VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Quote from: Iceman on August 15, 2009, 06:38:46 PM
im back on the VED and have been using it for about 18 months now - can any one here PLEASE let me know of their success with VED usage and give me a bit more motivation to continue its usage as I do need to hear something positive...,466.msg13795.html#msg13795

Stick with it. Don't let Peyronies control or define you.  


Just want to publicly Thank OldMan for all his contribution to the VED treatment.

I dont think i have posted since 2-3yrs ago but I would like to give my experience
on my 2 week La Pump Ved protocol.

1. Way softer plague scars .. to the point the scars have never been this soft before!
2. Harder and longer lasting erections.
3. More Spontaneous erections ...(Just finished 2 1/2 hrs weight and boxing workout.. went to
toilet and got a spontaneous erection after working out extremely intensely.. this has never happened before!)
4. By Far the most effective treatment Ive tried since having Peyronies since
mid teens for venous leakage and ED.
5.Producing girth and length growth .. most likely from the softnening of the
scars to give way for new, more tissue.
6.I had tried a cheap 20 bucks penile pump before but it was terrible ... i guess you get what you pay! ... it made my precum leakage way worse and stopped it immediately. Now with the La pump ved treament it seems to lessen precum leakage and when precum does leak it doesnt effect erection!

Could go on and on of the improvements ... its only been 2 weeks or so and wow ...

I wish i had started OldMans ved treatment 2-3 yrs ago when I first saw his thread but
was worried that it would cost more damage and thought it was expensive.

Sure it cost me over 350usd plus international shipping ... but it has been worth every penny
and more .. would happily pay extra if i knew it would give me this much improvement.

For about 10 yrs ive tried the following :

1. Dr Lins products, viagrowth vip cream
2. 2x a day Vit e/ borage oil massage
3. Thackers DMSO treatment
4. A whole bunch of supplements .. msm, l-arginine, carnitine etc etc too many too list
5. Uv light treatment
6. Cheap penile pump( Must of been 20 bucks ... should have bought one for Peyronies Disease!)

Possibly some more ... and i got to say nothing has compared to the VED treatment, Ved blows
everything else out the park .. wish i had started it years and years ago!

Although if i stay at it and be disciplined not to overpump, stay the course, Im
positive more improvement will definetly occur.

Anyways , just want to Thank OldMan again for his input .. without him
I wouldnt be experiencing this success so I wish you the best in life, OldMan!

All the best to all to getting by Peyronies Disease,



Old Man


Many thanks for those glowing remarks about VED therapy. Wish you well and continuing success in the future with your endeavor to beat this horrible disease/disorder. Just hope that others could realize the success you have had.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Does using a pump over the long term damage your ability to get a pump unassisted erection?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



I made one and used it for a few months.  I think it helped.  It does require time, and privacy, which caused me to stop for several months, but I recently started using it again.

Skunkworks, the answer to your question is NO, in fact the opposite seemed to be true.  

Old Man


No, emphatically no, VED usage does not cause any failure to achieve and hold a natural erection. The fact is, with proper usage and over a period of time, VED therapy can and will enhance ones ability to achieve a better natural erection.

In my case, after a radical prostatectomy in 1995 which rendered me completely impotent, a natural erection was out of the questin. After several years of VED therapy, I regained the ability to achieve an erection and with the aid of a restrictor ring to hold it up (have venous leakage) was able to have sex again. I still use the VED on occasion to achieve an erection for sex and just to keep the ability to do so viable. BTW, in one month I will be 80 years!

So, bottom line, proper use of a VED along with patience in using it can and will greatly assist one in achieving natural erections again.

Regards, OM
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hi all. Havent posted in a while. I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with varicose veins developing on the testes after using the ved. I had varicose veins repaired with a varicocle embolization technique about 2 years ago, but after using the ved they came back and now I have them on both testicles. After I use the ved I get a lot of pain on the outside of the right testicle where the varicose veins have developed. Its to the point where I think I may have to stop using the ved but I dont want to because it my only hope. My uro said they probably developed from the added pressures in the area,more blood flow. Any ideas?


If you got varicose veins prior to using the VED then I think the recurrence likely had to do with that tendency and not the VED.  I also refute the statement there is more pressure on the veins in the scrotum or on the testicles from a ved unless they repeatedly got pulled into the tube.

Just my guess.  I never heard of another account of varicose veins and VED use.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


I agree with Hawk on this one. The VED does not pull venous blood into the penile chambers, only arterial blood. However, having gotten the varicose veins back again might indicate that you might have used too much vacuum pressure while pumping. So, be over cautious when using the VED and not overpump the pressure. VED therapy is a case where more is not better, less if anything works best.

Neither have I ever heard of the VED therapy causing varicose veins in any instance.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


don't know where the proper place to post this is, but here goes anyway.

I'm pretty sure I'm a victim of Peyronie's.  :-\

Not a laughing matter I know but am looking for a little direction.

I'm 52, and about 6 months to 8 months ago began to notice a nodule on the top side about midway between the glans and my abdomen.  I told my GP about what was happening, he's usually a good doctor, but didn't bother to look and said it sounded like Peyronie's.  Also referred me to a urologist.  Problem is the uro didn't have an appt available until 12-10. I'll be going then.  Anyway, I'm eager to get started and to try to improve.  It has affected my sex life for sure....never been painful but I do have a really good upward turn.  I've always had some upwardness along with not being too overly endowed, but it's never been a problem.  The last time the missus and I acted on the urge she mentioned it felt different enough to be slightly painful for her.

I'm in the market for either a stretcher or a VED.  I know there are threads for each approach, I've been reading them already.  I just didn't know which thread to post on!  :)
I looked at the Fastsize site and saw some of the pics of guys wearing the stretcher and the device looked like a torture tool on some of them, but as some state, the VED doesn't stretch as much? ???

I'm ready to spend my first $200 on a method to try and improve but am certain which way to go.  I don't want to wait till December really, but have read that you should wait for a certain amount of time before therapy?

Really, everything I've read just is pretty confusing and we're already pretty frustrated. Seems this trip could be a lot of trial and error.

Advice anyone?




BSSS,  Welcome!

I have both a traction device and a single cylinder VED.

If you are not sure you are committed to wearing the traction at least 3 hours a day (not without a break), then I would buy a good VED or make a VED.

If I was committed I would buy the traction device and later make a VED if you want both.  This is one man's opinion and there are probably 40 different opinions.


PS: in an instance like yours, either topic would have been good to post in.  I will move this to the VED Board
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


thanks for the welcome Hawk and moving the post in the right direction!


well, I took the plunge and ordered the three cylinder VED.  Since I won't see the uro till December I won't have much empirical evidence to start with but will post my findings after I receive the VED and get started.



Quote from: BSSS on August 28, 2009, 12:36:49 AM
I won't have much empirical evidence to start with but will post my findings after I receive the VED and get started.

At least 2 objective measurements:

1. Stretched length with a ruler pressed against the pubic bone
2. degree of bent

also a tiny mark a few days after getting used to the VED.  A mark on the large cylinder wall showing pumped length and finally note girth by the degree you fill one of the 3 cylinders (at the end of a session).  Compare every month.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ok, so after 2 months now, no improvement.  My plaques are just as hard as they were before I started.  After using it I have a larger flacid penis....whoop!  My goals with the VED were to have a more rigid penis while having an erection and to get rid of the indentations I have, but I still just don't theoretically understand how a VED will do this.  It is also my goal to have this happen while I'm not using the VED.  While or after using the VED I guess maybe it's kinda working, but when I wake up in the morning my erection is not at all rigid where my plaques are indentation are very noticeable.  I get the feeling that the people who have had any kind of success with this, only have success while or after they are using it.  Is this true?  Anyway, I'll keep at it, and I'm going to a "specialist" in a couple weeks.  Maybe he can guide me more.  Until next month........
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Old Man


You have not been using the VED therapy long enough to realize large improvement(s). Some of us used the VED for many months before realizing good results. In some cases, the penile plaque, indentations and other symptoms take longer to show any improvement. However, the daily use of the VED can and will help in most cases. At least, the constant daily stretching of the penile tissue will give you a much more health penis.

In my individual case, it took about one year of VED usage to realize the success that happened for me. Today, I have few, if any, signs of Peyronies Disease symptoms. I still use the VED at least three or four times a week for maintenance to keep me healthy down there.

You should try to have enough patience to stay with the VED protocol through the entire 26 week course. You might need to do another 26 week course to reap the full benefit of VED therapy.

Good luck to you and keep up the schedule.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


bummedout - Some factors that impact results are likely out of our control (perhaps thickness of plaque - some peoples plaque areas possibly have a greater percentage of semi-normal tissue - just my theory). Still, many factors ARE in your control, and before you can be sure that VED use isn't for you I'd definitely say that it's worth giving it two cycles - so basically a year. As OldMan states many seasoned VED users here had to work at it for several months before they saw results. Even in the worse case scenario where you don't see results, you can at least legitimately say that you really did make sure that it wasn't for you (as opposed to getting disheartened and giving up). Not to mention that it will have kept the penile tissue get a good work out, and maybe even help with erection quality.  


Quote from: Old Man on August 29, 2009, 05:05:32 PM
In my individual case, it took about one year of VED usage to realize the success that happened for me. Today, I have few, if any, signs of Peyronies Disease symptoms. I still use the VED at least three or four times a week for maintenance to keep me healthy down there.

You have seen close to total reversal?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Old Man


No, not total reversal, but enough that I see no visible symptoms. There is only a very small indentation on the left of the shaft where the largest plaque and indentation were during the several bouts of Peyronies Disease over the years.

After the first 6 months, I had no visible signs, continued on for another 6 months with the VED exercises to be certain that I had given it enough time for the VED to do its job.

I firmly believe that you should continue on with the VED exercises so that you can be certain that VED therapy is not for you. It is known that it does not work for all Peyronies Disease cases, but the percentage of results is very high. I know of no qualified clinical trials that have been published showing the percentage rate of successes with VED therapy. There was a study being performed in a clinic in Birmingham, AL, but to date their report has not been published. That study was done with a three cylinder model VED which is why we on the forum are using that model now. In my case, my therapy was originally done with a one cylinder model, but now I am using a three cylinder one just for maintenance to keep my penis more healthy.

Hope the above helps, and if you have other questions, feel free to ask.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Oh I'm sold on VED, I just have to figure out what device/where etc. Being in Aus I may not have the same purchase options, and my local hardware store did not have that kind of pump as listed below.

What name would be used for the pump part itself in a hardware store? I was going to buy the pump cheaply and get the tubs from somewhere reputable.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


ive got a new name for VED its called the PERI PUMP...i tell my girlfriend that im just peri pumping ---- sounds more friendly..


I am willing to try the VED. Does the Peyronies Disease Society recommend any particular product? Can they be purchased here in the UK? Is there any website where one can purchase a VED suitable for Peyronies Disease? I am new to all this. ::)


As an organization we do not endorse products.  There are a couple issue:

single Vs multiple cylinder

Outside of these, a vacuum is a vacuum.  You can buy a 3 cylinder type of easily make one.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


bertie - As Hawk says, there's no official VED that is recommended, so you'll get a few different answers from people, and some people even made their own. The VED I bought a while back is from Boston Pump. I can't really complain about the pump and cylinders other than to say that it took ages to arrive. A month or so. It's probably not a bad choice tho.


Has anybody here ever had direct contact with Chris Spuvey (Spivey Protocol)? He could perhaps provide additional insights beyond his existing statements.

Old Man


I have tried many times to get in touch with Chris Spivey who is connected with the urology group in Birmingham, AL. To date, have had no response from that group.

BTW, FYI Chris is a lady and not a man. She is in charge of the trials for the three cylinder model VEDs along with some other treatments that are supposed to enchance the VED, etc.

If and when she ever answers my emails and refused calls, I will report any information gained.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


OldMan - Oops, I apologise for the sexism :). Yes, it will be great if we eventually do hear back from her.  


OLDMAN - if the VED is not straightening things out and I have to be realistic about VED usage then is there an advantage to keep using the VED - I mean how will it benefit me if i use it every day


If you have a "cast" around your penis like I do of fibrosis, it seems like stretching it with the VED seems to help.  It did nothing for my curvature, even seemed to make it worse, but it did help me regain size and hang better.  I'm getting ready to go on another six month treatment plan with it.  I think personally my plaque just will not budge, it seems hard to remodel, this is where xiaflex or a drug like it might help the VEd process if it can soften the plaque...  Dr. Levine had this theory when he advocated verapamil injections with the VED, but I still have yet to see one study that shows verapamil helps peyronies at all...


Old Man


Yes, daily use of the VED can and will help with keeping your penis more healthy. Comebackid has listed his success with VED usage in his post. Even if the therapy does nothing for the plaque/nodules or does not straighten your curves, the constant daily stretching will keep a good blood flow into and out of the penile erectile chambers. This will keep them open, more healthy and also help with erectile dysfunction if you have that problem. Using the restrictor rings with the VED can and will provide one of the best erection you ever had.

I still use my VED three or four time a week just for maintenance of what was gained by the year or so use of the VED early on in Peyronies Disease. The VED was prescribed for me in 1995 after a radical prostatectomy which left me impotent due to non nerve sparing surgery. The VED has given me great success in the ED as well as the Peyronies Disease problem.

Strongly urge you to keep on using the VED despite you not currently seeing any results per se.

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



What Old Man said is 1000% true in my case.  

In my case if I had not had the VED exercise I would not have had the outcome I had.

One of the side effects of peyronies is penile shrinkage.  The best way to combat that is daily VED exercise. I wish I had known about it in 1995.

The daily exercise of the corpora's keeps the blood flow going and that helps keep your penis healthy.



I just read the protocol for treatment on here, and it states:

QuoteEach cycle consists of the following steps: (1) Create negative pressure around the penis, (2) engorge the penis inside the cylinder and hold an erection for 5 to 10 seconds, (3) release the negative pressure in the cylinder. The penis should have a firm, almost tight fit in the small cylinder with the penis actually touching the sides of the cylinder. The medium cylinder may have air space between the penis and the cylinder, and the penis should not be confined by the sides of the cylinder at all inside the large cylinder, depending on your size. NOTE: Each daily routine consists of doing these three steps for 10 consecutive cycles

Does this mean total treatment time for the day is just a few minutes?

10 cycles at 10 - 15 seconds per cycle does not add up to much time...

I expected to wear it for an extended period, like the traction device.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Quote from: skunkworks on September 09, 2009, 11:30:38 PM

...Does this mean total treatment time for the day is just a few minutes?

10 cycles at 10 - 15 seconds per cycle does not add up to much time...

I expected to wear it for an extended period, like the traction device...

   Yes, that's not much time. When I was active with the protocol I personally did the cycles for 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes a few more. This is where a guy has to pay attention with this. 15+ minutes at a medium-mild vacuum will do no harm. This is way more than ten cycles, but at a reasonably mild vacuum (enough to be erect, but not enough to cause redness, pinching, and uncomfortable sensations), there will be no harm done or damage. Many questions have been asked by guys about damage from a VED being used. The bottom line is NO, there is no harm in more than ten cycles, but you must get to know your body and STOP when your body tells you. Stop if you see edema (swelling of the penile skin being engorged with fluids), redness or pinching of skin at the end of the tube next to your body. This means too much vacuum or too many cycles or BOTH. Describing this on a forum is difficult as we don't do pictures and videos of the proper technique and so forth, but I can safely say this: Do more than ten cycles if you wish but at just enough vacuum to get an erection and no more. Now, if you try to push this out to an hour long VED session you WILL get skin swelling, redness and uncomfortable sensations. That is too much and your body will tell you right away when enough is enough. Do not be tempted to pump vacuum that few "extra" times to how big you can get. It hurts and does no good for anything. You will also get redness, swelling and tenderness with attempted marathon sessions. The VED is based on reasonable length sessions used with consistency every day. But hours long sessions like with traction are out. I know I typed a lot more than what addresses your question, but I felt I had to throw those additional things in so new readers would get more of a total picture if they are following this thread.  


That answer was perfect. Answered questions I didn't even know to ask yet. Much appreciated.

The one query would be how does one gauge if you have too much/too little vacuum going on. I have bought a cheaper Aus version, till I can afford the recommended pump on here. It has a pressure gauge. Oddly the Vitality (recommended model) does not seem to.

Is there a  set psi I should be working at?

Also, what about not cycling at all, just wearing it for half an hour or so?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



My experience with pumping up and holding for long period of times was I hurt myself.  It caused a bruise that took some time to go away.  That was before I found this forum and Old Man.  My advise is do not do it.

I had a single cylinder prescription model VED and the instructions were not very good.  I thought if I pumped up as much as I could stand it and hold it a long time would get faster results. How wrong I was.

I have posted the single cylinder VED use that Old Man gave to me. It helped me get to where I am today with a much better than expected outcome with my implant.  :) ;) :D ;D :o 8) ::)

I used the exercise for about a year. I learned the hard way that short cycles at a mild vaccum works best. A 15 minute session daily worked for me.


Old Man


No, it is highly NOT recommended to "wear" the VED for extended periods of time. As Angus explained, reasonable pressures for a reasonable period of time will be OK. Extended periods of time with higher pressures can and will cause edema of the skin, damage to the glans and possibly other trauma. You do not need to use very long periods of VED therapy nor at higher pressures.

Pumping up just to see how "big" you can get your penis is very dangerous for the reasons stated above. So, use caution and approach the VED therapy as a long term procedure and you will reap much better benefits from it.

A gauge on the the VED could be a guide for those who deem it necessary. However, your body is a much better gauge of the amount of vacuum you can comfortably stand without causing any trauma. So practice with varying amounts of pressure to determine your comfort level. More repetitions with a moderate amount of vacuum will produce a better result than those of a higher amount, etc. So, use caution in the VED therapy and you will see better results. Again, there is not set amount of pressure one should use, let your body be the guide to that.

Let us know if you have further questions.

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks for all the detailed answers Angus, JackP and Old Man.

Ok so it seems then that it would probably be more useful to have a quick release switch on the pump, than a pressure gauge, as we are not staying at any pressure for any real amount of time. Which explains why the VED device Old Man recommends does not have a gauge.

Great to hear that one could get the pumping out of the way in 15 min or less, that makes VED even more attractive as a treatment than traction.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Old Man


Most all of the medical quality VEDs have a quick release valve. It is highly recommended that you purchase one with medical quality. I do not recommend buying one without a quick release valve as it would be dangerous not to be able to quickly release the vacuum.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



I just sent you a message on the implant thread. I know you are new and there is no need to double post.



Has anyone noticed like I do, that just after using the VED their penis looks pumped and full, but about 15 mintues later it seems shrunken again and smaller then usual.  Then after taking a shower and cleaning off all the lube and whats left from pumping they are hanging well, and their next erection usually an hour or two later is full and pumped?  It seems like in my case the tissue is stretched and then responds by trying to contract, but ultimately leads to better and fuller erections.  I wonder if the damaged tissue's natural response is to contract initially?




I may have notice the effect you are describing.  And, since I began using the VED, pentox, daily Viagra and supplements, I have noticed that overall my flaccid "hang" is generally larger, and sometimes substantially larger.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)



When i was just on pentox my flaccid hang got bigger just by observation and erections were bigger and fuller by observation.  I don't know if this is cause pentox thins the blood and allows it to "fit" into the penis better and get to all the knooks and crannies and fill up or what?

I pumped last night with the VED, initially after getting done my penis looked pumped and good, then shrank up somewhat.  Today I got an erection and it was full and solid like the pumping last night seemed to help it.  One thing is for sure this disease seems unpredictable and the formations the damaged tissue can take are endless. Sometimes my penis feels soft all over and normal with a floppy flaccid hang like you should have.  Then other times its hard and shrunken up tight and hard and small.  Obviously the tissue can change, flex, expand, this is good as it can most likely be stretched as we've seen, and hopefully someday repaired for good!



do you guys reccomend the ved for me? i have a curve to the left like a bannana and also noticed i have some waistin on the top of my penis. i've got a bit of a blood flow problem too but i suspect it's because i have low testosterone. i recently discovered that after going to my urologist. he had me do a dopplar ultrasound and saw the blood flow was not up to par and told me it was probably due to the low t. i'm going to see if i can score some pentox from him next time i see him also. wondering if the ved can help with these problems? i have plenty of time...


Overcomer - I typed a post in the Oral treatment thread that may be of use should your urologist refuse to give you pentox. As for the VED, I think it's a viable treatment for almost all peyronie's sufferers and the earlier people explore it as an option the better. People knock the VED, and admittedly it's not for everyone, but there are those here with good results from it, so it' certainly something worth giving a go. If it benefits you then you can stick with it for good, and if you come to the conclusion that it isn't of use (after one of two cycles of the program) then you can re-evaluate at that time. The only people I'd be in two minds about suggesting it to as those with pain.


Quote from: newguy on September 18, 2009, 01:21:16 PM
Overcomer - I typed a post in the Oral treatment thread that may be of use should your urologist refuse to give you pentox. As for the VED, I think it's a viable treatment for almost all peyronie's sufferers and the earlier people explore it as an option the better. People knock the VED, and admittedly it's not for everyone, but there are those here with good results from it, so it' certainly something worth giving a go. If it benefits you then you can stick with it for good, and if you come to the conclusion that it isn't of use (after one of two cycles of the program) then you can re-evaluate at that time. The only people I'd be in two minds about suggesting it to as those with pain.

hey new guy, thanks for your response. let me tell you a bit about myself. i have had peyronies now since i was about 20 years old. it's pretty distressing because of the shape and length loss associated with it, and now the ed. i've seen a few urologists who have flat out told me not to worry about it and if it's such a problem to just get surgery. now that's a complete joke and unacceptable how a lot aren't even willing to try to help, granted the disease is unpredictable. so until i get around to seeing one of the more reputable doctors in the field i decided i should probably do what i can myself, bang on doors as loud an hard as possible to get some sort of solution. with the time and help of some of the great members on this board i have been introduced to lots of helpful information and possibilities that could help me that the dr's i've seen haven't even had a clue about. it's funny i think the members on here know more about the disease and cuttin edge developments then the dr's i've seen. i still have not really pursued any kind of hardcore treatment in this entire time but am looking to when i see my urolgist again hopefully within a month. the ved is one of those things. i have seen people knocking the ved but if it works, it works and i'm not ashamed of having to use it or tell anyone i do...i have a problem afterall. i rather not have it, but it's the cards i was dealt.  i'm lookin to hopefully get on pentox and use the ved together. i just wanted to know if the ved was viable in my case for the bend and waisting i've developed + ed from blood flow. i know the ved helped old man tremendously. of course when i start doing any of these treatments i will keep a log so as to help others.  


Hi All,

Newbie here looking for some advice. My post could apply to multiple topics, but since I'm considering the VED, I thought this was most appropriate place to post.

I have to say I have spent the last several days browsing most of the topics on this site and I am more depressed and discouraged than ever.

My story - 44 years old, never had any problems with my penis before (no curve at all). Last November (10 months ago) I noticed a lump at the top of my penis near the base. I also started to have very painful erections (nocturnal and daytime) and some slight upward bending. Thinking back, I seemed to recall an incident where my partner bent my penis a little too hard in a downward direction a few weeks earlier. Thinking back more, I also recalled an incident a few months prior where I was attempting penetration without a full erection, and may have bent my shaft excessively. But I'm not sure about either of these incidents, as I didn't feel any pain at the time.

I immediately went to my GP who sent me to a urologist. The uro examined me and confirmed Peyronie's. I got the usual "1/3 better, 1/3 same, 1/3 worse" speech and an Rx for Trental. He said they wasn't much else to do.

Unfortunately I was dealing with another serious health issue at the time and that one was my priority. I've been dealing with this issue for many years, and as a result I work very closely with a diverse group of alternative medicine specialists. One of them referred me to Herazy's website and I began using topical copper serum and DMSO 2-3 times per day. I also used a homeopathic scar reduction formulation topically and orally. I did NOT begin the Trental.

This went on for 3-4 months. During this time my penis stayed relatively straight, although I noticed two long plaques also forming along the upper left and upper right sides of my shaft. A dent appeared on the right side of my penis for awhile and then disappeared. The terrible pain I was experiencing from my night-time erections decreased over time.

In February, my penis was injured again during some gentle sexual contact. I was shocked at the pain I experienced (strong dull ache) and the fact that within 24 hours, my erect penis had become far more deformed. I now had a substantial upward curve.

Unfortunately, over the next 6 months, life became very complicated for me and I basically ignored my penis and what had happened to it. I stopped the daily topical applications and did nothing. I limited sex to occasional careful masturbation and even that seemed to cause a flare-up of pain and possible increase in curvature. I wasn't looking too closely at my penis due to my disgust, fear and shock at what was happening to it. Basically I would avoid sex as long as possible and then masturbate out of desperation, only to get more upset at the result.

Fast-forward to today. Now 10 months after the start of this nightmare, I can feel the plaque going all the way up the top of my shaft to the glans. I have a very strong upward curve (70 degrees?), my length is shortened by 2+ inches, my girth is reduced and I have few nocturnal erections. My shaft is smaller in all dimensions in the erect and flaccid state - it feels like it is shrinking. Sex is now completely impossible - even careful masturbation is very difficult, causes pain and is totally unenjoyable. I only do it occasionally to try to keep the "plumbing working" to some degree. I can still achieve and maintain erections, although they are not as strong as before - which is no surprise to me given the deformity and my mental state when dealing with my penis. But the feeling of constriction in my entire penis is freaking me out.

I realize I made a big mistake by avoiding this issue and and possibly by not taking the Trental. I hope I have not completely screwed myself, but am worried that could be the case.

I'm wondering what advice and perspective some of you who have had this for awhile could give me. Some questions:

1. Have I passed some window of opportunity by basically doing nothing for 10 months? Is it too late to start the Trental?

2. From reading this site, nothing sounds very promising, although stretching or the VED seems to offer some hope. So I am considering those two options, and from what I've read I'm leaning toward the VED. I'm hoping that if nothing else, it will help my penis from losing all function due to lack of use and the tightening due to the plaque. Does that make sense?

3. One of my big concerns with the VED is that I could cause further injury to my penis - I feel that the unknown cause of this plaque accumulation is still there, and that any manipulation of my penis will simply cause more to accumulate. Should this be a concern?

4. Has anyone else noticed their condition worsening as quickly as I do? (overnight accumulation of significant plaque and change in deformity)

5. What else would you recommend I do?

Finally I have to wonder whether my Peyronies Disease was caused by a long course of a fluoroquinolone antibiotic I took several months prior. Antibiotics in this class are Levaquin, Cipro and Avelox. They are know to cause connective tissue damage, and I have heard other men blame them for their Peyronies Disease.

Sorry for the long post, but I feel very isolated, confused and depressed about this issue and am hoping for some answers.

Thanks Guys...




A very good an detailed account. There is hope. The first thing you need to do is get on the recommended VED therapy and start taking the Trental.

There is no fast fix. It takes time and dedication for the VED exercise to work. I can tell you from my story that the VED therapy does work. It may be 3 months to a year but it will work if you follow the protocol. Do not over pump.

I hate to tell you this but the 1/3 1/3 1/3 account your doctor said is true. Back in 1995 when mine started we did not even have that. 18 months after peyronies started you need to reevaluate things and look at your options.

I can tell you this even though I lost 1 1/2 inches in 1995 the VED therapy I did for a year helped me gain back length. For details read My History.

The best source of advice for VED therapy here is Old Man. I took his advice and was well rewarded.

If you have questions this is the best forum for them. Hope I can help.



Hopr To Heal,

I agree with Jack. You asked if you "missed a window"...  Well doing something is better than doing nothing. So get started now. I don't think you will do any further damage with the VED, just use as instructed and be careful and slow with it.

You also stated that you feel the lumps and plaque on the top of your penis. This should make your erection curve upward, but you say it curves downward. So that one has me a bit confused.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



All of my plaque seems to be in the top side of my penis and my curve is completely upward. Maybe I confused you by my statement about my penis getting injured by being physically bent in the downward direction during sex. I think that may have caused a tear in the top part of my penis and the resulting plaque there.

Thanks for the responses so far - any others are appreciated.
