VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Old Man


There are two models of VEDs perhaps more that we on the forum have been using including the two you mention in your post.

I will try to help you with the differences between these two units. The one available from the Fitzz company is made by the Augusta Medical Systems company, priced much more reasonable, is basically the same unit as the Soma STF. The Fitzz VED is the one called Vitality OTC three cylinder manual model priced currently at $249.99 with free shipping and handling. It also carries a discount if you mention the word TEAM in either your phone or web order. The one from Augusta, Soma STF, is the VED that was marketed after the Soma Erect unit failed to get approval from FDA. The STF three cylinder model costs somewhere around $600.00 plus shipping and handling.

You should hear from Augusta Medical's insurance department before making the final purchase. In some cases, insurances will pay about 80% of the cost if prescribed for ED conditions. I know of few, if any, insurances that will pay for a VED purchase when prescribed for Peyronies Disease. So be careful how your doctor prescribes the VED if you go for the STF model. The Vitality OTC VED does not require a prescription.

Both of these VEDs will serve the same purpose, just much differenc in price. The quality is the same for both units.

Hope this helps clarify your concerns. If we can help further, just feel free to ask any and all questions.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

Old Man


The question about whether blood drawn into one's penis via use of a VED has been raised many times on this forum. There are several schools of thought about whether or not the blood drawn into the corpora by a VED is aterial or venous blood.

The principle of an erection goes something like this: the brain triggers the arousal and sends nerve signals for the sexual organs to begin their process. These nerves in turn causes the blood flow to start through the arteries into the corpora chambers. There are valves (similar to a check valve in a pipe line) that open to allow the flow in and as the pressure of blood causes the erection process to start, these valves close and prevents the blood from flowing out, at least in a normal erection, thus the penis becomes erect. After the body has reached a climax, produced an orgasm, ejaculation and the sex act is completed, these valve open and let the blood flow out through the veins. (If one has the problem of venous leakage, erections in most cases, are virtually impossible to hold up long enough for any sexual activity. So, the use of a VED for erections for sex does have its place in sexual health of a person.)

The above is just my condensed version of the erection process and others could maybe give a better description for the process. At any rate, IMHO, the blood drawn in through use of a VED produced erection is arterial and not venous blood. As I said earlier others, including doctors, disagree with thisi theory and state that it is venous blood.

At any rate, whether or not the blood is arterial or venous, it serves the same basic purpose. Even if it is venous blood, the fact that the erectile tissue is being inflated, serves to cause at least some arterial blood which does promote penile health. Any inflating of the erectile chambers in ones penis serves the purpose of what nocturnal erections (provided one still gets them). Therefore, good benefits surely is caused by use of the VED therapy for one's penis.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man:  Ok, So  you are telling me that the same COmpnay (Augusta) makes BOTH THe SOMAerectSTF and the one being sold under Fittz for $249 plus shipping without a perscription?  Did I read that right?   I did hear back from Augusta by phone and our insurance has a $300 deductable for this, plus we'd have to pay 25% plus another $100, so it would be over $500 for that model.  So IF they are TRULY the same in value and getting what needs to be done, then I will opt for the $250 one.   Why are they marketed like this --if from the same company?  Is it better to get manual or battery power?  Is one more likely to be easier to HURT YOURSELF?  (That is the main thing for us, I will gladly pay more if it is a better machine and would be less likely to have an accident with it).  Please give Advice .    

And should my husband start the Trental WHEN he gets the VED or before he gets it-as I am able to get his perscription right now?  Is trental the same thing as Pentox?  Why the diffrence in names?   His appointment with the Urologist for learning how to use this is not until Jan 8th --and that would be only with the Augusta SomaerectSTF device (But if they are exactly the same) then it should not matter.     Thanks for all the help on here


As I have said before, blood does not flow backwards through veins as they have valves that promote movement back to the heart. Thus, a minimal amount of blood could be coaxed into the coproa by a VED - most of it has to come through the arterial system, and it then stays there.

A little experiment. If you have visible veins on your arm, try this. Pump up the veins and then occlude one with a finger (by pushing down into the skin). Then, with another finger, "strip" the vein of blood by sweeping along it's length, with pressure directed down into the skin, moving towards the heart. Then release the finger that is closer to the heart. You will see that the fein stays flat and bloodless. Then release the first finger which has been pressing down all this time, and watch the blood refill the vein - this should help people (apparently some doctors as well) "get" that veins have valves.

Note - you can also - on longer veins - sometimes see blood flow partway backwards TO a valve, and then stop. That looks cool too.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Tim & Old Man

Thanks for your explanations. I believe that I now understand what the difference is between arterial & venous. Common sense told me the same...after all, there is only one substance that goes through the chambers & expands the tissue. Frankly, I can't understand why a dr. would use this as a way to discourage any confidence in VED therapy. Perhaps a tendancy to "favor" surgery.

Old Man


OK, now that you know buying the prescribed model would cost you more dollars, it makes sense to buy the VED from the Fitzz company. Yes, the VEDs are basically the same unit, both in quality and purpose. The Soma STF has a different color and maybe a few more items in the package, but that would not matter using the VED for Peyronies Disease.

The Vitality OTC three cylinder manual model from the Fitzz has worked great for a lot of guys on this forum. At a price of $249.99 with free shipping and handling would be much more economical for you than the Soma STF from Augusta.

Yes, both VEDs are manufactured by Augusta Medical Systems and are of good medical quality. The Vitality OTC just does not require a prescription since it an over the counter model. The manual model is preferred over the battery powered model for two reasons: 1. the extra cost and 2. you can control the vacuum pressure better with the manual model. You simply just don't pump the manual model when you feel too much pressure whereas the battery powered model requires that the switch be turned on and off. The delay in turning it off might cause one to overpump if they are not extremely careful.

So, bottom line for you is this, get the Vitality OTC manual model from the Fitzz company. As far as I know, you can take the Trental/Pentox at the same time. You might want to get blood work periodically to check the vitals, etc. The names are one and the same, one is brand name and the other generic. Another name is Pentoxyfiline (Spelling may be incorrect).

Hope the above helps with your questions. Feel free to let us know if you have further need, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Sorry if i've already received a reply somewhere, but does someone mind answering my previous question ? (it's related to VED/traction, i provided the link in this thread to my post in the traction thread)


Old Man, just ordered the Fittz model and the price was lowered to $229 plus using the TEAM as you said saved an additional $34 so the price with free shipping was a little less than $200.  Sure beats paying $600 for the Somo model they want to sell, I guess that is how they make money when you have an Insurance company that will pay for alot of it.  Then they make money on the side with these lower cost models without perscription.     So how many times a day is my husband supposed to do this, I remember reading somewhere you need to spend like a half hour with it on, I am highly confused, I copied the page about the exercises, but still do not "get it", it gives no indication how long this takes a day, or should it be done 2 or 3 times a day?  Will I get some kind of Video with this machine?   If he can start now before his appointment on Jan 8th, maybe he should, or should be wait?  


Referring to long-duration gentle stretching as opposed to short duration stretching you asked:

Quote from: wayne999 on December 10, 2008, 07:02:38 PM
I was wondering, doesn't this imply then that whatever stretching occurs during VED routines, it quickly goes back to normal given the average session is only 10 or 20 minutes per night?

I guess it suggests that could be a possible reaction but many men on this forum have had success indicating that at least some of the gains remain.  A when anticipated or theorized results differ from actual results, needless to say the actual results are the final word.  It would be good to have well controlled large studies on Traction and the VED but we do not.  That is why input from those using the devices with no financial stake in the device are so important.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The ansewer is no.  Many use one and not the other.  Both are long commitment treatment.  The pentox (Trentall) will take a while to start having any impact on Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


Nice to hear that you got your VED at the reduced price and it is now ordered. It will be OK as far as I know for your husband to begin the therapy sessions prior to his visit to the doctor again.

There is the protocol as you mentioned that is posted in the Child Boards section of the main forum. Go back and look at the one that states it is for the three cylinder purchased model VEDs. There are footnotes that show recommended things to do with the therapy. Each week of the schedule shows the cylinder or cylinders of the VED that should be used for that particular week of the schedule. For example: Week 1 shows that all three cylinders should be used. The next change in the Schedule shows that only A and B cylinders are used and so on down the weekly schedule for the 26 weeks protocol.

The time limits that a person should follow depends on how much time he has to devote to doing the exercises. For the first few days of the exercises, he should only do them for about 10 minutes for his body to get "used" to the vacuum pressure in his penis. As time goes on, he can increase the time until he is comfortable with that time limit. Some can do the exercises for longer periods of time than others, so he has to be the judge of how much he can tolerate with the added vacuum pressure and adjust his time schedule accordingly. I would suggest that 10 to 15 minutes at a session would be enough after the first few weeks of therapy. The number of times each day should probably be only once a day for the first weeks and then maybe twice a day if it is comfortable for him. If he uses two sessions per day, then reduce the time of each session somewhat so that the overall time per day does not cause any discomfort.

Caution is the watchword in VED therapy. Overpumping the vacuum pressure can and will cause further trauma and/or problems so he should be extremely careful with the amount of pressure he uses. If he feels pain or discomfort at any time while using the VED, something would not be right. So, if this occurs, find out the cause before continuing with the sessions.

Practice with using the VED is a must do thing. He should practice using it with only mild vacuum pressure before starting with the higher vacuum, etc. We are all here to help, so feel free to ask any and all questions you or he may have. Hope this gets you and him started out on the journey toward help for his Peyronies Disease and any other men's health problems.

One further note: It always helps with getting a good vacuum seal around the base of one's penis to shave off enough pubic hair so that the mouth of the cylinders does catch the hair into it. If this is done, one must keep the hair shaved periodically to keep the skin area clean shaven.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Dear Old Man,

First let me say how great it is that I found this place and that there are guys like you out there who really understand and care about this thing (no pun intended ;) That said, I'm replying in this thread as I cannot figure how else to get this up there :( So, here goes:

I'm 39 years old and started noticing pain towards the end of right corpora cavernosa, on the outside aspect of it. When I examined myself, I noticed that that side was a little firmer inside. I am sure it was from a specific long term, off and on again relationship with a girl who could only be satified by hours of repeat, but very shallow penetration. Penis continually entering and exiting as opposed to properly performed "penis in the vagina" sex. Eventually, I would be semi erect and this is when I think the damage occured.

I went to Dr. Gary Bellman, a Urologist in West Hills with suspicions of Peyronie's. He misdiagnosed me with Prostitus and put me on 500 mg of Cipro twice a day. Two weeks later I started noticing that the head of my penis was "tilting" a little bit to the right and indenting right below the glands on the bottom side. He examined me again and diagnosed me with Peyronie's. He put me on Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel twice daily. I am concerned with the timely treatment of this as I've read in many places that when treated early on, it can completely go away. One month of Topical Verapamil and Colchicine as well as all of the Dr. Herazy supplements, I have masturbated very infreaquently and not had sex with anyone.

When I spoke with the rep at PDLabs, they told me it was actually good to continue in normal sexual function as the penis can use the extra blood flow, provided it is not at all aggressive. Is this true? The pain, which is slight, doesn't interfere with my pleasure really and I can masturbate and have sex with mild discomfort. Is this wise? Also, what would be a basic regimen to start with regard to the following which I discovered might assist in the problem ?VITAMIN E, POTABA, COLCHICINE, COLLAGENASE or NEPRINOL AFD. Will any of these treatments help? My fear is that by doing nothing for the first few months, the scar tissue will increase and so will the distortion.

FYI: I attribute the condition my taking high doses of "Move Free" (Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin Sulphate), past the recommended "loading phase" as the pamphlet given to me by PDLabs, points to this as a cause. I have been enjoying the effects of it in relation to my sports activities and have been taking the "loading phase" dosage for a couple months instead of tapering off.

I appreciate your time and expertise with regard to my condition and look forward to, and truly appreciate your response. You can imagine how scary this is for me.


Old Man


Welcome to the forum as I said in my earlier PM to you about answering your questions more fully. You have come to a place that you can get help and answers to many and varied quesions about Peyronies Disease as well as ED. We are all here to help others in any way possible.

Now to give you my opinion of what you should be doing - only you can determine whether or not you want to masturbate or have sexual relations while you have Peyronies Disease symptoms. The amount of sexual activity can only be determined by you based on how much time you care to devote to those activities. So, you decide that course of action.

It is the considered opinion of many on this forum including myself that firmly believe good continued blood flow into and out of the corporal chambers can only be of benefit for Peyronies Disease. So, anything you can do to help that will be to your advantage whether or not it is masturbation with a fully erect penis or with use of a VED and its protocol. Strongly suggest that you read all the posts relative VED usage, traction and any other topic on the Child Boards section of the main forum. The link to it is located on the home page just under the link to the main forum board. Select any topic there, especially the VED topic, and you can read compiled posts relative VED usage and protocols for their use.

For many of us, the VED therapy has proved to be of great value in getting rid of Peyronies Disease and also helping with getting erections when ED is present. There are posts relating to the success with VED therapy on the Child Boards too as well as those scattered among posts on other topics.

As far as taking supplements along with any other therapy treatment, that would be up to you also. There are many supplements that have been tried by members and their results or lack of results is posted in the oral treatment topic. So, bottom line is, you should do your homework by reading as many posts about any subject you desire.

I am sure that you will have more questions, so feel free to ask away and we all will be glad to assist you in any way possible. In the meantime, try to remain calm and realize that you do have to get started on some form of therapy as soon as possible.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Sorry could someone reply to my earlier post:

"When it plugs the diameter of the tube, if the penis still has more room to expand then from a girth perspective doesn't that sort of restrict the penis (i.e. it's not good in terms of girth - whilst the penis is "learning" to be straighter it's also being compressed ? Isn't the optimal solution to have the diameter such that it perfectly accomodates one's penis diamter wise BUT doesn't allow any curve to form so you still get the longitudinal stretch? (Although this may mean some sort of home made apparatus)."

I'm basically asking is there any damage if the smallest tube is too small diameter wise to accomodate one's penile girth upon full erection with the VED ? Do people find this is not really a problem anyway ?

I plan to ONLY use the smallest tube to try and correct a congenital 40 degree downward curve, so i am not following the recommonded protocol (but i have a bit of a waisting effect so i don't know if the smallest tube will help with that). Is this ok?  OldMan et al ?



IMHO If you don't want to follow the protocol why bother?
The protocol is tried and proven and only using one step will not help you.


Quote from: jackp on December 15, 2008, 07:23:09 AM

IMHO If you don't want to follow the protocol why bother?
The protocol is tried and proven and only using one step will not help you.

Because i am wanting to correct my downward congenital curve.....i dont know why putting it in the larger cylinder will help because the curve will be able to take shape in it. I want to only use the smaller tube so it always promotes strecthing of the shorter side/tissues.

Old Man


I agree with JackP. If you are not going to follow the presented proven protocol, why continue? The small cylinder is designed to help your penis learn to become straight again. However, I must tell you that there are very few, if any, cases of congenital curvature that the VED protocol has helped. Congenital conditions have been there from birth and are caused by some problem when the male sexual organs are being formed in the womb. It is recognized that congenital curves if not very bad, are usually not considered to be of any great detriment for having sex.

In fact, some women like the curve as it touches parts of their anatomy that otherwise do not get touched during normal sexual activity. There are many web sites that explain the different positions of sexual relations and some that I have visited do not address congenital curvature as being "out of the ordinary shape" of penises.

I still highly recommend that if you are going to use the VED for helping with your curves that you maintain the protocol to the letter by the week as it is presented. But, remember that congenital curves are not very likely to see any results from VED therapy. It will keep your penis more healthy by inducing a better blood flow into and out of the corporal chambers.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Ok well I just recently found out I have peyronies disease. I am only 17 and my question is. Is it to early to start this therapy the VED's? I should wait right?


Quote from: Old Man on December 15, 2008, 02:27:43 PM

I agree with JackP. If you are not going to follow the presented proven protocol, why continue? The small cylinder is designed to help your penis learn to become straight again. However, I must tell you that there are very few, if any, cases of congenital curvature that the VED protocol has helped. Congenital conditions have been there from birth and are caused by some problem when the male sexual organs are being formed in the womb. It is recognized that congenital curves if not very bad, are usually not considered to be of any great detriment for having sex.

Maybe there are no cases of congenital curves being helped with the VED because no one has tried and stuck at it long enough ?



Not only has no one tried it but no one has tried it using the graduated cylinder technique, which is the key factor. There are some negative reports about VED's helping (ie not helping) congenital curve on PE sites - but again, they did not do the narrow cylinder technique, which clearly exerts a longitudinal pull on the curved penis that a large cylinder alone does not.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Question gentlemen.

My doc suggested waiting 1 month (after starting Pentox) before stressing the penis in any way (he mentioned traction, PE etc) Should that be the approach with VED as well? He told me it takes Pentox a month to establish a beneficial rapport with the body. I should add that my Peyronies Disease is considered "active" at the present time although the "activity" so to speak seems to have at least temporarily stabilized to me, at least a month or two prior to starting Pentox last week.




hey everyone,
i'd had a cheap one that scared me that it might do more harm than good.

Just got the nice 3 cylinder "vitality" one from Fitzz! man, it's really good quality! very excited.

my question before i start the 26 week protocol is:
- do i do the 10 cycles all at once, or spread over the day?
- do i just do one set of 10 cycles or can i do it twice in a day (equaling 20 cycles)
(i'm assuming it's one set of 10, all at once, one set each day - but this isn't something i want to get wrong!)

that should be all i need to know to get started.

thanks a ton for all the support and guidance!

Old Man


Glad that you have gotten the new Vitality OTC three cylinder model VED. You have chosen a very good one for Peyronies Disease therapy.

Yes, you should follow the 26 week protocol to the letter. It is posted in the Child Boards section and the link to it shown just below the link to the main forum topic page. There are two protocols listed there, one for the homemade VEDs using three separate cylinder assemblies and one for the three cylinder purchased manual model VEDs.

The heading of the one you should be using (purchased VED protocol) has several lead in comments about the VEDs. There foot notes at the bottom that explain how the cycles work and roughly how many you should use each therapy session.

Now about the questions: You do the 10 cycles all in one therapy session - not spread out over the day. For the first week or two you should only use one 10 cycle session per day to allow your penis to get used to the vacuum pressure. CAUTION NOTE: DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT OVERPUMP THE VACUUM PRESSURE AT ANY TIME. LESS IN THIS CASE IS BETTER - NOT MORE!!!  If you feel any discomfort or pain while pumping, you are doing something wrong, so discover the cause and correct it before proceeding with the pumping cycles. Above all, use enough lubricant so that your penis slides easily into and out of the cylinders, especially when using all three with the small cylinder in place.

After you have mastered the procedure and become comfortable with the exercises, you can increase the number of cycles from 10 to any higher number so long as you feel no pair or discomfort from the longer sessions. You can even do two sessions per day but do not overdo either one. Only you can determine when you have reached your physical limit without pain or discomfort, so pump wisely and do not cause further trauma to your most prized possession.

Follow the instructions that came with the unit to assemble it and I would strongly suggest that you practice using all three cylinders with very low pressure for a few days prior to beginning the 26 week protocol. You should become thoroughly familiar with the VED operation and know your limits of pressure before embarking on the daily schedule.

Again, do not overpump the pressure at any time while using the VED. If you have an ED problem and need the VED to achieve erections, have venous leakage and require the use of restrictor ring, be careful to use the correct tension ring. In case you do use the restriction rings practice with the VED and placing them on your penis to determine which one has the correct tension. You do not need to use too much tension, only enough to hold up your erection to be able to complete a sexual activity, etc.

Final note: Always use enough lubricant to allow for ease of entering and sliding action of your penis in the cylinders. Will be glad to answer any further questions you might have, we are all here to assist in any way. Best to you and happy pumping!!

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


    I had a nerve saving (Ha) prostatectomy exactly 2 years ago and have had hell of a time getting an erection. I used all the oral drugs with no effect and then turned to injections. Could no do much with that until TriMix. After a few 90% erections I developed Peyronies. Had an upward banana curve, lost 1.5 inches in length, and have a center indention.
   Thanks for this forum! I purchased a Vitality unit six months ago and now have a pretty straight penis, still shorter and with the indention. I still cannot get a full erection I can use after swearing off the injections. I can get about 70% with self or oral stimulation, so I can see it may be coming back.
    My question: today I masturbated after a Vitality session and had some kind of ejaculation. Is this possible? I have been dry since the surgery and orgasms have been quite wonderful.
    Your thoughts, please.

Old Man


Well now, you should be proud that you reached a climax and experienced an ejaculation no matter the size or amount, etc. It is not very common for ejaculation to occur after any surgical removal of the prostate, but in some cases it can occur and you should consider yourself fortunate to do so. However, I imagine that it was only the fluid from reproductive glands other than the prostate. There are seven glands that make up the repro glands complex and they could have had pent up fluids that were ejaculated.

Even though the prostate gland no longer is one's body, the nerves will still allow one to reach a climax and experience the "feeling" of ejaculation up to and including the spastic reflexes that accompany an ejaculation. I am almost 14 years out from a radical non nerve sparing surgery and I can still have both sensations while having sex, just no external fluid ejaculation.

Now if you do not experience a full erection with self manipulation or foreplay with your partner, you can always use the Vitality VED for an erection and use the retainer ring(s) to help hold up the erection long enough for penetrative sex or masturbation. You have to practice with the tension rings until you find the right one that works best for you.

Hope this helps,

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I tried the rings once and it was too large to hold erection. Tried again with smaller ring and it held not long enough through foreplay. She said it felt cold and sensation was not good for me. Is there good sensation if done properly?

Old Man


There is some loss of sensation using the rings for erections, but with the proper sizing and tension, it should not do what you experienced. Sometimes ones partner does feel a colder feeling of the penis. You may have to use two rings. If your VED came with several sized rings and different tensions, you need to practice pumping up, placing the rings on and wait for a period of time to see if it will hold up the erection (not more than 30 minutes though). Keep trying the various sizes and tension this way until you find the right combination of ring or rings.

As the rings get older, they lose their tension and almost always two have to be used then. It does take a bit of practice to get used to using the rings and finding the right fit, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

double eagle

Merry Christmas to me! Just ordered the Vitality 3 cylinder VED using the coupon code and free shipping from Fitzz!

I can't wait to get going, now that the pain is subsiding! This will marry nicely with my daily exercise routine, just exercising a different part of the body!

I haven't felt this pumped about getting started battling this before, basically been waiting for the pain to go away and fighting the urge to fall into "victim-ville".

To straighter days ahead.  8)


To whom it may concern ?

I started using my SOMA manual pump VED for the first time today starting your posted 26 week protocol. After my first 10 cycle exercise I felt no pain or discomfort but noticed three small ( 1/8" dia. ) red dots, two on the shaft and one on the head of my penis - did I over do it ? Do I now need to wait until they go away before I resume or can I continue tomorrow with my second session. Again, I felt no pain and see no brusing.


Old Man


OK, now that you have your VED and starting out on the journey of the protocol you are on the right road. Yes, you might have overpumped the pressure since it was your first time. You should be certain that the red dots you see are not open and possible subject to bleeding. If you see any more with the next pumping cycle, you should stop for a few days before continuing with the therapy.

The watchword for VED usage is CAUTION. Exercise extreme caution when pumping, pump slowly, wait a few seconds between each pump cycle to allow the blood to flow in easily. Too fast pumping will also cause an extreme amount of vacuum pressure which it not necessary. VED therapy is a case where less is more.

You are on the road to good results if you use your best judgment when using the VED. Again, be careful and you will receive more benefits than if you overdo it.

If you have any question at all about using the VED, don't hesitate to ask. It is better to be safe than sorry. There is little chance of any trauma using the VED if used properly.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man,

Thanks for the quick response with encouragement and knowledge. Checking out the dots just now shows no bleeding and some fadding in color so I will continue tomorrow with a little more care with the vaccum pressure.

Thank you and Merry Christmas,



I can attest as well to old mans good advice (hes got the most experience with ved's on this forum).  I did the 26 week protocol and I to got red dots in the beginning, they will go away in time, your body will get used to the pumping.  Right now it is not, but you need to take it slow, the biggest key to avoiding the red dots is not to pump it up quickly from flaccid to erection, take it slow, its easy to want to pump like your pumping a basketball, dont do this!  In the beginning I just toyed around with the pump, and got familiar, after awhile I created my own protocol holding each pump for 30 seconds.  It should be noted that pentox is a blood thinner, if you are on this there is an increased chance that you will see red dots when you pump.  Good luck to you!




I just recieved my 3pc vitality ved from fitzz, but I cant seem to slide all 3 cylinders into each other with the sealing ring in place. Is there some instructions somewhere, I cant believe it should be that hard. also what is the cone shaped piece for? thanks for any replies as i am anctious to get started with the 26 week protical. thanks again



:) OK, My first admission is that I am totally ignorant about this specific VED but many VEDs come with a cone shaped piece to facilitate stretching and mounting a retaining ring onto the VED barrel which is laster transferred from the barrel to the penis.  This is of course ONLY for those that cannot maintain an erection without a retailer ring and has nothing to do with VED treatment for Peyronies Disease.

Hopefully someone will come along in a few hours that knows more and add to or correct any misinformation in this post.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


OK, you have received your Vitality three cylinder VED and need some help. First, the sizing or retainer rings must be removed from the large cylinder before you can assemble the others inside each other. Assemble it like this: Mount the large cylinder onto the pump assy. first, then slide the medium sized cylinder into it and lastly slide the small cylinder inside the medium one. After you have gotten all three mounted, make sure that they slide all the way in before replacing the sizing rings. Once you had done this, the unit is then ready for use.

A word or two about using the VED therapy - 1. use plenty of lubricant on your penis and well up inside the cylinder or cylinders to provide a very slippery surface so that the penis slides up and down inside easily. 2. DO NOT OVERPUMP THE VACUUM AT ANY TIME DURING THE EXERCISE CYCLES. 3. Practice assembling and using the exercises very gently for the first few days before embarking on the 26 week protocol. Also, you should shave off enough of your pubic hair around the base of the shaft to preclude the hair from being drawn up into the cylinder while pumping. Note: the lubricant that came with the package will not last very long, so I suggest that you purchase a generic brand like that which is available from WalMart under the Equate Personal Lubricant label as the cost is about $2.00 per container.  It is much cheaper than ordering more of the brand name stuff.

The reason that instructions did not come with the package is that it is an over the counter model which is basically the same unit as the Somaerect but it much more economical to purchase. Therefore, the "frills" do not come with the package since that reduces the cost, etc. It is a very good durable medical quality unit though. It is about one half the cost or less than the Somaerect prescription model VED.

Will be glad to help you in any way to get established in the VED therapy. You should follow the 26 week procotol for the three cylinder VED that is published in the Child Boards thread on the home page of the forum. Go to the Home Page link, open it and you will see the Child Boards link just below the link to the main forum page. The protocol you should follow is shown as the one for the three cylinder model VEDs. The other protocol is for those guys who made their own one cylinder separate units but have three sizes, etc. Once you have started the 26 week protocol be sure that you stay on course with it and do the exercises at least once a day per the schedule. If you have any question about the protocol let us know.

Let me know if I can help further.

Old Man

PS: The cone shaped device is used for sliding the retainer rings (not the sizing rings) that are used for holding up erections if one has ED and needs them. If you do not have an ED problems, you will not need them. If you do have ED and need the rings and use the cone device, use plenty lubricant on the cone and the rings to prevent damage to them. CAUTION: DO NOT USING THE ED RETAINER RINGS AT ANY TIME WHEN USING THE VED FOR Peyronies Disease THERAPY.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


     Here is a direct link to the Child Boards post with the 26 week protocol.,439.0.html

     I will echo Old Mans words and add this: Expect good things to happen from VED therapy, and also expect to make a committment of time and regular, scheduled use to the therapy. I have followed the stories of VED users who post here for years, and it is clear that positive results stories are accompanied by the users committment to daily use of the VED and following the guidelines for its use. You cannot expect results if you use the VED once every week or two; the key to any physical therapy program is regularity. And the VED used for Peyronies relief is a form of physical therapy. Stick to the guidelines; don't pump up too much and too hard... reasonable vacuum used regularly is the best. And if you get frustrated with a leaky seal, pinching, working the pump, the lubricant or any number of things, post your questions here for answers. Some of us (including me) have made the VED blunders new users encounter and we can usually explain what's going on and to help reduce your anxiety.  


thanks for the responce. I'll see if I can make it work tonight. Again thanks


Has anyone seen this on htttp://

Q: There has been considerable discussion on various forums about the three cylinder vacuum erection device study being done in Birmingham, Alabama by the Birmingham Urology group. What is your best considered opinion about vacuum therapy, especially using the three cylinder VED, for Peyronies Disease symptoms? Also, what is your opinion of the hand manipulated jelqing or milking action being suggested for penile enhancement and/or enlargement?

Dr Levine Answers: The vacuum therapy has been suggested for several years to be a potential treatment for Peyronie's disease to stretch the scar tissue and thereby result in straightening. Unfortunately, there are only anecdotal, unpublished reports on this approach. Currently there is a study in Chicago comparing the results of verapamil alone to verapamil plus vacuum therapy, using the three piece vacuum system. The results of this study are not yet available, but in my opinion, it does seem to make sense to combine medical therapy with the hope that the drug may affect fibroblast behavior, which is responsible for the scarring, as well as applying mechanical forces to stretch the tissue and to encourage further remodeling and straightening of the penis. The key is that the device needs to be applied daily for no longer than 30 minutes per treatment, but these treatments can be done 2-3 times per day if the time is available to do so. So far there have been very few reports in the medical literature that a vacuum device would cause Peyronie's disease, but again it is unlikely that the device so much causes it as it does result in an erection which can then be injured activating Peyronie's disease in the susceptible individual. Currently I am using combination therapy of verapamil injection with external vacuum therapy using the three cylinder VED device.

What do you guys think?


Sorry guys, this was what I was actually intending to post, my bad :/ this is Dr. Levine's take on the whole thing:

What is the proper procedure when using the 3-cylinder vacuum therapy device?

The 3-cylinder (SOMA) vacuum device has been recommended as a non-surgical treatment for Peyronie's disease.  My personal approach has been to start with the largest cylinder so as to accommodate the curvature when it first presents.  As the curvature and deformity responds to the pressures created by the vacuum tube, one should progressively go to the middle and then the smallest of the caliber cylinders.  I typically recommend that this progression occur after at least one month of use of each cylinder, which should be applied for 20-30 minutes at least once, but possibly better 2-3 times per day.   There is no need to apply the constriction band.  I recommend that the pressure be maintained throughout the 20-30 minute treatment period rather than using a repetitive inflate/deflate process.  It seems to me the effects of traction are best transmitted with prolonged application rather than with intermittent application.  So far there are no published reports showing benefit with traction therapy, but hopefully a formal trial will be conducted in the near future which will provide better insight as to whether vacuum therapy really works to correct Peyronies Disease deformity.



Welcome to the forum.  I want to caution you about cutting and pasting material from other websites.  When I do that I get permission or at least have good reason to believe that there is no objection by the owner of the data.

pasting a sentence or describing the information in your own words is not a problem.

The organization you pasted from (APDA) has specifically lodged very strong complaint in the past when another website (not ours) published no more than the publicly available contact information of Urologists that the APDA felt should appear only on their website.  It may or may not have been a direct cut and paste from the APDA website.  It was however readily available info.  Hopefully you see the potential issue if someone wants to make an issue.



Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Understood Hawk and thanks for all your hard work here, wont happen again. That said, and the info already up, lemme know if you have any advice on this. I've been talking to Old Man about some things and he's got some great advice however, i just wanted to be a bit more "involved" with the rest of you guys. I have a strange case and am diligently working to correct it.


Old Man


Yes, as Hawk says all along, any information that would be of interest should be kept on the main forum so that all can see. However, personal information that applies only to one's self can be kept private through PMs.

After you have done the protocol for several weeks, post your results positive or negative. We need to stay abreast of what is best in Peyronies Disease therapy.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Anyone here actually tried or heard anything positive or negative about the Bathmate hydrotherapy vacuum system?

and of course their claim "may help with Peyronie's Disease"

Old Man


I visited the web site for the Bathmate vacuum device and looked at the video and read the literature that explains the features of the device. It probably would work for getting erections if one only has a problem with getting an erection and not having a problem holding one. There appears to be no retainer ring or rings to hold up an erection if one is needed, etc. Also, the quality appears to be questionable, but without actually seeing the device in person, I reserve my opinion on that feature.

As far as using the device for Peyronies Disease therapy, it should work if one uses the required caution in using any VED. However, it only has the one cylinder and therefore would not provide the benefit of the three cylinder model VEDs.

My opinion is that it would not of a very good medical quality device for Peyronies Disease therapy.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


hm... I ordered the three cylinder VED from Fitzz (as recommended by Old Man) a few days ago. Today I have received the package, but I found the one cylinder model in it...  :( I hope Fitzz will take it back without making problems. I have paid $103.66 for shipment (I live in Europe) and I don't want to pay that again for sending back the one cylinder model and receiving the correct one... ???

Old Man


WOW! Something went wrong in the translation. Are your sure that you ordered the right stock number? Recheck your order and make sure that you used the right one.

I have no idea if you could get the other cylinders by themselves or not. Iceman had the same problem way back when. He might give us some insight as to how he resolved his problem.

In the meantime, try to get in touch with the company and talk with them is person about what to do.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man
I definitely ordered the three cylinder model and they also billed my credit card with the "correct" price: so I ordered and paid the three cylinder model and I received the one cylinder model...

I already wrote a message to the company (using the contact form on their website), but no answer yet...



If you ordered the correct unit and they billed you for the correct unit, then it is their error to fully correct.  The party responsible for the error is responsible to bear the total cost of that mistake.  It is a pretty well accepted principle of life.

I have reason to think that Fitzz is a reputable company that will do the right thing.  If they do not, we want to hear about it here.  Conveying information about companies (both positive and negative) is one of the benefits we provide to the Peyronies Disease community.

Keep us informed


PS: Feel free to let them know you have discussed the issue on the PDS forum and that we are interested in the outcome since they are often recommended as a supplier on this forum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


I have discussed problems like this with Fitzz before and if you want me to, I will try to get in touch with my  contact there. What do you think?

Old Man

PS: Since didi is in another country, might save him some LD charges.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.