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how soon did you see improvement while on Pentox ?

You said you were worried about imune system effect, do you feel better about that now ? I got a little worried when I saw your previous post about this. My family doc says he has people on it for years. I am going to try to stick with it for a year and then decide based on improvement.



what it means is that according to the report I saw, literally millions have taken prescription strenght PDE5 inhibitors and so far, about 29 have reported a hearing problem.  It was probably just their defense because they had an erection and the girl kept saying "NO!"  ;)

In all seriousness.  There is more chance you will be distracted by your erection and fall down the stairs and break your neck. When you move away from prescription strength pde5 inhibitors to HGW weed, the likelihood is beyond ridiculous.   This is a case of the FDA covering their butt and throwing it on the list.  By their own admission the FDA said:
Quote'We do not have the necessary information to ascertain that the loss of hearing is indeed linked to the use of these drugs,' said Robert Boucher, the FDA's otolaryngologist. 'But there is enough to make us be wary of the phenomenon.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You mean some older men who have ED also have a hearing loss?  How weird is that?  What ARE the odds?   ::)
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Does anyone know where I can buy Full Spectrum Vitamin E that does not contain soybean oil? I'm having the hardest time finding it.  


It may be that certain Vitamin E 'tocos' are typically derived from soybean oil.  NOW brand Advanced Gamma E Complex available from iherb does not contain soybean oil, but does contain "soy derivatives".  But its base is made up of rice bran oil and red palm fruit oil.  - George


Why avoid soybean oil  ???
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I am allergic to it. I already knew that when I purchased a bottle of full spectrum E from the healthfood store and took it without reading the lable. My mouth swelled in about one-half hour. I don't know why I developed an allergy to soy. My sister eats a lot of Kashi products, which are soy based, but she broke out when she drank the brand of soy milk called "Silk". I guess I could take benadryl to counter the swelling.  


  My wife has an intolerance to soy products, even products with trace amounts. Things containing soy products cause nausea among other things for her. What is frustrating is trying to find soy-free products at a main line grocery store. You will not, without extreme luck, find a package of cookies without soy products in them. So, instead of driving all over creation looking for soy free cookies in our small town, we make lots of cookies ourselves lol. Soy is added to so many food and supplement items now that it is challenging to find soy free products. Just a soy FYI.  

john s.




Peyronies is a disfiguring decease. 12 years ago my curve went away after Uro treated with Vitamin E & Potaba. Next came ED and not vent V, C,or L helped much tried trimix shots with little to no success. Penis shrunk by bout 25%.
Failed attempt at implant 2 weeks ago (See Peyronies Surgery).
Find a GOOD UROLIGIST and if shrinkage starts get an implant as soon as possible.
My $.02



It truly is in MANY products, plus I live off of soy; (soymilk, tofu, soybeans, soy meat substitutes)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Welcome to the forum.

I can assure you you did not find a cure for Peyronies Disease.  I am interested in what you mean by a testosterone stimulator.  Do you mean a supplement that is supposed to increase testosterone production?

Also, as a friendly tip, do not type in all caps.  On forums or chat rooms, it means you are screaming.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


John S.

Can you please tell us a little more about your history and how you got totaly cured by the testosterone simulator ? things like how long did you have the disease before you used the simulator ? what symptoms did you have? have you taken any meds ? Also, how long did you use the simulator etc ?


I agree with you about getting to a urologist asap, however I disagree about the surgery. Surgery should be the last resort in my very humble opionion.

Best of luck




How did your curve start?  Did you have an injury?  Did you feel plaque (hard nodules)?  How long did the curve last from the time you first noticed it until the time it went away?  Could you have had an injury that resolved itself?

BTW, IMO, You got lucky!  :) ;) ;D
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Though I find this hard to believe, somehow I don't find it surprising either.  It is an open secret that large numbers of men these days are walking around with low testosterone levels.  And low testosterone is linked to metabolic syndrome which is being observed even in preteens these days.  I, myself, spent a short time taking a "testosterone stimulator" with what I observed to be hugely beneficial effects.  I am still enjoying a markedly increased energy level as a result.  But I had to give it up after a few days because I started out taking too much of it (half of what the label suggested) and it seemed to cause my blood pressure to shoot up.  But what I really want to know is John's secret here.  That is, what product he was using precisely in order to push up his testosterone levels?  And I think that is what we are all really curious about at this point.  I am wondering why he did not include that information in his initial post????  - George


Gents, I've searched this forum, and find things referencing the usage of viagra and L-Arginine simultaneously, but can't find a definitive answer.  Here's my question.

