ED - Erectile Dysfunction (Started August 2005)

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Quote from: nick on October 12, 2005, 10:20:07 AM
I take the ginko and ginseng as well. It worked o.k for me. I added yohimbine and that seems to work much better. I can't really see a diff when erect. I can however see a huge difference when flacid.

Yes ! Yohimbe can expand the arteries in the sex organs, increase the blood flow into the spongy tissues in the genital area, and thus promote erection spontaneously which can rejuvenate near dead penile nerves/arteries/veins..  

That is why Yohimbine has been an erectile drug for treatment of impotency, as approved by the FDA.  

Please be very careful with Yohimbe though !!

How much do you take?

You see at a low dose (below 300 mg), the relaxant effects induced by Yohimbe are positive for health and sex; at a high dose (over 600 mg at 1% Yohimbine), it can cause over-expansion of the smooth muscles, which can produce panic attack in the brain, heart and digestive tracts.

This happened to me before many times before finding out this info.
At night while trying to get to sleep I felt extreme chest tightness, sweating and high blood pressure.

Its side effects are temporary. When you stop overdosing your body, the symptoms will goes away. If the side effects occur, you get no erection

Hope this helps.

Cheers !


I was just wondering, in terms of Ed, to what extent everyone was affected. In my own situation i get erect so that my penis is erect about half way. But the head is always soft.
THe big problem can be maintaining an erection. I'm sure everyone has been over this time and time again but I was just wondering.  

Larry H

Just to give you one personal point of information. I've had Peyronies Disease for over six years. The top of the shaft is now completely covered with plaque from the glans to the groin area. Loss of length is 2", girth about 1/3 less, and between an 80 to 90 degree bend. I have never had any problem with ED including nightly nocturnal erections. They are ugly to say the least, but still very solid.

This is perhaps the exception rather than the rule, but there is no rule of thumb with Peyronies Disease. I'm sure good blood flow is necessary to keep tissue healthy, but it has not helped or prevented my disease.



furtil66 - I'm significantly bent (although not as bent as Larry) but the plumbing still seems to work ok.  I think when Peyronies Disease first hit me I went through a period where it seemed not to.  Some of that may have been due to inflammation, and also just the shock of this thing hitting you like a brick. In time some of the shock wears off.  

Hope that helps.


I am new to the forum, and I think the support and information you provide is great and much appreciated.
I have being dealing with Peyronies Disease for the last 3 years and with ED for the last 18 month.  Viagra is not working for me as it used to do and I was wondering if anyone here has used Levitra, and if it is true you don't get the blue tinge vision



Thanks for the words of support.  It is good to have you as part of the active conversation.

I was left with Total ED immediately after prostate cancer surgery.  Since then, I have slowly progressed but I am still totally dependent on ED drugs for a daytime erection.  I have tried all three, Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis.  

Viagra gave me a bit of a blue haze the first time I ever took it but it never returned.  It gave me a bit of a flush over my face at 2 random times out of 25 tablets.  It usually gives me a somewhat stuffy nose.  All these are known side effects but were not a big issue to me.  One time I had a headache before taking Viagra and the Viagra seemed to make it worse.  I only take Viagra if I have gone at least 6 hours without eating.

Levetra has given me a stuffy nose.  It has the advantage that food, especially fats that are in most foods do not block its effectiveness like they do Viagra.  Its overall effectiveness is about the same as Viagra for me.

Cialis has one huge draw back for me.  About 3 days after I take it, I get a significant nagging backache for about a day.  The pain is over the kidney area and is a listed side effect that some experience.  I am not sure of the exact cause.  I used Cialis early on for a few tries but gave it up.  During that period, it worked no better than the other two.  Now that I have recovered a bit maybe it would work better but the back ache rules it out for me.  I does last for 36 hours as opposed to 3 hours for the other two.

Erection results between the three are indistinguishable for me but others may be different.  A decent family doctor should give you a few samples of Cialis and Levetra.  Mine gave me 6 ($60 dollars worth) and said "here, this should last you through the weekend.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I've only tried Viagra, and these were the freebies given to me by the doctor or his nurse. I have to say, it works like a charm. This doesn't agree with what's promised by the literature but I'm usually 'up' within a matter of minutes, and it definitely helps make up for the indentation/hourglass. It sort of has a lasting effect; after I've gone to sleep I notice myself waking up semierect or erect, all night long and into the next morning. I don't get a blue haze or a headache, but I have experienced some 'flushing' in my face during intercourse.


Hi everyone...was on a post last night which mentioned the website of      www.lionnutrition.com           which sells liquid viagra and others.  I request that some of you view this site and give your opinion...is it possible a company can break this medication down and sell it in liquid form?  Thanks....


Cialis is my "drug" of choice.  It has been dependable and less time sensitive than Viagra for sexual activity.  I have had few/minor problems or side effects but got most of the described ones with Viagra.  I only wish Cialis or Viagra had the power to overcome my hour glass and curve when erect.  But at least, a dependable erection is achieved.
20 years of Peyronie's / ED
Tried pills, VED, Verapamil injections, traction, Trimix & more.
Implanted 2/18/21. AMS cx 18cm + 3 RTE. Gay, 67.
Dr Etai Goldenberg, St Lous, MO
Now having lots and lots of wonderful sex!


I was wondering if anyone from the UK could tell me how they got hold of viagra.
Since it's not available on the NHS do you have to go to a private doctor or can you just go to your regular doctor and then wait for an appointment to the hospital to see a speicialist.


You go to your own NHS GP. If he's willing to prescribe it, he will write a private prescription. You take this to the chemist and pay a commercial rate.



I read your post under "Urologists....." where you said
QuoteHe placed me on Pentox twice a day, and Cialis once every two days to increase nightly erections which he said would help with keeping the plaque down

If you have a chance to discuss this with him, I would be interested in asking him about 25mg trazadone (1/2 of a 50 mg tablet)per night.  It cost 1.5 cents and my experience (and that of others) is that it works as good for nocturnal erections as anything including Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra with none of the side effects of those drugs.  It is 1/2 to 1/4 the usual prescribed dose for sleep problems and less than 1/4 to 1/16 of the dose prescribed for depression.  The only difference that I can tell if I stop taking it for a couple days is the night-time erections.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hello everyone...I would greatly appreciate some advice on the following:  As I have stated before on this forum, I am curently 34 years of age and have been impotent since the age of 18.  It is noted, that I went through a normal stage of puberty and got erections all the time, which included strong nighttime erections.  At the age of 18, for some unknown reason, I became impotent, however, I could still attain strong erections when I masterbatedwith strong erections, but never upon wakening in the morning or when attempting sex with a female.  Years went by...still could attain erections when masterbating, but none with a female.  Waited and waited until viagra came along...I was cured...felt like a normal man again.  However, one night when masterbating, I attained a very strong erection without viagra, and a very distorted penis appeared with a dent on top of the shaft.  I have never been able to obtain an erection again, even if masterbating - potency is gone.  This was 3 years ago and am being treated for peyronie's disease, and have been for the last 3 years, however, only a very small peyronie's area was found - it can not be felt with the hand - it is only seen with ultrasound - V injections are not an option for the area being so small, the uro feels it will not help.  Nothing worked...the uro mentioned trimix - it worked awesome!  This trimix worked wonderfully each and every time, but after 3 months, it not longer gave me an erection...just a semi-response and a bigger flacid penis for about 2 days.  My optimal dosage which worked great was .05 to .07.  I then increased it to 1cc and still no usable erection.  Today, I even tried 75mg. of viagra and 1.5cc's of trimix and STILL no usable erection.  What's going on here??  I am so confused!  Everywhere I read on the internet, it seems as if everyone responds well to trimix!  Do men sometimes use more than 1.5cc?  The medication was not expired and was refrigerated.  Can someone please give some advice on what I might be doing wrong?  I follow all directions on how to inject; however, I have read where most men insert the needle in the penis, and then push hard to gurantee it gets to the right tissue...I dont usually push very hard after I insert the needle...I figure since it does hurt, it is at its right depth.  The uro states I am a good candidate for penile ligation surgery...but wanted me to try these very non-invasive medications.  Regarding penile ligation surgery, I have read this may not be a long-term cure, but I figure if it works well for 5 years and symptoms of leaking  appears, my opinion is that the leak will not be as bad as now, therefore would respond very well to the oral and injectible medications again.  And, if I am hearing correctly either gene therapy and/or regrowing of smooth muscle for the penis will "possibly" start being offered to the public in about that time frame.  Any thoughts for my justification for having the ligation surgery, or would you keep trying higher doses of trimix?  Thanks.



