ED - Erectile Dysfunction (Started August 2005)

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Well, it might just be because I am experiencing new pains, but starting somewhere around the beginning of last week, every time I get an erection I feel the blood sort of just rushing back out from where it came. Also, the erections do not feel the same as they used to. It might just be my anxiety or something like that, but things do seem to have changed. It's hard to pinpoint. I can get an erection fine, keeping it is the problem. I can't just "sit" with it if you know what I'm saying. But I haven't really been able to do that since the onset of Peyronies Disease symptoms. Things just seem generally worse lately. I thought it was the anxiety of my exams at school, but things seems to have stayed since school let out.

I felt like this before when my Peyronies Disease started, and I recovered without any ED. I am not sure of the outcome this time.

EDIT: I know that venous leakage does not occur simply overnight, but over a period of time. It's been about 4-5 months since my Peyronies Disease showed up (wow time flies), and I am unsure of the progression. I know that at least two weeks ago things seemed to be improving. It might just be in my head. But I am unsure.


I have the same problem sometimes, RichB. Remember though, unless there is fibrosis in the corpora your venous leak can be resolved. By shrinking the plaques you can increase the amount of pressure on the circulatory system of the penis, thus maintaining longer erections. If it's even venous leak, I don't know -- I have a similar problem, where it seems like I can feel the blood leaving just one side of my penis, where the majority of my scars are.

Also, when I was a kid I could walk around with my hardon waving in front of me, leading the way - now, unless I'm getting direct stimulation (physical or visual) it goes away. This might be a symptom of age, since I manifested Peyronies Disease at 22 and am 25 now and I'm aware that a man's sexual peak occurs at 21. I've just started the VED this week, and it seems that I get a much stronger and fuller erection after using it (I'm not using constriction bands, either).

Also remember, if you get anxious or nervous your body will release adrenalin, which is an erection killer. I fall into that trap sometimes, getting panicked about not being fully hard, then not being able to get fully hard and not knowing if it's physical or if it's because I was worrying about it so much that my nerves got the better of me!


Can excessive masturbation friction induce fibrosis?

The only way to get erect is by long self stimulation. I try to do this very carefully. But the underside of my penis starts to harden. I first have to force the blood past 'the fibrotic hardering' at the base before being able to become erect. It also hurts a bit (friction). I have to stimulate for about fifteen minutes (with Cialis) to induce 'full erection'. Constant stimulation is needed, can maintain erection when lying on back, i also loose erection when standing.

I masturbated very long on Saturday because i wanted to test if i could still manage it. Now the underside of my penis starts to harden. Can fibrosis develop that quickly?

What should i do, give it a rest for a while and onely use VED?
The forcing of blood past fibrosis, does it induce more fibrosis?

I just dont know what to do NOT to improve the situation but to not make it worse: rest? (but lack of blood flow and movemant can cause fibrosis) or stimulation (friction also causes fibrosis).

Any opinion or advice would be very appreciated because i have a very serious problem here and can onely visit my uro within a month.


Pete, here's an idea that worked years ago for me. Buy a hand held electric vibrator, the kind intended for muscle relaxation, stress and so forth. You can find them at drug stores and online and they don't cost a fortune. Im not talking about sex store vibrators. Some have interchangeable heads. Use the head that is the most rounded and use that for stimulation. Don't push too hard and don't rub it back and forth; it's not necessary. It may take 10 or more minutes to get an erection; other days it will happen faster. This will get erections without hand stimulation and the worry, skin abrasion and swelling that comes from too much hand stimulation. It takes a little getting used to, but trust me, it works.  


Hi guys, first time poster.

I really need to cry my heart out to some anonymous strangers that pay the same bill as I.

When I was 10/11, I was in a big hurry to get my jeans on, and bent it in a real bad way.  I actually suffered bleeding afterwords out of it, I kept it to myself, and SEVERE pain.

I'm 25 now.

