and I've felt extremely discouraged ever since. Reading about those guys getting walked out on doesn't leave much hope for a young single guy like me.


Thanks guys for the replies.  I will keep you posted on the progress and anything new I hear when I go in to see the doc again next month.  It's a bit frustrating to not be able to do more at this point but the regimen I'm on does seem pretty good (and thanks to all of you as I've pieced it together largely from reading the threads here).  Fortunately (I think my lucky stars for this everyday) I have a pretty mild case of Peyronies Disease, no pain, proper "functioning" and only a small reduction in size.  I will continue to believe that the best lies ahead for me and everyone here on the forums.  


Obe Wan Kenobe.....aka Old Man...,

I have a question for you Old wise one:)...

Negative pressure will not let the penis to fully engorge, but will allow penile vascularization and stretching of the Peyronie's plaque....

My question is this negative this the same method used when inducing a erection for ED?....I guess I'm confuse if this exercise I'm doing won't allow the penis to fully engorge then how is this used for ED.... can you explain the mechanics please....

May the Force me with You!!

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man


You are right about the VED being used for Peyronies Disease exercises. The three cylinder method is self explanatory in the sense that one starts off with the smaller cylinder and progresses to the largest one. The course of therapy is designed to give the penis varying degrees of stretching and exercise to allow for any results of the Peyronies Disease therapy.

The negative pressure being used for Peyronies Disease therapy is used in a similar way as being used for erections. The largest cylinder that will allow the penis to expand to its fullest size is always used when going for erections. Some cases need a smaller sized cylinder due the smaller size of ones penis and they will know, etc. The retainers must be used to hold up an erection when one is impotent to the extent they are necessary. Some individuals having undergone a non nerve sparing prostatectomy, medical or have other problems that caused them to be impotent must use the retainers to hold up their erection long enough for intercourse. One must experiment with the different retainer sizes to determine the correct tension. Most VEDs will have the retainers in the package when purchased.

Let me know if you have further questions that I may answer.

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I'm still building my courage to go to the Dr's and ask about a ved. There is something inside of me that keeps stopping me.  God bless my wife for putting up with me and my negative action


If your ego prevents you from getting help, then you can do two things (do both). Try to figure out why you are letting your ego get in the way of getting better, and if you really want to do that (ie - will pride allow your penis to get worse instead of better?); and consider going via the web to get a non medical VED like many of us have - it is cheaper and works exactly the same way. A GOOD cylinder will cost about 70-80- dollars US, and a good pump will cost about US$30. At about $240 that is about half the cost, and more private.

So, if neither of those options are appealing to you (and you are wishing you could start the VED therapy), then get yer butt into therapy and ask for help with what holds you back. Speaking from personal experience, I had to get professoinal help with my MIND before I was finally able to embrace this form of self-care. Now, I wonder what I was so worried about. You can do this - just start and it will move forward.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man


Just want to add my comments to those of Rico and Tim. I know that for some men talking about their private parts, their libido and how they perform with their organs is somewhat awkward. I know first hand, as I have been there and done that.

There was a time way back when that I could not even use a public restroom because of feeling embarrassed. I thought my tool was so small that it would not measure up to those of the "jocks" that always bragged about their size and ability to perform.

Several operations on my private parts and a radical prostatectomy took away all my modesty and fear of being seen, etc. It took things like that to break me out of my "fear" of being seen much less talk about it. Today, I counsel with guys all the time about their men's health problems and prostate cancer patients in need of talking with someone who has been through the "cancer thing". I know from this experience what you are facing and would like to say that you should swallow your pride and get on with trying to find something that would help.

You say, and I know from her posts and PMs, that you have a supporting wife. So, trust her intuition and lelt her help you with this. The two of you can be a team and that way enter a relationship that you never thought possible before. You know, this problem affects both of you.

Would like to help you in any way possible, so just let me and/or any others know what we can do and we will be there for you. Remember, you are not alone, thousands of other men face the same problem.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hey ComeBackid-

It is me Hopeful- How is the VED working?- I am still the same- I dont knowwhether to buy ne or not- or even try IONOTO... Hopeful is FRUSTRATED MAN




I'm not posting a progress report until the halfway mark in about 3 weeks, and when I'm done at the 26 week mark, so far its hard to tell if there has been much change really, keep your eyes open for my thorough evaluation, I will say my condition has not gotten worse while on the VED, thats for sure.  The stretching process is very slow and takes time, many months, and for some maybe close to a year depending on if the tissue is calcified or not down there.  