I would recomend Ionotophoresis and the VED, if you read the section on VED's youll find much good information. For some cases the VED can straighten the penis out and help to cure ED.  Also there have been some promising studies done on the Iontophoresis, as it is proven to drive verapamil into the target tissue.  And on another note I know that most people on this forum question topical verapamil, however I have been using it and I can tell it definately increases blood flow while in the flaccid state, this I believe can't be a bad thing.  I wouldn't go to surgery just yet, your going to lose some length, and possible rigidity in your erections depending on the surgery choice you make.  Also you may lose sensetivity, as anytime they cut into your penis your going to damage some nerves.  Some will regrow but it will never be the same, and this in turn could lead to future Erectile Function.  The IONO treatment is not cheapt but definately worth a try in my opinion.  The medical studies back it up.  You just need a prescription and you can get the machine and the liquid medications from www.physion.com- I'm not trying to advertise for them just trying to direct you without searches and hassles.  Old Man has a great deal of knowledge dealing with the VED treatment as well.  In my opinion would should exhaust all possible options before attempting surgery.



Dear Will,

Your past medical history of having been able to acheive erections when masturbating, but not with women, suggests that - at that point - there was an emotional component. To whatever extent that such a psychologic component can still be present, it is probably worth investigating further.

FWIW, I think almost ALL of us could benefit from psychological counseling at some point - I know that I certainly have. Having a "physiological reason" for ED does not mean that the mind cannot kick in and make it worse. Given the territory we are talking about, not having a psychologic component to ED would be the exception.

The current failure to respond to therapy that should make it all work is very confusing, and suggests a vascular problem. You have detailed so much, it is hard to imagine that you have not looked into this completely, but be sure that blood flow is evaluated. I would also see if you have nocturnal erections as well.

It sounds like part of the problem is that you have a minor Peyronies Disease related deformity (or at least a small lesion), but without erections, how can you even tell if it is better, worse or unchanged? But I do not believe that it is likely that Peyronies Disease is causing the worsening of your erectile function.

I too would be quite leery of taking a surgical option yet.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



First, I will probably move these posts to the "Erectile Dysfunction" topic since that is primarily what they deal with.

It seems to me that you are saying that ED has always been a problem and Peyronies Disease is secondary.  The only advice I can give is to read every word of our ED topic.  I have a pretty good knowledge of ED from first hand experience after my radical prostatectomy.   If you ever inject, be very gentle, meaning steady hand, no tilting of the syringe after entry, and  above all, apply pressure to the injection site for a full 10 minutes after the injection.  If you have a wife or steady, understanding partner, I recommend a VED for erection and intercourse instead of injections.  I also suggest you ask your doctor to try trazodone in very low doses (see earlier posts in this topic) to see if it contributes to night time erections.

Finally, nocturnal erections are different than erections from physical or psychological stimulation and are not fully understood.  It used to be thought that if you got night-time erections that it meant day-time erections were possible unless there were some underlying psychological triggers that interfere.  That is now being considered to be inaccurate.  

All day-time erections do use the same nerve pathways regardless of how they are achieved (psychological stimulation, masturbation, foreplay).  If you could get an erection from masturbation but not with a female partner there could be no strictly physical reason to explain that.  Keep in mind that adrenalin is a very powerful anti-erection agent.  Adrenalin is released due to fear, stress, and anxiety.  At the same time those same emotions take your focus off of the sexually stimulating psychological aspects that help cause an erection.