My unit 'tries' to go up, but it wont.  It's numb even.  Particularly before the part that i can literally bend is much harder than the rest of it.  I have bleeding on my otherside also,(VERY hard to describe the area), which i've even had a proctologist check, and a dermatologist.  Had a colonoscopy done, everything's in fine order.  They can't figure out what it is, but I'm positive this started happening shortly after I hurt myself.

I've mentioned this to my doctor before, and again, and again.  Finally got a referral to a doctor who, at first prescribed me viagra, that didn't work, went back again and saw him, told him the same symptoms, he's sending me to London ONT to see a doctor Brock, who's apparently top notch in this field.  I get to wait 6 MONTHS before I can see him.

This has taken a toll on me so bad, it's ridiculous.  I sort of just put in the back of my head all this time, putting it off, just extremely nervous / embarassed about it.

Are there any younger guys out there dealing with this?


Quote from: astyanax on May 31, 2009, 05:17:02 AM
I really need to cry my heart out to some anonymous strangers that pay the same bill as I.

When I was 10/11 I smashed my unit hard up against my jeans when my mother burst into a room, suffice to say I was playing with it.  I actually suffered bleeding afterwords out of it, I kept it to myself, and SEVERE pain.

Had a colonoscopy done, everything's in fine order.

edit;  told me i had peyronie's disease.

Many here are more than willing to listen and offer advice. Sounds like you are asking a couple of different questions. The main one seems how a young man of your age deals with this with relationships. Some of the younger guys on the forum will have to help with that.

At the bottom of your note was an edit that didn't makes sense. Who diagnosed you with Peyronies Disease? If this was your general practice doc, then he might suspect Peyronies, but you need to get it properly diagnosed. The fact you said there was blood when the injury occurred concerns me. You possibly could have some other damage or injury far beyond Peyronies Disease.

You referenced a colonoscopy. These are good for colon examinations, but would tell you nothing that I can think of regarding penile condition or health. Bottom line is that I think you want to get this diagnosed and FIXED if possible. So would encourage to keep your appointment with your specialist. Is this an urologist the specializes in Peyronies Disease, or a sexual specialist?

Why did you wait until the age of 25 to get this examined/fixed.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Apologize, my post below is a bit of a mess.  Had a few drinks before writing it, going to clean it up.

The reason I waited so long, is because it's just so damned embarrassing (rather, when you're a teenager it is).

I was diagnosed by a urologist, my family doctor has told me in the past that it's just all in my head, etc etc.

Apparently this doctor specializes in doing surgeries in that area, he's highly regarded in the field.  Just wish it wasn't a 6 month wait to see the guy, this has been really, really, driving me up the wall lately.



I understand your situation and feeling very good.

I'm also in sortalike condition.

Very difficult, nearly impossible to get erect. I've the feeling ALL my penis is becoming one big scar.
Each time i masturbate erections become more difficult and painful.

I had a Doppler (when flaccid) on saturday, but doc again says there is no fibrosis. That's not what i feel.

I feel abandonned and restless.

PS six months waiting is really abnormal. Usually those guys have 'more practices'. When you book them by hospital, weighting periods are often a lot longer. Maybe you have to find out if you cannot schedule an appointment with him through another route, his private practice for instance.


Quote from: Pete28 on June 01, 2009, 05:49:29 AM
PS six months waiting is really abnormal. Usually those guys have 'more practices'. When you book them by hospital, weighting periods are often a lot longer. Maybe you have to find out if you cannot schedule an appointment with him through another route, his private practice for instance.

Well, in Canada I don't think there is another route.  I called his office, I was told 'it does take around 6 months to see him'.  I got put on a list for cancellations nearly 2 months ago, but still nothing...  I suppose people that have to wait 6 months aren't going to cancel the appointment no matter what.


Has anyone tried Pentoxiphilline for ED? What was the result?
20 years Peyronies Disease, tried VED, pills, Trimix & more
ED 15 years.
Hour Glass at base 30 bend left at glans
Penile Implant 7/19/21 Dr. Andrew Kramer
Penoscrotal approach


Quote from: pichou on June 23, 2009, 11:34:06 AM
Has anyone tried Pentoxiphilline for ED? What was the result?

You likely mean "pentoxifylline" (aka Trental). It may help with ED to some extent though there are many other reasons why people take it for peyronie's. It's likely the most talked about oral treatment here, so I recommend doing a search.


I've seens references online that indicate that in the past, Pentox was used to some degree as a treatment for ED.  However, the PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra came along and eclipsed it totally in that regard, so I doubt if anyone is prescribing it for that purpose anymore.  

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Has any one else noticed a lack of sexual feeling in their penis during sex?  With the help of 1/2 cialis I can sustain a good erection but I can't feel a thing.  I also have great difficulty reaching orgasm.  I don't think the cialis is causing the lack of feeling because its there even when I havn't taken it. I am getting some bad side effects from the cialis for sure.  The day after I feel headachy and hung over with a dry mouth and some back pain. I would really like to get some feeling back!


Cialis always causes me significant delayed onset back pain.  Out of the main 3, Levitra is my preference.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have the same thing, Hornman. Viagra and Cialis have a certain "numbing" effect on my penis, which can make things bad considering that I'm numb enough with the plaques! However, within a day or so of taking it my sensitivity is back to normal, it's usually just the night I've taken it that I feel that numbness. Peyronies Disease can itself cause numbness, as reported by myself and other users.


Ocelot556, I've just about eliminated my pain with curcumin (I mix 1.8g with olive oil, take it in the morning, and I'm good all day). It seems to me that getting rid of the pain due to inflammation should be your first step -- that pain really sucks.

I'd be interested in hearing how the pycnogenol (100mg)/arginine (2g) combo (empty stomach on waking) compares to viagra. Pyc and arginine eliminate (mild) ED for me, but I've never tried viagra so I can't compare.


Anyone know a good cheap place to get legit and effect cialis, viagra and levitra?


Cialis is offering a free months supply of daily Cialis or 3 36 hour Cialis.

The coupon was in my newspaper Tuesday or you can also print out the coupon at cialis.com.

You still need a prescription. Read the ad/coupon for details.



peace forever and always brothers, i've joined the ed club too. at first it was just the peyronies but over time it spiraled into full blown ed. i have troubles getting and maintaining an erection and ejaculating really quickly now without much stimulation and dribbling after I finished urinating. the last two happening only within the past year or so. i have since then found out i have low testosterone (ahh). i visited a good doctor and he made no bones about it, i have to go on T Theraphy or....suffer! do you guys think being put on t should eleviate most of these these problems? i suspect it's the main culprit as my T levels have waned the past few years. all this happened progressively.



With testosterone (T) replacement you will get a boost in most of areas you  complain about including ED.

Over a period of 4 - 6 weeks as your body gets used to the new T levels all the good benefits remain except for ED. I thought at first I have found a cure for ED but the effects faded rather quickly.

Dr. Abe Morgentaler has a good book called Testosterone For Life that will help you understand T treatment.

Hope this helps.



They say my penial brachies are within limits however it is noted there slightly increased which would be keeping with possible medial wall calcification of the penile vessels. From a vascular laboratory. Does this mean I do have peyronies since its calcified lumps or can it be something different? I noticed a lump on the left side and the underside of my penis and they seem to connect to eachother. The both lumps are both in the middle. Like one is middle bottom and the other one is middle left. Can someone tells me what this means and if it is something different then peyronies disease. Maybe the lumps are blocking the blood flow?


How come no one answers my question?


Quote from: Noway on September 17, 2009, 11:53:57 PM
How come no one answers my question?

Are you able to achieve erections at all? I read through a few of your posts and you mentioned that viagra does not work for you? If it has been confirmed that you have calcifications (it seems that it has from your previous messages) then I would think that it due ot peyronie's. You should get on pentoxifylline if possible.


