My Son Depressed

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My son had an injury  in 2008 at 22 years old and has since been diagnosed as having Peyronies disease with a 2 degree bend. He also has ED. He has seen four urologists  with some basic knowledge of ED and Peyronies disease and been prescribed Viagra, Ciallis and Levitra, Viagra did not work, Ciallis and levitra 20 mgs worked for several months each and after Ciallis 5mg lately not working well enough to have a proper erection and causing Premature Ejaculation he has tried Levitra 20mgs again recently. This seems to work eratically after a week or two but sometimes he has an erection sometimes not.

Two of the urologists he saw in Australia recommended an operation. One within a year of diagnoses and one after 4 years. One in the UK recommended Ciallis, cream  and to wait to see if recovery happens spontaneously because of his young age. So the two UK ones two did not recommend surgery.

In the last few months his relationship with two girls has finished and he was recently diagnosed with depression related to his condition and possible not helped by this relationship rejection. He is returning to the UK very distraught and I am hoping to get some good advice and information to help  him and to see the best UK specialist in Peyronies and ED.

I have been looking at the Peyronies Society forum online and there are various treatment recommended by members and one specialist Dr Ralph of St Peters Andrology Clinic Harley Street. Being in London and us being in York is a bit inconvenient but could be combined wirth a short weekend break. Also he needs attention with little delay and we would have to pay for this privately I think. He does have BUPA Australia cover and I hope to use this here but I will have to check if its transferable.

I would appreciate any help or advice you could give including any recommended specialist consultants, especially NHS and in the north of England. Anyone else have problems with Levitra or Ciallis not working after several months and how they got around this. Thank you


I understand your son's psychological condition.
I'm 28 y/o and i've peyornie's since 16 months.
My depression is the same of your son's and my parents are as you, but they, as you, can't do anything.
You can find a doctor that prescribe pentox to your son and he can do an attempt with VED, besides cialis or levitra.
Actually there aren't other no surgical solutions.
This is reality, this is life.


When you mention a 2 degree bend, did you mean to type 20 degrees? It can always be very difficult to talk about these issues. In that regard I'm impressed that your son has been able to talk to you about this and it's a good first step that he's sought treatment for the problem. The ED aspect of this sounds to be the most troubling component. It's certainly unfortunate that the ED drugs appear to have become less effective and somewhat unusual that sometimes Levitra works but other times not. His depression is understandable. It's of course no walk in the park having peyronie's at any age, and when relationships are being ruined at such a young age because of it, it's very sad to hear.

I'll PM you contact details regarding getting in touch with the David Ralph practice.


I trust Newguy to give you the needed info but I too question the 2 degree bend.  I doubt that ANY penis is straighter than that.  Even a 20 % bend would be viewed by many men here to be a miracle cure so like Newguy it seems ED is the most compelling issue.  We have a board on ED that is worth reading.  It is a complex multifaceted issue.  Briefly stated, stress, adrenalin, and antihistamines all have actual physiological means of killing an erection.  Viagra is largely made worthless with any dietary fat that has been eaten within 4 hours prior to taking the pill. Levitra is less affected by fat intake but food in the stomach increases absorption time for all of them.

Although not usually recommended, l-arginine (over the counter) taken before an ED drug will enhance its effects.  If there is an absence of night time erections then 1/2 of the smallest Trazadone (prescription) tablet right before bedtime will likely do the trick to promote erections and oxygenation.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Worried Guy

If you were to visit David Ralph on the NHS it could take up to 6 weeks.  Do you have that sort of time?  Could the ED be related to depression rather than peyronies?


Ant - I saw David Ralph privately and it took weeks to get an appointment even then...I was a little underwhelmed with the attention I got... His team never followed up my emails despite me chasing several times...I then went and saw Dr Suks Minhas privately who, upon finding out I had no insurance cover, wrote a letter to my GP requesting that I be referred to him on the NHS...His team organised MRI scans, Ultrasound scans all on the NHS - these tests would have cost thousands for me to pay for privately - he is a knowledgable, thorough and caring consultant and I would recommend him - also London I'm afraid...the process for me has taken over a year and I'm currently awaiting a cystoscopy (my issue may be a scarring in my urethra) so if you're son is taking the NHS route be prepared for this ... In my opinion he knows he stuff however - his details are online if you google him - I wish you and your boy the best - he's lucky to have an old man that is understanding as mine was and hopefully in a few years this issue will be a thing of the past for him


It sounds like Dr Suks Minhas is someone we should have on our radar. There's a shortage of go to guys, so hopefully he can become one of them.