I would not consider surgery until I exhausted every psychological, pharmaceutical, and divice (VED) option available with a sexual medicine MD and a psychologist.  Also, you don't mention if you are on any meds that could contribute to this problem,
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks very much for the valuable advice ComeBackid, Tim, and Hawk - your sincere information has triggered me to think deeper with this issue, and also to get a second opinion before electing for surgery.  One question about the ved...I have been using the soma correct for 1 year now...the bottom half of my penis when erect is fine...it is the distal end that is narrowing  - what is your opinion in just using the pump on the distal end (not against the abdomen since the bottom half is fine) and just pump that area up?  Also, as of recent, my uro came to the conclusion my Peyronies Disease orginated from being catherized for a long period of time.  I forgot to ask him this, and I have never seen any information in reference to where the scar tissue is from peyronie's disease if from a catherator?  Would the scar tissue just be located in the ureatha?  I believe there is a smaller area of corpus spongiosum, which has a small role in absorbing blood for erection, and to, the ureatha goes through this area.  Is it possible, that since my uro can barely find a peyronie's lesion, could the majority of the lesions be in the ureatha area?


If your plaque is in the  spongiosum, you would no doubt have a downward curve as I had.  In response to your question about only using the VED on the distal half, I doubt that you could get a seal.

Have you ever used the large cylinder?  Can you remove the VED and milk blood into the distal half?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I think that there would be no benefit to applying a vacuum to only part of your erection, and it would not be easy to do anyway. I agree with Hawks comments.

It sounds like you may have a generalized fibrotic process, without a specific area of plaque. That is how it is for me - I have never had a hard induration or nodule that could be palpated. That suggests that something like iontophoresis of verapamil (IF it could penetrate to the area of fibrotic change) would be better than "targetted" therapy with a needle.

One thing that emerges from my reading of men's experience here is that vascular supply or blood flow is an issue frequently. It may be reduced because of stress and adrenaline and fear reactions - but more often it seems to be impaired a bit.

One thing that many very good urologists do is to determine the vasular function of the arteries and veins, to see if there might be a vascular basis of the ED component of Peyronies Disease.

It makes me think that it would be VERY NICE, if the urologic ommunity could come up with a consensus on how to *evaluate* Peyronies Disease - what studies are to be done, and how, and when. In my own medical community (lung disease) we are constantly trying to see what works best, and to simultaneously strive to USE the best practices for our patients - across the board. This may be irrelevant, but I think many of you would find this article interesting. It is about how doctors decide what to do, and how patients find out how "good" their doctors are. It relates to my own area, but you may find it stimulating to what could be done in this field.

I may just have to do something about this myself (s)...


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Maybe someone can comment on this.

I have a prescription sitting here in front of me for viagra, does this act in the same way as cialis, it seems like cialis lasts for a long time while viagra you still need to get stimulation for it to work.  Do these two drugs basically work in the same way?



I have taken prescriptions of all 3;Levitra, Cialis, Viagra.  Their mechanisms of action are very similar.  I see absolutely no discernible difference in the ability to produce an erection.  All three require physical or psychological stimulation to produce an erection even in a normal healthy male.  I took all 3 at maximum dosage.

Cialis has a much longer half-life than the other two so it is on-board and ready when you are, over a longer period.  One of the listed side effect for Cialis is a delayed onset back ache that can occur days after taking the drug.  I always got these in the lower back and they are no fun.  I have no clue what the direct cause is but due to the area, I wonder if it involves the kidneys in some way.  If it made the difference between sex and no sex I would endure them but not week in and week out.  I am sure many people do not get these or the drug would be a flop.

Levitra Much like Viagra from a patient stand point. Half-life is the same as Viagra as is the manner and ability of producing an erection.  The one advantage is that it is less effected by eating a couple hours before taking the pill.

Viagra - One difference that makes Viagra a draw back is that any dietary fat interferes with absorption so it is best to be fasting for 4-6 hours before taking.  If you can find a zero fat snack, that is OK.  I had a few more side effects with Viagra than Levitra but these were minimal (2 head aches, 1 blue haze vision out of dozens of doses).

Finally, They all tend to cause a bit of a stuffy nose (for me).  This is caused by increased blood flow to the membranes.  None of these caused any side effects in minimal doses such as 1/4 of a Viagra every night.