Ive been calsified for awhile I went for the test like 2 years ago been to 2 uros since and one thought it was peyronies disease but I took pictures and sometimes I get good erections. Also when feeling for the lumps sometimes they dont show good and you cant feel them but the uro said the only thing for peyronies is surgry only. Off of viagra and levitra I get really hard erections but I get delayed orgasm and after a while I lose my erection.  


My two lumps seem to connect to eachother and I get really bad pain on erection and even when its not erected and Sometimes I get numbness and tingling. It seems if I wait like 5 days and dont masterbate I get really big erections and firm erections. I dont understand. Also the doctor that took my test for erectile dysfuction when it said on the paper I might have some calcification in the penile vessiles she said theres nothing I can do for you and its all in your head and didnt even do one other test. Maybe the lumps are slower down the blood flow? For curve wise I got a downward curve sometimes and sometimes its straight or goes up.  


If I masterbate and say I get an erection the next day its not good at all it will be downward or messed up and hurt but if I wait like 4 days or 5 I get good erections it doesnt make sense. But even when my erections are good they stay hard for a while but then I start to masterbate I cant reach orgasm and lose erection.



Have you ever had any type of prostate surgery, TURP etc. Do you have back problems or ever had back surgery?

Prostate and back problems and/or  surgery can lead to some nerve damage. That can cause ejaculation problems.



Quote from: Noway on September 18, 2009, 11:15:41 AM
For curve wise I got a downward curve sometimes and sometimes its straight or goes up.

I really have no idea what would result in a curve to sometimes point in one direction, and at other times another. Are we talking about a slight or significant bend here? As you're experiencing pain, something certainly demands attention, but it's struggling to understand this situation fully. Maybe you mean that when you are partially erect is points out way, but when you are fully erect it tends to straighten out?  


QuoteFRIDAY, Sept. 18 (HealthDay News) -- A topical cream for erectile dysfunction shows promise in animal testing and could become an alternative for men who can't tolerate the pill form of the drugs, U.S. researchers report.


Quote from: jackp on September 18, 2009, 11:49:23 AM

Have you ever had any type of prostate surgery, TURP etc. Do you have back problems or ever had back surgery?

Prostate and back problems and/or  surgery can lead to some nerve damage. That can cause ejaculation problems.


   No surgery for prostate no back surgery or back problems im 23 years old in the best shape of my life.



I usually don't answer your questions for several reasons:

1) I do not log on that often right now.

2) Your posts don't make a lot of sense to me. You have described lumps, cords and bends to the shape of your penis that are different at different times or on different days - none of which sounds like Peyronie's to me.

3) Your posts are wildly erratic in nature with "flames" of others alternating with self-pity, despite efforts to help you deal with your feelings.

All of these tend to make me not engage in a dialog with you. When someone doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't make sense (to me) to spend time talking to them. Still, I do hope that my and others posts are of help to you and that you can find help here.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



1)I dont care if you log on at all.

2)I did describe my bend which is a downward bend and sometimes to the left side of my penis sometimes pushes more out to the left. It looks more like an S shape but its not fully erect when this happens. I dont know what cords look like. You really need to read my posts tim it explains it all I did a vascular test which said I have lumps and if you would actually take the time to read my posts it would answer your questions.

3)Also my posts are the way I express myself and people do express themselves differently. This forum is to help people talk about there feelings expecially being young and having this disease. If you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all.

4) If it doesnt make sense to you dont say anything. Also I dont really care about your information.


Quote from: newguy on September 18, 2009, 12:01:49 PM
Quote from: Noway on September 18, 2009, 11:15:41 AM
For curve wise I got a downward curve sometimes and sometimes its straight or goes up.

I really have no idea what would result in a curve to sometimes point in one direction, and at other times another. Are we talking about a slight or significant bend here? As you're experiencing pain, something certainly demands attention, but it's struggling to understand this situation fully. Maybe you mean that when you are partially erect is points out way, but when you are fully erect it tends to straighten out?

 My bend is pretty bad sometimes. I cant say exactly the degree of the bend because it varies. You got my other question right on the nose when its not fully erect theres more of a bend and looks more deformed but when its fully erect it straightens out alot but I still cant reach orgasm. Also the pain seems to be more on the top of my penis and on the left side I get like tingling and numbness sensations.


noway,  I do think that what you are experiencing could be a rare expression of Peyronie's which could be at the root of your problem.  My recommendation would be that you try to see a sexual function specialist.  I think that your case really cries out for that.  I think that a sexual function specialist might be able to help you sort this out and steer you in the right direction.  I would take the pictures with you and also take the Pentox research papers in the resource library on this website with you when you visit the sexual function specialist.  I think that because of your age and the type of problem you are experiencing, the other doctors are just brushing you off.  jackp might have more thoughts on this since he seems to know more about this area of medicine.  In my experience Peyronie's inflammation can cause temporary penile disfigurement and can also cause erection killing pain.  All of this leads me to believe that a sexual function expert would be the best alternative for you at this point.  They would likely be a whole lot more sympathetic than a urologist and might even be willing to prescribe you Pentox if you provide them with the documentation.  You should also be ready to sign whatever releases the previous docs require so that any previous records can be forwarded to the sexual function specialist so that he or she won't have to reinvent the wheel on this.

I also recommend that you try to get your general health in as good shape as possible.  Your overall health can make your problem better or worse.  I very much recommend Real Age and Dr Oz for tips on how to improve your diet and lifestyle.

 Also please try to be patient.  Everyone here is trying to help you with this, but many of us are as frustrated in trying to figure it out as you are.  I wish you the best.  - George



You said, on July 22, "My lump is on the left side in the middle of my shaft and the cord like lessions go to the bottom of my penis"

Today you said "I dont know what cords look like."

Do you see how it is confusing?

You took pictures of your bent penis to the doctor and he said "It's straight" - did you not try to take the pictures when it was bent? You have said more than once that it is bent to the left sometimes and straight other times.

The "Go to" (your words) urologist said it doesn't make sense - and it doesn't.

I do wish you the best. If you don't like my posts, skip them. I shall do the same of yours - and now you will know why at least one member does not "answer you".

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



I agree with Tim your post are confusing and contradictory. The one thing I do not doubt is you are having a problem.
No back or prostate problems. That is a beginning on ruling out what problem you have.
A Male Sexual Function Specialist is now your best bet. General Practice Urologist are not good at this. These doctors are difficult to find because there are not many good ones.
I try to keep a list of good doctors. You can reply to this message with your general location or send me a PM and I will try to find a doctor for you. Do not be offended by this but you may need a sex therapist also. You also may need to travel to get a good doctor.
I and others will try to help you. Just calm down the bad attitude is no help.
Have you started the VED exercise. If not what are you waiting on it is the one thing you can do for yourself to improve things.
You are a young man, I am much older when I was your age I was also much like you, but life and my beautiful wife of 41 years have mellowed me to a gentleman. You can be also.


Quote from: Tim468 on September 20, 2009, 10:35:30 PM

You said, on July 22, "My lump is on the left side in the middle of my shaft and the cord like lessions go to the bottom of my penis"

Today you said "I dont know what cords look like."

Do you see how it is confusing?

You took pictures of your bent penis to the doctor and he said "It's straight" - did you not try to take the pictures when it was bent? You have said more than once that it is bent to the left sometimes and straight other times.

The "Go to" (your words) urologist said it doesn't make sense - and it doesn't.

I do wish you the best. If you don't like my posts, skip them. I shall do the same of yours - and now you will know why at least one member does not "answer you".


  I never said "cord like lessions" I said it feels like the 2 lumps connect and the "go to urologist" is the one guy I seen because the first urologist sent me there. What doesnt make sense to him is that I get different erections like I was saying. Tim how does your brain work?


 Jack p dont tell me to calm down when tim468 puts up a post to hate on me. I never asked for his help and if tim doesnt understand my posts he can ask me questions. Also Jack p im not listening to anything you put up here now.


OK noway,  listen to me then.  Find a Male Sexual Function Specialist and make an appointment as I suggested in my previous post.  Your posts DO make sense to me and you need to get help for yourself and that is not going to happen by just reacting to people.  You have to take charge of your life and not let the surrounding static confuse you into a state of inaction.  I can't MAKE you see a doctor who can help you, I can only suggest it.  YOU have to follow through.  Talk to either your regular doctor or one of your urologists and tell them "I want a referral to a Male Sexual Function Specialist".  Don't be hostile about it but do be assertive.  They should know of someone in your region to refer you to and you have the right to request a referral for, if nothing else, a second opinion.  - George


what would a Male Sexual Function Specialist do differently then a urologist?


Quote from: Noway on September 21, 2009, 02:30:09 AM
what would a Male Sexual Function Specialist do differently then a urologist?

He would be able to diagnose and or rule out any and every other possible cause of erectile dysfunction. From your posts you seem to have quite atypical symptoms, so it would definitely be a good idea to make sure of your diagnosis.

You would not want to waste a hell of a lot of time on Peyronie's treatments only to find out later on that it was not Peyronie's at all.

Everyone is here to help everyone else. I know how frustrated and angry these kinds of problems can make you feel, especially at a young age, but you've got to stop taking offense at everything. This is probably the one place where everyone can understand where you are coming from. I am 28, I should not be having erection issues at this age.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Noway: "I never said "cord like lessions""

Um, yeah, you did. These things ("...") are called quotation marks. I do not use them for emphasis - I use them to quote others (as in, they said it). So, I quoted you. That means that you said it.

Here is the link. Go back and read it.


See? You said that.

You don't know how my brain works? I am here to "hate on" you?

Here are some of my favorite quotes by you:

"Is dr.levine the best? or would it be a waste of time going to see him?"
   (this in response to a thread mentioning Dr. Levine and suggesting that you go see him).

"Your penis isnt made to be "stretched out" it will damage the erection process. So maybe your penis will be longer but you might tear it more or make yourself completely limp. Myself I wouldnt use this method."
   (this in response to a lengthy thread about the use of the VED (suggesting that you try it) and why it has helped more men here than any single other modality of treatment)

"For curve wise I got a downward curve sometimes and sometimes its straight or goes up. "
     (this is inconsistent with a fixed lesion.)(that means something that is 'fixed in place', not corrected or repaired)

IOW, you have been consistently given good advice here and ignored it, or challenged it (that's OK, when the challenge makes sense and has not been debated for an eternity already - something that you would know if you actually READ the threads here instead of simply posting your inchoate thoughts ad nauseum).

It is really time for you to take the cotton out of your ears and place it in your mouth. Listening to what others have to say instead of ignoring it will HELP YOU. Do you not get that?

No, I am not being particularly "nice" to you. Deal with it. You have been rude and offensive to others here and it is tiresome. Try listening and learning.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Noway on September 21, 2009, 02:30:09 AM
what would a Male Sexual Function Specialist do differently then a urologist?

Urology = focus on the urinary tract
Sexual Function = focus on sexual function

Which one are you having a problem with?  The answer to that question should answer your own question.  - George


My glans penis does not become engorged and firm when I am aroused and have an erection but remains flaccid and mushy.  This began about 1.5 years ago and as you can imagine causes severe problems with intromission as the glans head is soft and floppy and bends upwards or downwards at a 90 degree angle when axial pressure is applied.  Does anybody know anything about this, experienced it or any general suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



You have said
Quote from: Noway on September 21, 2009, 01:06:25 AM
I disagree with your post hawk. Also I think saying im going to punch you in the face is humerous :).
You are entitled to disagree with me, many have and many will. You are NOT entitled to violate forum rules because you find violating a rule humorous.  There are consequences for violating forum rules that you may or may not find humorous.

In addition to blatant violation of forum rules you have demonstrated immaturity with your announced refusal to listen to anything more than one Major Contributor(s) to this forum have to say (Jackp, Tim246 etc).  You reject use of the VED as recommended by Old Mad, Angus, and a score of others. This leads one to ask why you come here. You have made no attempt to teach us about superior methods of treatment.  You refuse advice, you insult members, and you violate forum rules.

It is time to modify your actions on this forum or consider finding some other source for whatever it is you come here for (certainly not advice or input).

PS: It is easy for this to turn around.  It can go either way, you decide!
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


One of the toughest challenges I've faced over the past 10 months is overcoming the psychological harm caused by this condition.  Earlier in my life, I dealt with some minor forms of hypochondria.  So, researching this condition tested my ability to deal with reading about others' experiences.

What scared me senseless last spring was the fact that I might have some form of ED.  Being single, I did not look forward to this situation, and honestly I was a total wimp about this possibility last spring.  I was down, physically and mentally.

But, with the help of "time", others here (old man, tim468, jackieO, angus, george999, hawk, nemo, and others), the VED, viagra & pentox, plus supplements, my erections apearred again, and then became very good.

The idea of venous leakage concerned me.  I did a "test" today to see how long I could sustain an erection.  Man, this was awkward because it's a clash of becoming sexually aroused with data gathering.  

I thought I'd use a 25mg dose of Viagra for support.  

So, with some minor stimulation here and there, I sustained an erection for about 17 minutes before I said that seems good enough.  

I guess that's okay...I could have gone longer but I'm busy.  

The leakage issue has been a concern because I'm not sexually active right now with another.  And, self-service can be only "so" stimulating.  I'd been noticing that I was having trouble maintaining an erection for very long which led to some minor anxiety; which, of course, only subdues the erection even more.

I know I might sound crazy, but I can get this way sometimes.  Actually, I'm mentally ready to begin dating again (I think I reached the point of being "over" stressing about the condition and had to relax).  

I'm still carrying some baggage, but it seems to continually diminish.  Oh, I just had a uro appointment last week and I think I can get a little weird mentally after an appointment.  

I'm looking forward to providing a detailed update later in the year, maybe december when finals are done.  But, my condition seems to have been stable for a couple of months....December is my one-year anniversary.


Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)



Some of us have been discussing blood flow to the penis (off forum) and how it effects the nerves in the glans and nerve bundle at the base of the penis.

One of the group is a health care provider with peyronies and other problems. I have peyronies and heart problems with coronary artery disease (CAD). This affects the blood flow to the nerves in the glans.

My implant solved many problems. Now my glans engorges pretty well but the feeling were not there. While I was on blood thinners I had more feeling in the glans but have been off the blood thinner for a year. I was discussing this with my doctors at Vanderbilt and they concured that the blood thinner helped stimulate the nerves in the glans. I did not want to go back on blood thinner unless my heart doctor recommended. There recommendation was 5mg Cialis daily.

I started the daily Cialis and can say it has worked. Glans stimulation is much better and there the difficulty I was having with ejaculation is much better.

At your young age CAD may not be the problem but anxiety could be. I'm not sure but the daily Cialis might be worth a try. You can get a coupon for a free months supply at www.cialis.com.

Hope it helps.



So I was just wondering if you guys with peyronies get bad erections all the time or if sometimes there good.  


Also my family doctor got me too do two blood tests one was for hormones and something else which I wasnt too sure of that came back good and the other one was for lesions which was like 4 weeks ago and he never called back so it must of came back good. But for the lumps he told me you want to remove those and you could have other problems because sometimes I do have decent erections. I dont know what to do im calling him again Its still really bad. I still get painful erections and really half ass erections.


Quote from: Noway on November 11, 2009, 02:53:18 AM
So I was just wondering if you guys with peyronies get bad erections all the time or if sometimes there good.

Many of us with Peyronies Disease can get good erections. Having Peyronies Disease doesn't necessarily your erections will be bad. But because the Peyronies Disease scarring causes bends or deformities, then the ability to achieve an erection can become a very mental game. If one isn't happy with or doesn't like the look of their erection, then this can be a bigger mental factor.  
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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