I am taking 6 500mg capsules of L-Arginine a day (3 2-cap sets).  I also use 25mg or 50 mg of Viagra for sex, as the Viagra gives me a better erection (my lasting symptom of Peyronie's is an inter-septal lesion that keeps the head from getting as hard as it should.)  The Viagra helps this.  

I see references to a Pentox/Arginine/Viagra usage, but I've also seen things on the internet contending viagra and arginine shouldn't be taken together.  So is it the consensus on this forum that the two are safe to take together?  I find the Arginine gives me night time erections (which I haven't had much since my Peyronie's) and it seems to make my penis enjoy greater blood flow during the day.  It seems fuller a lot of the time.

Since viagra allows you to better use NO and arginine helps you produce NO, I'm thinking they make a good pair.  Is this notion correct?  Is Dr. Levine or anyone in the medical community endorsing this?

Thanks guys,
51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


QuoteSince viagra allows you to better use NO and arginine helps you produce NO, I'm thinking they make a good pair.  Is this notion correct?

You nailed it.  This is the thought.  The only problems I've heard (outside of the Viagra headache) are with the stomach and that is the l-arginine.

If you search the internet long enough, you will find someone claiming anything you can think of is bad for you and causes 50 bazillion symptoms which is a syndrome no doctor has ever heard of and can only be cured by taking some herb or potion or rinsing your colon with somthing (I always thought Dr. Pepper would make for a great colonic).  Sometimes the FCC makes idiotic warnings for idiots who like to sue and the idiot courts and juries who award them mass quantities of moolah for being idiots.

This has been your happy thought for the day.  ;D
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I understand that Dr. Lue, Dr Levine, and a smattering of other innovative Uros recommend this combination.

I have absolutely no medical training but i will share my lay understanding.  The standard precautions provided by a pharmacist for Viagra and other PDE5 inhibitors clearly state that they should not be taken with nitrates such as taken by heart patients and that they should not be taken with nitric oxide donor which I am sure arginine is.  The risk is a serious drop in blood pressure however I think this risk is very minimal with 25 and 50 mg doses of Viagra.  I have taken 3000 mg of arginine at the same time as a 100 mg Viagra with no negative effect.  It definitely enhanced the Viagra effect.  I do not recommend this however due to the warning.  I may have been lucky and it was a risk I was willing to take at the time in the period after recovering from prostate surgery.

The Viagra portion of the PAV coctail recommended and prescribed by doctors is 25mg daily.

I guess you could check your BP with a cuff to see if it drops significantly.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks guys - that's what I needed to know.  I appreciate it.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


The urologist from UCLA had prescribed pentox (400mg x 3) and L'arginine 1000x2 (like many are taking), along with cialis (10mg) to be taken on a daily basis (although I do not have a partner).

The BIG problem was the cialis, which caused constant problems with sleeping accompanied with major sinus stuffiness. Levitra was then prescribed resulting with the same unfortunate side-effects - will try Viagra next, but not encouraged. A friend had suggested an herbal alternative, but that one has Yohimbe, which again is energizing. If working a fulltime job was not an issue, perhaps I could take ED meds nightly and eventually my system would adapt. Presently considering taking cialis with either ambien, klonapin, or even trazodone (although I unfortunately don't respond to the erection side-effect, it does sedate).

Surprised I find so little about these side-effects of cialis, etc. on the net concerning sleep problems and sinus disturbances. Any possible solution one's discovered for some combination to tolerate such side-effects? Thanks - could really use the input (the doctor is not overly responsive).



I moved about 7 or 8 posts from this thread to the "Erectile Dysfunction" topic since they dealt exclusively with ED drugs and supplements and side effects.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Studies are interesting and even informative, however, it is important not to read too much into them.  For example, the study referenced by roadblock doesn't seem to indicate whether full spectrum E including Gamma was used or just the usual synthetic Alpha.  In all likelyhood it was the latter, which I have long considered as useless as a placebo.  There is at least one study that indicates that some people do not even assimilate the synthetic stuff, let alone respond to it in any meaningful way.  The conclusions found in abstracts can be interesting as well, but often the interpretations of the research team end up being myopic to the point that the raise more questions than they answer.  Right now, for example, there are dueling studies going on regarding whether obesity causes cancer.  Some of the studies demonstrate that it flat out does, while others "prove" that it doesn't.  The devil is in the details.  One has to carefully go over how these studies were done in order to discover why the researchers involved end up with opposite conclusions.  So don't assume that one study has all the answers.  Vitamin E is certainly no silver bullet, but I wouldn't write it off completely just yet.  - George


Click on the link posted by roadblock. Then look at the "Related Links" on the right side of the page. Click on the first link and you'll see another, completely contradictory study concluding that propionyl-L-carnitine (and verapamil) actually are effective.

These studies are mostly junk - I've been reading them for years. The one consistent pattern I've noted is that lots of things - Hyperthermia, propionyl-L-carnitine, verapamil, ALC -  work if you're in Italy.  Oh, and transdermal Verapamil works really well in San Antonio.


Well ok I shouldn't say "junk".  Some group of MDs has an idea, rounds up a few patients, and gives it a try.  No doubt they have the best of intentions. But the number of patients is too small, there are no controls, and there's a lot of self-reporting and self-evaluation by the patients.  In the end, nothing is proven; at best a treatment possibility is raised.  The researchers get a paper published and the idea is forgotten.  Nobody really benefiits.


Any reliable research linking the two? I've read that there might be some linkage but I can't find anything reliable. I've been on beta blockers for 20 years. I asked my cardiologist about an alternative. He said "no, beta blockers work too well for you!"


I've been on Glucosamine and Condroitin along with MSM for 6 years. I stopped it all during the 14 months I wasted time with Verapamil and PDLabs. Started it again because for me it was helping with joint pain. Any verifiable relationship among these supplements and Peyronies?


Google on "glucosamine chondroiten dupyutren's".


Quote from: j on November 08, 2007, 03:36:31 PM
Google on "glucosamine chondroiten dupyutren's".

Thanks. I checked a number of them out. I've concluded for me there's enough anecdotal evidence to stop these supplement. I know stopping won't guarantee a cure for my Peyronies but if there's a trade to be had I'll take a little more arthritis pain for a little more straight erection gain.


Quote from: Univesity of Washington School of Medicine A number of variables have been associated with a higher likelihood of Peyronie's Disease amongst population of men. These include a history of Dupuytren's Contractions of the tendons of the palms of the hand, use of beta-blocker drug therapy, and hypertension.

Quote from: Medicine Net A number of drugs list Peyronie's disease as a possible side effect. Most of these drugs belong to a class of blood pressure and heart medications called  beta blockers.

Quote from: Arthur Smith Institute for Urology The cause of Peyronie's Disease is unclear. In the past, it has been associated with vitamin E deficiency, use of beta-blocker drugs such as metoprolol, and elevated serotonin levels.

Most Beta Blockers actually list Peyronies as a possible, though "rare", side effect.  - George


Gents, I've just ordered some Vasoflow.  I've been taking 3-5mg of L-Arginine a day with what I consider some pretty good results.  Better "fullness" during the day, which has to be good.  Some nocturnal action, which also is good.  I've read Vasoflow is the best arginine available and want to give it a try.

Can you tell me what dosage of Vasoflow would be equivalent to the 3-5mg of L-Arginine I'm currently taking?

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Each Vasoflow softgel has 500mg of Arginine. The recommendation on the box is for bodybuilders. A few people on this board use 1 softgel 2 or 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

My experience with Vasoflow is that I could not sometimes even take 2. It has a terrible smell ( hard for me to explain.) I still use it though, and hope that it is helping in a way. I think a few folks here have good results with it.

Any one else noticed the strong smell of Vasoflow ?



Sorry, I meant to say I take 3-5 grams of arginine a day, not 3-5mg.  And my arginine comes in 500mg capsules, so it sounds like Vasoflow is in the same format.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


The deal on VasoFlow is really twofold.  First of all, it contains added ingredients that block Arginine resistance.  That means that if a person is Arginine resistant due to the presence of Arginase, VasoFlow will counteract that effect and the result will be that one would need a far smaller amount of VasoFlow as compared to plain old Arginine.  The difference will be determined by the degree of Arginine resistance one has.  In my case I simply can't get enough Arginine to be of any use, but three VasoFlow softgels do it for me.  You simply have to experiment with it.  The effect will be obvious.  IF VasoFlow is not working significantly better for you than standard Arginine, you may be better off with standard Arginine and saving yourself the extra money.  But there is a second benefit to using VasoFlow.  That is the fact that it is a time-release Arginine formulation.  This means that if you take it three times per day, unlike standard Arginine which releases all at once in a flood, VasoFlow releases over an extended period of time for a prolonged effect.  So both of these issues need to be considered when deciding between VasoFlow and Standard Arginine.  In my case, I also find the softgels easier to swallow than the traditional tablets.  In my case I never noticed the smell until pal brought the issue up.  But now that I carefully smelled it, it does have a rather pungent oder, almost like mothballs.  It must be from one of the added ingredients.  - George


I take 2 Vasoflow capsules 3 times a day.  I usually do this after eating because I sometimes get some stomach upset if I take it on an empty stomach.  My first experience with arginine was with GNC 500mg capsules.  It gave me very noticeable fullness within an hour of taking it but that decreased slowly after about a month.  No switch in products has brought that back, at least to the degree it was.  The one thing that remains is that it does enhance the effects of Viagra although it may not be advised to take full doses of them together.

The smell of Vasoflow (if you stick your nose in the jar) is almost a chemical smell.  I am not sure if it is the Vasoflow or the softgel capsule.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sorry to bring up the smell issue guys. I think what got me was that when I recieved my order of vasoflow, I opened the jar, got close, and smelled it and I guess since it was closed the smell was just too strong. I will continue to take it for now though.



Arg. I went to the only natural vitamin store I know of in my area, and was shocked to see the prices listed on the vitamins! Between the full spectrum Vitamin E, L-Arganine and Paba (hey, I figured why not?) I was charged 40 dollars. And I wanted to pick up a bottle of L-Cartinine, but that bottle alone was 60 dollars!

Do any of you know of an online shop that sells the necessary supplements to combat peyronie's at a cheaper price? I just graduated college and can't really afford these astronomical supplements. The E was reasonably priced at 13 dollars, but only for a bottle of 30 pills. I'm searching the interwebs for prices, but maybe you guys can point me to your suppliers...


Quote from: Hitman on November 10, 2007, 03:36:10 AM
what about just using bulk AAKG?

The generic Arginine formulations are fine for people who are not Arginine resistant.  The bottom line is, if it works well for you, there is no reason to change.  But some of us have problems metabolizing the generic formulations due to an Arginase factor.  And it is probably not a good idea to be taking massive amounts of Arginine in order to try to overcome that.  In those cases, VasoFlow shines.  - George


Quote from: ocelot556 on November 10, 2007, 12:38:28 PMDo any of you know of an online shop that sells the necessary supplements to combat peyronie's at a cheaper price?

I use iHerb in the Los Angeles area.  They provide a wide selection of products and brands, great service, and great prices. (http://www.iherb.com).  - George



Hi guys!
Been away for a while, trying to overlook my curve problem, but after a while I guess I'm looking for solutions again... :-\
I try to exercice physically again to feel better mentally.

I know I'm a "brain man" (I just mean my brain never stops, can't help thinking...) and I've started working on that, I'll see a psychologist to see what I can do to relax a little more and to take life as it comes.

But there's a but... for the past months (let's say 1 year roughly) I can feel it does take a lot more time to get an erection when I'm with my girlfriend.
Maybe it's all in my mind, the fact I've almost no sexual need. I even tried watching "adult movies" to see if it was a problem of lack of desire for my girlfriend, and I can see the sexy babes don't help much either... It just takes more time...Don't know if it's in my head?? Also, the top part of the penis is a lot harder to get hard (no pun intended  :D), it feels like my penis is split in 2 parts in the middle, if you know what I mean... ???