The Iontophoresis the first time through was a complete failure man, I did 25 treatments with high dosage 20mg/mL verapamil with IOMED pads, administered using the positive red lead on the penis.  It did absolutely nothing.  Dr. Carrol's office called for a followup and wants me to buy more drugs and do another 25, I just don't have the money right now as I've dropped close to $3,000 on Peyronies Disease treatments since April.



This combined with the tubing and adapters can make for about half the price for a VED system.

Check it out.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man

Note to all:

I have looked into the sites that Dr. Tim has listed as good sources of medical quality items to make your own VED. They apparently of very good quality and would be suitable in making one's own device.
There is no reason why one made with these mateials would not work equally as well or better than the pricey models from medical supply houses.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


  Old Man, I second that... the hand pump in that link is definitely high quality. If they're carefully constructed with attention to detail, there isn't one thing wrong with self-constructed VED's (I'm going with the term self-constructed to replace home-made. Home-made may imply less than stellar workmanship). Some of the materials I used were from Lowes and Home Depot, common building materials sites. In my experience, constructing ones own VED is a valid option that doesn't require a garage full of specialized tools... just the basics.  



Did you make your own pump from scratch?  


Has anyone besides Angus made a VED?  Angus perhaps you could write a list of instructions on how to build a VED  Can any Joe Peyronies build a VED from scratch, does it involve any special skills?  Perhaps a list of instructions on how to build one could save people a lot of money.  I think we should get a VED pull up as well and get some data on these things from our trusted members.


The pump I used I just posted a link for.

The cylinders I have previously posted links for - I did not make them from scratch. I bought them for $72 each. Somewhere in this thread is a very complete description of the costs and the sites I went to to get the stuff.

So no, they are not "home made". But the total cost for 2 cylinders and a good hand pump was about $160 (maybe about 230 for all three cylinders) - a lot cheaper than a "prescription" device.

I did not buy a cheap novelty item however. It is hard to tell looking online, but I went with vendors of "sex toys" who I know only sell good quality - and that worked out fine (also posted below).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Has anyone noticed after pumping a puffiness or a sac of skin that looks like its filled with fluid after pumping?  I just noticed this has started since I've started pentox and it may be that blood is being draw up because it is a blood thinner.  I haven't changed my pumping method and did not have this problem before I was on pentox for 10 weeks.  The sac runs across the top and is narrow in width, it doesn't cover much area and seems to vanish by the next day.



Quote from: pudder135 on October 04, 2006, 03:34:33 PM

Did you make your own pump from scratch?  


Has anyone besides Angus made a VED?  Angus perhaps you could write a list of instructions on how to build a VED  Can any Joe Peyronies build a VED from scratch, does it involve any special skills?  Perhaps a list of instructions on how to build one could save people a lot of money.  I think we should get a VED pull up as well and get some data on these things from our trusted members.

     Somewhere back in this thread I have a post that describes the materials I used. There is enough information there to make a VED. The highest tech items on them are the vacuum gauges that can be bought online or elsewhere. My VED's are relatively low-tech projects mostly made from things bought at building materials centers, except for the gauges and acrylic tubing which were bought online. I have less than $50 in both VED's. A person could go as high tech or low tech as they want and still end up with a useable device. The key is to use common sense, measure everything twice and remember that it is a relatively simple device that is just a tube with a pump attached to one end of it, with particular attention paid to the tube sizes. The ones I made aren't works of manufacturing art or anything, but they sure got the job done.


hey all!  has anyone heard of this product?? ???
if anyone knows of it or have heard things about this ..let me know



Heard of it... I'm using it!  :D  We have a handful of people using the soma correct, really when we talk about VED's its one of two that we really talk about.  The three cylinder protocol is believed to stretch the plaque in different ways (length and width) to help reduce the curve and restore lost size.  I think we have at least 7 people right now working with some kind of VED and at least 3 others besides myself working with the soma correct.  You can make your own, this has been done by Angus who has seen good results through VED usage. If your crafty making your own can save you money.  If you have any specific questions on the soma feel free to PM me.  The product seems to be legitimate however and we've had people on here who have reported results using it.  The protocol is 26 weeks, each week you change to a different cylinder to stretch your plaque in different ways.  