I will repeat what Jackp has written you:
Is not necessary to post the same post on different boards. The forum members are following all the posts, regardless the board. The system is built in a way that it is updating the members with every new post.
For you will be also more simple to get answers in one topic than three.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: ant on April 02, 2012, 06:02:13 AM
My son had an injury  in 2008 at 22 years old and has since been diagnosed as having Peyronies disease with a 2 degree bend.

Ant, I have the same age of your son and my Peyronies Disease began with 16yo, after an apparent weak trauma. I have much experience with this disease, as a pacient and as a medicine student. What i can say to you is that depression is a common condition associated, but it is periodical, and i learned how to live in a positive and encouraging way. Your son's disease is probably on the stable phase, so he has few options of treatment and is improbable that it will regress spontaneuosly. I will start penile traction and VED and i have a great hope that this treatment will improve much my condition. However, this treatment is controversial, there are cases that it improve the ED and penile constriction and there are cases that it worsed. I think that i don't have anything more to lose. I made a program for me, i can't see my life going away while I wait years or decades for an uncertain effective treatment. After this step (if it fails) i will do the implant of penile prothesis. In much reflexive moments I had the conclusion that mental disturbance associated is more harmful than Peyronie's disease itself, and, based in reports here of users of the implant, i think that a penile prothesis (my last option) can return to me my full joy of living.

Hope I had helped in some way,


Thank you all for your helpful and kind replies


i suggest your son get on a traction device.



Ant was last online October 03, 2014, not too many chances she is reading your advice :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


i know lol i tend to do that often post on old topics.


This is an old post but I'm going to chyme in as well as I'm roughly this same age (29) and experience similar symptoms -

Firstly, I think that it's absolutely important to treat ED and Peyronies (or any plaque/vein obstructing conditions resulting in a degree of ED) as physical issues. See my Pycnogenol + LArginine post as for a few months now this has helped and been more sustainable than Cialis type meds (you can read my story over this time on that post).

Any other suggested ways of dealing with the physical problem would be appreciated - I'm still hoping for that 'solution' !, lol. That said one of the most important ways in my opinion to 'medicate' this condition is to come to terms with it. I wish there was a 'magic bullet' that would make it go away but the reality I'm finding is that the only solution out there is to mitigate the problem (oral meds to an extent might help, considering a prothesis one day if it gets to that point which hopefully does not become the case, etc.).

So yeah, easier said than done but accepting your libido / condition for what it is and being able to move forward despite it in life / relationships is probably, before medicating the problem with actual drugs, the most important step. I have been trying to do this for years and clearly Tommarkey is another example of someone doing so. Some of the symptoms your son describes one can cope with. For example, a little graffic but if you have premature ejaculation most women will not mind so long as you can get it up and 'finish' inside. This is especially the case if you are waiting several days between times you have intercourse and don't masturbate. More than how long you last if you're in a relationship the woman wants to feel that her man is turned on and if you haven't had sex in a few days you will be super horny (especailly once inside her) from my experience and have a large ejaculate and she will feel appreciated. Also, women do rub against a pelvic bone from time to time  ::)  ; and, there are toys out there (vibrating ring, etc.) and ways a man can please a woman before intercourse.

The above is just one example but my point is that making the best of what we have is an important part of the process of 'treating' ourselves. Most posters don't 'fix' this problem or get back that party boy sex drive and performance but for long term stable relationships with good women who are more so looking to 'settle down' this is typically not a priority anyways. If you focus on chanelling your energy towards other things than party/sex such as being healthy, having a good job, etc. (and hopefully being in better shape/looking better as a result not to mention having more $ and being more responsible) as well as can find a way to get it up once a week and 'finish the job' inside her I'm sure there is a woman that will love you dearly. Just find a nice agreeable woman and avoid the emotionally unstable crazies.

I'd really like to hear other people's perpectives, see if they agree with what I'm saying / have advice with dealing with the psychological component of moving forward or physical front of treating this condition directly.

