VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Hawk and Old Man
Thank you both for your help!!! I am going to write them another email today. I have no response on my first message yet. However, I wrote the message using the customer support form on their website and maybe it does not work correctly.

I will keep you informed!
Thanks again!


oldman - i got the battery operated pump which broke after 6 weeks of use and I had to buy another pump _ cost me a double the money _ read the order carefully!!

As an update I had been on holidays the past 3 weeks and have been travelling around North Africa and I have been diligent in the use of my VED daily at night....there has been absolutely no issues with ciustoms or any embarrasing moments - its been real easy:)....I also can report that I am still pain free and feel that I am hopefully over that painful period which was crippling me....

I think that the best thing for me was the VED and Trental and the occassional use of a strong anti inflammatory Mobic ( its a miracle drug!!)


Hi guys: Its been a while since I posted. I am in my 28th week of ved use with no improvement. I have not used the ved for the past 3 days due to pain in the right testicle. I developed varicose veins on the right testicle over the course of the past six months. My uro said it is probably from the increased pressure in the area. I had varicose veins before and had embolization coils placed in my abdomen that greatly the size of the veins, but they have returned. Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed a lot of aching in these veins after use of the ved. My uro also said the pain in my balls is probably coming from my back. I have back problems and have felt pain going from my back into my balls for a long time. Even before I developed peyronies. So when I use the ved it just seems to aggravate the symptoms. I think I will rest a few days before trying again with greatly reduced pressure. I will stay in touch. Good luck all.


Toby - good idea to take a break. Have you considered the possibility that it is not the vein, but the spermatic cord that is the cause of pain? That pain should radiate up into the inguinal crease (lateral side of the anterior belly, low down). By using a smaller diameter so that the scrotum and contents (vein and cord) are not sucked up into it, you should be able to avoid this problem.

To do this, I tend to pump and release at first until I am gettign fairly full. This allows the more engorged penis to fill up the tube, and leaves less room for the scrotum to get sucked up into it. Also, as I pump, I keep a gentle traction on my scrotum to keep it from riding up into the cylinder. When I am very full at higher vacuum pressure, then I can let go with my protecting hand and leave it alone.

Finally, standing up to pump helps (using gravity) to keep the scrotum laying lower and lessens the carrying up into the cylinder of the scrotum. Also, remembering to use a smaller tube for "maintenance" helps. When I do a larger diameter tube, I use a silicone sleeve, and that allows me to use the larger diameter (for whatever benefits that may give me) without the above mentioned problems.


Link is not an endorsement
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



As having done the complete protocol on the VED I can give you some advice.  When you go to pump, you need to put lube on the end of the cylinder going against your body to get a good seal.  You should also put lube on your body as well and it is a good idea to shave your pubes in that area, as the hair can give you an incomplete seal.  You need to press the pump tightly against your body.  Some people don't do this and when using the bigger cylinders your balls can get sucked up into the cylinder a bit where they attache to your body.  I noticed when I pumped if I did a long pump and left the cylinder up against my body my balls seemed to ache or hurt, maybe because the blood vessels going down the skin to your balls are being pressed against your body by the cylinder.  This could be aggravating an already pre existing condition for you.  I'm not sure, but just using common sense you could come to this conclusion.  Have you tried pentox, you don't have to do the VED with pentox usage.



Yes, good idea to take a break and let things settle down. Using the gradual pump up method described by Tim works and works well. Using the smallest opening seal/ring that comes with your VED helps. Start with a few gentle pumps and wait for the penis to adjust; I have found that engorgement characteristics can change from day to day... slower some days more than others. Some days it may take more time to let the penis start filling out before pumping some more. If pain returns, stop and get checked out more thoroughly. When you get back to the VED, use only enough vacuum to get a "medium" erection the first few times to test the waters; don't rush things. I used the VED for well over a year before I saw results.  

double eagle

I just tried out mine yesterday. I wanted to see what the fit and feel would be. So far, so good, I will be starting my regimen soon, but before I start, I wanted to ask a question.

The "tension" rings are to be used to maintain erection, but if I read right, it is for those that may have problem remaining erect. I do not have that condition as I can stay erect no problem. Do I still need these tension rings?


