ED - Erectile Dysfunction (Started August 2005)

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This is just speculation on my part.  I don't have any test results, such as LH or FSH levels, to know that it is true.  My last test showed estratiol (E2) to be very low.  My daily topical testosterone dose was just increased from 50 to 100 mg.

Quote from: skunkworks on May 24, 2010, 09:43:12 AM
Quote from: BrooksBro on May 24, 2010, 05:25:18 AM
Has anyone seen my libido lying around somewhere?  I have misplaced it.  I think I may have lost it after my last doctor visit.

The human endocrine system (hormones control nearly every organ) is incredibly complex.  I think applying external testosterone gel (testim) the past few months has signaled my pituitary to release less of the hormone that tells my body to make it's own testosterone.  The result being even less total testosterone.

I'm pretty stunned that the doctor did not tell you this was a possibility, even a probability. Was it prescribed by a GP? or by an endocrinologist?


A few weeks of applying 100 mg Testim topical testosterone gel has made all the difference in the world!  WOW!  I feel NORMAL.  I've not felt this good in years.  I seem to concentrate better at work, my mood is WAY up.  Even outside of sex, I just feel great.  I have even had a few spontaneous DAYTIME erections, and several during sleep are routine.  I have had a few nights when I dreamed, and I remembered them.

Feb 24 - testosterone 279, E2 <2, - started on 50 mg Testim daily
May 24 - testosterone 397 - started on 100 mg Testim daily

My wife said the latest testosterone value explains why I have been jumping her bones more lately (couple of times a week).  Well, yeah, like, who else's bones would I be jumpin' but hers, anyway?

My guess is the level could be up to something around 500, or more, by the time I re-"test" in late July.  What ever it is, I LIKE IT.

Old Man


Now you know what controls your libido, huh? Keep it up and you can be jumping her bones for many months and years to come! (No pun intended!)
Just kidding of course, but it does help to be on the light side sometimes.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.



My hormone replacement story is very similar and I really believe in HRT for men of a certain age.

I have been taking testosterone injections for some time, but had started to have a lot of problems with urination do to an enlarged prostate.  I think the injections were compounding my problem, so I stopped the testosterone injections and started using a topical DHT gel which I am applying directly to my penis every morning after my VED therapy.

The DHT gel seems to accomplish the same thing as the testosterone injections, as far as erections are concerned, but I am not having the urination issues so far.



Thanks for the feedback GS.

At my last visit, the urology resident mentioned testosterone injections rather than topical gel (applied to shoulders).  I expressed concern about the mood swings from once or twice a week injections.  That is why the docs doubled the topical dose, for now.  A friend downplayed the mood swings based on the experience of some of his friends.  At my next visit, I may ask to go that route, from a cost and convenience standpoint.  My hope is that the injectable is less expensive than the topical gel.

My minor BPH symptoms greatly resolved after I lost 50 pounds of weight and started regular exercise.  I just did not know that would lead to "adult-onset athleticism."  I expect the docs will regularly monitor for prostate enlargement, PSA score, and hemoglobin level as long as I am on testosterone replacement.  


I had my first intercourse using the VED and constricting ring.  Creating the erection and appling the ring were less disruptive than I thought it would be.  Preparing everything ahead of time and laying it off to the side was key.  

When I practiced applying the largest ring that came with my VED, it was pretty uncomfortable.  Encouraged by the passion of the moment, it was more tolerable in actual use.

Getting the ring off afterwards was difficult because I wiped away all the lubricating fluids.  I won't do that again until after it is off.

With just one experience, I found it more convenient than high dose Viagra, because it is a lot less time-sensitive.  I like the idea of being able to produce a satisfactory erection "on-demand."  I also liked not losing my erection quickly after orgasm.  It felt HUGE to me, but my wife is not sure that it really was (Come on, lie to me, just this once!).  Because of the additional engorgement, the curve seemed more pronounced, and that made entry a little more challenging than usual.

I may look into a ring with lower tension, like the Erecaid B ring.

I am willing to try it a few more times, at least.  

Old Man


Welcome to the family of VED users for erections! Your experience is just about average for first time users. Suggest that you "practice" using various rings until you find the right tension for you. You need one that will hold up an erection for at least the 30 minute limit. I still use the special rings that came with my Osbon Esteem VED as they present a more comfortable restriction and give the best erection quality. In addition, they are much easier to remove after use. Strongly suggest that you use a bit more lube on the shaft prior to removing the ring(s) yes, if needed you can use more than one ring. Yes, trying to remove the retainers without lube can be a skin raising experience!!!!

These rings are still available from several web sites and also from the current maker of the Osbon VEDs - Timm Medical division of Endocare in MN. The rings cost about $20.00 plus S&H as I recall from my last order. These rings have special features that apply more pressure at a point that does the best job of holding the blood in the erectile chambers.

Another suggestion about getting entry - you might try using a different position that will allow the best angle of entry due to the curve. Takes a bit of doing sometimes, but there are so many positions to try, so do that. There are even sites on the web that give pictures of the various ones, etc.

Thanks for posting your experience and success using the VED for your sexual pleasure!!

Old Man

Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I bought the ved and it doesnt work for me. The reasons for this are as follows when im pumping my veins on my penis hurt and my penis goes disfigured ive read all instructions and am doing it properly.

Old Man


Sounds like you might be using too much vacuum pressure. VED therapy is a case where less is much better than more.  Getting a good tight seal around the shaft is the first item in setting up an exercise session. So do the following:

Make sure that you are using plenty lubrication on your shaft as well as in the cylinders when inserting the shaft into the VED. Then make sure that you have a comfortable feeling before starting to pump the cycles.
Practice with using it before starting on the scheduled cycles.

I find that using too much pressure can and will pull the veins "out'' more than normal. This does lead to pain or discomfort with the added pressure. So, try using less pressure to see if the therapy works better for you.

Let us now if you have specific questions about the procedure. We are all here to help in any way possible.

Old Man.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


The veins on my penis hurt when im not using the ved and just getting normal erections too. It doesnt matter how much pressure I use with the ved it hurts ive tried I paid 400 dollars for the thing sigh...


Quote from: Noway on June 29, 2010, 09:35:42 PM
I bought the ved and it doesnt work for me. The reasons for this are as follows when im pumping my veins on my penis hurt and my penis goes disfigured ive read all instructions and am doing it properly.

How can your penis 'go disfigured'? If you are following the protocol you should be using the A cylinder, which would not leave any space for your penis to 'go disfigured".
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Old Man


Another suggestion = forget the protocol and try this: Use only the large cylinder for a while. Lube up as usual, use only the large outer sizing insert and just apply a very small amount of pressure to determine if this will allow you to do so. If there is no hurting of the veins with this, hold this mild pressure for as long as it remains comfortable. However, hold it no longer that about one or two minutes before releasing it. If this stays comfortable with no major pain, do these exercises as long as they stay comfortable, etc.

Once you have determined that this works, try putting the medium cylinder back in the VED and try doing the same procedure. IOW, try working your way back up to the point you can do the protocol according to the schedule using all three cylinders.

Hopefully, this will work for you. Remember that any exercise that you can give your penis is best for your Peyronies Disease problems. Keep us up to date on what is happening for you. Surely, there is some reason for the veins hurting, so you need to find out what is causing it. Maybe your uro can help, so check with him/her as soon as possible.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Noway on June 29, 2010, 09:35:42 PM
I bought the ved and it doesnt work for me. The reasons for this are as follows when im pumping my veins on my penis hurt and my penis goes disfigured ive read all instructions and am doing it properly.

Good advice from OldMan below!  Can clarify what you mean by disfigured, so that we can get a better idea about what is happening?


I guess the doctor gave me the wrong cylinder I only have the cylinder with 1 tube. What I mean by disfigured is when I pump my penis goes downward tight agaist the cylinder and then the veins start to hurt. Also my penis goes really tight and doesnt look right.


I went to my uro and he got me a appointment with a peyronies disease specialist. I have to wait 9 and a half months to see him I still got 3 months and a half to go :(.

Old Man


Give us more information about the VED that your uro prescribed for you. If it is one of the "sex toy" type you make not be able to get good results from it as you state. You must have a cylinder large enough to allow full extension of your penis in length and girth at least for part of the 26 week protocol.

You can use the one cylinder protocol if the cylinder is/was large enough to allow for full extension. So, give us more information about your VED unit listing the dimensions of the cylinder, length, diameter and whether or not is a straight tube or tapered, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Its the osborn one it cost me like 400 dollars and its full tube. I did everything right and I said what goes wrong when using it. I followed all the instructions. It just doesnt work for me Ive tried a few times and in the book and it sais if you have odd shape penis do not use it and contact your doctor.


Im going to see a peyronies specialist in 3 months so I need these months to fly by. My uro said theres only a few in the world so im going to see this guy hopefully he actually got his degree not like the other uros ive seen that got there degree from the back of a cereal box.


Like when I see the urologist all they ask me if I hurt myself. I say I dont know because I dont and thats all and they dont do anything. Asking me that question all the time how will that help the problem... so what if I did hurt myself your supposed to be helping me.


I have been using one of the sex shop VED s for about 10 days. Just newly diagnosed. I am using the Jackp protocol recommended by The Old Man for a single cylinder.It is equipped with a rubber sleeve which I used up until last night. It was bothering me to look at it as the sleeve holds tight on the penis as you are pumping . It extends through the tip of the sleeve for the exercise but it worries me that it is pinched half the way up/down.
So I removed the sleeve last night and felt more comfortable as there was nothing pinching my penis as I pumped, holding for 15-20 seconds - then release.  


Presuming to speak for everyone else here, few of us remember any specific event that triggered the inflammation leading to peyronies.  Not being able to identify the primary injury cause is also reported by most of the peyronies condition summaries that I have read.

I agree, even if you knew, it would not change the treatment.

Quote from: Noway on July 05, 2010, 12:06:36 AM
Like when I see the urologist all they ask me if I hurt myself. I say I dont know because I dont...


In my case, I realized that I caused it from using two tight constriction rings with a VED. None of the literature with the VED cautioned about using too tight of rings or more than one at a time.

Anyway, the Peyronies Disease showed up right where I used to have the rings. So that was the trauma. I threw all the rings away and won't ever use those again. I now use the VED Protocol and the indention has gone away but I still have a curve to the left but not as bad.

Still using the VED


Quote from: hb on July 06, 2010, 10:46:04 AM
In my case, I realized that I caused it from using two tight constriction rings with a VED. None of the literature with the VED cautioned about using too tight of rings or more than one at a time.

Anyway, the Peyronies Disease showed up right where I used to have the rings. So that was the trauma. I threw all the rings away and won't ever use those again. I now use the VED Protocol and the indention has gone away but I still have a curve to the left but not as bad.

Still using the VED

It's unfortunate that such a situation came about. Many men do not realise that their penis is anything less than indestructable though, so you're not alone. If you read some of the extreme things people do on penis extention forums, you'd cringe. That you are now using the VED correctly and with positive results is an important lesson for all of those wishing to use such a treatment method. Hopefully continued use will improve your condition even more over time.


So yeah Im going to see a peyronies disease specialist in 2 months. I still have all the same problems. My problems are Having a hard time ejaculating, keeping an erection, curved penis (downward), Soreness, Pain in 1 of my vein when getting erections which is seldom I get an erection. I also have an indent in my urethra and on the left side. Ive so far tried viagra 50 mg , levitra 100 mg both didnt work they get me hard but I still cant keep the erection as soon as I touch it it starts going down. Ive tried the vacuum device many of times hasnt worked for me because It hurts too much and I bought a good one and im following the instructions to a tee. Also when I pump it stays bent and doesnt want to go straight. Also my penis lately has been tighting up alot more than usuall. Im not sure what to do now except see what the specialist has to say. I have both ed and peyronies disease so im thinking an implant but that still wont help my problem with reaching orgasm Also my urethra is messed up and my veins hurt. . Im only 24 years old and have had this for like 6 years I just want to be normal. Also my urethra is messed up and my veins hurt. So if I could get hard and stay hard maybe I will be able to reach orgasm easier. Such a mess....


Two updates.

1.  I bought a lower tension ring from Timm Medical - a gray color Erecaid B.  The first time I used it, my erection was less firm than with the largest ring provided with the Vitality OTC VED.  I'd call it marginal.  I'm willing to try it a few more times.

2.  Testosterone level
Feb 24 - 279, E2 <2, - started on 50 mg Testim daily
May 24 - 397 - started on 100 mg Testim daily
July 23 - 836 - continue 100 mg Testim daily

With my testosterone now over 800, I can't say that 100 mg Viagra works for me any better than it did when my level was 400.  I have a continuing fear of my erection becoming weaker during intercourse.  So, I still use The Pump and a tension ring for intercourse.  When pumping and wearing the ring, my confidence in maintaining a satisfactory erection is very high.

On 25mg Viagra nightly (L-arginine 2g, pycnogenol 60 mg), my night time erections continue to be frequent and firm, although not especially long lasting.  

One possible side effect of testosterone replacement is an increase in sleep apnea.  I've never had any symptoms of sleep apnea (wake up gasping, morning headache, etc), nor have I ever been told I snore loudly or excessively.  Something is affecting my ability to sleep long enough, and my attempts to identify and treat it with OTC meds it have been unsuccessful.  5-6 hours of sleep is not nearly enough.  I'm going to see a neurologist (not a pulmonologist) sleep doctor soon.  It could be a circadian rhythm disturbance, such as advanced sleep phase syndrome.  

Quote from: Old Man on June 26, 2010, 08:28:18 AM

Welcome to the family of VED users for erections! Your experience is just about average for first time users. Suggest that you "practice" using various rings until you find the right tension for you. You need one that will hold up an erection for at least the 30 minute limit. I still use the special rings that came with my Osbon Esteem VED as they present a more comfortable restriction and give the best erection quality.

These rings are still available from several web sites and also from the current maker of the Osbon VEDs - Timm Medical division of Endocare in MN. The rings cost about $20.00 plus S&H as I recall from my last order. These rings have special features that apply more pressure at a point that does the best job of holding the blood in the erectile chambers.



I went through the same thing with HRT and have used a C pap machine for sleep apnea for several years now.  The C pap machine takes a little getting used to, but the difference in how you sleep and feel after you start using it is incredible.  It was like I was a new man after I started using it.

My suggestion to anyone who snores is to have a sleep study done to find out if you have sleep apnea.  It's one of the best things I ever did.



Thanks GS.

I tried everything I could think of or find recommended on the internet to help me sleep.  I kept a sleep diary for several weeks, took the Epworth Sleepiness Score, and went to see a certified sleep specialist (neurologist).  At 5 ft 9 in, an athletic 180 lbs, 15-1/2 inch neck, and an endurance runner, I did not think I fit the typical profile of someone with sleep apnea.  (It is common among current and former professional football players, especially linemen.)  I thought it could be a circadian rhythm disturbance.  As expected, the doc sent me for a sleep study.  I had a lousy night of sleep, so I knew it was a "good" test.  I was surprised that I slept two hours longer than normal.  The results were I wake up a little over 30 times every hour, just into the severe category.  It's obstructive sleep apnea alright.  

Contributing factors could include that I still have my tonsils, chronic and untreated stuffy nose (mild allergies), and hypothyroidism (treated).  A low reported side effect of testosterone replacement is sleep apnea.  Adding the testosterone gel has been the only significant new medication, and I have been on it since February of this year.  It could have been just enough to bring my previous unrecognized sleep apnea to the forefront.

I have a CPAP titration sleep study tonight.  After months 4-6 hours of interrupted sleep nightly, I am eagerly anticipating 8+ hours of restful sleep tonight.  I picked out a machine and possible mask from an insurance company contracted provider, and know what the insurance company will pay.  I won't see the doc to get the results and prescription for about two weeks.   :(

After getting on the CPAP (and adjusting to it), I also anticipate getting sufficient and high quality sleep will let my body begin to function more normally in many ways, mostly hormonal (testosterone, thyroid, human growth, insulin, etc).  Sleep apnea could explain my high morning blood sugar and blood pressure, which were previously disgustingly normal.

I am disappointed that my urologist did not consider this as a possibility on my last visit, when I mentioned excessive daytime sleepiness to both the urology fellow and the head physician.  Nor has my internal medicine doc who has been treating me for hypothyroidism more than three years.  I learned there is a HUGE coincidence between hypothyroidism and obstructive sleep apnea.  I can't fault the internal medicine doc too much; I saw his PA this summer and she wrote a trial Rx for Ambien, not him, and I never went back.  Once again, WE have to be aggressively proactive in our own medical treatment.

I agree, if you snore and are persistently sleepy during the day, ask your doctor if it might be sleep apnea.


Quote from: GS on August 11, 2010, 09:59:29 AM


I went through the same thing with HRT and have used a C pap machine for sleep apnea for several years now.  The C pap machine takes a little getting used to, but the difference in how you sleep and feel after you start using it is incredible.  It was like I was a new man after I started using it.

My suggestion to anyone who snores is to have a sleep study done to find out if you have sleep apnea.  It's one of the best things I ever did.



This pycnogenol stuff is quite impressive. Two weeks in and I no longer need viagra or low dose naltrexone for nocturnal erections. This is taking 30 mg three times daily with around 2g l-arg twice daily.

L-arg by itself never had any positive impact on morning wood.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Clarifying further in answer to a PM.

In the morning before breakfast I take around 2g l-arg mixed up in pomegranate juice, one 30mg Pycnogenol and 1g acetyl l-carnitine.

Then in the middle of the day i take another 30 mg Pycnogenol.

In the evening before bed I take the same as I did before breakfast.

This is the Pycnogenol - http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Pycnogenol-30-mg-150-Capsules/760?at=0
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


So im 24 years old and I do for sure know I have peyronies diease now. I went to peyronies disease specialist yesterday and he did an ultrasound and found scarring in both tubes in the bottom. So he put me on 400mg 3 times a day pentoxifylline. He will see how that goes and I have to go back in 2 months he will test my blood flow and see how that is and then take it from there.


Is pycnogenol better than L-arginine for improving ED and how does the combination of both improve ED?  What is the recommended daily dosage, especially if taken with Pentox and a low-dose PDE5 inhibitor?  I've read that it interacts with Viagra.  Any truth to that and does pycnogenol or L-arginine interact with Pentox or any of the PDE5 inhibitors?  Is the L-arginine found in foods as effective as the pill form and what foods have the highest levels of it?


Pycnogenol and L-Arginine combined is sometimes known as Prelox. There have been a few prelox studies:


One or two of the studies include doseage information, though I don't suppose anything is set in stone. Pycnogenol is unfortunately quite expesnive, but the combo does appear to be useful. If it doesn't make a big enough difference, there's always viagra and the like. I wouldn't rule out using both strategies at once if I was at a stage where I felt that I needed to.


viagra,levitra and the penis pump didnt work for me ive just started using pentox and im already noticeing improvements and they say it takes like 5-6 months to work so hopefully the scarring goes down.  


I buy my pyncogenol at trader joes and it's a lot cheaper than any where else that I've seen.


I do have peyronies disease but my erections are pretty straight right now but Im impotent. My uro sais its from the scarring that its screwing up the blood flow. The thing thats weird is if i masterbate which takes me forever the first time if I get an erection the second time then its disfigured sigh.


What is the recommended dosage for Trazadone and Naltrexone and how soon can you notice an effect?


Why is it important to get nocturnal/mornings erections if one has Peyronie's?  What benefit does it have?



It is very important to keep your penis healthy.It is a normal occurrence and should be maintained.I believe atrophy could set in rendering the penis useless and week. So if your not having them find a way to have some, get on cialis or somthing.Also a ved will keap your penis healthy.



 December 14th I went to a peyronies disease specialist where he stuck a needle in my penis to give me an erection so he can check the blood flow which was really good. Ive also been taking pentox 400mg three times a day for only 2 months and notice major results. The doctor also checked the stability of my penis while it was hard and he thinks knock on wood with more pentox it will cure my peyronies. My erections lately are really straight and alot more sensitive and fuller. Ive noticed huge results from pentox when I take the pill I eat a big meal beforehand it seems to be working really well. Now the doctor wants me to keep taking the pentox for 6 months and we will do a follow up. Anyone who has peyronies disease get on pentox because ive had peyronies for 6 years around and pentox is helping alot even after having it this long. I also want to say with taking the pentox I now get morning erections which are straight and good which I havent had for 6 years or so.

Comebackid awhile back told me to get on pentox right away but I was skeptical because before I seen the peyronies disease specialist I seen another urologist who was supposed to be the best. This uro though said no medication and nothing will work for peyronies diease but surgery. Im glad I didnt get surgery and found the doctor im seeing now. Now seeing how good pentox works everyone with peyronies should be on it and urologist need to do more research....


Noway - That's great news. Pentox should be the first port of call for peyronie's diseass sufferers I think. I think it people with very early stage peyronie's got on it, they'd often limit the progress of the disease right away.


newguy I will keep posting my results and see what happens in six months to check if my plague went down. Also to see if the pentox is still working well.


Any info on topical gels or creams for ED?


Ive been taking pentox 400 mg for around 3 months now and my erections are pretty straight and im getting alot more erections,harder erections and bigger erections. I can also finally ejaculated and hold an erection. I recommend pentox to everyone if you have erectile dysfuntion or peyronies disease. It works better than viagra.


Quote from: Noway on February 10, 2011, 11:39:41 PM
Ive been taking pentox 400 mg for around 3 months now and my erections are pretty straight and im getting alot more erections,harder erections and bigger erections. I can also finally ejaculated and hold an erection. I recommend pentox to everyone if you have erectile dysfuntion or peyronies disease. It works better than viagra.

Pentox also increases sperm motility, so if you're trying to get your wife pregnant, pentox may help.  


Its still not 100% perfect im still running into problems but its at least improving.


Synopsis: It would be difficult to become fully erect and I started to lose my erections shortly after starting intercourse(During this whole time my morning erections were either non-existent or very limp). Even masturbation would achieve only mild erections. Then about a month after I started to use Vitamin E, L-arginine, and Vitamin B, a few days after I experienced stronger erections but there was some pain, then about another 4 or 5 days later I still felt a pain and noticed that the erection would be fuller at the base and then almost halfway down the shaft it would seem to go limp. Then shortly after I felt a bit more pain in my penis/groin area that was there even when I did not have an erection, but I started to have morning erections again and they seemed a bit stronger, a few days later they were stronger still. I stopped taking L-arginine and just take Vitamin B and E and it has now been about two months and I can get fully hard erections, they still don't seem to last as long as they used to but I am not having sex with a girl on a regular basis (being single at the moment). Really not sure what it could have been or still is. Maybe a blood clot?

Here is some important background info:

Back in October I had a fungus (jock itch) on the head of my penis (not circumcised) and I used a topical cream canesten which uses clotrimazole (when I checked online there were no ED side effects for it but a similar antifungal is actually given to post penile surgery patients to prevent erections) as the medical ingredient. I used it for a month and the fungal infection cleared up. Then towards the end of November/beginning of December I met someone and had sex but the erections were not hard enough to last too long, the casual relationship ended and I was worried because of the poor erections. Then I remembered that about 10 years ago I had a similar fungal infection and for about a month after I used the topical cream I could not get erections (I think this must be a side effect) so I thought it would go away within a month

In January I met another girl and had sex again with consistent mediocre erections. The moment I would put a condom on the erection would start to go down to the point that having sex with a partner would be impossible within a few minutes. I started to think that maybe I had ED. Looked it up online and feared that maybe at 39 I had some heart disease, then I noticed that Peyronie's can also cause ED.  Changed my diet, cutting out almost all sugars and sweets and even red meats. Now I do eat red mets since I find my sex drive goes down when I don't.

That's when I started to take L-arginine and Vitamin B and E. At this point I am really not sure what it could be, it seems to be getting better. My morning erections are very strong now and if I masturbate those erections a not always rock hard but most of the time they are, but I have been a bit scared to try having sex with a girl again for fear of the same thing happening.
I did go through a divorce about a year ago maybe there is some physiological issue too.

Any help would be appreciated.


First off, Just having ED symptoms does not mean you have Peyronies Disease. They are not necessarily, and you would see other Peyronies Disease symptoms first.

So, worrying about getting an erections can be some of the problem. And sounds as if you have had to face some tough life issues during this time as well.

My advice would be too see a urologist, and try some Viagra or Ciallis samples. You might be surprised that taking a little from time to time might just give you the boost you need. I know it has helped me, and I wish I had lowered my pride years ago and tried this sooner. I also went for several years with a "less than perfect" erection. But wasn't willing to admit the dreaded "dysfunction" word. Little would I know this would be the least of my problems in later years.

Stay positive.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Three months after stopping 100 mg topical testosterone gel (Testim) daily, I started with 200 mg testosterone injection.  A few days after my first weekly injection, I had an erection with 100 mg viagra sufficient for satisfying sex.  Mid-morning after my second injection, I had a spontaneous erection while not doing anything in particular.  LIKE!  So far, the injectable testosterone seems more effective than the topical ever was.  

One of the physicians I saw prior to starting the injectable, said I may be more satisfied with a lower testosterone level than trying to achieve the upper range.  He said I may also avoid some of the side effects (man boobs was one).  On 100 mg topical daily, my testosterone was in the 700-800 range.  Three months after stopping it, 240s.

The night of my second injection was very fitful for me, and I was very sleepy the following day.  To me, this suggested getting the injection early in the day may be a better choice.  I have noticed a slight increase in my early morning heart rate.  While not on testosterone, my resting heart rate was in the upper 50s (runner).  Since starting, it is closer to 70.

I was pleased to learn I did not have an elevated prolactin level.  Cholesterol numbers were perfect, the best I have ever seen.

My mood has improved sufficient that I have resumed both traction and VED therapy, morning runs and evening weight workouts.  So, this is what normal feels like.



What is the cause of your low testosterone levels in the first place?

What is your general health and weight like?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



I have been on testosterone for over 15 years. Like you I started on the gels and switched later to shots. The shots do a much better job.

After my second injection I said "Wow of cure for ED." I hate to bust your bubble but it was not. After a few weeks all the benefits of TRT remained but the ED returned. I get shots every 10 days. It was explained to me that once your brain sees the new spike in testosterone it adjust your testicle output down.
