VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Mr. Dillion,

If you mean is it ok to use the VED for ED with the ring....I would think you would want to hold off of this until you conditon your self with the VED, this is how it got a bad rap for peyronies....think of it as exercise for your unit...if you were going to start running, and thought you would start with a six mile run, you would do more damage to yourself than good, you would want to start and walk a mile, then two, then jog a couple and work yourself up to the six mile run....
When the Old Man talks about VED, I put my ears on....he is a Saint and if you send him a personal message I'm sure he will help you out.....walk before you run with the VED....welcome to the forum, you sound like a good man....God Bless You!

"The Sun Also Rises"


The soma will work fine for the ED, you only use the constriction ring when you are using the VED for ED.  This would require you to pump an erection and then transfer the restriction ring from the VED to your penis carefully, I've never done this as I can get an erection on my own and am using the soma correct only for my peyronies treatment. When your using the VED just for the 26 week protocol you don't need a restriction ring as you pump your penis until it fills the different tubes depending on your weekly schedule and then let it return to almost the flaccid state, before you pump another erection (cycle 2 etc.).  

You wouldn't want to have sex while your in the middle of doing a daily session but you can have sex at other times during the day using the restriction ring for your ED.  

Here is a site regarding the 26 week protocol:



Hey there Mister Dillon, welcome to the site. Be sure to let your wife know about the "Ladies Room" part of the site. All of the girls are great support for us guys, and it's a place that she can get info. With the use of a Soma Correct, you might even find out that it could help the ED by the time you get done with the program. I've been told that by exercising "little willy" enzymes and other body chemicals related to a man's arousal are produced. These enzymes and chemicals are not as pronounced as we get older. By following the "old man" method, these natural body thingies will increase in production. There is no guarantee, but I'm sure that if you have good results on the peyronies side, you will have restored confidence in your ability to perform sexually. With that new spark of enthusiasm, the sky's the limit. Also remember that just because "little willy" is acting up now, doesn't mean that you couldn't get more creative in your love making techniques. Penial penetration is only a small part of fulfilling your honey's sexual desires. If you need to get some real good ideas on how to please your woman, there are some great books out there. Don't think of peyronies as a setback, think of it as a vehicle in a whole new adventure in your sex life. You may be surprised at how much more closer and intimate your relationship with your wife can be.  Keep the Faith...Blink
We are not specialists, but we are special for what we know.

Mister Dillon

Thanks for all the encouragement and information in responce to my first post.  The information is very helpful.  I have also heard from "old man" and I think I will buy the upgrade to the soma correct when it comes out latter this month.  I will be sure to post my progress and results as I go through the 26 week program.



Dear forum members,

I have sent emails to the site and haven't gotten any response, I sent it to both emails they have on there site for further information...this is on the Spivey method....They claim to have treated over 1,000 clients with the technique...

Are they connected in anyway with Soma Correct?

I haven't ever seen a post on the forums from anyone saying they were treated by this clinic ect.....

They still haven't shipped my VED from Soma, had problems with getting the fax prescriptson from my doctor.....blamed it on the doctor's they had them mail it to them yesterday, so I wait...I guess a week or two won't matter.....

If anyone out there has had contact with this Spivey or knows how to get in contact with them, I would be interested in there information....1,000 people been cure? to what extent ect...this study seems like it should be all over the Urologist news!

Plus any other updates from anyone using the VED would be welcomed! Thank you and God Bless...

"The Sun Also Rises"


OK, I went ahead and ordered a second cylinder. I remain uncertain of the essential reasoning behind the use of three cylinders at 1.5, 1.75 and 2 inches in diameter. So, since I have a 2 inch cylinder (not in length! Diameter!), I will now have a "small" one as well. I will do a modified protocol, and will spend some time doing the narrow one that will allow for a more focused longitudinal force to be exerted on me, and will try to move back to the bigger one in something like a rhythm that approximates the protocol.

The protocol also has a built in "improvement factor" - it reads almost as iff the assumption is that one will get bigger, and thus need the bigger ones eventually anyway. I am interested in how this will feel and whether or not it will provide me with evidence (as measured by either improvement, or by feelings) of doing something different than I am now doing. The sensations I now get with the larger diameter tube are of both longitudinal and lateral (girth) stretching. The upward curve is naturally brought into hard contact with the side of the cylinder it curves toward. I hope that the lack of "free room" will make the "straightening effect" more obvious. It is possible, though, that the main effect will be that the vacuum is merely greatest on the head (which should fit tightly at 1.5 inches), and thus it forms an occluding leading edge that the vacuum is greatest on (not sure if ANY of that made sense!).

My main concern is that my curve is right below the head, and it is somewhat active, and that pulling harder at that point than any other point might be proinflammatory, instead of simply a good stretch.

We shall see. So far, I think I am ahead, and if I am convinced that the middle sized one is also important, then I will still be ahead financially.

Tube 1 (2" X 8.5" cylinder) - $72
Hand pump with gauge      - $30
Tube 2 (1.5" X 9")            - $72

Total                                $174

Still less than a $400-500 "medical device" costs - even if I add the third cylinder. Please note that one should use very good quality product. I have referenced the source I use (who sell many sizes of tubes, and also adaptors for pumps that might not be "VED-ready") before. But you can find it if you google "JT Stockroom".

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I think you are on the right track, I didn't save the site but it was on a UK peyronies on stumbled on surfing one said that in Europe and Canada VED is the first choice today, and then it said to use a small and medium size ved, short duration of pump, then stop and repeat for 15 minutes.....

Once again as you know we all have a different condition, below the glands or near the base or dead center....up curve, side curve, downward curve.... but once again, even with the ved the information is one size fits all.....

This is why if Spivey has 1,000 clients with treatment, this information would be invaluable to us....Glad we have the Old Man....

Being constent in the being with the small cylinder I would think would condition your plaque to be more aggressive with it in the future treatments....and going from small to medium and back to small to medium to large back to small makes sense, you giving it a time to rest, but not completely and pulling on it from all angles.....

I would think due to leverage, having plaque on the tip would be harder to mold and would take more time and maybe if it is in or on the septum could be a different situation also.....

Spivey says ten times a day for 5-10 seconds.....that UK site said the same for time or they just said negative pressure and then release it right away but do it for 15 minutes..... much longer than the two minutes with the spivey.....maybe Mick or Angus and the Old Man and Soxfan can jump in on this time limit also......

I would go to the small tube in the beginning for the three weeks....I know SteveW has it seems the same condition as you do, and like I said, with it there so close to the end, I think more patience will be needed.....I'm sure the Old Man has worked with people with this....reading the results on the VED survey, I was looking for location of plaque, maybe this is a determining factor in recovery?

Now get off your wallet and order the other tube:)...

"The Sun Also Rises"



I read your post again, it is a big help in understanding the ved.....reading your post on you using the large only cylinder and not getting the results your looking for, the bend in the tube....forced vacuum with no restrictson on bending....I think once again this is how the VED got it bad rap....the small tube like you said, or think might not allow the bend, how could it, so it can only go straight, but now again, and I don't know the length of cylinders use by the three cylinder protocol, but I know you don't suppose to get a full erection, release pump ect...but keep it up for three weeks before going to the medium, not the large one.....I know from st recthing that moving around from light to heavy works and muscles or tissues in this case have memory....

Being as professional as you are, following a documented program and documenting it would be of great value....I tend to go off the beaten path hot dog is burnt again(2nd time) from dmso:).....

If they ever ship my VED I'm going to try to stick with the protocol and work with the Old Man and Angus.....I going to take measurements and document it all for the forum.....

I do notice when I use dmso my erections are weak? maybe I shocked the tissue? then I go off it for several days and put on arnica oil to get the skin back from redness and I get fairly good erections and maybe better hanging.... I will leave it at I wouldn't use your large cylinder awhile, and get the medium and try it everyday for eight weeks, what do you have to lose at this point, it might be just what you aren't doing....

Take care and God Bless....

"The Sun Also Rises"


Rico and Others,

I noticed the same thing as Tim, in the biggest C cylinder my penis bends and it is simply to big, instead I just use the medium tube which gives me a good girth stretch, and the smallest A gives me a good length stretch.  It says on my sheet here from chris spivey that if you notice the curve occuring in a tube go to the next smallest one, well in the A tube its always straight as it is in the B tube as well.  On Saturday I will start week 9, I will post a progress update at week 13, that will be the halfway point for me.  Good luck pumping everyone!




Are you following the 26 week protocol to the letter? and are you holding the pressure for only 5-10 seconds? If you are out there Mick, what do you think, you are hope:)..... Old Man any thoughts? Angus? Soxfan? We are looking to the veterans to lead the charge.....

"The Sun Also Rises"


Quote from: Tim468 on September 07, 2006, 04:31:26 PM
I will do a modified protocol, and will spend some time doing the narrow one that will allow for a more focused longitudinal force to be exerted on me, and will try to move back to the bigger one in something like a rhythm that approximates the protocol.

The protocol also has a built in "improvement factor" - it reads almost as iff the assumption is that one will get bigger, and thus need the bigger ones eventually anyway. I am interested in how this will feel and whether or not it will provide me with evidence (as measured by either improvement, or by feelings) of doing something different than I am now doing. We shall see. So far, I think I am ahead, and if I am convinced that the middle sized one is also important, then I will still be ahead financially.

    When using the 1 1/2 inch tube you will feel a pronounced longitudinal pull (compared to use of the larger tubes) once you've reached the size limits of the sides of the tube. There is also such a small area of vacuum that air is being drawn out of when compared to the larger tubes that negative pressure will build rapidly so a light touch on the pump is required. I also have a small cylindrical tube brush that I would use to apply lubricant to the entire inside surface of the small tube. The brush will get lube down the entire length of the inside of the tube which helps immensely. From experience, it is a good thing to not have any dry spots inside the small tube. This allows expansion and lengthening without skin getting caught on a dry spot in the tube. If this happens you'll know right away. Applying lube to the inside of the tube and the penis is a safe precaution and ensures that things will expand and contract without inhibition.
    I also had a larger tube that I would alternate with the small tube. I didn't keep records of how many cycles or time pressure was held, but I did do many more cycles than the protocol specifies, and holding pressure for much more than ten seconds. I was doing this before the Soma or graduated tube protocol was out. In addition to the straightening, some lost size was regained, verified by my wife (her opinion is more objective on the subject than mine  ;D).
   At this point I wouldn't be overly concerned with where the bend starts and just forge ahead with some caution and keep an easy touch on the vacuum pump. With time and more participation, I'm sure we can add more chapters to the VED book and get a better handle on the physiology of remodeling and what is taking place during VED therapy.  

Old Man

Hey guys:

FYI, the Spivey Method and the Soma protocol are one and the same. The schedule on the Spivey does not go into enough detail so that it is clearly understood what to do. The Soma protocol also leaves a lot to be desired in that area, but it is a little better than the Spivey.

Now, another FWIW dept. item. The reasoning behind the three cylinder VED is to allow the penis to gradually get used to the negative pressures. Using the small cylinder for the first phase of therapy is designed so that the penis is confined into a narrow space so that the penis is held straight and firm. As the tissue "learns" the added pressure, then the larger cylinders are designed to allow for more and more expansion both in length and in girth.

Pumping up and holding for the 10 second time is designed so that varying degrees of pressure is applied to the penis. The overall time for the therapy exercises can be varied based on how well ones penis tolerates the pressure and the amount thereof. Usually 10 minutes for the first week or so only one time a day would be my recommendation. Then add time as the penis shows signs of "staying" in the elongated or expanded girth, etc. Experience with daily use will determine what is best for each individual.

I used the Osbon Esteem manual VED to do my Peyronies Disease exercises, but had to develop my own regimen since the unit is designed primarily for ED. It can be adapted for Peyronies Disease, but one must take time and have patience to "stay with the routine" long enough to see results. An inner smaller sizing insert must be used with Esteem VED to size the opening down to allow for a tighter fit around the shaft as the cylinder/pump assy. must be able to move up and down the shaft easily. The Esteem VED has worked successfully for quite a number of guys on and off this forum as well as the old BTC forum.

Hope the above is not too rambling, but just some thoughts that occurred to me while reading all the posts herein.

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



    During the first few weeks (I can't remember exactly how long), I held the pressure for ten seconds.  After that, I increased the time to about 25 seconds, and on the last of the 10 cycles, if I weren't in hurry, I'd hold it until the pressure began to be lost, up to about three minutes.  My sessions lasted from 10 to 20 minutes, usually nearer the lower figure.  Hope this answers your questions.

Respy, Mick


Old Man, Mick, Angus,

Thank you, that insight was worth more than a room of Urologist could give me....I love you guys!!

"The Sun Also Rises"


Dear Forum Members and Guest,

I have been studying Scar tissue and remolding of it......what is interesting is that regular tissue had blood and oil which gives it elastic abilities.....scar tissue only has blood and a lesser amount that regular tissue.....

So I would assume that maybe the reason is two fold for the moment of blood into this area, to keep the scar tissue as soft as possible.....and the reasoning behind the castor oil in the thacker formula.....also maybe the needling from the application of the verapamil will also give the scar tissue more give, this perforation seems to work in other applications....

I have been putting dmso and the castor oil(thacker mix) on my scar tissue, this is something I have been working with for about three weeks(I have burnt the skin a couple of times and had to take a few days off), and with the use of arnia and calendula) oil before and after use....My thought is to condition the scar tissue before the use with the VED, maybe the poor man's version of the Verapamil injections or buying the pysion machine.......

I'm thinking out loud here on the VED and the scar tissue many people warm up there unit first...even though the amount of blood is limited in the scar I'm thinking some heat might be good before....I was told by one sports doctor to go from hot to cold, use a water massager, one minute hot, one minute cold or a total of seven times each(14 minutes total time) to bring circulation into the area before st recthing....

Take care and God Bless....

"The Sun Also Rises"


Augusta(soma correct) just called me and they shipped my Soma Correct fts today, said I would have it in a couple of is the new model.....My cost with shipping was $444.14  my insurance wouldn't cover it, they say they gave me a discount, I had to send in the blue cross blue shield information....I did get a discount, a policy of theirs  if you have insurance? At this point I don't care, I don't have much money into this yet and I feel that this is the best chance I have right now along with trying to soften the scar tissue for better application of the VED......I have had this for four months, I read that scar tissue is at 90% of it's end result in 6 weeks, but takes up to 12 months to finish it's development....I feel after 6 weeks maybe one should be fine to start using the VED......

Thanks Angus for the advise on the brush for lube, I will go get one, does anyone have a suggestion on the best lube to buy? Also kudos out to the Old Man and Soxfan and Mick for sending me personal PM's and also ComeBackid......and many more on the forum.....

I'm going to take measurements and keep a journal.....

God Bless,

"The Sun Also Rises"


Quote from: Rico on September 11, 2006, 12:55:54 PM

Thanks Angus for the advise on the brush for lube, I will go get one, does anyone have a suggestion on the best lube to buy?....

I'm going to take measurements and keep a journal.....

God Bless,


    The KY liquid is good, and Wal Mart has a house brand that is the same thing but much cheaper. The best I found though is Astroglide because it lasts longer and I think slicker. Buy it at Wal Mart, Sams or wherever you get discount health and beauty aids. It's more expensive, but better than KY in my opinion. I tried the silicone based lubes but stuck with Astroglide because it's water based and cleanup is faster.
    The journal is a good idea. Some day we'll compile all our data into a comprehensive document hopefully. We do need more data from guys.



Hi Rico

I used the water-based Equate Jelly (personal lubricant) by Wal-Mart, at the suggestion of Old Man.  I used only 5 tubes for the entire 6 month protocol (and am still using it) at $1.74 each for a total of $8.70.

Respy, Mick


I'm almost ready to take the plunge but have a couple of remaining questions:

1.  So much of the feedback on the VED here has been overwhelmingly positive.  In some ways it almost seems too good to be true especially considering how ineffective most other treatments seem.  I'd actually love to hear from someone who has been using the VED for 6 months or more and hasn't noticed any improvement.  Anyone hear in that boat?

2.  One concern of mine is becoming dependent on the VED for erections.  I don't have any real ED issues at this point, just Peyronies Disease, and so I wouldn't be using the VED for producing erections for sex.  However, I'm concerned that somehow my body will become dependent on the VED and I want to avoid having to "pump myself up" before sex in the future.  I think that concern may be off-base and actually a misunderstanding of how the VED works but if someone wouldn't mind clearning that up for me I would appreciate it.



   Response to your second question regarding possible dependence on the VED: I, like yourself, didn't have issues with ED, just Peyronies Disease. For me, use of the VED regularly for well over a year didn't leave me dependent on it for erections. They happen for me when they are supposed to with no problem. Personally I can't think of anything about the VED therapy that would cause a dependence on it for erections, assuming that there were no developing ED issues going on during the therapy. I haven't read anything documenting this happening to anyone, however. In the unlikely event that ED did develop during VED therapy, I think it would be related to some other developing condition, not the VED therapy.


Danny Ocean:

I've been using the VED for over 6 mos., do not have ED, and agree with everything Angus said in his post re this subject.

Respy, Mick


Yeah, I think you guys are both probably right.  

Mick, you may have posted this already so my apologies if you have but have you noticed a difference in the last six months since starting on the VED?

Quote from: Mick on September 14, 2006, 05:32:13 PM
Danny Ocean:

I've been using the VED fpr over 6 mos., do not have ED, and agree with everything Angus said in his post re this subject.

Respy, Mick


Hi again, Danny:

Yes, and mostly positive.  I was well satisfied with the outcome.  See my post # 526 (corrected from 528) of Aug. 25. on this thread.

Respy, Mick

Old Man

Note to all:

Just re-read Mick's post #528 of August 25. The correct address that Augusta should have given him is: and not .com as he listed it. I looked up the one that was listed and it is definitely not a site for Peyronies Disease therapy.

Above just for information only and not promoting Augusta in any manner.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks guys.  I re-read post #528 but it didn't say anything about any changes you've noticed.  Did I read the wrong post?



Click on Mick's name, then go to his post, and read them, they are great and he did a great job of keeping track of his progress, he also put them in his profile.....he only used the VED also....I just got my VED today in the mail, I haven't opened it yet....I will do my first rehabilitation session this weekend....once again, Mick's is a good read...

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man

Danny Ocean:

What I was referring to about the address of the site he mentioned in post #528 is that he had the wrong web site address. He stated that contact was made with the one ending in .com and it should have ended in .org.

Anyway the correct web address is: in case you desire to explore the 26 week three cylinder VED therapy course.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hi Danny:

Mea culpa; I gave you the wrong number; it should have been 526.  Sorry 'bout that.

Respy, Mick


Veteran VED users and members,

I just open my Somaerect stf yesterday, I took time and read the manual and put the parts on the table ect...really for non ED users, only two pages of booklet are needed, and the 16 parts(tension rings and adapter) aren't used either, I put these all back into the book they came in, they give you a black little carry case, so I only need the pump and three cylinders and two seals and lube.....I read the two pages several times on how to operate and use the different cylinders, I was happily surprise on the quality of the is well made and everything fits great....other than one thing....I can't get my unit in the small cylinder...I have always had a big helmet on my unit....I don't care how much lube on put on, and the b cylinder looks like my unit, except the head again is a tight fit....I haven't pumped yet....has anyone else had this problem? The third cylinder is huge, I laughed when it said, if you need a bigger one you can order one....I could hear Mr. ED saying, Hey Wilbur I need to order the bigger one!

"The Sun Also Rises"


Dear members and guest,

I just figure out my first session with my Somaerect sft with the small cylinder...MORE LUBE:)! I coated the unit and inside the cylinder and it slipped in, then I pumped twice and waited, it grew a little, no pinching and two more pumps and it grew more, this thing is amazing, nothing like I thought it would be like, I kept thinking that I would feel this pull and blood being sucked out from around my unit, I was surprise on how fast it inflates, this is the first time I have used one...this cost me 444.14 including shipping, they gave me a insurance discount(even though my insurance wouldn't cover anything), I only did it three or times for about 10 seconds and only a few pumps, I'm just getting use to it, I didn't do any st recthing, I'm going to use it for a few days to get use to it and let me unit get use to it also, I just trimmed up a little with a scissors, once I filled the small tube with lots of lube, I did slip in, it is a tight fit, once you pull it off, you are hanging!
I thank the Old Man and Angus and Soxfan, ComeBackid and Mick for giving me the confidence to try this, I have to say though, it wasn't anything Like I expected, I really have a boost of confidence right now, I have my dmso mix down also, I use now only 1tsp dmso, 1/4 tsp apple cider, 1/8 tsp castor oil, put on with eye dropper, this works perfect for burn.......

"The Sun Also Rises"


OK guys, after much deliberation I've decided to go ahead with the VED.  I'm planning to call tomorrow to order it.  It seems strange to say this but I can't remember being this excited about a purchase before... :)

Anyway, a couple of last-minute questions:

1.  I'm planning to order the Soma Correct.  I see that you got it for $444 Rico and wanted to know a little more about that.  Did you order it directly from Augusta Medical Systems?  Also, you mentioned insurance discount and I recall you said that you have Blue Cross.  I also have Blue Cross and so I'm wondering what to ask for on the phone when I call.

2.  How long does this usually take to arrive?  Also, do they ship it in plain packaging.  I'm trying to decide whether to have it sent to my home or my office.  If it comes stamped with "Vacuum Erection Device" in big letters then sending it to the office probably wouldn't be wise... :D

Thanks again for all of the help guys.  It's meant a ton to me in my purchasing decision!!!


Rico. So do you have erection problems without the VED? Does the VED give you a full erection to all parts of penis? You think this is going to work for you? I have a growing dent, I wonder if VED can get rid of that dent, I also have a slight hinge that I want to get rid of.



I don't have ED, I can get a erection without the devise, I don't even think of sex when I break it out, it is a exercise program for my condition with peyronies, now today is only the second day I have use it, and at this point I'm still just taking it slow and getting use to the pressure ect.....I'm not the expert in this area, I can tell you what I have read on the forum and internet....The Old Man, Angus, Mick and Soxfan have much experience and I thank God for the help and guidance they have given me....I have heard that the hinge or hour glass can be improved with the had to look at it as exercise, conditioning, remolding, stretching the all the post on VED...there is a 26 week protocol you can look at....the Old Man is a great person and is always there if you have a question...

Danny O,

I order the new Somaerect cost was 444. with shipping, pretty much a plain brown wrap, small label  Augusta medical label, nothing about ved...they shipped mine on Monday, I got it on Thursday...I have blue cross, in my plan they had nothing to do with ED...and wouldn't pay for it off label....the sales guy at Augusta said they would give me a discount if I would send in my insurance card....faxed a copy of it....I was impress with the quality of the have to have your doctor write a prescriptson for it....

"The Sun Also Rises"


The VED will fill all parts of your penis up... and some, you must be careful while pumping, you should never feel any pain while pumping at all.  In the beginning it will feel weird and you will want to practice a little at first.  It becomes automatic after a period of time and really is nothing at all.  I must say to you that I've talked to 5 people now that have seen results from the VED, with all kinds of problems from loss of size, dents, etc...  I think it is worth a try, I'm currently working with the soma correct model and am currently on week 9.  


Dear forum members and guest...

I'm posting this on the forum for all can benefit, I know the Old Man and others would PM me....but please put your response here so all can benefit....

Tonight will be my third night with the VED exercise....the A cylinder is rather small, I do use plenty of lube, I'm pumping several times and then wait, letting unit get use to it....then I release pressure and pump again, my unit before peyronies was seven plus and thick, now it is 5 plus and still the top third of penis is normal, really the whole unit except for one inch above base where bilateral plaque is located on septum doesn't  look different, slight hour glass on flat and top and of course lost of size, although with a very strong erection I gain some size back it seems...

My question to the veterans out there using the many pumps does it take to get full pressure, I'm doing two wait then two wait and two more for a total of six pumps and then I release.....the head of my unit has always been huge, especially when engorged with blood, it seems somewhat stuck in cylinder...I'm nervous to force I'm just taking it slow....I feel in my heart that less in better with the VED...I  will be glad in about a month to start to use the b cylinder....give the guy some breathing about a stuffed sausage:)...

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man

Note to all:

Rico's post below has stated a common problem while using the small A cylinder with the three cylinder VED. The intent of the small cylinder during the first phases of the original Soma Correct protocol is to make sure that the penis is held in a very restricted and straight position. This is done in order for the penis to begin to stretch itself in somewhat confined space to help straighten the plaque area(s). Extreme caution should be exercised during this phase of the therapy to preclude further damage.

As Rico states, one must take it very slow and easy during the first few days of VED therapy. Remember that the penis has not been expanded to that range for some time and it must be allowed to expand slowly in order not to do damage to any tissue or blood vessels. Also remember that Peyronies Disease probably came on slowly and with no warning and it will most likely go away the same way.

Another reminder too, use plenty lubricant especially when using the small A cylinder. Someone has already mentioned this, but I will repeat it just to remind those using the VED. He suggested you use a small brush that will fit easily up into the cylinder to apply the lubricant as far as the penis will go into the cylinder. In addition, lubricate the whole shaft of the penis before inserting it into the opening. BE careful not to get lubricant on the scrotum to preclude it being drawn up into the cylinder while pumping.

I found that it was better to get the cylinder started over the head portion and then slowly pump pressure to help draw the penis into the cylinder. Also, I rotated the cylinder back and forth slightly each and every pump to help the penis expand and stretch to its fullest while in the confined area of the small cylinder.

There are many ways to use the VED, so each person must adapt any method that works best for him. Rico is doing what I would do in his case, work slowly, make necessary adjustments in my pumping cycles and above all do not cause any pain or discomfort whatsoever when pumping. If this occurs, it only means that too much vacuum has been applied. Back off at this point and start over with the cycles. If any redness, edema or bruising occurs, stop the therapy, let it heal before starting over. Then use less pressure while doing the cycles. You must develop the schedule that works best for you without causing pain or discomfort.

The above is furnished only as a guideline for those using the VED as observed during my therapy. Will field any and all questions that anyone develops.

Regards to all, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


   All that Old Man has said, plus a few comments:

  The number of pumps to achieve erection will vary with individuals and even with the same person from day to day. The body mechanisms that need to work to achieve a VED erection will change from day to day sometimes. Some days it will take more time to achieve erections... remember that more pumping and more vacuum will not make the erection happen sooner. You cannot rush the process of the blood coming in to achieve an erection. Keep low vacuum... you're body will react when it is ready and not before, so be patient especially when starting out with the VED.
  The small tube will feel tight and constricted as it is supposed to. The erection will appear unlike you have never seen it before if your small tube is clear. It may take some time to get used to this image when you see it this way the first few times.
  Don't worry about size at this point. The VED cycles will take care of that down the line. Just remember this is not a short term therapy. Give your body a chance to react to the forces being applied to it. A person starting out in weight training would never start with an overloaded barbell, and the same thinking applies to VED therapy; start slowly with some caution so you can learn what your body feels like during this therapy.  



Thanks Angus, this is making more sense to me is harder to grasp when you don't have the VED.(now don't read into that one:)) made sense to me before....doing it everyday seems to give you more confidence...I have only use it three times and now to have your guys feed back is so important to me...God Bless You All, and I thank Hawk and everyone for this forum...

I know I have to be careful, and I am leaning on the side of conservative with this exercise, I take the time to apply my thacker first, and then warm the unit up with a hot soak....I take some arginine with pom first also, get the blood flowing...oh I got the pomegranate 250mg from natures bounty for $8. 60 capsules, I take them with bilberry and grape seed, I will post this on the other thread.....but thanks again Veterans for your help with the VED....March 15th will be six months for me..Ives of March:).......I'm going for Mick's plan...two months and Patience...God Bless...

"The Sun Also Rises"



I think the reasoning behind the Soma protocol with the VED is to pull and tug on the scar tissue, I have been using the VED now and after only five times use with the unit....I can a more symmetrical shape to my unit, I know it is too soon to notice any real big change, but it has like I said taken a more uniform shape to using the small cylinder you are forcing the scar tissue forward, then using the other TUBES!! use pull full the side and then going back to the small you pull forward, like stretching a piece of taffy....or rolling out dough have to go from side to side and forward, I do believe using three cylinders would be best, but since Angus use only two and had success and the article I read about in Europe used two, but the small cylinder was always used.....

When I do hamstring stretch  before my run I always warm up first, never stretch  cold, then when I put my hands against a wall and hold it, it is controlled, like the small cylinder not letting the scar, which yours sounds like it is bilateral on the septum it will go forward, this will make it thinner I would think and easier to move to the side.....

These thought patterns are more along the lines of a physical therapist than a pill pusher....although I think maybe a combination can be good also....I do thacker formula for one hour before my exercises and conditioning of my plaque....

If I was you Tim I would use only the small tube for two to three weeks, and then a medium cylinder for two weeks like the protocol says.....what do you have to lose, and what you are doing now doesn't seem to be the ticket....

And when all else fails....dial up the Old Man.....

Take care brother...

"The Sun Also Rises"


Dear forum members and guest....

I have only been using the VED for under a week....tonight will be my six time with the small cylinder...after the fourth time I noticed that my unit was more uniformed in shape, like a roll of quarters, perfect has never been like is like clay being molded or something....

When I got peyronies, my penis would fall all over the place after shaking from going to the bathroom, flop to the side ect...bend and was just lifeless.....I never had shrinkage in the flaccid state, maybe the opposite, but lifeless.....hang to the side at bend.....

I feel positive about this shaping so far.....I'm taking it easy on the pump....I might even go for three weeks with the small cylinder....the first week I have been doing is really a warm for me for the 26 week protocol....acclimate myself with the VED.....

It really is different from what I expected and anyone out there thinking of it...I can only say, don't think of the ED part....think of it as a exercise machine.....

Since I use the dmso(thacker) with this, I will post it here, I found also that my unit has gotten use to the dmso formula I use, I don't burn anymore and it seems to absorb the mixture(apple cider, castor oil, dmso) faster also......I put one tablespoon of the mixture on a slow drip with eye dropper for one hour before the exercising/conditioning of plaque..... the only other thing I'm doing is argininge and alc and a very healthy diet and exercise..... I quit smoking/ which I never did until this crap:) and divorce! I have been running three miles a day and doing my jiu-jitsu and pilates.... I feel great..... I have been doing some advil pm also..... I feel this helps with inflammation at night....

You have to almost use this VED to understand what the Old Man has been saying...and some of the other guys too:).... but let's face it, the Old Man is the guru!!  But my unit is so pressed up against the tube it forces it to shape without tearing the scar, more conditioning it for further stretching.... I don't know but seeing my unit hang like a perfect roll of quarters made me think something is working....

I have been doing a little warm down with the pump also....I have always found this to work for me in after I reach the Maxim pumps say 7 for me now....and end my exercises....I then wait and do 6..5...4...3....and then finish.....I feel a warm down is always a good thing when is just like after I run...I walk a mile afterwards...or shadow box for 5 minutes.....just a thought....I don't see that this can hurt anyone and I do believe it would be of benefit....

Best regards..... I hope this post found you all in good spirits!!

"The Sun Also Rises"


In response to a message elsewhere abou thte VED...

I am using the small tube right now. It does increase the tubular appearance of the penis when it is "erected" that way. I not a couple of effects that the larger tube does not exert. First, I see a small tendency towards edema in the loose skin near the Glans (I am circumcised). So when I am done, there can ne a transient appearance of fullness that is related to that edema, and not to a sustained enlargement. Second, I am not stretched out as long. I am not sure if this is real or merely an optical illusion related to the tubes. But it appears to not exert as much tug longitudinally as the bigger cylinder. Third it definitely does not exert much lateral expansion on the sides, since it is a very tight squeeze to get into the tube anyway when I am even slightly hard. I get around that by using lots of lube and starting whren I am soft but loose.

The problem I am having is that the generalized advancement of my disease seems to be going ahead despite therapy (I doubt because of it). This is very discouraging, to say the least. The advancement seems to be in the form of small dents running circumferentially around the shaft, limited to the left side. I sense that if they advance and contract, that I will develop a major curve to the left, more like a letter C, than like an letter L.

So what I do for now is to do the smaller cylinder, and to top it off with a couple or three sessions with the large tube when I am done. To me, that *feels* like what I ought to be doing, since it feels like the dents developed while I was doing the smaller cylinder, and had stopped the larger one. Also, since I have had more of a problem with narrowing than with deviation, the whole cylinder thing has been more of a crap shoot for me anyway. So, I am going to go to a doc and see what I can get done for myself with Pentox and viagra.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



You are a smart man and professional in the medical you are experience with your own condition, which sounds more like a acute form of peyronies with a underlying issue with your vascular system....thus effecting the whole tunica.....

You say that the VED was a crap shoot anyway....and you did say for you.....I don't know if this is true.....I'm not saying that pentox and viagra are not for you....but I think to go to a pure medicating purpose and give up on the mechanical approach isn't what I would do....sometimes a doctor can be his own worst patient.....

I know you where going to go on the eight week road to wellness program...have you done this?

While you at the doctor, have him write you a script for a medical grade VED with the three cylinders....

I don't know if you are getting plenty of fresh air and that Pentox is some nasty stuff....Viagra everyday??  You might be better off with yoga everyday and a juicier and a more complex form of arginine..ornithine and glutamine.....

Have you tried the thacker formula yet?  Or a epsom salt bath for a week straight?

Correct me if I'm wrong please, but you haven't followed the 26 week protocol....and how often and how regular where you with your treatment with the VED..... I know you have been trying the verapamil....electric pysion machine.... for how much...over a thousand dollars....and the extras....but people will follow this to the letter and spend the money....but because it is VED...tack one together in there garage or make one in art class and then not follow the protocol.....why is this???  Because some guy in a white coat with a tongue depressor in his pocket didn't tell you too?

Medicate or Mechanical..... or both.....and maybe a little alternative medicine i.e. dmso(thacker formula)...

I guess my thought is that if I didn't give myself the best chance with the VED (medical grade) and a protocol that the Old Man would of been a crap shoot for me also.... and I hope anyone who is looking or leaning in this direction will bide by the Old Man's wisdom..... I have been around the block and I trust Him... I can feel his energy and it is a good vibe.... trust is important to me... or I should say Faith!!

Take care and good luck at the doctors, he is in for a rude awakening:)..... make sure he gets your bill when you school him on peyronies, I wish I could be a mouse in the corner:)..LOL

Best regards as always,

"The Sun Also Rises"


Hi Rico,

I have seen the tubes for the SOMA - I own "medical quality" cylinders and a high quality pump - I just didn't spend as much money and I didn't give it to Augusta!

So I have a larger sylinder (about 2.25 inch diameter) and 7-8 inches long, and a 9.5 inch long by 1.5 inch diameter tube. I have done the larger VER over 20 weeks on a daily basis - I only recently started using the smaller cylinder. But instead of acting upon my curve (which is near the end), I saw instead no effect on the curve, and a *worsening* of the denting process.

So attributing cause and effect is not really possible. All the other crap that can affect Peyronies Disease could have been there making me worse - so who knows? Maybe the smaller cylinder is why my dents are worse - or maybe without it I would be twice as bad in the past three weeks. It's all guess work. But I do not feel like I have the luxury to blindly stick to a protocol that might be ignoring MY most pressing need, which is (or might be, I should say) the lateral expansion of the shaft to fill out the dents. Since my curvature is not so severe, I do not "need" to straighten it so much.

I am doing what I can - I need to do more. My diet is pretty good - most only organic, but not as good as your diet, nor is my exercise as good as yours. My problems with testosterone are also going to complicate things - since it is harder to get up and get going - it takes a lot of motivation.

But tonight I am putting my home gym back together (I had to move it to another room), and trying to make going into it and working out part of my routine. If I could learn to get to bed on time, it might be easier!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hey all.  I was going to buy the Soma today but stopped just short for a couple of reasons:

1.  I didn't realize you had to have a prescription to buy it.  I was thinking that I could just called up Augusta and get it ordered but apparently not.  I'm supposed to go in for a follow-up visit to my urologist in a few weeks so maybe I'll just wait until then to talk with him about the VED and see if I can get a scrip.  Has anyone been able to purchase this without a prescription?

2.  This thread was a bit concerning.  As I mentioned before, the reviews of the VED on here have almost seemed to good to be true.  Everyone tries other stuff with limited or no success and yet it seems like everyone who uses the VED improves dramatically.  That's great but I also wonder if (especially after having read that thread) some of the posts weren't legit.  It does seems like most of the posters were veterans though and Old Man has been around here long enough and given good enough advice that I'm convinced he's not a scammer.

I'd love to hear thoughts on this.  $500 is a significant expenditure for me at this stage in my life not to mention the time invested in doing the VED therapy.  If it really does help I'd like to get started sooner rather than later so if y'all think it's worth talking to my urologist about before our next check-up please let me know.  Thanks!



Please don't be discouraged by my post, but I wanted to be totally honest with you.  I've been using the Soma VED now for over 17 weeks (I'm at week 17 of the 26 week protocol, but I had to re-start a couple of times and I've had some 'gaps' in my excercising), and so far, I've seen no results.  I'm not putting the VED down, only stating that in my case, so far, it hasn't helped.

Apparently, I've got a tough case as you an see by my signature line.  I went through Topical Verapamil, and then 12 intralesional injections (ouch :o), and am now on the VED.  After the shots were finished with no results, I asked my Uro to write me a prescription for the Soma (the Rx form was on their web site).  I submitted it to my insurance, but they said no deal!  I'm getting it paid for with 'pre-tax' dollars using our flex account, so at least that'll help.

I'm going to stick with the Soma for at the very least the 26 week protocol to see if anything develops.  Also, at the suggestion of our own Old Man, I'll probably stay with it for quite a while longer until a magic bullet is found (lets see now...another 40 years of VED use--if I believe the 'men's magazines', I should be about 12' long by then  ;D).

Like I said, Please don't be discouraged from the VED by this post, but I just wanted to let you know that we are real people out here, and Hawk's done an exceptional job of keeping the scammers cleaned out.

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Old Man

Danny Ocean:

I can understand your position on the VED very thoroughly. It would only be fair to you to say that the VED does not work for all guys. The last percentage report that was seen from any trials that were conducted in the past state approximately 90% saw results for ED and about 85 or so percent for Peyronies Disease. I believe that it closer to 95% or better for Peyronies Disease than that shown in that report. Can't for the life of me remember which site it was posted on the web.

Anyway, if you get the right medical code shown on the doctor's report of your visit. it is possible to get some insurance companies to cover at least a portion of the cost. Dr. Tim has a site that you can purchase separate cylinders in various sizes that can and will work just as well as the Somaerect STF or the Soma Correct. You might want to PM him to get the actual web site and the particulars on how he ordered his cylinders and pump.(He may have posted the site somewhere on this topic, so look back several days or weeks here.) I have talked to him in PMs and I am satisfied that the items he is using will be quite similar or equal to the other medical grade VEDs. You can save bucks by using Tim's method of building your own. Several guys have already made their own VEDs and are showing success.

I don't know enough of your personal background in insurance coverage, your age, etc. to advise any action, but if you are on Medicare or are a veteran/retired military, you can be eligible for coverage under those umbrellas.

Hope that this will help with your decision. If there is anything else I can help with, just let me know here or give me a PM.

Best to you, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Good stuff guys...let me reply in turn:

Steve: I appreciate your honesty here.  It's actually encouraging to me to hear both positive and negative things as I'd have a hard time believing this works for everyone.  My case of Peyronies Disease is fairly minor so I'm holding out hope that I can be one of the ones this helps.

Rico: It sounds like you are doing all the right stuff.  Funny how Peyronies Disease can make us healthier and be a blessing in disguise in some ways...not that I wouldn't snap my fingers and make it go away if I could. :)

Old Man: Thank you as well.  Your support on this forum has been invaluable and I do hope I can be in that 85% category.  I will PM Tim to see about the "do-it-yourself" VED both to save money and avoid having to get a script.  

Thank you guys so much!!!

Mister Dillon

I finally ordered my VED last week and I received it yesterday.  I purchased the SomaErect-stf model.  At my age (64) I do not have time to try to get it covered by Medicare next year or the VA now--I just bought it outright.  (the price is 595 but they will give a discount of around $100 if you ask)

So far so good--As I believe Rico said,it is hard to know exactly how it will work or feel until you have a unit in hand (so to speak)

Right now I am just going through easy and light negative pressure to get used to the VED.  I hope to start on my program soon and I hope to hear from "old man" to help me set it up.

I will keep all of you posted on the progress and results


Old Man

Note to all:

I recently received the new sizing insert for the old Soma Correct VED. It will fit into the C cylinder of the Soma Correct with no problem as it is the same size. The old insert was causing a pinching effect where a gap occurred between the insert and the cylinders when assembled. The pinching effect was caused when the skin or tissue was being drawn into that gap causing the pain and/or discomfort. The new insert closes this gap leaving no space there.

The new insert has been thoroughly tested by me and as far as I can determine, it has eliminated the problem. This insert is available from the manufacturer of the Soma Correct at a cost of $17.50 plus S&H. It can be ordered by calling their 1+800 number. (Not promoting that company, just stating where the product is available for informational purposes only.)

Another note on the pinching effect. It has come to my attention from several guys on the forum that another pinching occurs when the head of the penis is confined in the A cylinder of the VED. Testing reveals that this pinching or discomfort can be eliminated by making sure that you lubricate that portion of the cylinder well. This should eliminate this problem as it did for me.

The above is furnished for informational purposes and carries my usual caveat about representing any company at any time. I have no financial or other interest in any company promoting men's health products. Will be glad to help any and all with VED problems and/or their use.

Best regards to all,

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Just an opinion here, but a very strong one.  I would think that any unit sold by Agusta Medical that is within the warranty period would have the defective, pinching, cylinder replaced free of charge.  A small thing to expect from a "medical quality VED" that costs upwards of $500.00.  I don't consider a cylinder that does not pich your penis to be and extra, an add-on, or an upgrade.  I consider it to be a fix for a defective design.  It is the least one would expect and the least that a reputable company would settle for.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums