VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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Quote from: Tim468 on October 16, 2008, 10:24:53 PM
I am not sure if blood is refreshed at all during an erection, but I suspect that it is. If it remained stagnant it would seem to be at risk of coagulation and/or severe hypoxemia.


I think that is the entire reason that priapism can and does destroy the penis.  The blood is not refreshed at least not fast enough to keep up with dangerous processes that take place with prolonged erection.  When I was on Bimix injections it was explained that a momentary loss of erection started the timer over as far as a dangerous 3 to 4 hour erection was concerned.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on October 17, 2008, 12:54:29 AM
I think that is the entire reason that priapism can and does destroy the penis.  The blood is not refreshed at least not fast enough to keep up with dangerous processes that take place with prolonged erection.  When I was on Bimix injections it was explained that a momentary loss of erection started the timer over as far as a dangerous 3 to 4 hour erection was concerned.

From a completely hypothetical point of view, if in future there was a method of keeping the blood renewed/oxygenated to the point where a permenant erection without damage was possible, how would this impact the healing process of someone with suspected peyronies but no curve as yet? Would they still develop a curve, or would the strength of the erection mean that it would heal in that position? I know it's an odd question, but I'm always interested in off the wall angles.

I guess in a round about way what I am really thinking about (but taking to an unattainable extreme) is how reduced curvature would be in those in a very early stage of peyronies (without existing curvature) if they used methods to remain erect or 'stretched' for extended periods of time (viagra, VED, traction). Most of us of course do not have the privalege of being on that position, but its still something of interest.


Other than difficulty in wearing pants and going to work without being embarrassed, I think a permanent erection sounds great!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Goodmorning all,I am in my 23rd weed of the VED protocol.I take 1000mg of ALC 2 times a day.I take 400 mg of Trental (pentox) 3 times a day and 400 mg of Vitamin E 2 times a day.I marked my VED tube after the first couple times of use.It appeares that I have gained in lenghth about 3/4 of an inch(thats how wide the electrical tape is)What seemes to be the issue here is in the facid stage,I seem to be smaller and at times go turtle!I have to say,I don't think Ive gotten worse but I have'nt gotten better either.I do this rutine religiously and very rarely ever miss a day of VED.I am going to New Haven on the 29th to be part of the Xiaflex testing and I will have to stop everything 28 days after my first visit.Any input out there????Thank you,Ticker

Entered "(pentox)" for clarification to readers

Old Man


Glad to see that you posted your results after 23 weeks of VED therapy exercises. The gain in length you realized is a positive result. Even though you are experiencing a bit of turtle effect, don't let that deter you from continuing with the vacuum therapy. Entering the Xiaflex study might bring better results, so keep us informed as the study progresses.

As has been stated all along on this forum, VED therapy does not produce results for all, but does for the majority, yourself included in that you gained back some lost length. VED therapy is not the "ultimate treatment" but is just one approach to helping.

Thanks for posting your results, and continue to post results of VED therapy and the study you are about to enter.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



You are doing what you can to help yourself. You have gone to extraordinary lengths to get better - and for that you will benefit even if you are not cured. So many here complain but do not take much in the way of action to get better as have you. I'm inspired to keep working for my own health as you are doing.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I am in week 2 of the 26 week plan with the Vitality 3-tube VED.

I am using the small tube A with both rubber inserts in the base of the device.

It feels like it is mostly my skin being stretched. It seems like not enough skin is being drawn into the tube to allow most or all the pull to be on the tunica.

The skin on my penis is quite loose and I should be able to stretch my penis without pulling on the skin.

Next time I am going to try using only the larger of the two rubber rings in the base.

I am concerned that my use of the device so far might not have been as effective as it might have been because the pull on the skin limited the vacuum I pumped.

Does anyone have any comments or suggestions?


Old Man


From your description of the skin pulling effect while using both inserts with the small A cylinder sounds like you are not lubricating your penis enough. You must lubricat the shaft of your penis quite well before inserting it into the cylinder. Also, you must lubricate the inside of the cylinder as far as you can up into the "barrel" of the cylinder. Some have suggested that using a baby bottle cleaning brush would help lubricate it further out than you can reach with a finger.

Staying with the protocol as close as possible produces the better results. The purpose of the small cylinder is to prevent the penile shaft from bending while being stretched in the cylinder. Keeping it a straighter position helps remold or remodel the shaft with the plaque/nodules, etc.

If using both inserts with the small cylinder is just too tight, you could remove the smaller one. However, this could cause a pinching effect of the skin while pumping up to a medium to large amount of pressure. Again, check to see that you are using enough lubricant to keep the skin sliding well up and down in the cylinder while going through the cycles of pumping up and releasing.

There are a lot of posts on the forum regarding using the VED, so you might want to do a search using the term VED or VED usage in the search block.

Feel free to ask any and all questions regarding VED usage and I am sure that some of us can give you any help needed.

Sorry that you are having this problem, but practice slowly and methodically with the VED and you should see good results.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I use variable sized individual cylinders, and a hand pump, so I am not sure if this will work on the nesting-doll type of VED  ;)

When I pump, I pump and release repeatedly to gradually fill with blood. Additionally (hard to describe this with words, so bear with me), I hold the pump about a half inch away from the penis base as I pump up to draw the penis and skin into the cylinder. Only when it is full and fairly tight in the cylinder (about 80% done with the last pump) do I let the cylinder settle down to the base against my abdominal wall.

What this does is prevent the flared base of the cylinder from sealing prematurely against the abdominal wall and prevent the last bit of skin from sliding in (at least painlessly - it will go in but only with a lot of pinching).

Here is an analogy... imagine putting on a sock, then sliding it down you leg until there was a fold of material at the base. Now imagine putting on the shoe and tying it tight such that the bottom fold of material was caught in the top part of the shoe. Now when you go to pull your sock up, it is stuck - it will pop out with a lot of pressure, but if it was skin it will hurt.

Thus, for me, when I do this I am wet with soap and in the tub (I more frequently stand up now after hearing it is easier to do standing than lying - true for me too). I pumpt and release until nearly ready, then pump it up and in gradually, holding it away from me with some tension, allowing all my skin to slide in. Only when it is all in and stretching a bit do I let it settle in for the last 1/4 inch and set up firmly at the abdominal wall. I am not sure I have been able to paint a good picture of this, but I hope so.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


In the case of congenital curvature does anyone think VED's may help? The uro's i've seen suggest it won't do anything and that the only cure is surgery.

Old Man


Based on my long experience with Peyronies Disease, many therapies, treatments with meds and other things, I see no reason why VED therapy would help with congenital curvature in any way.

The curve is one that a person is born with and there has been no methods other than surgery to correct the problem. In most cases, this curvature, unless it prevents penetration for sex, does not need to be corrected. Correcting it might make one feel better about himself, but surgery should be the last resort in any case.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I'm not sure whether the VED is able to stretch normal tissue in most people. It's not something I've ever needed to think about. I have seen a couple of claims of non-peyronies curve correction on anotehr site though via VED use. Personally I feel that it may be possible in some cases to correct or lessen congenital curves via traction, based on the principal that tissue can be stretched over time. If one area of the penis is shorter than the other, the tension would be on that area hence there is a chance that over time an improvement could be seen. It could take years though, and involve more and more tension (very risk). Who knows, it may not work at all. Plus I doubt it's even been attempted all that many times, and it could be dangerous. For a person not suffering from peyronies, I would think it a big risk to go down this path because it could result in peyronies in the shorter side, hence a dramatic worstening of the situation. Ultimately as Old Man says the extent of the curve will result in whether or not action should be taken via surgery or any other course of action.


In terms of why the VED helps in Peyronie's, and if it might help in congenital curvature, I come to precisely the opposite conclusion as Old Man - it might help.

It is a hypothesis that has not been tested. But it makes sense that a stretch applied to the short side would differentially lengthen it compared to the (already) longer side.

Since this is what we think the VED does to Peyronie's Disease affected tunica, I see no reason it would not help others as well - if done the way we do it with narrower cylinders.

In the penis enlargement (PE) community, it seems that the VED does not work as well as the stretching methods do - and this comes back to the issue raised by Robert the entrepreneur that a longer application of gentle stretch is likely to lead to better gains than a shorter period of time. Interestingly, those folks do not generally believe they can affect curvature by PE methods. What they do not do, though, is use the narrower cylinders that apply a differential stretch to one side.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thinking back, I do remember reading a post on the most popular penis enlargement site, where the poster claimed to have corrected a curve solely via VED use. Of course it's hard to know for sure whether there is truth to the claim but it's something to think about.


VED usage will not make the penis larger than what you were born to have.
In my experience with shortening from Peyronies Disease it will help. I went about 12 years before I found this forum and Old Man. I took his advice and with my single cylinder Rx VED was able to gain back almost 1/2 inch in about 1 year. Doctor said that was all I could get because of the peyronies scar on top of my penis.
4 months ago when I was at Vanderbilt for the 1st time I asked the doctor about VED usage. He said most defiantly keep it up until about 2 days before the implant. He said that VED use helped but be careful not to hurt yourself.
IMHO VED usage will not help for penile enlargement. It will help with shrinkage and the sooner you start the better result.
I am now 10 days post op for a penile implant. The difference flaccid is better than expected. The doctor after surgery said that when you are healed you will be "Very Happy with the outcome."
The longer you wait with penile shrinkage the less chances of regaining size. I do not think my implant result would have been as good without the year of proper VED exercise.


Hi all,
I have been reading here for a long time, but this is (I believe) my first post. I wasn't sure if clicking the 'reply' button was the proper way to post. If not, please excuse me. Also, sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for your help. Hope my post is not too candid.
Having used a VED (and many other methods) for a long time, I wanted to make a few comments. First, I must agree with some of the contributors when they say that I honestly don't think that using a VED will increase length beyond that of your 'normal/original' length. Mechanically, it seems as though it would, but the corpus Cavernosum [CC] (while spongy), is like one of those black rubber tie-down straps you buy to hold down a tarp. You can hook one of those to two points, pulling it extremely taught for a long, long time (in fact, until it deteriorates and breaks), yet when you remove it, it returns to very near its original length. Granted, this is a synthetic material and I don't say this to discourage, but experience over a long period of time has shown (me and others) this to be true. One other important note: Because the CC (and the outer skin and other components of the penis) IS human tissue, ANY stretching equals damage and damage equals scarring. Scarring, in the case of an elastic member like the penis can translate to shrinkage. This is why men who use a VED will sometimes see 'turtling' after extended and/or long term usage. This is the elasticity pulling back after stretching and then, later in the day or the next, some turtling. It would seem that, as one person mentioned, stretching over a long period of time CONTINUOUSLY, the way some of the extender devices work, WOULD in fact, stretch and add some length. By stretching and HOLDING, the penis would heal in the 'stretched (scarred?) position. And this may be why some guys DO see a slight increase. The problem is that, just like the rubber tie-down, the penis is EXTEMELY resilient. Don't forget that when scarring occurs, it doesn't just happen and stop. It is sort of like a bruise, in that it takes time and spreads outward from the point of injury for some distance.
So then, what IS the best answer? Of course, it's different for everyone. As for lengthening and fattening, some of the surgeries, such as suspensory ligament release and fat deposit surgery seem to offer some help, but most of these report being unsatisfied with the results. To be honest, it might be about doing what you can and must in the bedroom and living with what you have been given, in between (as for as size goes).
Having weighed all the options, used nearly everyone of them over time, read, talked and researched for years about them, inasmuch as VED's go, using the VED for sex (with a constrictor ring) works best for me and I would suspect would for many. The drawbacks in this process are: of course it inhibits impulsive sex to some degree. Especially for single guys like myself, that seems to be an issue. But moreso for us than them. With a few exceptions, most of the women I've been with either could care less, or find it interesting (!). And these are (I hate to say it) short-term and one-night-stand's! So, if THEY can handle it, I daresay, someone who CARES could certainly. I don't mean to oversimplify the psych issues here. Also, over time, using a VED with a ring, especially if you are not careful to remove it within a reasonable amount of time, seems to cause sensitivity problems with the Glans/Corona. I take niacin to try and counter this and don't ride bikes with pointy seats- ever. One nice thing that the VED gives that cannot be obtained by some of the most 'obscene' erections I've had with injections (which can be pretty amazing) is the increase in head size. This is also something partners appreciate.
Viagra is great, but if you already have bloodflow problems, it gives you a 'sloppy', flimsy erection. Injections, as I mentioned before, can be fantastic, but have a ton of undesirable side effects: SEVERE scarring which leads to shortening (serious shortening) and plaque buildup which causes poor quality erections (why do you suppose so many guys who have implants were injection patients previously?). Additionally, some resistance to the drugs DOES happen, causing the mixture to be less effective over time, the stuff is QUITE expensive (not to mention the repeated doctor visits for re-evaluation periodically), poking a needle into you penis is not fun, and hey... you want to talk about not being able to be impulsive with sex (!?). To top it all off, priapism is a real danger with it. Nonetheless, I still use it occasionally, depending.
As for implants, it seems to be the best out for many, but like injections, there are so many complications and possible complications. Infection, limited usage time (about 10 years), costly and many insurance plans, like BCBS won't cover it no matter. Then, you hear horror stories of guys who have real problems with the things breaking, leaking and being uncomfortable. If the thing fails, can you still use a VED to achieve an erection while it's still implanted? Haven't asked, but it would be ashamed if you couldn't even go back to the VED. Well, good luck all. Thanks for this forum where we can discuss this issue. I know it's difficult sometimes for some women to understand just how important this is to us and thank heaven for those that do.

Old Man


Great post about a lot of things that can and will happen with ED, Peyronies Disease and other men's health issues.

You asked if the VED could still be used after an implant fails. I can only be answer it this way: yes, a VED can be used after implants fail, but extreme caution must be exercised not to overpump the pressure that could cause the implant to separate in the corporal chambers. Some implant surgeons are beginning to prescribe a VED to implement the implant if it (implant) does not provide enough of an erection to perform sex. Again, extreme caution should be exercised to prevent complications stated above.

I know of one or two guy in my area of the country that had implants done and their surgeons prescribed a VED to be used only for erections to perform sex. They exercised their penises several times a week to keep the implant devices in good working order, but did not use the VED during those exercises. One of the biggest problems that causes an implant to fail is the lack of cycling the "system" through erections on a timely basis to keep the parts in good working order. Some guys have them last for up to 20 years before failing, etc.

IMHO though, an implant is considered the last resort unless there are compelling reasons for one to be done. One suggestion for you in posting - please break up your posts into paragraphs separated by a space or two between them for easier reading for us old guys with failing eyesight, thanks.

Hope this helps in some way.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks for your kind response. I will use that format in the future. I have some pretty serious scar tissue, but the VED seems to work for me at this time. My doctor had me consider an implant, although I have heard some pretty disappointing results even when they turn out good. What do you know about the 'fixed' or malleable implant? I hear they work well.

Old Man


OK, to answer your question about the type of implant that one would consider. There are at least three different models of implants with which I am familiar.

One is the fixed manual model which does not deflate, it just stays the same size all the time and becomes difficult to conceal in clothes. There is the two rods that inserted in the corporal chambers, etc.

The second one is what I call a semi pump up manual model which has a pump of sorts in the head end of the rods that you manipulate to close and then squeeze that portion to inflate the rods. To deflate, you manipulate the valves in the head portion and squeeze them down in size.

The third one is a three piece pump model that has a pump in the scrotum, the rods in the penis and a reservoir inserted somewhere in the abdomen. A valve on the pump is closed manually, then the pump is squeezed to inflate the rods to the desired amount of erection. To deflate, the valve is opened and then the rods squeezed to push the fluid back into the reservoir.

If I were considering having an implant done, I would elect for the three piece model which makes for the best overall setup to conceal and not be too obvious in ones clothing. It also provides a better overall operation and therefore IMHO a more successful situation.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I used the VED for over 2 years. The first year the instructions were not very clear and I, thinking more was better, caused a sore that took weeks to heal.
After failed implant 10/07 found this site and Old Man put me on the right exercise program.

Through that exercise program the corporal fibrosis got better and I gained back almost 1/2 inch lost to peyronies. Using the VED for sex was a love/hate thing. Loved the erection hated the tight constriction ring.

After the failed implant I started a lot of research. For information on implants google AMS 700. There you will find the different types available. I went to at least 4 other urologist here and I knew more than most of them. Finally I found a local doctor that refereed me the Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt.

I was very impressed with him and his staff. October 23rd he implanted a AMS 700 LGX for me. When I woke up from this surgery I knew everything went well, kept telling the nurse I had to pee she reassured me everything went well and the Foley was normal. Dr. Milan came in and told me that I would be more than happy with the result. (I am so far.)

The pain is mostly gone now and I can feel the implant with my fingers, but I leave it alone and only do as directed by pulling the pump into place.

If you are considering an Implant make sure the doctor you use does at least 100 of these a year, and uses the AMS 700 LGX.




so you were using VED and it helped you with the corporal fibrosis, you achieved some success with it - gaining almost half an inch back - but still not good to have natural erections or to perform sex?
So if I understand well, the VED helped you only in restoring the lenght (and girth maybe) but the function was unchanged? And hence the implant surgery?

So my general question (I am sorry if it's too trivial): Except the tissue remodelling, does the VED also help restoring penis functions (better erections, better ability to maintain erections)?


Old Man


I will inject my 2 cents here about erections with VED exercises. Yes, you will achieve much better erections with the VED exercises. If you have no problem with natural erections, the VED will add to those by engorging more and more blood flow with the vacuum pressure. In turn, the erectile tissue will tend to stay in the stretched condition much longer by using the VED.

Traction does not cause more blood flow and therefore does little to add to better erections. Some here will differ with me on that but my experience with both exercises says that the VED wil give one more gain in dimensions overall in length as well as girth.

So, bottom line, if you can achieve natural erections but are not very firm or erect enough for real good sex, then the VED with the restrictor ring(s) can and will assist one in having better erections overall.

Jackp will probably be able to implement my position with added comments from his experience with the VED.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hi all, havent posted in a while. I just wanted to report my progress. After 17 weeks using ved I am disappointed. I have no improvement, and I think I am a bit worse actually, as far as curvature is concerned. I do however have much better erections and seem to have more feeling in my penis. I am distressed by the amount of scar tissue in my penis. It seems to almost entirely cover the top and sides of my penis. When I use A and B cylinders I am straight. But when I use C the largest, I notice a curve. When I started using the ved I was straight in all cylinders. I can only assume that the plaque on top of my penis has gotten harder. Old Man, you have been a great inspiration to me, and I have been faithfully using ved everyday. I just hope that over time I will eventually achieve some softening of the scar tissue. I notice that thickness of my penis is restored after use of ved. At least temporarily. Is there any hope for any of us? Any thing in the pipeline that sounds remotely positive? I continue to pray for all men afflicted with this horrible disease. I hope all you guys hang in there and keep trying. I know I will. I will keep making occasional postings to report progress.


If peyronies had been my only problem.
I have Low Testesterone, Peyronies, Venous Leakage and Corporal Fibrosis. Also I believe my problems started with Sleep Apnea and the lack of night time erections contributed to the problems.
The year on the VED before the implant was just what I needed. My penis felt better and has restored about 1/2 inch lost to peyronies. I could feel the fibrosis getting better (took 3-6 months of daily use.)
I had to use the VED with constriction ring for sex. Too much damage for the VED alone.

So my general question (I am sorry if it's too trivial): Except the tissue remodelling, does the VED also help restoring penis functions (better erections, better ability to maintain erections)?

To answer your question. NO the the damage was to much for the VED to overcome. If I had started in 1995 may have been a different story.



old man,

continuing on Ralf's question, say fibrosis/penile shrinkage has caused venous leak and VED helps restore the shrinkage, will it close the leak also as the tissue will be able to stretch completly now... I knw its very difficult to answer but any personal experiences or hearsay..

Old Man


Sorry to hear that you have not seen any good results of the VED therapy. From what you are saying, your plaque and other symptoms came after you started using the VED. Sometimes this happens and that is why I always try to state the VED therapy does not work successfully for all. I know that you don't want to hear that, but I must be truthful about it. However, don't give up the ship just yet. I may take as much as a year or more on the VED to see good results. It has in some cases that I have seen.

Anyway, try and keep a positive attitude about it all and keep up the schedule to the letter.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.

Old Man


Venous leakage is a very difficult thing to overcome. Once the "valves" in the blood vessels become damaged to the degree that they don't function properly, it is hard for them to recover. Yes, in some cases venous leakage has been reduced enough to produce erections again, but they are usually only minimal and do not work well for sex.

In my case, venous leakage started about age 55. I started using a restrictor ring at that time to help hold up erections. Erections firm enough for sex were possible then, but they would leak down in minutes. So, using a restrictor ring (some call them cock rings) was used prior to getting erect and this would maintain an erection long enough for sex. Remember though, if these rings are used, they must be removed after about 30 minutes to preclude damage to the blood and tissue, etc.

So, if Peyronies Disease symptoms have caused you to develop venous leakage, you must realize that it may never reverse itself. However, the VED with using a restrictor ring will definitely replace a natural erection with very little difficulty.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


In my case the VED helped penis shrinkage but not venous leakage. In my case venous leakage was real bad and had to use a very tight constriction ring (Osborn D pink) for sex.

Peyronies scar (from 1995) on the top of my penis prevented gaining anymore length.

I know of no doctor that has the skills to correct venous leakage except by implant.


Old Man

Note to all about restrictor ring use:

This is a tip for those using the old Osbon Esteem rings. There are four different tension rings that come/came with the package. The brochure that is with package lists various tensions that can be used. One has to experiment with these to find the right tension. If one has to use the small D pink ring, you might want to try using two of the larger A and B rings at the same time to prevent the "tightness" of the D pink ring.

Stretching the A and B rings over time will cause them to loosen up and therefore give a better fit for tension that the small D pink ring.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I have had Peyronie's disease for about 8 years. It first started when my penis appeared to be broken about 1/3 way out and had the hinge effect. My urologist said that nothing could be done about it except take Vitamin E and surgery. I didn't want the surgery. The disease has since progressed and my penis now has an upward curve represented by ¼ of a circle having a radius of about 3 inches which gives me about a 90 degree bend. I first found and read the old BTC forum until it was taken over by a bunch of perverted idiots. This new forum was then started and has continued in an excellent manner. Over the past 8 years I have read from both forums about many suggested treatments. I have tried none of these except the vitamin E. I have NOT heard of any positive results until the VED came along and positive results were posted by Old Man and others.

So last week I finally ordered and received the 3 cylinder FITZZ unit. It cost me $206 with the TEAM coupon discount. After I looked over what I had received and read all of their enclosed literature I figured I needed to read all of the VED posts and child board on the forum. This I have done.

While reading all of these posts it occurred to me that the forum information is divided into different parts (subjects) and in many ways resembles a book.  A Google search shows 2 or 3 books available about Peyronie's Disease.

I suggest to Hawk and all of you other top contributors that you should consider turning the forum's posted data and words into a paperback book. All of the required chapters are already there. Almost all of the words are already there. The VED chapter could be easily finished by combining all of the duplicated extra posts that were written to answer questions for new members and then cleaning up the English. The other chapters could be done the same way. A book could be easily written called "Peyronie's the Terrible Disease". The forum now has 2037 members and I suspect that 2000 of them would like to have the book, I know I would. At a cost of about $15 we are talking about around $30,000 total.

Any thoughts?



can anyone please post some VED success stories....


I had peyronies start in 1995. Curve straightened in about 18 months. Side effect was I went from about 5.5 inches down to just above 4 inches.
After a filed implant attempt by a local urologist 10/07 I found this site.
Old Man gave me a exercise routine for my single cylinder Rx VED.

I followed the exercise routine daily for just over a year before implant surgery and had gained back almost 1/2 of lost length. Doctor said that was all I could gain because of the peyronies scar on top of my penis (just behind the head).

Was the VED a seccuss for me? YES!!!


jackp - thats 3 times longer than the 26 week protocol
also did you say you lost 1.5 inches and the VED helped you get that length back??


      Without a total re-post, here is a link to my VED experience post:,25.msg13806.html#msg13806




I started the exercise Old Man suggested 10/2007 that was about 12 years after I got peyronies.

Yes I lost almost 1.5 inches to peyronies and with the VED exercise I gained back about 1/2 of that. Took 3-4 months to notice start regaining length.

To complicate the peyronies I also had Venous Leakage and Corporal Fibrosis. The corporal fibrosis was from trying injections for ED. The pills V,C,&L did not help me and the shots of trimix were of no help either, the venous leakage got too bad.

I stayed on the protocol through 10/21/08. My doctor said I had gained back all I could because of the peyronies scar on top of my penis, but keep up the VED until 2 days before surgery to help with the outcome. (It did!!!)

I was off the exercise for 2-3 weeks the end of July first of August. 10 days in the hospital. When I got back to the VED I thought I had lost all I had gained. Started the exercise back daily and within a week had regained back all I lost while in the hospital and recovery.

IMHO when you start the VED exercise keep it going every day. It will make for a healthier penis.


Old Man


Good post. Just wish that we could get this message across to those who are not sure about starting VED exercises.

You are right about the daily routine. VED exercises replaces the nocturnal erections in us older guys and those with Peyronies Disease. Even after becoming "normal" again with my lost dimensions to Peyronies Disease, I still use the VED at least 3 to 4 times a week just for maintenance. It is my sole source of erections too.

Thanks, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


   As far as time-lines and VED success is concerned with the 26 week protocol, I consider the 26 weeks of thought-out repetitions of varying sized cylinders a "chapter" within a larger work of treatment. Like books, rarely does one chapter complete a work. In this analogy, consider the 26 weeks a "chapter" within a book (the treatment) and that more than one chapter is going to have to be completed. At the end of the "chapter" or 26 weeks, assume you are going to start over at week 1 and follow the succession of weeks like you just started therapy. Many men report little if any change at six months (a little short of 26 weeks) but many men report change after using the VED for a longer period of time. Most of the success stories I've read involve a year to year and a half of dedicated VED use.
  Another analogy could be comparing the 26 week protocol to exercizing or working out. Think of the 26 weeks as a "set". In my case it took about 3 "sets" of 26 weeks to get results.
  The VED protocol is physical therapy. There is no magic or snake oil involved, just exercizing, working at it and comittment. Individuals subject other injured parts of the body to physical therapy (knees, shoulders, etc.). It escapes me why so many individuals worry about trying the VED for Peyronies.  


Hello guys:
I'm TOTALLY new here.  My peyronies is worsening so I want to take action.  Thanks so very much for the terrific information here; needless to say, it has helped calm my nerves (!!!).  I've read most of the Topic summaries for new users.  I've also gone through most of the Traction and VED posts (lots to read under VED so I've got a ways to go on that line).  Based on Old Man's suggestions, I will likely order the FITZZ Vitality Plus Three Cylinder model.  But I'm also really intrigued with the idea of traction and would very much like to try that as well.  My question is this:  Is there a disadvantage to doing both at the same time?  As in, I think I'd like to start with VED and then perhaps a week later begin to gently introduce stretching.  If I go slowly, being sensitive to what my penis seems to need and can easily stand, is it safe to do both traction and VED?  

Thanks so much.  I really appreciate it.


The VED continues to baffle me. When I use it, it seems to help, and there seems to be a magic amount of VED use and sexual pleasure that is good for me, and if I mess up on either end and do too much or too little, it all goes to hell. The thing is, when I'm using the VED, I always find it necessary to test out my unit immediately or within a few hours of pumping just to examine the quality of my erection. If it's better, i'm doing something right, if it's worse, i'm doing something wrong obviously. Last time I was doing well, I bought a brand new trimmer to trim myself up (for what other purpose than to make the VED more effective?) I accidentally nicked myself, so I figured better safe than sorry, and I laid off the VED for about 4 days. I didn't want to risk that the suction could be pulling blood into a recently cut area. At this same exact time, I probably masturbated 2xday about 3 days in a row (what can i say? it's exciting when you suddenly have the ability to get a decent erection again). That was nothing when I was a teenager, but ever since Peyronie's that has been a dangerous ground to walk on. I started to get a cold feeling in the head of my penis, so i tried to back off both pumping and masturbation. A few weeks later I've starting masturbating once daily again, and now it's the opposite. Instead of cold, my penis feels hot, almost like it's burning after masturbation. My problem is that I can never figure out when it's important to abstain, and when it's important to do something. My plan right now is to keep masturbating once daily until I don't get that burning sensation anymore, and then to continue with VED (and hopefully traction). Still, I believe that other than Xiaflex, VED is the greatest hope for a reasonable recovery.


I see no problem with your plans to use both traction and the VED as long as you do not become impatient and get into the more is better mode. Your conservative approach sounds reasonable.

You do not mention if you can get natural erections.  If not I would use the VED right before and right after traction so you get oxygenation to tissue near the time of traction.  It is mostly my logical deduction and has no supporting studies.

If you can get natural erections the timing may be less important but long periods of traction can reduce blood flow in the area where the strap or tube cinch in the penis.  I think you need some blood flow to these areas before and after traction.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk.  I appreciate the response and the information.  Very helpful.  I do get natural erections but they are not as hard as pre-peyronie's.  I'm hoping that stretching and pumping will help with that.


My peyronies started 13 years ago. I did not get on the proper VED exercise until 10/07. I had a Rx single cylinder model and Old Man sent me an exercise routine.

I had lost about 1.5 inches to peyronies. VED exercise help me gain back almost 1/2 in just over a year. Until my implant 4 weeks ago my doctor said to keep up the exercise until 2 days before saurgery for a better outcome. I did and am more than happy with the outcome so far.

IMHO VED exercise every day following the recommendation of Old Man will help you stay healthier and will help keep peyronies from getting worse.



So should I use a VED if I am in the active phase and still getting new plaques? It seems the worst thing I could do at this stage is make things worse, which is why I am a bit leery of VED's even though they seem to have positive effects.


IMHO you need to start the VED as soon as possible. Penile shrinkage happens to a lot if not most of us with peyronies. The VED will keep the corporas healthy and make for better outcome.
I wish I knew about it 13 years ago.



No doubt that the VED route is appropriate. I only wish that I had one and the 26 week protocol before I lost almost 50% of my length and girth. It is coming back ever so slowly, but the two plus years of wait and see, potaba and vitamin C were a waste of precious time.


Great. What are some of the recommended products? There is so much information out there. Are there any pumps that are generally accepted by all to be quality products that don't make things worse?


See post #1726. This is the one I have. There is a 10% discount available, one of the posts has the code word.

Old Man


The web site of the VED listed in Post 1726 is:

Open the home page of the site and look for the link to the men's health products section. Look for the Vitality OTC three cylinder manual model. This is a very good durable medical quality VED. Also, some guys have made their own VEDs and if you mechanically inclined you could do the same. Angus has posted how he made his on the main forum if you should want to look that up.

When you to to the Fitzz site look for the promo code seaside2 is talking about or ask to help you with that. The price has gone up from $229.99 (which was the summer special price) to $249.99, but free shipping and handling is still in effect as far as I know.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


They want $115.83 for shipment to Europe... That's crazy!!! Is there a possibility to order the VED directly in Europe too?