Quote from: double eagle on January 12, 2009, 09:30:33 AM
The "tension" rings are to be used to maintain erection, but if I read right, it is for those that may have problem remaining erect. I do not have that condition as I can stay erect no problem. Do I still need these tension rings?

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man

double eagle:

Adding to Hawk's post below:  NO,NO NEVER WHEN USING THE VED FOR Peyronies Disease THERAPY.


So, you are hereby warned not to use them with the VED therapy for Peyronies Disease!

Old Man  
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

double eagle


Quote from: ComeBacKid on January 10, 2009, 08:51:00 PM

Have you tried pentox, you don't have to do the VED with pentox usage.


Since when does Pentox circumvent the VED? I have never heard this argument before.


Angus,Comeback Kid, Tim: Thank you guys so much for your reply and advise. I will try again in a couple of days, taking it much slower. I was at my chiropracter today for my back, and advised him about what was going on and he pretty much said what my uro did. There are apparently a lot of nerves running from the lumbar spine into the scrotum area. When my back hurts my balls hurt. When my balls hurt my back hurts. Oh well suck it up. When I did not see results after 26 weeks I asked my uro if I could change protocol up a little and he said I could . I was holding erections for 2 minutes and releasing for 30 seconds. and doing 5 cycles of this. I thought maybe holding erections longer might help breakup scar tissue. any thoughts on this. Could I not be getting results because the protocol does not hold erections long enough?  

Old Man


The prescribed routine of the 26 week protocol is posted on the Child Boards Section of the main forum. It should be followed to the letter if at all possible. Experience by many of us on the forum indicate that holding the vacuum pressure longer than 15 or so seconds with each pumping cycle can and will lead to problems.

The protocol you should be following is the one for the three cylinder VEDs. Go to the home page of the main forum and click on the Child Boards link which is just under the link to the posts on the forum. The protocol is listed there and has notes to describe what is to be followed in using the VED, etc.

Hope this will help. Holding the pressure too long exerts too much pressue on the tissue which leads to further trauma in most cases.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Toby, stop holding the vacuum so long. You haven't seen results because you haven't used the protocol long enough; not because of the time you are instructed to hold the vacuum or too little "time in tube". With this system and protocol, less is more. Don't try to rush things with more vacuum or longer induced erections. You're body will re-mold itself in its own good time. It may take a year or more like in my case. Consistency of use is the key to VED use and Peyronies relief. No one can guarantee you will see results with the VED but give it a fair shake by following the protocol for up to a year or more, daily (26 week protocol x 2). Don't think "break up" scar tissue; think re-molding.  


Does everyone on here advise using Pentox with the VED, or has some of you also gotten Good results by just using the VED alone--without Pentox?   I am worried about Pentox -using long term for my husband.    Thinking about stopping it,  as my husband does not have a progressive situation, has been stable for  over 4 years now, with no change or problems.  But if the VED is useless without this drug, I guess we shall continue on.   I do not want to exasperate other problems in him if he has a stable condition here or worry what will happen when he stops the Pentox drug.  Much discussion on this on Supplements board right now.  
 Also Augusta Rep said the suction is made by the K-Y jelly, you should not have to hold tightly against your body to pump.   My husband says he must hold tight or he can not get it to work correctly, no matter how much K-Y is on there.  Rep said this could damage nerves, so concerned about this also.   Also, our 3 cylinder Vitality pump makes funny clicking noises sometimes, only had the thing a week, and it is not consistent with it's Sound. Not sure if it has a problem or not.  Anyone else?  


I have used the VED, including the 26 week 3 tube routine, successfully, and I have never used pentox or any other drug talked about on the forum.  The VED stands by itself and is not affected by any drug to my knowledge.  My experience was duly reported, and some of it is on the Childs Boards.  

Old Man


The Augusta rep is partially right about the suction being done by the KY gel or lubricant as we prefer to call it. However, if the shaft is too small to fill out the smaller sizing insert, the VED cylinder mouth must be held fairly tight against one's body to start the process of filling out the shaft enough to provide the necessary seal. Also, we have found that shaving off the pubic hair around the base of ones penis provides a better sealing surface. If this is done, shaving must be done on a regular basis to keep this area clean of the hair, etc.

The three cylinder model VEDs usually have a small sizing insert that will fit just about 90% of men using them. As I said above, most men do need to place the cylinder against their body to start the proper seal. Enough lube must be used especially when using the small cylinder schedule to provide a good slippery surface up into the cylinder.

It takes a little practice with this procedure to get familiar with the routine. This is a case where less pressure is more and more practice does make perfect. So, help him practice with the VED and above all, do not use more pressure than is comfortable without any sign of pain, etc.

Let us know if there is any other way we can help you guys.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


  For the record I had good VED results without taking Pentox. Pentox is getting good write-ups from men on this board, but there is also documentation here that VED and protocol use can produce curve reductions without it. Men who have to restrict their use of Pentox and similar drugs should  move forward with VED therapy if that is the path they choose.  


Thank you , it always helps to hear that the pentox may not be totally necessary, Wonderful to hear others have had Good results--without its use.    I  just can't seem to shake this feeling that his body will become dependant and used to this drug -that may be helping with morning erections (although he had them before sometimes but not every day)-nor can I say he does now, but it seems better,  then when he stops this drug, that somehow things will never be as they were.    Yes, I worry and analyze way too much.  Then I asked a Urologist online, this was his answer about the Pentox & using the VED : Pentox is not a drug you become dependent on.  It has an effect.  If you want the effect, take the drug.  If you don't, then stop it.  I usually recommend it at the full 3 a day dose for men with more than 60 degree curvatures.

Any and every drug has potential side effects and complications, but pentox is a very, very safe drug.

I don't like the VED for curvature.  I used to recommend it because nothing else was available.  Now I recommend something called "Fastsize".  It was originally designed as an extender, but it puts a variable amount of tension on the penis for a much longer time than the VED.  More importantly, it has actually been studied and early reports show improvements.  You can order a "FastSize" from  It should be worn for 2-8 hours a day for 12 weeks (that was how it was used in the study).  Almost everyone saw some decrease in curvature after using the Fastsize.  You can't use the VED that much and there is inadequate scientific proof that it works.

You can also try Arginine and Carnitine, 400 Vitamin E and even Cialis/levitra/viagra.

Just too much advice out there.   It seems those on this forum is MORE for the VED though.  I do not understand this Fat size thing, wearing it for HOURS a day?    


  As far as the FastSize, scroll down to the "traction" topic, then scroll down to post #478. I give a fairly detailed account of my experience with the device. After you read it, if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask.


This post could go in either the Traction or VED section but since I've discontinued Traction I'll post it here.

I have been using the VED since January 29, 2007, almost two years now. I added Traction for two periods, approximately 4 hours a day for 4 months in January 2008 and 3 months later for 6 to 8 hours a day for 2 months. My experience is similar to Attica's reply 478 in terms of discomfort. I did gain minor length and significant girth but where Attica began Traction prior to Peyronies shrinkage, I began Traction following Peyronies shrinkage. It did eliminate some of the curve and I retained that benefit. I discontinued Traction because of the inconvenience and because the knob of my penis was turning purple where the noose fits. I tried the strap but I could never get it to stay on unless the grip was unbearable. What Traction did give me was amazing night time erections. Like Hawk I think longer (for me 8 to 16 hours a day) with mild stretching rather than extreme or maximum stretching would be better.

When I discontinued Traction (I was still using the VED regularly) I lost any length I had gained and some but not all of the girth. Again, the girth gain was along the shaft where there is no Peyronies. Unfortunately after I discontinued Traction, the Turtle effect returned and I hate pulling down my pants and have to dig the knob of my penis out of the shell to urinate.

I noticed for me that the Turtle effect occurred 8 to 12 hours or later after the VED usage i.e. after using the VED I was fine for 8 to 12 hours. So I decided to change from once a day of 20 minute VED usage to two 10 minutes a session VED usage 12 hours apart. That has cleared my Turtle effect and given me a much healthier looking penis. I am also taking Trental twice daily plus aspirin so I am very cautious on the extent of the vacuum. This approach has also given me back the night time erections as well.

I'm reluctant to post this because we are all different and what works for me might be a disaster for someone else. I have always looked at the VED from a blood circulation perspective rather than a stretching perspective. Ten or 20 minutes a day doesn't seem like enough stretching but getting blood as thoroughly as possible in a vacuum has always seemed like a positive thing to do, Peyronies or not.

BTW, I follow the 3 different sized tubes changed weekly, 26 week protocol.


Old Man,

i never did thank your for Reply #1872. it was very helpful and encouraging and gave me confidence and information to start the 29 week protocol with.
i'm on my 3rd week and already feeling really positive bout it! and you're right about this VED, it's a really good one. solid and doesn't hurt like the other one i had.

so thanks again!

getting there

Old Man


You are most welcome, that is what we do on this forum. We do our best to help all possible with any one needing it.

Glad that you are having some successful results using the VED. You mentioned the 29 week protocol, I assume you mean the 26 week protocol, huh?

Keep up the good work and you should see more results soon

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I am starting my first sesion with cylinder b today and everything seems to be going ok, but in reading the forum some people talk about 10 to 30 minute total sessions and the protocol only says to do 10 sessions at 10 seconds each. I wait about 5 seconds between vac. Do I need to be holding vac. longer, or waiting longer between sessions.

Old Man


The protocol is just a basic guideline as to how the schedule should be followed. You can alter the number of cycles, the time of holding the vacuum pressure, the total length of each exercise session, the amount of wait time between cycles and just about anything you need to do making the exercise session comfortable for you.

Be sure that you do not overpump the vacuum pressure at any time. The B cylinder exercise cycles will be different slightly in that you may or may not fill out the entire cylinder. However, it should allow the shaft to go further out into the cylinder while pumping up the pressure. Use plenty of lube in any case to provide the necessary slippery surfact so friction will not occur. Practice with varying times of each phase of the cycle and develop your own pace for it.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any and all questions you might have. We are here to help.

Regards, Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks for the quick reply. Does doing more sessions or longer hold time work better, or does it matter more that I stay consistant. I read on some post that it might cause more problems holding vac pressure for more than the 10 to 15 seconds.

Old Man


It really does not matter how long you hold the time after pumping up as long as you do not feel any added pressure or uncomfortable feeling. However, I would suggest that you hold it no longer than 15 seconds. I would add more pumping cycles per session with,  say a 5 or 10 second holding time after pump up rather holding longer on each pump up.

My experience has found that more cycles with the 5 or 10 second holding time has proven to be the best overall time limits. Whatever you do, don't overpump the pressure at any time or do more sessions that 2 per day at the most. Your penis needs to "reform" itself after exercise session. Two per day spaced a few hours apart would work best IMHO.

Old Man

PS: Read some of the earlier posts about the number of sessions per day.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Should I start over with the a cylinder and spend 15 minutes per day, as I only did 10 cycles for 10 to 15 seconds each once per day with the a cylinder?


Follow Old Mans pump and hold cycle. When I first got my VED I would pump as much as I could stand and hold for 10 minuter or more. Within a few weeks I had a bruise on my penis that took several weeks to heal.
After I found this board and Old Man I followed his exercise and in a just over a year I had gained back about 3/4 inch of lost length.  :)
More is not better.
Good Luck it works.

Old Man


No, you should not start over with the first week schedule with the A cylinder. Just pick up with the schedule for the B cylinder and so on down the weekly list of the protocol.

Modify your time schedule, holding time and any other aspect of your session to suit your individual needs, but stay with the guidelines I posted in #1926 below.

Keep up sessions on a daily basis and you should be all right. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I am wondering what is the benefit of a 3 cylinder VED vs 1 cylinder. I can't find any postings for comparison studies or any personal experience with the two types.
Thanks for any input.


Welcome, gigidoc. The benefit of the three tube VED concept is the longitudinal stretching made possible by the smallest tube. Start by reading the read-only VED thread in the Newly Diagnosed-Child boards:,439.0.html

This read-only Highlights post will give you an overview of past posts about both styles of VED's. Then I would proceed to read this VED thread in the active forum... it will take a while, but you will get a good idea of where the thought of VED therapy is at on this board. The thread you are reading now is loaded with posts by men who have used both styles.  


Hey folks, I've got a question about the use of the three cylinder VED...

I bought the Fitzz three cylinder unit some months ago and put off starting the program until now.  I'm four days in and am not 100% sure I'm getting the correct results from pumping.  Am I supposed to be getting a full erection each pumping/holding cycle?  I can only pump a few times (4-5) before the base really starts digging into my skin and the whole thing becomes uncomfortable.  As counciled on this board by Old Man and others, I'm careful about not overpumping, but that said, I'm getting nothing near a full erection--more like half of one if that.

I did fashion a smaller "A" cylinder because (unfortunately) I'm of a smaller size and the sides of my unit weren't touching the sides of the provided "A" cylinder, but I'm worried that I'm not getting enough longitudinal stretching if I'm supposed to be having an erection (via pressure) each cycle.

Any thoughts or input?  Thanks all.

Old Man


Well now, you do have a minor problem if you are not filling out the A cylinder. Most have problems with being too large and have trouble getting the penis to slide into the cylinder well.

You say that you fashioned a smaller A cylinder. This may or may not be a good idea based on what the cylinder you made is shaped like. The three cylinder model cylinders are tapered from large to small so that the penis is being confined into a smaller diameter as it is stretched out into the cylinder. If your size is not extremely small, I strongly suggest that you continue to use the regular A cylinder assembled inside the B and C as usual. You need to practice using the VED assembled in this method. Forget about the prescribed protocol and practice until you have mastered using the A cylinder without difficulty.

You need to have both of the sizing inserts in place while using the A cylinder. This prevents the problem of causing pain or irritation by the mouth of the cylinder. Another thing you should do is make sure that the mouth of the cylinders is placed rather firm against your body when you start pumping. This prevents the scrotum from being pulled into the cylinder. Also, you should get as much of the shaft into the cylinder as possible by applying vacuum to let it pull your shaft into the cylinder.

Practice with the above suggestions until you are able to get all of your shaft into the cylinder and able to start getting enough erection to fill out the cylinder. It may take a while to get the hang of how this works.

Let me know if you have any further questions about using the VED after you have worked with it a while longer.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hello all.   I posted in another section about severe shrinkage/fibrosis as a result of Propecia.  After reading the positive reviews of VEDs here, I decided it was my best bet for recovering some of my size back, particularly girth.

Problem is, the VEDs mentioned here cost between $400-$500, and as a college student I just can't swing that right now.  I don't have ED so I don't see any help from insurance.

I have seen some under $200 here:

Would these work?

Also, I've heard that results can take as little as a month to a year.  How long is it typically before ANY results are noticed?

thanks again

Old Man


Yes, some VEDs mentioned on this forum do cost very much. However, a lot of us have had great success with the Vitality OTC three cylinder model VED from this site:

It is a very good durable medial quality unit and does not cost much over$200.00. If you decide to order this unit from the Fitzz company and mention the promo word TEAM a discount will be allowed.

Look up the health products link and select men's health products and look for the manual model of the Vitality OTC three cylinder VED.

If you need any help with obtaining a VED, feel free to ask any and all questions. We are here to help each other.

Old Man

PS: We have found that the less quality VEDs used by some on the forum have not worked so well in the long run. It is best to get the medical quality units.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man:

Thanks for rubbing in the size issue.  ; )  To all the guys out there who have a problem fitting in the "A" cylinder, I can only say, damn, I'd love to have your problem.

Seriously, thanks for the advice, Old Man.  I actually fashioned a plastic tapered cylinder out of a vacuum extension purchased at Home Depot.  It fits within the assembled double rubber rings and seems to shave a tiny bit off the diameter of what would be the "A" cylinder.

My question to you is (and maybe it's self-evident from your and others successes on this board using the schedule) is gentle pumping enough to get a decent erection?  Perhaps you are right and I'm just not getting it down yet or am having a bit of air leakage that is interfering.

I'll take your advice and go back to the supplied "A" cylinder if you think it'll help.  I've just been worried about not getting any benefit from equipment that is built presuming that all men are created equal.

double eagle

Quote from: kinoast on January 28, 2009, 02:44:42 AM

My question to you is (and maybe it's self-evident from your and others successes on this board using the schedule) is gentle pumping enough to get a decent erection?  Perhaps you are right and I'm just not getting it down yet or am having a bit of air leakage that is interfering.

I am 3 weeks into it and I have learned that I must try to get a little bit erect before entering the VED cylinder. The gentle pumping works fantastic if I am semi-rigid, as the base fills the void of the cylinder and creates a nice seal. If I am completely soft,  I end up with scrotum interference. Once that has started, I lose the whole session.


  I've found that I can't rush an erection with the VED. A natural erection takes a few minutes to develop with mental stimulation and a VED session is (usually, for me) devoid of mental stimulation. Getting a VED erection in a cold bathroom with all the lights on sometimes just doesn't happen right away. Don't scrimp on the lube... slick up everything including the seal end of the tube. Press the tube gently against your body skin for a seal and make sure the tube is level with the floor or pointed downward a few degrees... this will help keep the scrotum out of the picture. Apply 2 or 3 pumps or just enough to get a seal, then give your body a few minutes to get used to the vacuum and for the blood vessels to slowly open up and allow blood in for the erection. I've found that some days a VED erection comes right away and other days I just have to wait for the erection to happen. Some days I'll have to repeat this sequence 3 or 4 times to get things warmed up and for blood to flow in. Getting a seal even with the smallest tube can be a challenge at times but just be patient with your body. For me, everything works better right after a hot shower but sometimes my timing doesn't allow that, and then I just have to be patient with my body's willingness to make a VED erection.  


Several things help get one going with the VED:

1) Standing up - let gravity help blood fill the penis, and help to keep the scrotum out. Heat from a shower, tub, or a warm room helps too.

2) Good lubrication. Several methods have been discussed here. I use soap because I do this in the tub. Others use a bottle brush to coat the inside with a thin layer of lubricant.

3) Keep the scrotum out. Holding it out with a few fingers while starting helps; when one is more pumped up or erect, it is less of a problem.

4) Pump and release. Initially, pumping a flaccid penis will usually not get you to full length, and will pull the scrotum in. But if you use what seal you have to "milk" more blood into the penis by tugging the VED away from you, then release and repump, blood will start to stay in there and allow for a better erection. Each time I do this, I have to tug the scrotum back out, as it will initially ride up.

5) Use a down-sizing gasket to get a better seal with larger VED cylinders (B and C). This will allow a better seal at the base, and prevent the scrotum from going in which is a greater problem in the larger cylinders. See the attached figure to see what I mean.

6) Get pumped up with a smaller cylinder first and then use a larger one. I find that if I pump up with a small cylinder and wait for about 5 minutes, then I can switch to the bigger cylinder(s) more easily. Already being pumped up means less hassle with scrotum and other problems described above.

Hope that helps!


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man


You know that I was kidding about the size problem. There is nothing that takes the wind out one's sails faster than to be ridiculed about their genitalia. So, accept my apology if it did any damage to your psyche.

Now, you have been given some really advice about using the VED by Tim and Angus below. Try their suggestions and see what happens for you. A lot of us have found that shaving the pubic hair off around the base of our penises helps get a better seal when pumping. I have also found that adding a little lube around the sizing inserts and inside the mouth of the cylinder helps keep a better seal while doing the exercises. (Note: A lot of us use the Equate brand of personal lubricant from Walmart which costs around $2.00 per tube.)

I think that you will be able to use the small A cylinder once you get the hang of it. It does take a bit of practice to develop a procedure that works best for you. There is one size fits all procedure in the VED world, each guy has to work out the best method for himself.

Feel free to ask for help any time you need it, we are all here to help.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hello All,

I am a new member to the site and have been quietly reading on the site until today.  I have peyronies and started out with a few doctors visits here in the Kansas City area. These visits needless to say left me slightly disappointed in the doctors knowledge regarding peyronies. I feel that I learned more about the disease from reading stuff on the internet and this website.

I have decided to look into purchasing a 3 tube VED device and start the 26 week therapy that is listed on this site. I have also considered the purchase of a stretching device that I have seen mentioned here. I think it was called fast_ _ _ _ something or other. I was wondering and hoping doing these two treatments to gether I might find some success. Anyway, I hope someone might know of a good doctor in KC/KS or MO area. Thanks and I appreciate anyones time and effort in replying to my first post on the website.

Chevelle Guy


That VED is called "FastSize", most notable for having actually being studied by Levine for treatment of Peyronie's Disease (it helped).

I am not aware of any docs in that region - hopefully someone can speak up.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I had to re-read the post. I think 1966SS is looking for both a VED and a tractoin device recommendation.

Old Man is best for VED advice but I believe he regularly suggests the Vacuum Erection Device from  As far as traction there are several that work on the same principle of attachment and traction. One that comes up often here is from

As far as doctors in your area, I checked the website. Unfortunately there are none listed in your immediate area. I've not seen many poster's here talk about or refer any doctors in your area either. Sorry.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


1966ss, Welcome to the forum,

I am rushed at the moment so do not take my abrupt manner as being rude.  We are very happy you found us.

I prefer a wide strap "comfort strap" traction device to the "noose".  X4 brand attaches both ways.

Your post is in the off topic area and will be moved to the main forum since this is about Peyronies Disease and not "Off Topic".  Most members will not see your post in this area.

There are probably doctors near you that are decently informed about Peyronies Disease but I am not aware of any.  The closest renown doctor would be in Chicago.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I just joined the site, and I am really excited about the success stories with the "Vacuum Erection Devices." I've suffered thru this horriffic disease called Peyronies for 2-1/2 years, trying external Verapamil (very expensive and no results); and Verapamil injections with some results..maybe in my mind. Can someone recommend the best VED, cost NOT being an object. I've seen the Soma correct mentioned, but can't find a link to order.

Also , would anyone hazard a guess as to what % cure rate the VAD straigening enough to have enjuyable sex again.




I just let the moths out of my wallet and ordered the VED from Fritz after my wife's comments that I am much smaller than I used to be.  Hopefully I will gain back some size and reduce my hourglass deformity. I will keep you all posted about my progress (or lack of). I was diagnosed in April 2008.


I found the VED to be a lot of help. Even after over 12 years of peyronies and loosing 25% of my length I was able to gain back almost 3/4 of an inch.  :)
Do Not get in a hurry! It took me 3 months of using Old Mans exercise to start to show improvement and it took a year to get back all the gain I could.
My doctor at Vanderbilt said that I had gained all I could because of the pryronies scar on top of my penis. He said to keep using it until a couple of days before the implant surgery. He also told me that he believes in VED exercise for ED as well as peyronies.
Also follow the exercise and do not over pump. Before I found this forum I used the VED all wrong and caused a bruise that took a few weeks to heal (not fun).  :(
Do Not use constriction rings for exercise. If you have ED use them only for sex.

Old Man


Welcome to the land of Peyronies Disease victims! Sorry to hear that you have joined the club among all of us.

There are several VEDs of medical quality available. However, the choice of most of us now is the Vitality OTC three cylinder manual model available at real good price at this site:
Visit this this site, click on Health Products, select Men's health link and look for the above VED. The cost is usually listed at $249.99 with free shipping and handling. Mention this promo code, TEAM, in your order and they usually give a discounted price.

A lot of the guys on the forum have had real good results from using this particular. It is actually an over the counter model of the earlier model VEDs from the Augusta Medical Systems who make the Somaerect and Soma Correct. The Vitality VED is much cheaper in price and is of a good durable medical quality.

So research the above site before deciding to purchase one. It does not require an RX from your doc.  Some insurance companies will pay a portion of the cost anyway if it is prescribed for erectile dysfunction though.

Feel free to ask any and all questions relative VED usage.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


i think the ved has helped me - 7 months usage now - - - at least its not getting worse