It's either some ED problem, or it's all mental and I've lost my much of my sex drive... I'll see that with a doctor I guess.
Since I feel pain most time when having sex (since I was 19), maybe this decrease in sex drive has been conditionned by the pain I get from having sex.

Sorry for the long stoty, just needed to give you the background.

My question is: by taking supplements like Ginseng, ginger and what are called in French "adaptogene" herbs, I wonder what would happen if I stop using the supplements. Can the "natural" supplements be taken on a 365 days a year routine?? If yes, does the effect decrease as time goes by?
What are the risks of these supplements, and can they be taken everyday for years??
ComebacKid, nice article, but now I wonder where I'm gonna buy these supplements  :D You can't trust what's written on the package  :-\ Damn money-makers.



When you go to the doctor have him check your Testosterone level's, many times if  it's low it will affect your sex drive. And you may not have a sex drive...I've been through all of this before..When i have the money for my testosterone patch i will have a good sex drive and good feeling in my groin area, without it i have none....

I have found that the Androderm patch works really good and it's easy to use,,once a day....

Good Luck man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kimo


Ninja, I'm in roughly the same boat.  Distal rigidity (firmness of the penis head) is the problem a bout with Peyronie's left me with a few years ago.   The head just doesn't get fully hard anymore.  This makes the erection a little more "high maintenance," in that it requires fairly steady physical stimulation to stay hard ... if I don't get any stimulation for a minute or so, it will start to wane, but come back with some stimulation.  I am also taking longer to get hard than I used to.

I think you'll find the ED drugs like viagra, cialis or levitra to help with this.  They get more blood into my penis, and make it less high maintenance.  I also take L-Arginine, which seems to help blood flow to the penis, as well.

Finally, like you, I worry about long term usage of any and all of these aids.  I'm 36 and am scared about becoming dependant on anything, but it's kind of a Catch 22, if you need the help, are you going to deprive yourself of it just because of anxiety over the future?  Trust me, I wrestle with this to the point that I think I've developed some performance anxiety.  Like you, I think too much.

Good luck though, brother.  There are options out there to explore - at least we're lucky in that sense.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Thanks Kimo for the testosterone check. I did it once, not for Peyronies, and it showed that it was "just" normal, right on the lower average.
I remember my brother looking at the paper saying "man, I thought you would pack up testosterone like Mike Tyson!!" and he laughed.

That's only months after that, by coming on this forum, that low testosterone could mean low sex drive, less erections and just more trouble  >:(  I've always been a careful, sensitive guy, so I guess that also accounts for low testosterone (but I may be wrong). I'm never angry and so on, contrary to guys who pack up lots of testosterone.

Well, I'll check these levels again. I hope that crap Propecia stuff I took years ago didn't start this mess. Anyway, doesn't matter, I've got to deal with this.
Kimo, I heard testosterone patches could make you sterile, or at least would prevent your body to produce your "natural" testosterone.
Is it true? Cause I'd like to have kids, and I don't want something also that would "freeze", or destroy my natural testosterone levels... :-[

I'll look for natural supplements in the first place... and I'll cross my fingers.

Nemo, the performance anxiety (I know what it is :-\) can destroy your mind and ruin your self-confidence. You should see a psychologist or a sexologist to work on that (I'm planning to do that too). You can send me a PM if you want, we can share a few words on your problem, which seems to be one my symptoms as well  :D
I suggest you take some supplements to increase blood flow (there must be some people on this forum who have experienceon in that field, maybe George999).

Nemo, I try to take life as it comes now (it's hard due to my psychological nature), but now it seems that crap can fall on my head like the Niagara Falls, I'm just waiting, I've lost some of my illusions of a bright love life with my girlfriend. I may have many partners because of this problem, and I sure don't like that, cause I'm a romantic guy, but... I'll take the blows if they come.

I know I'll be rocked like hell, and I know other things will happen, but I'm trying to get prepared for that. Maybe this condition helps us understand that nothing lasts forever anyway  ::)  I guess we should not be scared, and work on taking life as it comes.
If you're really an anxious person, please do me a favour and work on that (supplements, relaxation,...) cause all I know is that worrying is pointless. Things that shall happen will happen, don't worry, you'll find a solution, mate.


Hey, thanks Ninja.  I think if I could convince myself that it's "OK" to take Viagra because it makes my erections better, and because damnit, I do have Peyronie's, I'd have less anxiety.  For some reason, I feel like I'm cheating using a pill to "be a man."

For the first few times I was with my current girflriend, I used the Viagra and was in heaven - it was like having my old penis back.  But then, when we started getting serious and sex was more and more frequent, I started worrying about long term use, will it diminish over time, will I develop a tollerance, etc.  That's when the probs started in my head.  She's totally supportive, but now when I know we're going to be having sex, I immediately start thinking, God, I hope the V works again this time.  That is a sad thing to think when you know you're getting sex!

I think once we're living together, I'll likely try to wean myeself off the Viagra.  As it is, when we only get to see each other once or twice a week, I can't bring myself to risk failure, as failing once (while not on Viagra) really freaked me out, and I keep living trying to avoid that pain again.  It's frightening and frustrating what the mind can do to you.  Erection-world is the one area in life where simply worrying can actually make the event you fear happen.  
51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Ninja,,,,my first URO told me that my testgosterone was just normal for my age,,,that answer was not sastisfactory for me...So thats when i changed Uro's....My next uro said it was low and we could fix it. I did start out using the Androgel for the first year, and it took it up to high..First as numbers go;;;i was told that 800 was normal for 20 yr old and 200 was considered zero,,mine was around 250...I had no sex drive and no tingling in my groin.

After being on the gel for about 8 months my numbers went up to 830 and i was climbing the walls, sure it felt good but my sesx drive was driving me nuts,,,no pun intended....Thats when he put me on the patch and it brought me down to around 700 and i felt more normal and the numbers stayed at that level....

Nemo,,,,you should not be worrying about performance, worry will make it worse, trust me i've been there..I had to end up going to a sexologist because of that very reason,[ worry ]....He told to learn to relax and things would come back,,and it did.......And,,i've been taking viagra and levitra now for 10yrs, it is NOT addicting. I take the amount i feel i need according to how i am feeling,whether its 100mg, or 50mg or25,,you get to know what your body needs and just follow that and you'll be ok...Sometimes i don't even need it....



Thanks Kimo!
I'll be unemployed at the end of the month, so I'll take some time to see a psychologist and probably a sexoligist if nexessary. But the priority for me if to check these hormone levels.
Thanks again for your info. If its bad news for me, I'll try to find some natural stuff before asking for hormone replacement therapy (in last resort).

Nemo, as Kimo said, worrying kills! :D Trust me I'm a specialist about worrying since I'm a kid. At 25 I'm working on that cause I know I'm fueling a vicious circle. And you're doing that too. If you can, take some time with your girlfriend away from home and from your work, take a break, and you'll see how relieved you can get mentally.
You have to shut down you brain when worries happen in your everyday life, and take life as it comes. I know it's hard, especially if you worry all the time, but with a psychologist you can do a lot of work. If you can do that, at least you'll walk the path out of that vicious circle. Please get some counseling, I'm sure it'll improve your life in general.
And one last advice, run away from people or things that have a negative effect on you.
Stick with the cheering, positive people, forget about the others. You have enough things to take care of, don't stick with joy-stealers.
Stay positive! (even though hard to do, that's the best advice I got from many members of this forum. Being negative makes things worse, and what shall happen will happen anyway)

By the way, your girlfriend is supportive, that's a great asset on your side. I wish my girlfriend was supportive, but I think she just makes things even worse  ;D ;D ;D

Guys, any ideas on natural supplements to increase testosterone level or sex drive??  


has anyone here tried enzymes serrapeptase or nattokinase?  theres supposed to improve blood flow and eat away at fibrin tissues to my understanding.

when i type in peyronies disease at google it brings up a pill called Neprinol that has both enzymes.  does anyone know anything about Neprinol or enzymes that could give me some insight/recommendation?


There has been a great deal of discussion on these supplements.  Tryusing the search function.  I searched Neprinol and got 2 pages of results.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."