Has that web site been out for awhile? I think it is new, because I just got the somacorrect stf, it just became says peyronies treatment...maybe the FDA has loosen up.....does Carrol work with Levine?
I just finished my third week with the VED, the insurance companies should be coughing up the funds for the ved and phyison machine, anyway I think it is a positive thing to see this ad, even though it is marketing.

Can one go in for the treatments, with a better machine to deliver the verapamil?


"The Sun Also Rises"



Dr. Carrol told me he does know Dr. Levine well and is a colleague of his.  To go as far as saying he works with him, in my opinion and from what Dr. Carrol told me he doesn't actually do anything with Dr. Levine as far as clinical trials.  

I got my insurance to cover $146 for my soma correct which cost me $595.  They claim you can get a VEd through their in network vendor.  I've challenged my coverage and have not gotten a response back yet for my VEd coverage.  In fact this reminds me, they told me to wait at least 60 days when I was calling in before, its now been just about 60 days.  The key to getting things covered is be very persistent and not go away, and write to everyone you can.  As far as the PHYSION unit, I had no chance to get it covered, I tried hard and they rejected it, I doubt most insurance companies will even think twice about covering the PHYSION machine and boy is it expensive.  Tim has told me there is another machine out there with more power for Iontophoresis but it is very expensive and I just don't have the cash right now.




You would think they would offer the physion machine at the clinic or doctors office, like a visit for shots, do they?

I ended up paying 466. dollars for my somacorrect ved , this included shipping... they have it listed for 610. on that site.... they told me it was 595. plus shipping, when they checked and said my insurance company wouldn't cover it, that they would offer me the discount, I did have to send in my blue cross card to them....

I guess I will just keep softening or trying to with the dmso(thacker) and keep up the protocol, I'm not going to shell out that much for the physion, too much cheese for me right now...

I wonder if they did a study without the verapamil? Or if this is a add on, the physion machine, 1300. hundred bucks.... to tell you the truth, if I knew it would work better than my dmso and ved, I would buy it....

I going to call my doctor and see if he can get one to use and let me be his rat:).....

"The Sun Also Rises"



Dr. Carrol does offer in house treatments with the PHYSION machine, I don't know how much they cost, he claims an efficacy rate of "Almost everyone sees at least a minor reduction in curve," and "almost everyone gains size back."  He had no data to present me in the form of graphs or anything.  He did not explain to me how he measures reduction in curve, or size for that matter.  Hopeful and I have long talked about Dr. Carrol.  Hopeful has informed me he believes that Dr. Carrol got his degree in Mexico and operates many different ED clinics across the United State that simply dispense ED drugs.  It should be noted that he is not actually at his doctors office in Orlando, Florida.  After he was on vacation for 17 days and unable to change the code for the insurance companies in regards to my Soma correct, I asked his assitant how long he was on vacation for, I said "hes probably tanning down in the bahamas."  She then conceded Dr. Carrol is on vacation 365 days a year at his second home in Colorado in a ski resort town.  He sees his patients via teleconference and is never actually present in Orlando, Florida.



I am what i "think" into my 8 - 12th month of peyronies disease.(its hard to say when it actually ive always had a very slight banana curve.  Ive already been to two urologists. they both say...wait and see. My curvature is about 25 - 30 degrees now...and i can still get a raging hard on...and very little..but some discomfort during intercourse. But no real pain, persay. I am presently in a relationship and still not a real problem.  I have no lump that i can feel...but what is odd is i have a sort of an an indention where it bends. And yes...ive lost a bit of mass where it bends. I'm about 7 inches now.  Now my thought is that, after reading for weeks...that the VED treatment is what could help. I need advice from others. Like how long did you have to do it and what was your curvature amount? and how much did it help. Which one is best. How often do you do it?? WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS ...DO THEY REALLY WORK AT ALL????  I'm thinking of doing this on my own...NOW!!!!  Please reply back soon.  



Yes the VED really can work, I believe it is the most efficacious treatment there is out there for peyronies, however I don't agree with others assesments on how efficacious it is, it will not work for everyone.  It takes time, like 26 weeks or longer, its a slow process, your slowly remolding that scar tissue and plaque on the tunica overtime.  I have no really scientific data to offer you to prove it works.  The only thing I have is the first hand knowledge of talking to a handful of men on here who told me it helped them.  If your looking for further instruction you might want to seek the counsel of Old Man or Angus.  Others such as Mick and Soxfan have reported results as well.  I know myself, Rico, Steve, and others are working with the soma correct model right now as we speak.  Some people have had bad curvature and seen results, while others have had more mild cases.  The doctor has nothing else to offer me except verapamil injections and according to our own member poll the results are not impressive at all what so ever.  Besides doing the VED I'm taking l arginine and pentox.  Dr. Levine ( a top urologist on peyronies from chicago) prescribes the protocol of pentox, l arginine, and viagra to combat peyronies. Your curve sounds like it is managable, if I were you I'd act as early as possible, this is one thing I did not do looking back 7 years ago.  I took vitamin E cause thats why my urologist told me to take, and there was no Peyronies Disease support for me.  This forum has a lot of smart people and good information, look around, analyze things and if you have any questions feel free to PM me.  Check out the Peyronies Disease awareness area, this is something we are underachieving in and need motivated members to get involved in to help get our cause out there in the public eye.  



My doc prescribed a VED to me after prostate surgery to prevent a loss in size common after a prostatectomy.  Insurance will pay for this.  How is that for an endorsement?  They must think it works (at least in that situation).
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Ok ...this is to anyone and everyone who uses a VED. I've looked at some of these contraptions and the price is rediculuos. Ok...for one...the hand pump/gauge tool is nothing more than a hand held vacuum pump and gauge. Just like mechanics use to create a vacuum working on cars. Im the son of a mechanic..and mechanics is not new to me...nor the tools.  So im thinking buy a sex toy shop item. Then i see that the tubes have to be of good quality. And of course you want a reliable pump and gauge. Ok. But paying 500.00 bucks for this set up is a RIP OFF. Build it or buy it cheaper. So i found this outfit. Anyone used their product??



I've actually brought up the point to Augusta Medical Systems that their product is really overpriced for what it consists of.  The representative Mike Davis responded that the reason it costs more is the lifetime customer service one has that buys their product, such as calling in and talking to a clinical specialists such as himself.  Also he points out to the lifetime warranty one can get on the soma correct and other models.  I wanted to post this as it was the response to many of the critics saying the pump is overpriced.  Personally I didn't have the time to make a pump but if I did I would of constructed my own.  Be careful though a lot of the pumps out there are really cheesy sex toys that will break, personally it is my opinion that one would want a hand (manual) pump, you can easily feel when you have to much or to little pressure.  If your looking for guidance on making your own pump PM Angus as he is down so and open to help others.  If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me not9, glad I could be of help to you.




Although it is generous to offer to help, it is a fact that the help has already been offered and is available on this very page. I have personally posted in this thread links to high quality cylinders, and a cheap but well made hand pump. I have posted total costs, and contrasted it to the costs of the medical systems.

For those who want to take the time to save even more money, Angus has posted instructions on how to make one, with images of samples he has made. We have posted links to sites that sell tubing that could be cut to length, etc.

We do not need to recreate the wheel every time.

Although there are a lot of posts to wade through, the information that not9inches seeks is right here already.

As for NewArt - their devices are fairly priced (although their pumps are too pricey, IMHO) and well made.

To not9inches - I am not miffed at your request for help! Rather, it underscores the need for a page with information that is not hidden by all the back and forths of messages. We are working on developing information pages so that a (relative) newcomer to the site can find answers to the questions he might have more easily - without wading through messages.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


With new members, we often get redundant with posts.  Both Angus and Tim have constructed VED's and included links to products in their posts.  Angus has step by step instructions and photos attached to his post.  I see absolutely no point in a gauge.  I think Old Man would agree.  I do not care what a gauge says.  If I feel discomfort I will stop or reduce vacuum.  If I feel under expanded i will slowly increase the vacuum.  If you buy a good tube.  And a good pump, you are done.  To me, life time support is like life time support for my belt.  It consists of 2 or 3 pieces and only one has a moving part.  A vacuum is a vacuum.  If your pump breaks buy another.  A decent cylinder will never go bad.  You can hand it down for generations.

What can a representative tell me that is not public information, especially when they cannot even market for or mention Peyronies Disease per FDA order?  There are people on this forum that get up and wonder how to get rid of some of their money every day, and others that do not have 2 minutes to catch a breath.  To them it may make sense to buy a VED.  To anyone else that can glue a broked toy or put two legos together, I think it is strange to pay $500.00 for a VED.  With life time support they want to charge you for a piece so the first device they sold you does not pinch your penis.  It is almost material worthy for  "On the light side".  Unlike cool bottled water with contents that are inferior to tap water, you can't even flash your cool, name brand VED at the gymn to impress chics.  ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I was merely answering questions in regards to the VED's seeming to pricey and offering a point of view as to why they might charge more than it cost to make the product.  I know instructions are posted in all the jungle of posts on this thread, but for a new member it can get confusing to wade through everything.  Not9inches approached me and told me he was having some problems and confused, I thought it would be particularly helpful to include that Angus who he can PM has built his own VED and could instruct him if he needs any help.  I remember how it was when I first started posting here, the bottom line is sometimes we will have to repeat information.  I have called before for a link or instructions on exactly how to make a VED with all the necessary parts and have them taken off this thread and made into an easy to read link off of the website or somewhere where someone can easily click on something like "How to build your own VED," and see instructions and pictures on how to do so, with links to the parts needed.  This way one would not have to search the entire thread.  


I agree with you I'm just pointing out what Augusta Medical Systems answer is to why their price costs the price they market it at, I figured it would be fair to post their response, I don't necessarily agree with it. I also agree that they should replace the defective pumps that cause pinching free of charge and not charge any fee at all to do so.  


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I know you knew I agree with you and that you know Augusta's response, however newbies and other people on here do not so I thought I'd post it for them.  ;)



"You can hand it down for generations."

Right... (said like Dr Evil)... "Here son, I want you to have this.. It's a genuine penis enlargment pump - just like in the Austin Powers movie! I wiped it off once, even. It's all yours!"

I personally cannot wait!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I meant, I knew that (your intent), not that I knew the information.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



At the end of the day I know that you know that I know that you knew I knew that you know I know you wear a thong you sexy beast  ;D


Members and guest...

I would have to say that I'm happy with my somaerect stf...444. dollars is a lot of money, but I felt that the three cylinder with a good seal and warranty was a good value, since I understood I was also getting all of the ed rings with it, even though I wasn't going to use them...
I guess I felt that at least they were trying to help peyronies victims also, sure they are making money, but look at PDlabs and people spending 270. per month and getting nothing...

Reading the articles by Carrol and Levine ect..give me hope, they aren't going to get any respect if they show up with home made devises I rather support a company that is trying to help me and believes in there product and will go around the FDA to get it to can save 170. making there own, a little over two weeks of verapamil.......1300. dollars for the physion machine....maybe with some support the VED manufactures will come up with even a better product, on with heat ect....I also feel in the near future the insurance companies will have to pay for them and then I'm sure we will all want the best one out there....

Once one company starts getting some traction then you will see improvements in the devises for peyronies.....just think if they put the millions in the development of a mechanical devise, the state of art VED for peyronies, who knows if you suspend your unit in water, maybe salt water what would happen, different pressure ect....

Tim I think that the a cylinder is for a hold your unit in place like a straight jacket, this will press it against the tube wall, forcing the plaque is pancake out, to be molded later, and also to mold forward, this motion will cause for the hour glass to fill out, back and forth, the taffy technique.....

I have the hour glass myself...

"The Sun Also Rises"


I personally have another view that might be more appropriate under "Off Topic".

I dispute that Augusta is trying to help Peyronies Disease patients.  While I have no dispute with self-interest and profit, Augusta medical systems is trying to help Augusta medical Systems earn as much money as they can. Secondly, the fact that they tried to do an end run around the FDA is not a virtue performed in your behalf.  It is a violation performed in their behalf.  Third, the shill posting on this forum from Augusta (Zeus/Lazarinni - now banned) pretending to be a Peyronies Disease patient and lying to promote their product at the possible expense of Peyronies Disease patient's dignity and emotions was a despicable act.,300.0.html  Their denial and excuses instead of a public apology were nauseating.  Finally, their lack of even acknowledging a letter directly from Larry Holcomb to the president of Augusta to look into this matter shows the disregard they have for the Peyronies Disease community and specifically our members. Click below to read the letter
Quote from: Larry H on July 30, 2006, 05:05:19 PM

Is the suction on their product a real suction instead of a pretend suction?  The answer to that is a resounding yes.  Can you build a VED as good for $50.00? The answer to that is also a resounding yes as Angus has proven, (even less without a gauge).  Can you buy a life time of support for your self-constructed VEd for $250.00? EASILY, even if the pump broke 6 or 7 times.

If I had to choose between my penis rotting off and giving Augusta a dime which would I choose?  

Hmmmm, tough call.

PS: If I have been vague in my stand on this issue it was due to self-imposed restraint.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Wow, I hope I didn't hit a nerve:)....

You know me, I don't promote anyone or anything for a profit, theirs or mine, but to take a look in totality of the benefit it might be for us as peyronies brothers having companies in support of our cause, and as we know, money feeds the beast.....

Augusta I really don't know much about...a salesman is a salesman, out to make a sale, we all are into sales someway or you think half of the medial reports on drugs you read are not sale driven? Some salesman with a degree...they are the worst cowboys, and they are out there.....

We all talk about studies on here, don't say this or that with out proof...who has used both the medical grade and a non medical grade, not followed the three cylinder protocol and been successful....I'm not saying my VED is better than a home made one...I don't know if it is....I'm glad I have this one...I feel I spent my money wisely by getting the newest and medical grade product with the three cylinders and the 26 protocol that was put out by them at one time....I have a plan....

I never thought I was going to be calling some dick pumper salesman and buying one of these things, but I did...the old man and others on here gave me the confidence and the spivey report and seeing the Carrol report also and once again the 26 week protocol seem like a real program....and Of course this forum for putting it all in the right light....

If the FDA was on there ass, just by answering the letter for a salesman going on a peyronies site might close them down, I'm sure if I was his adviser I might not suggest to answer this letter....remember if this would cause his business to shut down, it might not be in are best interest also....but one would have to believe that the VED and further improvements with it might be the cure for all of us....I do feel strongly that this devise can be improved and will play a role in the future for all of the peyronies brothers...and as more are accepted in the market place and competion comes to play, then the cost will come down, do different than computers and flat screen TV' honest Abe said, "The Needs of the Many are More than the Few"....

The next Bill Gates of dick pumps might be lurking on this it and they will cum:).... five thousand people turn fifty every day, the baby boomers are going to drive this market, ED along with good VED's and proper drugs, together I believe they will find a way to live with peyronies....

Hawk I know you look out for us, keep the snake oil predators away from the door, and I thank you for it....I just had to put in my two cents on what I feel is the big picture and driving for better products and especially the VED market...why doesn't someone tear apart the physion machine, it probally has a hamster running on a treadmill and battery....1300. dollars...Oh I forgot you get verapamil with that, or you can choose the saline, isn't that salted water?


"The Sun Also Rises"



"If the FDA was on there ass, just by answering the letter for a salesman going on a peyronies site might close them down, I'm sure if I was his advisor I might not suggest to answer this letter....remember if this would cause his business to shut down,"

Rico, I have a hunch that this is the exact reason they did not respond to our letter, not just a little trouble either, BIG TIME TROUBLE.  Does this excuse their conduct, not really.

There seems to be a pattern of behavior between Augusta Medical systems and Auxillium in not responding to our letters.  

Has anyone heard anything about Dr. Levines study being done with verapamil injections and the VED( I believe the soma correct model).  Perhaps Wantitstr8 could comment on this or find out some information on this since he sees Dr. Levine, I haven't seen him online for awhile though.  Last I heard that protocol was being started in early June, they should be well into the study by now.