The most important thing that I can offer, but which others seem to show little interest in. For less than 2 cents a day, half of a 50mg (smallest tablet) Trazodone at night before bed will cause solid nocturnal erections increasing blood flow all through the night.  It is absorbed better if taken with food.  This is only a fourth to a half of what is prescribed for sleep.  I have zero side effect from it and it is non-habit forming at this tiny dose.  I often skip a night or two and sleep soundly, only with no erections.  This is also a case in which more is not better.  The effect seems as strong or stronger at 25 mg than at 50mg.  Nocturnal erections are not as well understood as once thought.  They seem to not be dependent on the same nerve pathways as stimulated erections so I am not sure trazodone impacts a daytime stimulated erection and I am also unsure of how trazodone works to cause erections.  But it works very well.

I have known of 3 people that tried this and all 3 got the same positive effect.  It is also a listed side effect of trazodone. If you have a doctor that will work with you, discuss this with him.  It was the best tip I ever got off of a forum.

Finally, Adrenalin, sudafed, and neosynephrine bind to adrenalin receptor cells and kill erections.  They also unstuff your nose, just the opposite of ED drugs.  Performance anxiety kills erections both by taking your mind off the psychological aspects of sex and by producing adrenalin which is a certain erection killer.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



When you took these, does it make your erections more firm and solid?  Or does it just give you the ability to achieve an erection from sexual stimulation like a normal one that you would have?  I don't think these drugs could make peyronies worse as your getting erections.  Perhaps they could help stop progression or help cure peyronies to some extent.  It would be good for the doctors to do more research in this area.



Quote from: pudder135 on May 22, 2006, 06:14:21 PM

When you took these, does it make your erections more firm and solid?  Or does it just give you the ability to achieve an erection from sexual stimulation like a normal one that you would have?

If by "these" you mean Viagra etc, they will enhance the firmness of your erections assuming you don't already get diamond cutters.

If you mean trazodone, it generates nocturnal erections far superior to any stimulated day time erection with the aid of Viagra.  Keep in mind I sustained nerve damage from a radical prostatectomy but others have had similar experiences.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey guys, I feel bad asking questions after being off board for awhile.  Can I beg forgiveness?  

Okay, here goes.  I have a few ED questions for anyone who has experience with ED medication, VEDs, or both.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated:

I've noticed recently again that my erections are more like on a 7.5 scale out of 10 (10 being hardest), where 10 used to be the norm.  Whether this is due to Peyronies Disease or not, I cannot tell, but I must assume it is.  As such, I've been wondering about next steps.  Assuming my doc would go either route, I'm wondering:

1)  Does anyone have experience with VEDs AND medication, who can speak to which one might be better to improve specifically the firmness of an erection?

2)  Also, and forgive my ignorance here, but do VEDs and/or medication create any sort of "reliance" on them?  By that, I mean I can get an erection now generally without a problem.  The issue is the firmness, or lack thereof.  However, if I were to go on medication (Viagra, etc), or to use a VED, would this in any way diminish my ability to get an erection without using either medication or a VED?  Like, would I be "training" myself so that I would need these to get an erection?

Any insight is greatly appreciated, as always.  And have a great long weekend everybody.



Hawk,  I just finished reading your posts.  Thank you for sharing them.  My experience is similar.  I am 10 months post op and am getting night time erections to some degree.  I also get some response to Viagra, Levitra, and probably Cialis.  I tried Cialis to soon after surgery to tell.  Viagra gives me the blues (vision) and a flushed face.  I get the stuffy nose with Levitra which often gives me a terrible sinus headache that lasts all day.  I use a VED to obtain a daytime erection.  My urologist prescribed it to prevent post op shinkage.  I'm not sure if the constriction bands exacerbated the Peyronies Disease.
I am very interested in the Trazodone 25 mg.   Is it a common treatment for ED?  I plan to talk to my urologist about it during the next visit.  Also, if you don't mind me asking, how long since your RPP?  Some of the things you said are giving me hope.  Thanks for including this topic.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I've read online that if you have peyronies disease you should not use viagra, has anyone else encountered this?

Hawk-I also found this

Who should NOT use injection therapy?

Some conditions rule out the use of injection therapy.

Allergy to alprostadil.
Abnormally formed penis.
Peyronie's disease or penis angulation.
Carvernosal fibrosis.
Diseases that might result in prolonged erection, such as sickle cell anemia

You may be quite right that your injections made your condition worse I'm puzzled that the leading urologist in the world in dealing with peyronies disease did not know this?

Anyone know much information on Trazodone?



In reading recommendations for or against drugs, it is important to understand the rationale behind them.

Viagra is not recommended routinely for those illnesses, primarily because those conditions fall into the category of processes that require thoughtfulness before treating. In other words, Viagra is not a known treatment for Peyronies Disease, so it should not be used for such a cause of ED without first investigating other issues.

That is not to say that Viagra might not be of value for some people - it is the routine (and perhaps mindless) use of drugs that the warnings aim to prevent. And investigational use of Viagra is completely different - it is the use of a drug (not routinely recommended) because it *may* be of help to an individual. All such drug warnings have to be taken in context.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: pudder135 on June 01, 2006, 04:38:36 AM

You may be quite right that your injections made your condition worse I'm puzzled that the leading urologist in the world in dealing with peyronies disease did not know this?

ComeBackid, Injections did not make my Peyronie's Disease worse, I think the evidence is clear that bimix injections caused my Peyronies Disease.  This is not just a cause/effect case of: I injected; I got Peyronies Disease.  

The initial site of the Peyronies Disease, the timing, studies and warnings about papaverine causing fibrosis in a greater number of patients than other injectable ED drugs, the theory about micro-trauma, all point to the injections as the cause.

I don't know that I would refer to my doctor as the leading Peyronie's Disease doctor in the world but he is one of the very well known Peyronies Disease doctors.  Also, I do not think it is a matter of him not knowing.  When I mentioned it and offered him a printout of a study on the topic, he showed no interest in the printout and stated there is no evidence associating penile injections with Peyronie's Disease.  I could have more easily accepted the phrase, "no proof", but to suggest there is not even any evidence is a rather strong statement considering that I was not given any evidence or facts to counter the study in my hand, or to counter the many pharmaceutical warnings.  These are in fact evidence.  

Also see 2nd paragraph under "papaverine" in a paper by Tom Lue http://www.cmj.org/Periodical/PaperList.asp?id=LW8235

Quote from: Tom LueThe fibrotic change may be due to tunical hematomas at the injection site followed by clot reabsorption and fibrosis. Fibrosis also appears to be dose-dependent and cumulative, although significant fibrosis after only a few injections has been reported. The natural course of the fibrosis is unpredictable, with some cases resolving several months after discontinuation of injection therapy, and others persisting.

What is your question about Trazodone?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


You are 100% right about individuals using the current popular ED drugs. Since they can now be bought overseas off the Internet at cheaper prices than in the USA, they are being abused by many who do not research the contraindication portions of the patient brochure to learn of adverse side effects.

The ED drugs may provide some increase in blood flow to the penile chambers, but it should be done only in individuals healthy enough overall to take such drugs. The risk is not really worth it.

Since Viagra, Cialis and Levitra lowers blood pressure significantly, patients with heart problems should not take them, etc. Any and all heart patients especially should not experiment with them. Having have a triple bypass done, I know first hand about the dangers of meds that affect heart conditions.

Thanks for your valuable input to this forum. That is the kind of support we need from the medical community to help those in need.

Regards, Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I found several references to hMaxi-K.  It claims to work for up to 6 months.  Google search provides many quality hits.  Looks promising.


Link added by Hawk
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Here is another link to an article about new drugs for ED including the gene therapy which will last up to 6 months  :) :).


This is a copy of the first few paragraphs.  However, the whole two page article is worth reading.

New ED Drugs on Horizon

Faster Acting, Longer Lasting Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction By Daniel DeNoon
WebMD Medical News  Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
on Wednesday, May 24, 2006  

More From WebMD

Is Hypertension Affecting Your Sex Life?

ED: Warning Sign of Early Artery Disease?

Erectile Dysfunction: A Woman's Point of View

May 24, 2006 -- New treatments for erectile dysfunctionerectile dysfunction are on the way. One works fast. One lasts long. And another promises to be the next best thing to a cure.

The new drugs aren't here yet. They don't even have official brand names. But they promise to give men with erectile dysfunction even more options than they now get from Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

"We have a chance to glimpse the future of treatment in sexual dysfunction," says James Barada, MD, director of the Center for Sexual Health in Albany, N.Y. Barada moderated a news conference in which researchers discussed new findings reported at this week's annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Atlanta.

Nearly a Cure for ED?
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Does anyone know anything about caverjet?  I need to have this injected into my penis one time.  Will one injection hurt my penis or cause any damage?  Is there anyway to give me an erection without giving me an injection?  



Here is a link to there site.  


Hope this helps.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I'm looking to see if anyone knows the name of the little pill you put in your urethra at the end of your penis where you pee at and this gives you an erection.  I'm trying to find a way to give myself an instant erection without having to inject, as I believe injecting will make peyronies worse or cause more plaque.  I'm trying to find out the name of this pill and can't do so, anyone know?



The med is alprostadil.  The brand is MUSE.  Here is the link to WebMD's MUSE info  page.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I think you may find muse to be unreliable but it may work.  As one that stuck about 70 needles in my penis I would not worry too much about one administered by a nurse (or doctor).  If you do it, follow the advice to apply direct pressure to the injection site for 10 minutes to prevent any bleeding and I would take nothing that would thin my blood for several days prior to the injection.

They will inject in the base 1/3 of the penis in a i to 3 oclock position on the right or a 9 to 11 oclock on the left avoiding any visible vein.  If you are aware of any scar tissue, direct them away from it.

You will find the injection to be very painless compared to an injection elsewhere on the body.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I thought those injections is what gave you plaque nodules and gave you peyronies, I just don't want to get more plaque, I only need to do one injection, thats it, seems like this shouldn't give someone plaque, however I have plaque surrounding my whole corpus Cavernosum and can't inject into the plaque itself.



Quote from: pudder135 on June 20, 2006, 10:50:50 PM

I thought those injections is what gave you plaque nodules and gave you peyronies.... I have plaque surrounding my whole corpus Cavernosum and can't inject into the plaque itself.

Injections did give me Peyronies Disease but that was 75 injections.  Personally I would not be too hyper about one injection but I do think injecting into scar tissue is a significant concern.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I only need to do one injection in front of the doctor, my proposal or idea was to simply use the suppasatory to give me the erection, instead of injecting the medicine in.




The thing I can't figure out with trazodone is the fact that its in the class of anti depressants, which decrease sex drive and daytime erections.  However I do realize that taking it at the 25 mg dosage level would not have this effect but it seems like it should still kill erection a little.  But as you have reported it gives nightime erections. Was this medication made aware to you by Dr. Mulhall?  Did he say it will give you nightime erections, or did you discover it on your own?



One of the more knowledgeable people I ever knew on the forums clued me in on this.  Priapism (erection that lasts for hours and is a mediacal emergency) is a listed possible side-effect of a full dose of this drug.  While I think priapism is rare, 3 out of three people I know have gotten great results with 1/2 of a 50mg trazodone with food before bed.  There are also clinical studies combining trazodone and yohimbe (sp).  My family doctor prescribed upon hearing my explanation of why I wanted to try it.  It is not an unknown issue and it is the cheapest drug I have ever heard of for any ailment.

PS: not all antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction.  Cymbalta has a very low risk of sexual side effects and Welbutrin has been blamed in court for cause spontaneous random orasms in women.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


QuoteWelbutrin has been blamed in court for causing spontaneous random orgasms in women.

Would that be a bad thing?  I took Welbutrin to quit smoking.  Might have the opposite effect on women :Q
Was it good for you?
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Today, for the first time since prostate surgery, I took Viagra and it worked ( about 75% erection).  Thats the good news.  The bad news is I got an idea of how bad and painful the Peyronies Disease is.  

I am keeping a positive attitude, though.  I was not sure if I would ever get any kind of erection without a VED.  Now we can hope and pray for the day Peyronies Disease can be treated with some success.  It can happen!

One more thought.  I am thinking the supplements I am taking for Peyronies Disease may be helping the ED.  Hey, it couldn't hoit.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I talked with my doctor today about my loss of daytime erections since taking Lexapro.  He doesn't think taking testosterone would be a good idea for me because it can have side effects like enlarging a mans breasts and increased hair growth, and the effects only occur while your on the medicine.  He told me that Lexapro effects seratonin, and that is probably what effected my lack of erections.  However, now hes telling me I'm probably just losing erections cause I'm getting older (22).  I don't know if I buy this because I used to get a lot of daytime spontaneous erections before taking Lexapro.  He said I could try Wellbutren, which raises yoru dopamine levels and actually increases sex drive and erections, but I'm going to wait on that.

Anyone with any comments on this?  Perhaps lack of daytime erections doesn't have any effect on peyronies disease and it will get worse if you have erections or not.



ComeBackid,,,,i've been on testosterone now for about 7 yrs and my breast's have not gotten larger,,thats BS......But i have gotten a lot more body hair, and thats what my wife has always wanted,ha!....And my daytime erections never went down until i was 45,,,I think its your meds that is effecting that.

And i don't believe that having an erection is going to make your peyronies any worse,,,if anything you need the erections to help stretch the plaque and thats what a VED helps do for you,,,,stretch....




I didn't say erections would make the plaque worse, I think not having them makes the plaque worse or encourages the plaque to contract more.

Thanks for the reply though on testosterone.  I'm already hairy and don't need body hair dude.  I may get blood work done to see what my testosterone is at.  The lexapro I took did things with my seratonin uptake abilities, and so my phsyciatrist doesn't think testosterone will even do much for my erections.  My phsyciatrist was pale and losing his hair from his KIMO therapy for bladder cancer.  He had a successful removal of his bladder but flatout looked bad.  Now hes recovering, he said he wouldn't even trade the cancer for peyronies after I asked him about it.  



I started back on Welbutrin a month ago.  My ED is getting better.  You can't conclude the Welbutrin is helping.   But, it hasn't hurt, either :).
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I may not be a doctor but I have some very strong opinions on this topic.

For a doctor to tell a 22 year old guy he is loosing erections because he is getting older, is beyond stupidity.  If it were not so sad it would be hilarious.  I saw no slight loss of daytime erections between 15 and 40 and had  regular (but less) daytime erections at 52 just prior to prostate surgery.  While this may be a bit more than normal, I am positive that any 22 year old male not having any day time erections is a symptom that something is wrong.  It could be medication, nerve injury, Peyronies Disease, diabetes, depression, stress, hormone imbalance, or several other things, but it certainly is not age related.

Foot note on testosterone: Forget all the other side effects of testosterone. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and far more common than breast cancer in women.  There is no doubt that many men on this forum have prostate cancer in some quantity that is either non-aggressive or very aggressive and they do not even know it.  Some statistic indicate that before a man dies there is a 50% chance he will have prostate cancer.  Much of this is low grade and it is further slowed down by the fact that he fortunately develops it at an age when his testosterone has naturally dropped.  Testosterone is like gasoline to prostate cancer.  Prostate cancer is testosterone fed.  For anyone (especially over 40) to take testosterone without a clear confirmation of low testosterone levels and a clear and very regular prostate evaluation is like playing Russian Roulette.  Even then I would have a base level PSA check and recheck my PSA every 6 months.  I would not be looking for a high PSA reading, I would be looking for any significant rise even at a low reading (for example: from 1.5 to 2.1 in 6 months).  If another quick test confirmed this rise I would be flushing testosterone.  I would also be having a prostate exam by someone that knew what they were feeling for.  I have no interest in being a hairy guy laying in a bed with a lid.

Thanks for the time on the soap box. ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


At the age of 56, quite a few years ago, my father went to the doctor with severe back pains.  After several visits, over a period of a few months, the doctor told my dad he was getting old and it was normal to have pain .  My father died of colorectal cancer within a year.

Age, itself is not a disease and has no symptoms.  If a doctor blames a condition on age, start looking for another opinion.

Having said that, I recognize the correlation between age, certain physiological events and the likelihood of developing certain diseases or conditions.  For example, many men lose hair as they get older.  Age, however, is not the cause.  If that were true, all adult males would be bald.  Apply that logic to ED.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

Old Man

Note to all from a guy who has been there and done that!







Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.