Worst case scenario like Tommarkey my contigency plan is to perhaps get an implant one day but in the mean time, while still relatively functional as was Ant's son at the time of his post by the sounds of it, I'm moving forward with my life and being loved regardless  :P  

PS - if one's erection quality is poor to the extent that even sex once a week on meds is ineffective to my understanding implants have a very high success/satisfaction rating. Typically they report being quite satisfied. HarvardReview studies also validate this high satisfaction rating as well. My plan is to consider one in like 10-15 years hopefully at a time when I'm settled down with a nice wife and family .. I'm relieved to know that the implant options are effective, the option is there, and that the science behind them has evolved so much.  


and honestly I say all that but from day to day and week to week coping with this problem is really tough.

It changes from time to time based on how it feels down there and whether I would be able to achieve an erection/have good intercourse but as an example right now I feel like I need an implant. I'm worried because it's a 'permanent' / radical solution as well as about fertility if I go that route.

Definitely plenty of ups and downs on the psychological front, heh

Wish everyone the best in dealing with these types of afflictions


my doctor is well known for peyronies and i have ed severally which is my main problem. my doctor was saying that implant wasnt a good option so i dont know what he is thinking. he gave me the old not good when i brought up implant.



Have you tried Pycnogenol and L Arginine - I'm finding that right now this combo is working moderately and giving me the right 'boost' - I also (unlike when I took Cialis) don't feel like I am building a tolerance to it over time.

Do you have ED to the extent where being able to have sex with a partner every say at least at times during each 5-7 day interval (without any masturbation or porn) on oral meds is now unreliable? I think if I ever get to that point I'm going to skip vacuum devices and injections and go straight for the implant with a good doctor like Dr. Kramer or Eid in the USA (you can google either and if you call Kramer's office he will even respond directly if you ask his assistant kindly for his e-mail, etc. and are seriously considering it).

All the best,

Quote from: Noway on August 26, 2015, 03:32:13 PM
my doctor is well known for peyronies and i have ed severally which is my main problem. my doctor was saying that implant wasnt a good option so i dont know what he is thinking. he gave me the old not good when i brought up implant.


i have been doing traction and taking sinrex sex isnt an option right now.


I see - have you ever tried Cialis/other oral meds?

Have you tried a regime of Pycnogenol and L Arginine (say 2 doses of 2gs of Arginine/ 50 mg of Pycnogenol).

Personally, I would be very cautious towards the use of these concoction products such as the one you describe below.

If this stuff (oral meds in general) doesn't work (say to the minimum degree that I outlined below in my previous post) I would get in touch with Dr. Kramer in Maryland. Look at his videos on youtube.

I'm not a PR person or anything but I have done quite a bit of research on the different doctors that do implants - it helps me sleep at night knowing that if this problem gets worse for me I have a backup plan.

Kramer will do them both for people insured (say in the US) or out of pocket and seems like a good guy with good reviews. Other big names in the US include Perito and Eid but I didn't get as good of an impression when I looked them up.

Personally, if my condition was to the degree were 'sex isn't an option' I would look at getting an implant from one of the docs who does a large number per year.

There are tons of accounts of whether they work and people of all ages get them done.

Hope I am of some help. Just passing on the extensive research I've done as like everyone on this site I know how pressingly important (and devestating) this issue can be..

There is hope my friend. Check out the harvard study that highlights the satisfaction ratings for implants. It's pretty damn high (say ~85%) and within the group that rated them poorly I bet it's because of stuff like not choosing a top surgeon, having a precondition that prevents the ability to orgasm (cancer), having something like arthritis or parkinsons or being old and unable to use the 'pumping' mechanism, being fat and having one's stomach protrude and prevent your dick from being long enough, not being fit enough for sex or having a heart condition, not being into sex anymore or having a partner you're not attracted to or in love with or is a nasty person, etc.

If you take all of these folks into account and take the right steps and these factors don't apply in your case I bet your likelyhood of falling into the 'satisfied' post implant group that is happy with an implant is really quite high  ;D  

Do your own research, a lot of these urologists don't know s$%t it seems..


Funny9097 - Please use the Reply button instead of the Quote button.


It doesn't sound as though the injury was significant but certainly seems so with the result. I have had ed for quite some time but largely due to porn. Porn induced ed, pied. Can this be a contributing factor? Between th Peyronies Disease and ed the pentox, daily cialis, ved and other supplements I am stable at this point. The biggest change regarding the ed had been abstaining from porn. Granted the meds have also helped in this area as a bonus but this is a problem for many men.


Do you know that Ant was last online at October 03, 2014?
What is the reason to post on this topic?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum