VED's - Vacuum Erection Devices

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I wouldn't have the nerve to put it in my carry-on luggage. I might put it in the luggage I check in, but I wouldn't risk the embarassment of carrying it on. Some of those TSA agents can be pretty petty. Can u imagine one of them holding it up.  :-\


Quote from: bodoo2u on March 20, 2008, 02:59:55 AM
I wouldn't have the nerve to put it in my carry-on luggage. I might put it in the luggage I check in, but I wouldn't risk the embarrassment of carrying it on. Some of those TSA agents can be pretty petty. Can u imagine one of them holding it up.  :-\

It wouldn't bother me if the agent held it up for all to see. I'll never see those people again.

Now, if the agent tried to embarrass me, I'd take his name and report him. I mean give me a break, Peyronies is bad enough without some guy making fun of the humiliating things we have to do to address this problem.


   Copied from The Light Side thread, and it's still my thinking on TSA:

Travel with the VED:

  Throw in a pack of funnel cake mix in your suitcase.

  TSA whips out the VED tube, large, small, whatever.

  Stern faced TSA agent: "Sir, what do we have HERE???"

  Explain that you add water and the mix, cover large end with palm of hand, shake vigorously, and that tube is your funnel cake dribbler that dribbles the mix through the small end in to the hot grease.

  Offer to demonstrate at the check point and ask for bottled water and a hot plate. Smile broadly.

  You'll get through TSA in record time.

If you're not that adventurous, buy a couple of roses, cut the stems short and stick them in the VED and put the end seal on. Tell them it's to keep flowers fresh and it was recommended by a florist. If I ever travel with mine I'm gonna have some fun with it I tell ya. I don't find the VED any more humilitating than an arm cast for a broken arm. If some clown wanted to make a derogatory comment about my VED I'd be ready for a verbal sparring match.  

Old Man


Why not throw in a free home demonstration of how the VED works. Yeah, and right there in front of everybody in the inspection line at that!!!!

As you say, why be embarrassed about something when it is a vital part of one's life after ED and Peyronies Disease.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man:

You took the words right out of my mouth!




I smile at this.  I try to be sensitive to other's sense of humiliation and realize I may not be typical, but I see this as a contest to see who turns chicken first.  I will bet I can make an inspector cry uncle if they asked me what a VED was.  If I felt kind I would say that is a medical device would you like me to explain?  If they failed to see the glint in my eye how about, "That sir or Ma'am is a penis pump.  This is how it works,  that part right there that you are holding seals tightly around the base of my penis snug up against my testicles.  Keep your hand right there and feel the suction when I hit this pump, don't worry, I wash this and my penis every fifth or sixth time I use it.  Now imagine this..."  I would then begin to describe the engorgement process.  I will bet money they will ask me to stop before I run out of steam.

I suspect Old Man for sure, and I, have both been through a few more medical procedures than some.  After a few prostate biopsies with attractive nurses, a dozed digital probes, being herded like cattle along with half dressed women through a Manhattan NY Xray lab, and finally a "MRI specra... with rectal probe", I am certain I could stroll through down town Manhattan nude if I had a waiver from prosecution.

I also like the other responses.  You are in control here.  It is your game to play as you will.  The hell with them, enjoy life and smile.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk.... here here! Good summary.

Wash it every fifth or sixth time?  ;D  ;D ;D

I think Agent Wanda with the TSA would send you right through to your plane when you bark that out.

We are in control. Good times.  


Hi Guys,

I'm not sure if this should be under VED's or in another thread...

I'm in my 8th or 9th month of VED usage...  I've rather lost track, and, whilst I haven't noticed any obvious changes in length, girth or curvature, I'm convinced there have been changes in the shape and size of the plaque.

I have a clump of plaque about half way up the shaft on the upper side, and a band of rubbery plaque from there to just behind the glans. The clump is itself rubbery, although parts of it sometimes feel calcified.

Anyway, it's this clump which I'm as sure as I can be  (it's just about impossible to measure ) has become quite a bit smaller recently, which must surely be a sign that something positive is happening?

Old Man, you say you managed to get rid of Peyronies through VED usage, although I know you also suffer from ED. Was this how it happened for you? Could you be more specific.

Anyone else experienced noticable changes in their plaque through using VED , or any other method?  




I hope this is a positive sign but I must post a reminder that reduction in the size of plaque is a typical part of Peyronies Disease progression.

Plaque often reduces in size.  Frequently there is no change in deformity during this process but sometimes this is accompanied by an increased deformity.  This is not just a patient observation, but is a very well documented part of the natural course of Peyronies Disease.  That is why both reduction in plaque size, and reduction of pain, are almost useless measures of a treatment.  Both are part of the natural course of the disease.  This leaves objectively measured size, and bend as the standards of progress.  Erectile improvement can be a kind of a "semi-objective" measure.

In general, I strongly suspect the phenomenon of plaque size reduction is caused by the plaque losing its inflamed, dynamic, state and settling into a mature scar.  Hopefully the change in your plaque is true improvement.

Good Luck and stay committed.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk, I'll bear all that in mind. I'm sure you're right to remind us that it's best never to get one's hopes up too high with this disease.

In the meantime I'll carry on pumping, and keep you all informed of any further changes, if and when they happen.

Happy Easter to you all  ;^)

Old Man


Yes, I did get rid of my Peyronies Disease symptoms with extended use of the VED. It took the greater part of a year to realize the best results. It has been eliminated altogether as far as I can "feel" any plaque, scar tissue or other symptoms. I still have a slight indentation on the left side of the shaft when fully erect via the VED and restrictor bands. It does cause any curve or angle because of it though.

I used several exercise methods with the VED during that year of working with the VED. Since I was using the old Osbon Esteem with only one cylinder, I had to devise various ways to vary the pumping cycles and/or exercise routines.

It takes much patience and exercising to realize any effect of VED usage. Some cases work out faster than others and then again, there are some that just won't respond to VED usage at all. One just has to try using the routines and see if it will work them.

Hopefully you will begin to see some results soon.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man.
I've used my new Vitality VED two times now with less than happy results and had a couple questions, or observations to run by you:  

First, I found the whole procedure a little too sexually arousing and wound-up masturbating both times. This kinda' seems counter-productive to me and am hoping it's a 'novelty' factor that wears off soon?  

The K-Y jelly that came with it seemed to dry-up and act more like a super-glue than a lube requiring me to use more and more, and get messier and messier. (Perhaps the eroticizing?)

The "clear" cylinder fogged-up with moister and I couldn't see a damn thing.

The pressure I felt was all lateral, mostly near the base, and my head was not drawn-out or up (lengthwise), at all.  In fact, nether time did I get very hard.

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


AR, I know you were addressing Old Man, but I had to chime in...

First, the novelty will wear off, and you won't end up taking advantage of yourself forever!

Second, it sounds like you are doing a few thing s"wrong". First off, KY jelly always dries up in my experience and so is not favored by most folks here. I use soap suds while soaking in the bath; others use shaving cream or other forms of lubrication that last better (and longer).

Finally, it seems that you are not getting drawn up into the cylinder well. We see this when someone gets hard first - making getting pulled into the small cylinder impossible (if it is sized "tight", it should be a little bit smaller than your erect girth). The key is to lube up the inside of the cylinder and enough around the base of the penis to carry into the cylinder with the penis. I (when using lube) put a moderate amount on my penis too - but I do not start to masturbate or forget about getting into the cylinder!

Work on getting this right - it won't work for you if you don't.


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



Keep at it, it takes a while to get the hang of using a VED. Before long you'll be filling up the cylinder and it will difficult for you to keep your enthusiasm in check. By that I mean you'll want to pump until your heart's desire, which is not advisable because you can damage yourself if you're not careful.

Another situation to watch for is trying to force duplication of results you achieve from session to session. Sometimes I can go above 6 inches in the tube, while other times I can't reach six. In the beginning, I thought that I should be able to reach my peak each time and suffered for it in the form of inflamed veins.

Bottom line: BE CAREFUL.



Hi there,
I'm a 27 yo boy from France. I suffer from Peyronies Disease since a trauma while erect 2 years ago. Despite a lot of uro's appointement I haven't seen no improvement. I used to take cialis and Vit E but abandonned them because it's expensive. I have ED. I have two ways of curve upward and lateral, and it's seems to be broken at the base, the suspensory ligament is damaged too.
I take now pentox and use a VED. I saw a slight improvement in erectile function and i'm happy with it, I can now have intecourse without any medication and saw progressively a return of night and early morning erection. My question are the folowing one :
1) my VED only have a large tube, can I hope the curve to be reduce ? I use it two or three times a day from 5 to 10 InHg
2) Does the VED improve the firmness while flacid because the plaque seems to surround and kind of impair the dorsal nerve ?

Old Man


First, a question. Does the Vitality VED have three cylinders? Or, only just one? If you have only one cylinder, you will have to modify the exercise cycles to accommodate having only the one cylinder. If you have the three cylinders, you can follow the 26 week protocol.

Now, having said that, I would strongly urge you to follow what the guys have said in the previous posts to you. One has to be extremely careful in pumping vacuum pressure. As Dr. Tim says, be sure that you lube the inside of the cylinders well along with lubing your penis well. KY Gel has proven not to be the best lube for VED usage. It does tend to dry up quickly and not afford the slippery surfaces you need for VED pumping. I have been using the Equate Personal Lubricant from WalMart (Costs about $2.00 per container) now for about 10 years with great success. It does not dry out as quickly as KY and does afford a slippery surface better. It also is water soluble and cleans up nicely with any good bath soap. If you use soap of any kind for lubrication, watch out for any irritation that sometimes occurs with soap solutions. You don't need any irritation or skin abrasions when pumping the VED. Extreme care should be used at all times to prevent damage or trauma of any kind.

Let us know how many cylinders you have with you VED. We can give you some pointers then about either the one cylinder or mullti cylinder VED exercises. In the meantime, as was stated below, try your best not to get an erection while doing the exercises (that is a full erection - I know that when first using the VED one has a tendancy to develop erections quickly) so that you can reap the full benefits of VED usage.

We are all here to help, so feel free to ask any and all questions. As far as I am concerned, there are not stupid questions, so ask away.

Best regards to you. Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Thanks Tim, Bodoo,

and Old Man:  Would've replied sooner but wanted to give it one more go before speaking with you.

First, the KY gel is history!  Last night I used my wife's fragrance-free "beauty cream" and had no sticking issues, and coincidentally, fewer wrinkles this morning.  I will get some Equate Personal Lube next trip to the 'big' store!  

And as for abusing myself: I got my wife to participate in the process, so she was present to take advantage of any situation that came up, thus eliminating any guilt I might've felt associated with not sharing, like the other times...

Yes, I do have the three cylinders to go with my Vitality (2 1/4", 2", and the 1 3/4"), and no, I don't know your 26 week protocol yet.

But this is what I've experienced thus far:  the VED does not get me hard, or "hard first" as Tim mentions, nor does it give me an erection (hard on) per say.  It doesn't pull me "lengthwise" so much as "sideways". What I come away with in the end, is this sorta' engorged flaccid thing.  I used both the 2 1/4" tube and the 1 3/4" tube with the same result.  As per the instructions, I pump 3 times slowly and wait 10 seconds, then again, etc.  The pressure I feel is borderline uncomfortable/painful and I don't think I'm over doing it by any means! The sensation of pressure is pretty much "overall" and not directed in any way at my plaque (if this is important?), which so far in my progression  has not been inflamed or painful (knock wood). Let me repeat that, knock wood!

I guess my expectations were that I'd be pulled-out longitudinally and then, laterally..?  I can fit in the smaller tube, but at the same time, my girth at my base can easily fill the 2 1/4" and feel very tight..?

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.



Welcome! Glad you finally made it here...

I think that you are seeing the general restorative value of the VED - it helps erections, IMO. The specific value of the smaller chamber is that it tends to "tug" the penis longitudinally (I am still trying to visualize being pulled "sideways" as AR reports). So, I used a larger cylinder only for a long time, but when I finally got a smaller cylinder and started using it, I realized the value it gave me in helping straighten things out. My curve is less (the good news) but my Peyronie's remains active and I have two new dents that were NOT prevented by the larger cylinders (I had hoped they would help me "fill out" and thus prevent the denting).

Your second question has two parts, and I think they are unrelated. For me, the VED does not seem to affect the fullness while flaccid. I do not think that (lack of) effect has anything to do with the nerve or location of my plaque (mine is mostly dorsal as well). I have heard, though, that some who use the VED report a fuller "hang", and I have heard many more reports of this from the people who have tried penis enlargement using chronic forms of stretching.

For AR,

I am quite confused as to how one could be pulled "sideways" in a narrow cylinder. It does seem from what you say that your penis is fatter at the base than nearer to the tip, and so a snug fit at the tip might be impossibly tight at the base (or a firm fit at the base might lead to a loose fit for the tip. If this is so, I have heard of tapered cylinders that might be more appropriate.

Helpful hint - the following link is not safe for work!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man


OK, you do have three cylinders and that is good. Question: Are they tapered or are they just straight with both openings the same?

If they are not tapered like the Soma Correct or Somaerect, you might have a little more work to do with the exercises. The tapered cylinders forces the head portion of your penis to be kept rather tight in the cylinder which is what it is supposed to do.

The 26 week protocol for three cylinder model VEDs is posted somewhere on this forum, Child Boards thread about VEDs and their use. If you cannot find it on the forum, go to this site and you can print is out:

There are links shown in the left hand column of the home page. Click on them to get any an all information about vacuum therapy. There is one link that takes you to the 26 week course protocol.

Keep us up to date on how you are doing with the exercises. You must have a lot of patience and understanding to keep up the exercises daily. Also, extreme caution should be exercised so as to not cause further trauma. Any pain or discomfort will indicate that something is not right and you have to adjust what you are doing, etc.

Practice is the best way to get the hang of successful vacuum therapy. So, take your time, do the exercises every day, but limit your time to begin with so that your penis can get acclimated to the added vacuum pressure.

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Having your wife participate in the vacuum therapy will give her much needed information at Peyronies Disease and its effects.

Old Man

PS: The 26 week schedule on the above site is under the link Extras which is in the left hand margin.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man. Thank you.
Yes, the tubes for my Vitality are tapered, and are the same tubes used with the Somaerect.  
I hear you about the practice, patience and acclimation, and I'll access the 26 week protocol right away.

Funny enough my wife, when reviewing my post had trouble with "sideways" as well.  I told her: "Oh, they'll understand that!"  She'll be pleased to see your response.

What I mean is "laterally" or "girthwise", as opposed to "longitudinally", if this makes any more sense..?

As I stated,  I expected the pressure would be more longitudinally as if an imaginary string were pulling me through the tube and towards the pump unit itself, and that my penis would get "longer"...(maybe I visited too many sex-shops when researching for my VED)...a similar experience to what my X4 stretcher is doing to me right now.  And, by the way, as you mentioned to Ben, I definitely have a "fuller hang" after coming out of traction.

Thanks for the link.

Gotta' go get Old Man's routine and read it.

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


Old Man. I remember you have either Augusta's Somacorect or the Somaerect.

As I've stated I have their over-the-counter Vitality.  I got it for a really good price from a company called Fitzz that was posted by Moguy awhile back.  They have great customer service/support and I like them, but there has been a great deal of confusion over cylinder sizes, between them and Augusta.

My largest tube that attaches to the pump head is 2 1/4" at the base.  I thought my next size tube would be 2", and that my smallest tube would be 1 3/4".  I just found out that this is not the case, but that from the 2 1/4" main tube, I will have a mid-size tube of 1 3/4", and that my small tube will be 1 1/2".

As, it seems, I just fit in the 1 3/4", and they haven't sent the 1 1/2" tube yet, I'm wondering if this is right?  What are your Augusta tube sizes, if you don't mind me asking?  Is there a "standard" sizing of Rx cylinders for regular guys?


57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


I have three VEDs. My original one was the old Osbon Classic manual model which had only one cylinder that was connected to the pump by a tube. It was unwieldy to handle. Later, I bought the Osbon Esteem manual model. It has only one cylinder that is tapered. I bought the smaller sizing insert to make the opening 1 and 1/4 inches ID. It worked better than the Classic, but still lacks the ability of the three cylinder models.

My present standby is the Augusta Soma Correct. It had a problem with pinching due to a gap between the cylinder openings and the sizing inserts. The company furnished me with the new Somaerect sizing insert which cured the pinching problem.

The sizes of the cylinders are: A = Small is 1 and 1/2 inches, B = Medium is 1 and 3/4 inches, and C = Large is 2 and 1/4 inches. These dimensions are I.D. and are on the end where the sizing inserts fit. The other end of the C cylinder fits up to the pump assembly. Cylinder A and B simply slide up into the C large cylinder.

There are two sizing inserts that come with the unit. Their dimensions are: Large insert = 1 and 3/4 inches; Small insert = 1 and 3/8 inches --all inside diameters.

When you get all three cylinders, you simply mate them together to make the smallest cylinder the one that you insert your penis in for the basic therapy. You remove the A cylinder during the weeks that specify using the B cylinder. Then finally during the advanced therapy, you remove both A and B cylinders and use only the C cylinder to provide the largest expansion, etc.

The 26 week protocol will tell you which cylinders to use in each week of the schedule. Just follow the routine and you should have no problem getting used to doing the exercises. Along with the traction you are using you should see the best results since you will be stretching your "tool" with both devices.

Again, just be careful and do not use too much vacuum pressure or stretching at any time. Let me know if this helps.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man you are the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Okay.  I have the large, the medium, and will be getting the small one soon, and they will all be the same size cylinders you have.

I also have the two "sizing inserts" that are not exactly your measurements, but obviously, the same.

The 26 week protocol is posted here next to my desk, and as soon as the UPS man brings me the small cylinder I will proceed...


57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.


If any of you have any worries after all the talk below, I travelled through LAX and Las Vegas airports this week with the VED device and 3 cylinders plus the Traction device. I even had the Lubrication cream (3 onces) in the see through bag. No problems.


Quote from: Iceman on April 01, 2008, 09:08:38 PM
to everyone - Dr L just replied to me: .....
2) Do you recommend the use of any traction devices to straighten and lengthen or will they cause further injury?

Ans: Vacuum device has been reported to cause Peyronie's disease. On the other hand, some companies are indeed trying to market penile stretching device. At this time, I cannot make any recommendation until there is better studies published.

  I am speechless, thinking about Dr. Lue's answer.

  I would like to see hard copies or evidence of these reports. If they exist.

  I suppose if I called Roto Rooter and asked them what they thought about running a plumbers snake through my houses drain pipe to clear the drain, they would answer "Well, the plumbers snake has been reported to damage pipes when used to clear drains. We need to get a federal grant and initiate a study to determine the impact of pipe snakes on drains, however at this time, there are no plans to initiate these grants and studies. Call back in six months and tell us how you're pipes are doing".
  I would suppose that a VED hooked up to a Pratt and Whitney jet engine intake and left on the penis for a week would cause Peyronies Disease. I would also suppose that running a marathon while wearing a VED encasing ones erection would also cause Peyronies Disease.

  Misleading answers to legitimate questions asked of experts are totally unacceptable and irresponsible. I'm beginning to wonder exactly who is the expert, and who is the patient. JMO, FWIW.

  Iceman, I'm sorry you didn't get better answers than you did in your email reply. I hope you're getting what you need from the forum, and I appreciate your posts.



hey angus - so would you recommend using a VED?? - if so, how do I buy one?? - I mean I dont know too much about this stuff - its all new to me - have you been using a VED and what is its outcome ?




Great stuff about the VED in the improvement section.

Can you please let us know other than the curve what other symptoms did you have before starting the VED. How long did it take to start seeing results ? Any other info will be greatly appreciated.


Old Man


Read your post to Angus relative the source of VEDs. They are available off the web from many sources as well as from some urology groups that carry them for their patients. In addition, there are many available over the counter. However, when selecting a VED, remember that you get what you pay for. I highly recommend, if you decide to use a VED, that you get a better medical quality one and not the "sex toy" models that are touted everywhere these days.

Before recommending a source for you, need to know your physical location (country) so that sources can be suggested. So, let us know where you reside and we can go from there.

Angus and Dr. Tim, and maybe others, have made their own VED and have had great success with their treatment(s) with them. I have used three different models of VEDs and had great success with eliminating my Peyronies Disease symptoms.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man, Angus
In January on my follow up visit to my uro we discussed the VED. He had suggested one a year and a half before for ED after the heart stents. To tell the truth I did not use it properly and caused an abrasion that took 2 months to heal.
After the failed implant surgery last October I found this board and talked to Old Man and he put me on the right path to use the VED.  :)
My uro believes that the VED is good for not only Peronies but for the fibrosis in my corpora's. We want the corpora's as healthy as possible for the next try at the implant later this year.
Over the last few months the good side effect of the VED is that I have gained back 1/4 to 1/2 inch lost to Peronies and fibrosis.
Thanks to old mans routine I have not hurt myself this time.
I got the VED through my uro. He had a rep come to the office and fit it for me. Before I had used an OTC model that did not work as well. Left a hinge effect and the constriction rings were not as good.
Thanks Old Man

Old Man


Thanks for the vote of confidence for your success in using my suggestions to you for VED usge. I just wish that we could get the message out to any and all that suffer from Peyronies Disease that VED exercises, if used properly, can and will help with Peyronies Disease symptoms. Careful use is the key to its success.

It does not work 100% for all guys, but for the most part, only good blood flow to keep one's penis healthy could result from any use of the VED. It is my mainstay for Peyronies Disease therapy as well as great for ED help.

Again, thanks for your support,

Old Man

PS: JackP, are you sure that you want to proceed with the implant surgery again? Why not try the VED exercises a while longer before rushing into surgery again after the first one failed.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: pal-31 on April 02, 2008, 01:45:03 AM

Great stuff about the VED in the improvement section.

Can you please let us know other than the curve what other symptoms did you have before starting the VED. How long did it take to start seeing results ? Any other info will be greatly appreciated.


  I got Peyronies Disease from a bout of rough masturbation many years ago. Pain at first for a few days, then a curve developed to the left. It progressed to a 45 degree bend over a couple of months. Then I began the treatments I've mentioned that didn't work. It never caused ED and function remained. I made the first VED a few years ago and started using it daily with Old Mans suggestions on use. In the next few months I made two additional VED's so I had three tube sizes in small, medium and large. I used Old Mans suggestions along with the 26 week protocol. 26 weeks for me was not enough time; it was seven or eight months before I started to see an improvement in the curve as it had gone down to about 30 degrees. Continued use of the VED's for almost a year and a half re-shaped the curve from the original 45 degrees down to 10 degrees or less, which remains to this day. 10 degrees to me is inconsequential as I had a small natural curve to the left all my life before Peyronies Disease. Function is completely normal with no ED. I have not experienced the constriction rings as I have not needed them. There is still an indenture on the left side where the plaque used to be, but the plaque or hardness has been gone for a long time. I still use the VED a couple of times a week as a maintenance program.

Quote from: Iceman on April 02, 2008, 01:07:22 AM
hey angus - so would you recommend using a VED?? - if so, how do I buy one?? - I mean I dont know too much about this stuff - its all new to me - have you been using a VED and what is its outcome ?


  I would recommend getting and using a VED without any hesitation whatsoever. You bet I have used VED's and the outcome is stated above. The VED is not an overnight or one month fix. It must be given time to work and re-mold some tissues and takes a commitment of time from the user. I tried the quick fixes and they did not work for me. I wonder why more men don't try the VED for Peyronies Disease; maybe the commitment of a year or more of use scares some off; I just don't know. I do know that the testaments of Old Man, myself and others do not lie. If you want to get a VED, Old Man is Your Man for advice. He knows the ins and outs of VED's, which ones have good qualities and which ones are bad and has valuable information and contacts for procuring a VED. His advice, if taken, will save an individual valuable time and dollars, and will help avoid the frustration associated with getting and figuring out how to use a VED.
  If anyone wants to make a VED, there is information from Tim and myself in the "Highlights of VED's and other devices" post in the Newly Diagnosed Highlights. The link to this area is just below the main link to this Peyronies Disease Discussion Forum.,439.0.html

There is no mystery to a VED; it is a tube with a pump attached and can be made very simply. The Osbons and others are super high quality, but if one pays attention to detail, a VED can be made at home by those unable to make a purchase as large as a medical VED.
I also acknowledge the early successes being recorded here by the users of Traction. I never used one as it's a more recent development as a Peyronies Disease treatment, but I welcome it's addition to the list of things that are working for some.
Finally, if there is still any doubt (regardless of what some, including famous doctors may say), a PROPERLY USED VED will NOT cause Peyronies Disease or more damage. If the advice of the long time users of VED's on the forum is followed, you will be fine and probably improve if you stick with it LONG enough, and you will not cause more damage. Advice and guidelines are all over the VED thread and can be searched.
 I get on a VED rant about once a year; I guess this is this years  ;D ... thanks for listening!!  


Old Man


Great post, just wish we could get the message across to more guys!! You stated that most men would not adhere to the schedule of exercises long enough to see good results. This is a very profound statement and I think you are 110% correct in it.

I have no clue as to why more urologists and doctors cannot see the benefit of VED usage. Dr. Geddings Osbon developed one of the very first VEDs. He, as I understand it, had Peyronies Disease too and experimented with different things until he discovered the benefits of the VED. I read somewhere that his first unit was made from a tube and a bicycle pump he reworked into a vacuum unit. Anyway, some of us know that it is a viable treatment/therapy.

Thanks again for your "plug" in your post. Again, I wish to state categorically that there is no interest on my part in any company selling VEDs nor do I sell them. I just know from my experience that they do work.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man
Besides Peronies I have low testesterone and a bad venous leakage.
Two words on why I want to try the implant again CONSTRICTION RINGS  :(
To maintain an erection I have to use a tight constriction ring. The tight ring takes away a lot of feeling and holds back natural pre-cum and ejaculation.
By the time the Doctors will try the implant again it will be almost a year and things have healed very well.
Also; after the back surgery I have more feelings in my penis, but not enough for sex.
Am I preprepared for the implant to fail again? Yes, I still will be able to use the VED.
Thanks for your concern, and helping me to get where I am with the VED.

Old Man


OK, just wanted to add my 2 cents about implants. My mother-in-law's last husband had an implant done and he was tickled pink with it. At age 74, he enjoyed it very much.

I know the problem with little feeling in one's penis. Went through that several times with bouts of Peyronies Disease.
It can be overcome with proper treatment if it is a nerve problem. My back surgery in 1968 helped a good bit with my lack of feeling.

One word of caution though, you need to ask your surgeon or uro about using the VED after having an implant done. It is usually not recommended after implant surgery. It can inflate the corpora around the implant rods and cause problems. Under some circumstances, the VED can be used after implants, but I understand it is only under the control of the doctors, etc.

Anyway, hope things work out you. Good luck to you!!

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man.

I have my small cylinder, and am proceeding with the "protocol", but have a minor glitch to ask you about...

With the three cylinders in place, and the two "sizing inserts" installed, I'm left with a small space between the inserts and the small cylinder of about 1/4", that is causing me some discomfort and concern. After pumping, I'm left with a "ring-welt" around the base of my shaft where this discrepancy is.  Does this "space" exist with the Somacorrect, or erect ?

I'm thinking this might be a shortcoming of the OTC Vitality, and I may need to finesse it in some manner..?  Any experience with this miss fitting?

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


What you are describing is the difference between the Soma Correct and the Somaerect VEDs. There was a "pinching effect" with the sizing inserts that came with the Soma Correct. It was corrected when the Somaerect was put on the market.

You need to get the new small inner sizing insert that comes with the Somaerect VED. They should be available where you got the small and medium size cylinders. If not, they can be purchased from the Augusta Medical Systems in Augusta, GA.

Their web site is:

While you are waiting to obtain the new small sizing insert, try using less vacuum pressure. Also, try this: pump up a fair amount of vacuum, then hold the pressure for a moment, then use a "milking action", as I call it. You do this by simply moving the whole assy. out from your body about an inch or so while holding the pressure and then letting it slide back to your body. You can determine what speed of repetition you want to do this. You may need to add a little pressure while doing this to keep the right amount on your penis. It worked quite well for me until I got the modified sizing insert. Lastly, use plenty of lubricant while exercising with the VED.

Let me know if you need anything further.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Oldman and Others,

Which VED's seem to be best?


Hi Pops, and welcome to this great support forum.

I'm just a beginner here myself, but I did do a ton of VED research on the OTC, and better sex-shop models, and specifically, those with three cylinders.  If, like me, you don't have great insurance and can't afford a $600 Rx VED, then I'll be happy to share my findings with you.

This being said, you should first listen to Old Man's and other veteran's advice.

Best,  AR
57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


AR is right, he more or less made his own VED by buying the OTC version of the Augusta Medical unit called Vitality. Then he purchased the two other cylinders that come with the RX VED unit Somaerect. The Soma Correct unit was taken off the market some time ago due to problems with its approval by FDA. Anyway, AR's VED is basically the same unit after he bought the extra cylinders as the RX unit and based on his information cost less than the RX unit. He can supply the information on how he went about getting his.

My personal preference would be either the Somaerect or the Vitality and buying the extra cylinders like AR did. They are virtually one and the same pump assembly and the cylinder are the same. If you have insurance that would pay at least a portion of the RX unit, Somaerect, that would be an option. If you don't have insurance, the Vitality OTC with extra cylinders would be the second choice. However, this is just my opinion and recommendation. You would have to decide which way you would want to go with obtaining a VED. (The Somaerect unit does require a prescription from a doctor and most insurance will only pay if it is for erectile dysfunction, so remember that in making your decision.)

If and when you decide on getting a VED, the 26 week protocol that came with the old Soma Correct VED is available on this forum, from a trial unit on the web or I can email you a copy. Let us know what you desire to do.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I was reading the post from "Steve" in the search for a Uro. His experience
with the Verapamil and VED.  I have been using the VED for about 9 weeks
now and  I think there has been some improvement. Things seem a little
straighter and I seem to have less of a dent (hourglass)  I use the VED every
day with very low amount of vacuum.  I think it's the slow - slow  stretch
that can help.  I hope "Old Man" keeps telling us about the VED help.  Time
will tell more down the road.


Good deal Musicman. Slow and consistent use of the VED is key. It took a while, but it worked for me. Keep us posted about how you're doing.  


Great to hear of your improvement so early in the 'protocol'!  Like OldMan has always said, VED isn't the 'silver bullet' that will work for everyone, but I'm very encouraged by your improvement.  I haven't given up on the VED, and keep up with it on an almost daily basis while waiting for that magic the rate research into Peyronies Disease is going, I'll be using the VED for quite a long while :D

Topical Verapamil,
12 Verapamil shots (ouch!),
Now VED - Too many Weeks,
Still 70 Degrees :(

Old Man


Yes, you are right that VED therapy seems to take longer for some than others. There are some cases that just do not respond to the VED therapy. However, it is my firm belief that using the VED can and will help keep the penis more healthy than not using it for Peyronies Disease.

Just hang in there and maybe revise the way you do the exercises. There are variations to the basic VED therapy of just pumping, holding and releasing. So look for ways to vary your routine, but most of all do your best to do the exercises on a daily basis. Give me a PM if you would like to know my variations of VED usage.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Old Man on January 08, 2008, 09:26:21 AM

OK, the milking action term is my own that I applied to a method of exercise that I did with the Osbon Esteem VED.

I purchased the inner/smaller sizing insert from the Timm Medical Div. of Endocare, Inc (present owners of the old Osbon VEDs). The Esteem came with a larger sizing insert which proved to be too large for my size, etc. Both innner and outer inserts provided a closer fit around the shaft of the penis so that more pressure buildup is allowed and felt more comfortable. You may or may not need additional sizing help.

Now to describe the milking action. It is sort of like milking a cow's teat only with the VED cylinder. This is how I did it: Get a good tight seal around the shaft of the penis, pump up to a fairly good erection, while holding this pressure at a moderate amount, move the entire VED assy, out from the body about an inch or two based on one's length, hold the increased pressure caused by this pulling action for a moment, let the VED pull back to the body, again holding the pressure and seal.

I've been using the VED since January 2007, about 15 months now. Since Old Man's advice earlier this year I've tried a few things with the VED - especially when using the small and medium sized tubes (the large tube is too big for me). I can't get the inch or 2 movement that Old Man refers to above but have made some movements in a manner that attempts to remove the bubble from the tube that exists from the plaque. i.e. moving the cylinder as I am pulling outward (milking) in the direction of the plague. This action - maybe 10 in and out movements during a 10 second vacuum rep - tends to get rid of the bubble over the course of the exercise. I can also feel stretching in the plaque area. If the stretching "feel" moves from a good feel to the early stages of discomfort I back off a bit to make sure no pain develops. I can say that I now have less of an hour glass effect and less of a bend. It's early so I don't want to get too optimistic. I should also add that I do use Traction as well so as Old Man has mentioned, when multiple therapies are applied it's difficult to know which one is working. I would say though, that if I had to drop either VED or Traction I would drop Traction.

Old Man


If the large C cylinder does not fit snugly enough for the milking action, try this: Use the A and B cylinders or all three at one time. Try the action with all three and if this is too small or too tight, take out the A cylinder and use only the B and C cylinders. That should work just fine for the milking action exercise. I use all three cylinders for my milking exercises, but just use much less pressure than during regular exercises. You might have to experiment with the different cylinders and pressures to get one that will do what you want it to do.

Let us know how this works out for you.

Old Man

This post was modified on 4/09/08. Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hi Old Man.

I just wanted to check in and let you know that I fabricated my own "spacing ring" for my Vitality (as Augusta wouldn't sell me one, (because I'm not registered with them), etc., etc.), and I'm now proceeding with the protocol with out that pinching-welt-thing going on... but a question or two if I might:  As I stated under the traction thread earlier, I had a lot of pain the other night having sex with my wife (Maybe this is a good case for "one treatment" only), and I'm worried I may be over doing it..? The few times we've had sex shortly after I pumped, it seems like my hinging is worse and there's a lot more pain. Yesterday I pumped at around 6pm or so; a little later did traction for about two hours, and we had sex around 10pm. My hour glass and bend seemed to be worse and I had to use my fist for support to begin, but as we got going the pain actually subsided some. Does this ring a bell? I pray you or someone can tell me this is normal, because I'm concerned.  Am I pumping too hard? Is traction and pumping too much? Should I space them out better over the coarse of the day? Have sex on an "off' day..?

Any help appreciated.

57.  Peyronies Disease diagnosed August, 2007. Mid-shaft hourglassing, 60 degree bend.

Old Man


You should not be getting pain with either the traction device or the VED. (Also, having sex right after the exercises is not usually a good practice.) You might be using too much pressure with the VED. I don't know the inroads of the traction procedures. Those who have experience with it will probably give you a post about that.

I would suggest that you discontinue one or the other for a few days to see if it works better. If it does, you then need to decide which would be the better treatment/therapy or if you could continue with both but with less pressure or traction.

Another thing, I would refrain from having sex immediately after your exercises. Need to let the erectile tissue stabilize before you get an erection and having sex. Moderation is needed while you are doing the Peyronies Disease exercises. Slow and easy is considered the better way to go for the therapy.

Again, my statement to any and all is this: If there is pain or discomfort felt during exercises, you are probably overpumping or applying too much traction.

Hope the above will help in some way.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man has great advice as usual.

My VED and Traction usage is cautious enough that having sex after usage wouldn't normally be a problem. My Peyronies was started with accidentally bending the penis during sex so whenever I feel any pain I back off whatever I'm doing sex or treatment.

By pain I mean irritation that doesn't feel good. There is good pain and bad pain - the slight pain I feel stretching my hamsting is good pain. The Traction gives me a feeling of stretching which is good pain when it's mild. Anything over that threshhold I back off.

My girlfriend does not live in the same city so sex is very consentrated over a weekend with no sex for weeks at a time. I have had to learn that sex for me no longer means an orgasm each time. My girl friend has been very accommodating at oral sex which is easier on the penis but sometime more difficult to orgasm.


After almost a year of using the VED I am confortable having sex after using it. In fact, I prefer it. I have noted (and commented here upon the fact) that my penis is tretched out in a way that needs to be "restretched" out every time. Thus, after about 10 minutes of VED use, my penis is about 1/2 inch longer than it was (at a given negative vaccum pressure) at the beginning of the session. I have noted that this persists for a period of time. I am not sure how long it lasts, but it does not seem to exceed four hours - and may be as little as twenty minutes - depending on the forces favoring "retraction". Thus, I find my erections during sex are a bit bigger and harder right after a VED session.

I would add that I got to this point only gradually. Although I agree with the cuationary notes about sex after the VED session, do not forget that the VED is used by many to HAVE sex. Perhaps it is only after the greater than average vacuum pressures of stretching that one should be careful. As always, YMMV...


YMMV = Your mileage may vary
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

Old Man

Dr. Tim:

Basically what you are saying about having sex immediately after using the VED is correct. However, those using it strictly for ED problems may or may not have Peyronies Disease. Those without Peyronies Disease and are using it for ED only do not have the worry of plaques, nodules and other symptoms of Peyronies Disease.

So, what I was trying to convey in my previous post was to be on guard for unwanted symptoms if having sex immediately after the VED or traction usage. As we all know there are no two Peyronies Disease cases alike nor is there any two ED cases alike. Each individual have their own unique set of symptoms and therefore must be handled on an individual basis.

Sometimes an individual will apply the theory of more is better when pumping up in the VED sessions. This will only cause more problems with edema, redness of the penile skin and in some cases very serious problems. Slow and easy especially with the VED therapy is my advise to any and all. Each person will need to evaluate his ability to have sex immediately after VED sessions so that further trauma/damage won't occur. There is no need to risk losing what is gained by the VED exercises in other words.

Anyway, each person must use their own best judgment and use caution about what will work them with the sexual thing. The above are just my thoughts from my experiences over the years.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.