My point is that you have one bad apple and we are condemning the medical grade VED..... who knows what that sales person is doing today, yes he could of gotten promoted for using skills to make a sale...maybe he got fired, maybe he went out and got drunk and blew his head off for selling dick pumps for a living, I don't care...I have a bent dick and enough I don't prey on people, I have skills in finance and can make money with them....thank God for my Math because my spelling sucks:)....and I can't dance, and now I can't service a rich woman with my Old Italian love I have to work hard and honest to make a buck, but all I care about at this point it to get every facet of the people supplying information or programs for peyronies pulling on the same rope...they don't have to come on here anymore and say that it works, we are saying it....maybe he heard the story from one of his clients, or maybe he was a predator preying on us, like I said, I don't care, it works, go after PDlabs.... sometimes you have to let things die, it is healthy and the best way to help with ones health also, we have bigger fish to fry my friend....

"The Sun Also Rises"


Quote from: Rico on October 11, 2006, 12:14:10 AM

Wow, I hope I didn't hit a nerve:)....

Rico,  As you know we are friends.  This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with despicable business practices and gross unprofessionalism. I never say a word when soma correct comes up as you know.  What pulled my chain is to characterize them as a concerned bunch of great guys when in fact they tried the lowest tactics ever directly documented against our members by ANY company.

Praise of the VED would not have gotten a response.  Praise of the Soma Correct would not have gotten a response.  Praise of those men and their practices is a whole different matter.

QuoteAugusta I really don't know much about...a salesman is a salesman, out to make a sale, we all are into sales someway or you think half of the medial reports on drugs you read are not sale driven? Some salesman with a degree...they are the worst cowboys, and they are out there.....

Rico, maybe we are all salesmen in some sense.  I have been in direct sales.  Trust me, we all know we are not all like the ilk that would pose as a patient to feed on the insecurities of men that may be numbered among the Peyronies Disease patients reading posts.  You are not like that and I damned sure share nothing in common with that.  We labor to lift them as brothers not prey on them for gain.

As far as not doing the right thing to spare their rear-ends with the FDA, it is bogus justification for deciet.  That's why people justify lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.  "I had to do it for my own best interest"  If they had not used deceptive ads to start with they would not have had the problem with the FDA.  If they had not played the shill on the forum there would have been nothing to apologize for.  To use the one vile act as an excuse for the other vile act and then to use self-interest to avoid the taking an honorable stand is at the very least, illogical circular reasoning based on a total lack of integrity.

Conclusion, praise VED's all day.  Don't praise or excuse such conduct.  Instead, we should demand better or we become part of the problem..
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


question about using the VED ( yes...i bought fine)  If you have no problem getting an erection...whats wrong with going ahead and sticking it in the cylinder while erect..and then pump it up more.  Is there a link to a thread about different techniques on doing this?



If your using the soma correct and in cylinder A you wouldn't be able to fit an erect penis into that tube, you have to start from being flaccid and pumping up.  This cylinder purposely doesn't let your penis grow as big as it could so it holds the penis straight and stretches the peyronies plaque. If you have made your own or are using a bigger cylinder I suppose you could do this, but the protocol calls for pumping from the flaccid state, I've never heard anyone ask this question before, its possible you might do some damage, I would just start from the flaccid state.  It allows you to slowly fill your penis up with blood using negative pressure and then reach a max stretching point that you are comfortable with.  Even if you start off with an erection and pump a little and then hold, after that first cycle you have to release the negative pressure and allow your penis to shrink bank down to close to the flaccid state.  The release of the pressure and pumping back up again is the theraputic stretching and exercising of the penis, the protocol was designed to do this.  Apparently the protocol has been proven safe and I've never heard of anyone on here doing any permanent damage from the VED, if you chose to try a different protocol or method you will be exploring the potential risks or rewards of that method, for this reason I would just stick to the current method and protocol.



I tried this pump thing today. I have to tell's a very foreign feeling as your pumping it up. So much so that im afraid to pump it up all the way. No...I didn't experience any pain...but it's just damn weird feeling. going to have to take this in small doses. Anyone else feel this way when they started?

I dont even know if i should be doing this. Afterall...i can still get a nice hardon naturally, and have sex with no difficulty. So why chance damaging it or causing any harm.?



I actually tend to agree with you.  A solid natural erection is : stretching, supplying very oxygen rich blood.  I am not sure what your VED is going to do more than that or even as well.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums