VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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I have had petechiae.  It went away on its own.  It only happened when I first started using the VED.  I pump a little slower now and have had no problem.  I have used it for  a year.

I'm not sure what you mean about exact pumping directions.  Old Man made this post with attachment.  Hope it is what you want.,25.msg2631.html#msg2631
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I was referring to a post made on the BTC by a "KID," he claimed Dr. Levine had specific instructions on pumping.  I believe I may have pumped up my penis to quickly and am going to slow down with that. I went to the vaccum therapy page, I found this really interesting, Mike Davis a representative from AMS had mentioned it to me before, but I was never at the site.  On the site I noticed it says Dr. Levine will be introducing a new protocol he came up with.  After researching this and reading on the old BTC and listening to Old Man, I think that this is the key treatment and probably the most effective.  The scar tissue clearly can be stretched slowly over time, especially if a bone can be stretched using traction, which would be much harder than scar tissue.  

On another note, anyone who is purchasing a VED and looking to get insurance coverage, all insurance companies cover the 607.84 code (impotence) and some cover 607.85 (peyronies), mine didn't cover the peyronies intitially, but Mike and I convinced them to cover the VED at their normal rate of 70%.  If you are trying to get it covered attempt to check ahead of time, as I just spent a month and a half battling for coverage. Look out for the 607.89, this is what Dr. Carrol prescribed for me initially, its "Other Specified Disorders of the Penis," most insurance companies will not cover this.  



FYI. If anyone is using the above model, and you are having problems with your scrotum sac being sucked up the cylinder, you can buy a smaller insert from Timm Medical of the Endocare div. Number was provided courtesy of Old Man. 1(800) 438-8592. I ordered one and should be receiving it soon. Is about $7.50 + s/h.
I also had to get my Doc to fill out necessary form to prescribe my condition as Peyronies Disease before My Ins. (Cigna) would cover the device @ 70%.
Zig The Twig

Old Man

Note to all:

Need to add this note about the Osbon sizing inserts to Zig's post below. Those using either the Osbon Esteem or the Osbon Classic VEDs having a problem with the scrotum being drawn up into the cyinder or need the smaller size to get a good tight seal should order the inserts.

The Osbon Esteem comes with a longer (fitting into the cylinder mouth) than the Classic model which has a shorter insert. The Classic comes with a shorter one (same as above) and does not always provide a good seal, etc. BTW, as far as I know, the Osbon Esteem inserts work equally as well in the Classic as they do in the Esteem units.

As Zig says the updated inserts are available from Timm Medical as he stated. It is strongly suggested that you order the inner smaller insert for the Esteem model. And, for the Classic model, order both Esteem inserts, the  large outer and the smaller inner. Using these Esteem inserts for both units gives a much better and more comfortable fit and seal.

Above, FYI to all, regards, Old Man.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Have you heard anything on the Soma(new model) yet?

Also anyone else out there that knows how the ved or traction is going with the Levine study or anyone else out there that has had experience with this method. I have the hour glass hinge thing going on and I know this is one of the more difficult problems to deal with, so if anyone has had experience with this and the ved, please let me know. Thank you and God Bless.

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man


As far as I know now, rumor has it that the new Soma VED should hit the market sometime later this month.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



Apparently the protocol Dr. Levine is working on is different than the 26 week protocol.  His protocol as far as I know will still use the three cylinder method. If you go to this site HERE you will see that it was supposedly released at the AUA convention, I have not heard of this new protocol yet.  Also I have contacted vacuumtherapy in hopes of getting our web link placed on their page, currently they have the BTC link along with the APDA link. There definately seems to be much excitment in the Peyronies Disease community with the use of VEDS.



Thank you, that looks really promising! I like a plan, it has always made sense to me, The Old Man was ahead of his time:). They should give him free lube for life:). Thanks for the information, I can't wait for the new model to come out so I get get started on it. God Bless...Kudos to you Old Man, a real pioneer, and they always have to take a few arrows.

"The Sun Also Rises"


Hey all:

Just an update for you guys...I had another appointment with Dr. Levine on Friday.  He said he is getting some positive anecdotal reports on his traction study.  They are early results but he said several patients have conveyed their impression that the treatment seems to be helping.  The majority of the reports are anecdotal but encouraging anyway.  My progress has been mixed.  I think the traction is definitely helping, however, I have had a setback since I stopped the verapimil injections.  For those who were unaware, I had seen a reduction in curvature from about 45 degrees to about 20 degrees since starting the traction device.  I began using traction concurrently with Pentox and arginine (I had also been receiving VI with little effect prior to the addition of traction, pentox, and arginine).  I attributed the improvement to the pentox, arginine, and traction.  After stopping the VI for 6 weeks, it seems as though my conclusion may have been faulty.  After stopping the VI. I saw about a 10 degree "relapse".  To my great dismay, because of the pain involved, I began the VI again on Friday.  I had hoped that I wouldn't have to visit the needle again, however, I am returning to the treatment regimen that helped my condition the most.

My impression is as follows:  I think traction is helping, however, to provide the best possible chance of success I think it is necessary to "soften" the plaque somehow.  In my particular case, I think the pharmacological regimen and the VI are softening the plaque to allow the stretching to work.  I can't really say which drug is working, however, when done in combination, they seem to be doing enough to allow the traction to work.  As much as I hate the needle in the pecker, I'm going to go through another 6 shots and re-evaluate from there.


My gut and dealing with many sports injuries is that the VED is a better way to go than traction, first of all hanging with tension could work if the scar is not bi lateral(you don't have hour glass, just bending), but what I see more positive with the VED, is shorter and more controlled program. I have learn through trial and error with st recthing for more than thirty years of Martial Arts is that if you warm up a area(especially if injure with scar tissue) warm up slow, then short period of stretching. One day a little more, then next a little less, go to more and less, cycle, constant and only to 70% during the time you are remolding the plaque. When I read the week one, week two using the different size tubes and then going back and doing this for 26 weeks and ending with the large tubes, in my Heart, and from experience, I said YES!!!!! Thank you ComeBackid for putting it on the forum, and thank YOU again OLD Man for leading the way....

I haven't started this yet, waiting on new model soma correct to come out this month. I just feel that the Old Man and other pioneers have helped in making it better. If you think of blowing up the whole penis with warm blood vs hanging cold, it is a no brainier to me...and the good doctors who have a interest with fastsize ect...of course they will want it to work, once again, my thoughts are from sport injuries and common sense:)...God Bless You all on this Bless Day....I will say a Lord's Pray for all of you today...PUMP IT UP!!!!!!  I think I will get a bumper sticker ....  Have you Pumped today:)   To Pump or Not to Pump....that is the question...

Subject line on this post edited for easy reference
"The Sun Also Rises"


To Wantitstraight...

Has your doc (or you) considered iontophoresis for the verapamil? It might be a better way to go - though I think we have a lot to learn about how well that method delivers drugs.


Subject line on this post edited for easy reference
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


No mention of ionto...although I think if Levine was confident about he ability of the process to drive the drug into the tissue he would be trying it.  In my case I was making progress,  it is possible that the VI had nothing to do with is also possible that the VI was the missing link in my treatment for the last 6 weeks.  In any event, I think the prudent thing to do is to return to the same regimen I was on when I was improving...we'll see from there.  (I do hate the shots though)...

Subject line on this post edited for easy reference


Thats odd, Dr. Carrol from Orlando, Florida told me he is close with Dr. Levine, and that his protocol was to use IONOtophorersis to soften the plaque, and use the Soma Correct then to "remold," the scar tissue and straighten out the penis.  I find it odd that Dr. Levine would not have most of his patients on the Ionotophoresis treatments, especially if he believed they worked.  I'm starting to have serious doubts about IONO.


Larry H


Dr. Levine is really the  guru of verapamil injections. To the best of my mind he developed the method of injecting verapamil into the plaque by placing it in several needle tracks with a single puncture. He has published many papers on his procedure.




Yeah he is the guru of verapamil injections, but do they really work?  Based on our PDS member poll I'd say they aren't to effective.  I'm not questioning the injections though, I thought Dr. Levine currently had a study going with Iono treatments and the soma correct, based on what Dr. Carrol told me.  I also thought that Dr. Levine is giving the IONO treatments as well, if they are so effective, you'd think he'd be offering them to every patient that walks through his door, apparently not.



Back a year or so ago, when I began this strange journey, I remember researching on-line the current state of treatment, and I found a number of papers by Dr Levine regarding the apparent effectiveness of Ionto (which he referred to as TEA - Transdermal Electromotive Administration).  Based on his released results from these papers, I'm a little surprised that he's still recommending the injections.

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Larry H


I didn't address the effectiveness of the treatments. I had 12 of them and my condition got worse. I only said that he is a proponent of VI, and a moving force behind them. That's a fact.


He is not only still recommending them, he is still giving them, and he is also in the study with VI and the VED.



I think we can all agree that there is no silver bullet for this disorder.  VI seems to work in some cases, in other cases they fail to stop the progression.  The numbers are out there and it is up to everyone to make their own decisions.  Personally, I hate the shots...the numbing shots are painful as hell...but when I was taking the shots combined with Pentox, Arginine, and traction I saw significant improvement.  I improperly attributed the improvement to Pentox and traction...I got off the shots for 6 weeks and my curvature shots here I come again.  Not saying this will work for anybody else but it was working for me.  As far as the clinical studies are concerned, I only know about the traction study (which I do not qualify for because of the VI)  Levine also prescribed the Somacorrect for me back in March, I used it several times but it made the lesions ache for days so I put it on the shelf (where it stays now).  Levine has never offered me Ionto...never even mentioned it, but based on his extensive work in Peyronies Disease, I would be surprised if he isn't well aware of the process.  Personally, I am willing to suffer through the injections if I can see substantial improvement...I was on the road once, but mistakenly got sidetracked.  My mistake...



I would do the same in your shoes.  If it is working, stay with it!

"On the road again."  ::::singing like Willie::::

Good Luck,

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Want It,

I would have to say I would definately go for the VI, especially since you stated after you got off the injections you saw a worsening, perhaps in the end you will just not be able to determine whatever works, but oh well, as long as something is working, stick with the same routine, that is my philosophy, I'm on a slew of stuff right now myself. Good luck bro.

Larry H,

Yeah I knew he was a moving force behind the VI, I'm just surprised that he isn't a moving force behind the Iontophoresis treatments as well, considering that is a noninvasive technique to delivery the verapamil and decadron. If one believes the study published by PHYSION, the results are hard to over look, on top of this Dr. Carrol had said Dr. Levine is currently doing a study with the soma correct and the Iontophoresis treatments, which he said Dr. Levine is a big supporter of.   ???



Maybe Dr. Carroll had it wrong.

I thin that all clinicans develop some preferences, and they are not always rational. Like us patients, doctors develop favorite ways to do what they do, based on personal preference and not a "cold look" at the data. I do some things for my patients in a slightly different way than my partners. It's really OK.

The MOST important issue in clinical care is being ready and willing and able to look at an interim analysis of results, and to modify therapy if needed. So if I were to make some assumptions about every asthma patient I see, and to always be completely right, well, then I would never have to schedule a followup visit. Instead, I may see that albuterol serves them well, but that they still show too much instability, and so I would add an inhaled steroid. For another patient, I might determine that they needed both drugs, and after a second visit, take away their steroid. The key feature is to pay attention and to modify therapy if it does not work.

One final thing: if you came to me for wheezing, and I did one of the above steps, you would probably leave feeling good about my attention to detail. If you came back and saw my partner, and he did the exact same thing (i.e. added an inhaled steroid), you may walk away wondering why Dr. Tim didn't see how bad your asthma really was. I think the key features are to get a good doctor and continue to work with him or her, and to rcognize that a new physician may bring in new ideas, but is also going to have the advantage of seeing what already worked or didn't work.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hey Everybody.  I'm the new guy on the block.  New-guy-with-a-bent-penis-on-the-block I should say.  I'm 42 and have had Peyronie's forever, it seems.  

I went to the urologist, and he put me on vitamin E, did the ultra sound, and has now scheduled me for "the shot treatment."  10 shots of that V-whatever stuff starting next week.  So, obviously, I have a lot of questions.

1.  Do they hurt like holy hell or are they tolerable (as my urologist states)?

2.  Do they help?  I have curvature of about 45 degrees to the right.

3.  What are the pumps and other treatments you are talking about here?

4.  Please give me some sound advice.  I would like to have this thing taken care of within the next several (6-12) months.  Is that possible?  



First, welcome to the're in good company.

Regarding the shots with Verapamil (which you'll often see here referred to as VI - Verapamil Injections), I went through 12 of them, and as I remember, 2 of them (the third and I think about the 10th) HURT A LOT :'(  The others were tolerable after getting through the numbing shot -- did your Uro tell you that there would be 2 shots each time?  One to kill the pain, and the next with the Verapamil.  Because the numbing shot happens before you're numb, they tend to be quite uncomfortable!  Afterwards though (except for those two times), it's not too bad.  On those 2 occasions, it felt like the needle was sticking all the way through my penis!!!!! :o :o :o

As to your second question, regarding the effectiveness of the shots?  Well 12 for me did absolutly nothing.  There was no change to the angle (mine's at 70 degrees), nor the hourglass shape.  Hawk did a survey a few months back of people who'd undergone the VI, and the results from that poll were less than impressive -- if I remember right, only 1 person out of about 15 respondents actually showed any improvement.  The survey is still on-line here somewhere.  Let me know if you have trouble finding it, and I'll try and dig up the link.

I'm currently trying a VED (Vacuum Erection Device), and after 11 weeks of 'excercising', I still have the same 70 degree bend.  Others however (check all the posts from OldMan) have shown a definite, positive result from the vacuum treatment.

Here's hoping that you'll respond to whatever treatment you and your Uro decide is best, and keep asking questions here on the board.  This seems to be the best place to find good information.

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Larry H


Welcome to the PDS, but I'm am sorry you need to be here.

Your doc is going to start you on verapamil injections, a widely used but experiential treatment for Peyronies Disease, as they are not FDA approved. I had 12 of the treatments several years ago, and properly administered they do not hurt like hell. The are uncomfortable but tolerable.

Do they help? Well I can't say that they helped me as I still have about a 60 to 70 degree upward bend, a huge area of plaque, constriction of the shaft and loss of 2" in length. There is also concern by some urologists that this invasive treatment may in fact aggravate the condition if microtrauma is a cause as suspected. On the other hand limited studies have shown that the treatments have helped some. This is the treatment of choice employed by several of the top Peyronies Disease urologists in the country. In dealing with Peyronies Disease you'll need to educate yourself as much as possible, and then with input from your urologist, make your own decisions.

I assume the pumps you speak of are Vacuum Erection Devices, a device designed to assist men with ED to get and hold an erection suitable for intercourse. Recently they have been used by Peyronies Disease patients to exercise and stretch the area of plaque to allow the penis to expand more normally. There are studies going on around the country using the VED and verapamil. This may be something you want to discuss with your urologists.

[quote   I would like to have this thing taken care of within the next several (6-12) months.  Is that possible?  

If you are talking about curing the disease, no that is not possible unless you are one of the lucky few who have spontaneous resolution. There is no cure for Peyronies Disease and really no FDA approved treatments. Progress is being made but it has been slow. We here at the PDS are trying to get the ball rolling to educate the public about the disease and generate more interest with the pharmaceutical company's to research better treatments.

Again, you'll need to properly educate yourself about your disease, and this is an excellent place to start that education. You'll find a host of patients like yourself who have a great deal of knowledge on all aspects of Peyronies Disease. Of major importance is to understand the major psychological impact this condition can have on you and your wife or partner. Dealing with the mental side can be a very difficult task.

I hope this has been of some help, and I'm sure you'll be hearing from others. Feel free to contact me with other questions.

My Best,



I wanted to give everyone who is trying to get their Soma Correct covered an update on my attempts to get insurance coverage.  My insurance initially had agreed to pay 70% of the $595, which would be about $400.  After a month of nagging Dr. Carrol and his secretary in Orlando, Florida to change the diagnosis code to 607.85 (peyronies) so the insurance company would accept it and pay out, they did change it and I mailed it in to my insurance company.  Today I called to check the status of my claim and the insurance company told me a check would be mailed out on Friday.  They then added that I will only recieve a check for $175, not $400 cause I went out of network and I only get 70% coverage on my allowable deductable.  This would be fine, but all along they were telling MIke Davis from Augusta Medical Systems that they would pay 70% and I would get $400 back.  I'm now appealing this and fighting the insurance company yet again.  They lied and decieved myself along with Mike Davis, and now are giving us the run around. My insurance company claimed that Augusta Medical Systems is overcharging for their product by hundreds, Mike says they provide lifetime services and a warranty on their product, and that the three cylinder system is superior to all other VED's on the market.  My insurance company knew all along that the product was  a Soma Correct, and agreed to pay 70%, or $400 back, never once mentioning anything about a deductable.  

I will also add that after MEDCO denied my three month purchase of topical verapamil 15%, I wrote a letter of appeal, and wrote to the Board of Trustees who oversee my insurance company operations.  I was informed today that MEDCO is mailing me a check for $600 and some odd dollars and that I won my appeal.  I would encourage everyone who gets denied to fight their claims aggressively and appeal to everyone they possibly can.



Has anyone heard anything about the new and improved VED Soma Correct, it suppose to be out this month and I want to buy one. Please let me know, are you out there OLD Man:).... You are a Saint! God Bless..

"The Sun Also Rises"


ComeBackid - good for you!

Normally, my motto is to "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity". But when it comes to insurance companies, that goes out the door. I wonder if Will Rogers would have said "I never met a man I didn't like" if he had had to go to a health insurance system...

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



Mark Twain said, "The More People I meet, the More I like my Dog". Take care...

"The Sun Also Rises"


I can't remember if it was Groucho Marx or W. C. Fields that added, "I never met a man I didn't like.  But, in your case I'll make an exception."  Must have had to deal with insurance companies.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Not to promote any vendor over another, but I thought I would mention some possibly affordable ways to create a VED for oneself wiothout spending more than $450

Here is a fairly priced ($72 plus shipping) and high-quality penis pump cylinder (mamy sizes, but not graduated like SomaCorrect). Note that they also sell the connecting couplers for the tubing:

Here is their FAQ about pumping (fairly well written; semi-accurate):

Here is a link to a typical handpump via the internet (less than half the price of most sex-toy vendors):

The total expenditures can come to about $120. Not bad to get going with something that can be controlled and moderated carefully (using the guage on the pump).

I am now looking for a source of clear hard plastic pipe of the same quality that could be slid inside of my existing system for a reduced diameter (said to be helpful for straigtening curves).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


  Tim, I have used clear acrylic tubing. It has no opacity, is well finished, tough and easy to work with. The source I used is:

  The inside and outside diameters of each size is listed in a drop-down menu. This source has the largest choice of tube sizes at a reasonable price that I've found so far.



After looking at the site Angus listed, I wonder about pyrex tubing... It is very inexpensive and comes in various widths and wall thicknesses. I have some laying around here and will have to see what I can do with it.  


Thanks for the tip! The product looks like good quality. I dunno BLBC.. the Pyrex site I visited had the diameters listed in millimeters - amde me feel downright huge! But I hope that it doesn't shatter upon getting bumped....


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Tim, Pyrex is a very hard glass, shattering is not likely while in use. Heck I have dropped it on concrete and not had it shatter. My thinking is that glass would be cleaner and for me more readily available. Manipulating it (for me) would not be an issue as I have the tools and knowledge it would take. Heck, it could be interesting to make my husband a VED in art glass!

Old Man


The home improvement stores all carry a good line of plastic tubing of all sizes. Lowe's, Home Depot and other of the larger chain stores are good sources of it.

Old Man.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old man - I have found a lot of PVC pipe, but none that is clear. I would even accept a semi-clear plastic (the hard acrylic is best), but so far it has been black or white. I have seen clear pipes inlaboratories, so I know it should be available to plumbers (somewhere - maybe in my lab building... hmmm.....), but so far no luck.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



They have many clear and different dia. and it is plastic, high impact.   Call me consecrative, but I'm not going to put my dick in a glass jar that was slap together in art class:)  who is the risk taker.....I hope you know I'm kidding  LOL!!!!!  Pump it up...It sounds like we have some old hippies here that use to make bongs! I want one of those rolling stones tongues on my mine, I can't remember what tour that was, but I think it was the hit pump me up!!!

There is always reinfraction magnification also, it could be filled with epsom water to make ones little buddy  look bigger, or a double hollow tube with magnets in it for Hawk, I think I'm going to see a patent coming from Tim, what is going on in your garage, we have all turn into Mad Scientist:)....and remember that this peyronies isn't just for straight males, you might want to build a couple pink ones, market and we should think about when it is cured, recycle, it is a noodle holder, so maybe pasta, plant holder, bong..ooppss I don't know if anyone would put there mouth on it...maybe the pink ones wouldn't it and they will cum...

"The Sun Also Rises"


Rico, Thank you so much for the laugh! I so needed it today. I work glass professionally so I'm not talking and art class modified bong bwhahahah! Did you know that there is a large market for glass dildo's? Why? Because they are much cleaner than laytex, rubber or plastic!  I can see a safe fun looking functional VED, but what excites me most about trying to make one from pyrex is that my DH may be more willing accept it and use it. Ultimately even both of us using it together.

I am familiar with the Rolling Stones lips and tongue, I have made some of those from glass and have always referred to them as "Licky Logo's" I have always been accepting of everyone's sexuality if it makes you happy go for it, but I'm not much into pink. There is a lovely purple color called Triple Passion...That would work well!  I don't make bongs (or pipes) but if one wanted to I'm sure a pyrex VED could be modified by the end user.... Ewwww!



I want one with Paris Hilton's head on top like a Peez dispensor, and when you pump it, she says "That's Hot!".

"The Sun Also Rises"

Old Man


I have found it at a Lowe's Home Improvement store in my hometown. They have various sizes in coils or on a spool. You sometimes have to ask an associate to find it as it is not always on open display. I bought lab supplies when I worked for the U.S. Air Force and most them have all kinds of plastic pipes as well as Lexan tubes/pipe, so they would also have most any kind one would need.

A lot of plumbers use for exposed areas, etc.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


The tubing in coils is probably not rigid enough and would be very difficult to make straight.  It also has a very thick wall.  I have used it for an outdoor ornamental pond.

Click below to read an old post by Angus which i think is a hall of fame post

Quote from: Angus on April 01, 2006, 11:31:02 PMimages and instructions on VEDs
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


GRASTON TEHNIQUE: Soft tissue manipulation advance form, of myofasium release...for soft tissue dysfunction, which includes scar is use to break up the scar tissue and absorb by the body...

This is a new technique being used by chiropractors for scar tissue, they have six different stainless steel instruments, the locate and find plaque and then break it up....

This is something that I have thought about myself, I had a big piece of scar tissue in my back, I would put tennis balls in a sweat sock, four of them, then I would lay on them on put my weight on the soles of my feet, and bridge up, and roll on the balls, sometimes I would use even wooden ones, which was pretty painful and not for the faint hearted, I could hear the feel of the scar tissue crunch. I also had my girlfriend at the time help me...she wasn't strong enough, so I made out of a wooden shovel Handel two pieces of wooden like thumbs or fingers, I made them about six inches long and taper the ends, she then could locate the scar tissue and put on her body weight and leverage with these in to my back, she hated it:), the scar tissue would break up, I had to git my teeth, but I wanted it to get better, and it helped...

I know doing this to ones penis is hard to do, I remember though seeing on the pds site with there fix all kit, they had acupuncture needles in it, this caught my attention.

I guess this all leads me to believe that VED is on the right track, I think by remolding the plaque, in away you are doing the same thing, they are doing with the scar tissue, maybe not as aggressive, but I would think if you did remold it to a thin state, it might break up also......

"The Sun Also Rises"


Welcome BPP, Falcone and any other newbies. I think I recall that the Hourglass is the most difficult to reshape or treat. I've been trying to figure out how I could get more vacuum to that area which is at my extreme base. Wondering if an insert can be made inside the cylinder(I have the Osbon Esteem Classic) to create more vacuum  in specific areas?? Just a thought


Fascinating Idea Zig. A side port which could have a secondary vacuum applied to it. Great idea. I will think on it - maybe we can get BLBC to make us one or two prototypes.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


    Back to laymans ascii art. When using the small 1 1/2 inch VED tube there is full erection skin contact with the inside of the clear cylinder except for where the shafts Peyronies Disease indention is... this area doesn't inflate and a void inside the cylinder is seen as an area where the skin doesn't contact the inside of the tube. If a tube were created that had an outward bulge in the area of the erections indention, a secondary vacuum source could be attached to a small nipple of some kind attached to the bulges center and vacuum could be applied to the indenture area. A vacuum gauge would almost be paramount here, because such a small area to induce vacuum in would mean that vacuum -inches/Hg would build quickly and could mean disaster if overpumped. Alternately and possibly with more safety, a small air release valve could be installed on the tubes bulged area, and once the erection and tube is filled out completely, the valve could be released which would allow the trapped air pressure in the tubes bubble area to escape and possibly allow the scar/indenture area to stretch outward a little. The VED induced erection would provide blood pressure from within as the outward stretching force. The 1 1/2 inch tube at full erection would be limiting further expansion of the erection except for the area of the tubes outward bulge that is positioned over the Peyronies Disease scar area. I'm still in the brainstorming stages and juggling thoughts... my idea is crudely represented below.
 l    l
 l    l
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 l     l_l
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Angus You know I love ya, and I saw your VED, and they are the state of the art, BUT....I think you would end up with a French Tickler on this one! Keep brain storming brother:)!

"The Sun Also Rises"


Quote from: Tim468 on August 16, 2006, 05:49:16 PM
Fascinating Idea Zig. A side port which could have a secondary vacuum applied to it. Great idea. I will think on it - maybe we can get BLBC to make us one or two prototypes.


Ummmmm custom made VED's with chambers located for your wonderful dents.... Well THAT is something to mull over... I would need detailed photos with measurments and... Ummmmmm never mind!  

Old Man

Note to all:

All of your ideas listed below might prove to be a viable means of appling added pressure to the hourglass area, but word of caution, do not, repeat, do not use too much pressure at any time. More pressure used in one spot higher than another on the penile shaft can and will cause more trauma if not handled very carefully. I know, been there and done that!!

Now, for a suggestion that has worked for me and many others using the Osbon Esteem and/or the Soma Correct VED. I have developed a stretching exercise that works sort of like milking a cow's teat. It has been successful for several of us and it does not use any more vacuum pressure than is necessary for the regular VED exercises.

If any one is interested in knowing how this is done, let me know and I will work with you by PM, email or on the main forum here.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man, I want to assure you that I am only interested in helping my DH.  My previous post was levity and not meant to assume that I could construct a VED that would/could put more pressure on any given point on a mans penis.

Forgive me my typed playfulness, I find if I can not laugh at this thang call Peyronies Disease occasionally I would only cry. My intentions are and always have been honorable. I have a passionate belief that there is no reason that men afflicted with Peyronies Disease should suffer because of the all mighty medical research dollar. I am doing every thing in my power to make Peyronies Disease, which I see as an US (meaning my DH and I) disease, more acceptable to society in general. Peyronies Disease affects every mans partner as well as himself. Should you, or anyone, have any suggestions as to how I can help please let me know.  


Old Man --sent you a PM to your ?. Angus, that's kind of what I was talking about. I believe Rico and I have the same issue(Hourglass). This is something I want to think about. Don't want to cause more trauma. I just don't know if my single cylinder will help with this indentation. I work with a very smart process engineer. Trying to figure out a different scenerio to tell him, but with same application. HHHmm any thoughts? I may have opened up a can of worms here. That's O.K. Better to laugh than to cry.
Zig the Twig