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Tim, that is the reason I worded my post carefully using the term "believed".  I don't think there are any solid studies out there one way or the other on TA.  I have found nothing either proving or disproving the claim of increased T levels, only lots of suggestions that it does without any real science behind them.  So I really don't know.  I can tell you it does do something, I have no doubt of that.  It is not something that you just take like you would a sugar pill, it does pack a punch and people should be careful with it.  As for my Peyronies status, that has not changed perceivably over the four weeks, but I would not expect any thing to change on that front that quickly.  What I am expecting with the TA is simply a beneficial effect.  I find it interesting that its effects do seem to parallel the effects of anabolic steroids to some degree, which of course proves nothing, but does lend some degree of credibility that it might be in some way affecting T levels.  As for what I want it to do.  What I would really like to see is some moderate and sustained boost in libido that would be indicative of general improvement in sexual health.  I also like the effect on energy level.  But the other effects, I am definitely wanting to avoid.  It is claimed by TA advocates that it is possible to get the benefits without the nasty side effects.  I am hoping that is the case.  If I can achieve this over a sustained period, I would suspect that possible Peyronies benefits might come very slowly over an extended period of time.  - George



I noticed you did not recap your pretty amazing post of a "wet dream".   I would call that very increased libido by any definition.  If was psychosomatic you are a very suggestive subject.

Weight gain from increasing testosterone should only be lean muscle gain and fat loss.  If this was not the case then something else is going on.  BE CAREFUL.

Also, increase in testosterone (if it really does that) also has dangers for lurking prostate cancer.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I would be the first to admit that I really don't know the totality of what is going on here.  I am really just trying to report what I have experienced without trying to hard to make sense of it.  The "wet dream" was indeed part of it all, a one time occurance and it came on the heels of the increased libido, but then the whole thing seemed to crash with the insomnia and irritability stuff.  The weight gain was so transient, that I suspect it was neither lean gain or fat, but rather water that was behind it, and that could be related to the eventual rise in blood pressure, who knows.  And although testosterone rise is associated with prostrate cancer, I believe there is research that tends to indicate that TA actually has anti-cancer properties.  In any case, I am planning to radically scale down my next experiment with TA.



Has anybody ever tried this product, and if so, what was the result?



Oddly, none of us have tried this "100% cure" for Peyronie's Disease.

I find it so much more than offensive that anyone might try to prey on the vulnerability of those with illness by making unfounded claims such as this site does. It is miserable, and they will (of course) say they are here to help.

Yet none of the individual ingredients have been studied for their effects on inflamation (well, maybe some of them have, but none of them look real familiar to me at a glance).

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


This homeopathic stuff I would guess consists of 2 x 250 mg tablets per day which would give you a selenium supplement of about 50 micrograms/day at the mysterious 4DH dilution - which seems to mean one part in 10,000, from what I have read on the web. So the level of selenium supplement would appear ok according to what I read in MedilinePlus.
I have no idea what the other ingredients are but if we base them on 2 x 250 mg tablets/day, then 2DH would give 5 mg/day, 4DH would give 50 micrograms/day and 8DH would give 0.005 micrograms/day.
At these levels, there would have to be some really strong synergy between these components to cause an effect.
As you might expect, I am not a believer in homeopathy and tend to agree with Tim's comments on companies preying on desperate Peyronies Disease sufferers.
However, having said that it is unlikely to work, the cost is not outrageous and it just might be as effective as Potaba!


OK. I wasnt going to try it, I was just curious. After purchasing the pump and the traction device I'm through for a while. I stopped the supplements because 30 years from now when my penis will naturally fail, my stomach needs to continue to work.


LOL  KNow where you're coming from.  I have adjusted dosages so many times for that reason.  I am now just using the VED and Traction myself.  I will start back on PAV once I get off some other Rxs.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I disabled the link you posted so it does not help boost the sites ranking in search engines.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I never understood the science behind homeopathy, and maybe there isn't one in the first place.


This is oh so interesting.  Here is a "company" based in Germany that is selling a Peyronies "cure" in the US and a couple of Spanish speaking countries ... but apparently NOT in Germany.  Hello ... Red Flag ... Red Flag!  They market their "product" as a "guaranteed cure".  But their website was created in January of this year.  Quite a track record, no?  Hello ... Red Flag ... Red Flag!  The office is a "Suite" in some building in Berlin.  Hello ... Red Flag ... Red Flag!  That "Suite" is actually a ... Private Mailbox (no live person inside, guaranteed!).  Hello ... Red Flag ... Red Flag!  Oh, and you too can get your very own address in that very same building to discreetly market your goodies out of and sign up for it right on the Internet (https://www.mailnetwork.com/cgi-bin/orderone.cgi?action=gola&goodcitykey=134&bilkey=&formlogin=).  So you can make money selling a worthless Peyronies (or even Cancer) cure as well ... what are you waiting for?

Well, sorry for the heavy cynicism here.  I really do think there is a cure for this junk our there.  And I think we may very well find it.  But not in places like this.  So listen to those wise voices out there who are already questioning this scam.

Wish you the best bodoo2u!  You did the right thing by inquiring here.  We all are on your side and will always do our collective best to give you the straight scoop.  But there are a lot of unscrupulous operators out there who only have their eyes on our wallets.  We need to hang tight together to prevent them from victimizing us.  - George


This got buried I think so I thought I'd bump it.  Thanks in advance for any help on this front! :)

Quote from: DannyOcean on September 24, 2007, 02:53:09 PM
Hey guys.  It's been a while since I've been on here but have a couple of questions.  My Peyronies Disease basically seems unchanged over the last six months.  I'd love to say that I've improved but I don't think that's the case.  On the other hand, things don't seem to have gotten worse, I can have intercourse and don't have any pain so I consider myself fortunate. :)

Anyway, here are my questions:

#1 - I've been taking Horny Goat Weed a couple of times a day.  However, I also take a 25 mg dose of Viagra before sex, as much for protection (I feel less likely to re-injure myself if I have a harder erection) as for any medicinal properties.  I'm wondering two things.  One, is there any danger of taking both HGW and Viagra at the same time?  I seem to recall someone saying something about this back in the day but couldn't find the post.  Second, I'm wondering if I could just up the HGW consumption and do away with the Viagra (which is expensive, gives me a stuffy nose, etc.).  I saw Tim post that he does 5 grams(?) of HGW daily and that was the equivalent to about 50 mg of Viagra.  Seems like a lot so made me wonder...

#2 - Many people here seem to rave about Full Spectrum Vitamin E so I thought I'd start that.  Any recommendations for brands, etc.  I searched Amazon and didn't come up with much.  

Thanks guys for all the help!!!


Danny, Icariin (the active ingredient in Horny Goat Weed) and Viagra belong to the same class of drugs.  They both are basically PDE-5 inhibitors.  They differ in the details mostly in terms of other effects and benefits they might have that are not necessarily equivalent.  So, conceivably, if you were taking a LOT of HGW along with Viagra, you could increase your risk of Priapism.  However, the Icariin in HGW is much less concentrated than the Viagra, meaning you would probably have to take quite a bit of it for an interaction to happen.  But, honestly, I don't see the use of taking HGW if you are on Viagra.  It would be like taking Viagra and Cialis together, or Viagra and Levitra.  It wouldn't make a lot of sense.  And of the two, Viagra is probably the better, although much more expensive, choice.

As for full spectrum E, there is a lot of it out there.  GNC has it.  iherb.com has it.  Others can name their favorite sources, but it is widely available.  Just look for 400IU Alpha Tocopherol + around 300mg Gamma Tocopherol.  Those are the magic numbers since Alpha attacks oxygen radicals and Gamma nitrogen radicals.  If you take Alpha alone you will deplete your body of Gamma with bad results.  - George


Great.  Thanks George!  I like taking HGW on a regular basis but find that Viagra helps more when I know I'm going to have sexual intercourse.  When I have a strong erection I feel less likely to reinjure myself.  I'm only taking 25mg doses of Viagra and taking 1,000mg of HGW 2x/day so based on the calculations I've seen that would be like taking a 10 mg dose of Viagra in the morning and a 35 mg dose of Viagra in the evening.  Doesn't seem too bad...

Thanks for the info on full spectrum Vitamin E.  Will definitely look into that!

Quote from: George999 on October 02, 2007, 10:34:09 PM
Danny, Icariin (the active ingredient in Horny Goat Weed) and Viagra belong to the same class of drugs.  They both are basically PDE-5 inhibitors.  They differ in the details mostly in terms of other effects and benefits they might have that are not necessarily equivalent.  So, conceivably, if you were taking a LOT of HGW along with Viagra, you could increase your risk of Priapism.  However, the Icariin in HGW is much less concentrated than the Viagra, meaning you would probably have to take quite a bit of it for an interaction to happen.  But, honestly, I don't see the use of taking HGW if you are on Viagra.  It would be like taking Viagra and Cialis together, or Viagra and Levitra.  It wouldn't make a lot of sense.  And of the two, Viagra is probably the better, although much more expensive, choice.

As for full spectrum E, there is a lot of it out there.  GNC has it.  iherb.com has it.  Others can name their favorite sources, but it is widely available.  Just look for 400IU Alpha Tocopherol + around 300mg Gamma Tocopherol.  Those are the magic numbers since Alpha attacks oxygen radicals and Gamma nitrogen radicals.  If you take Alpha alone you will deplete your body of Gamma with bad results.  - George


I have taken to taking about a third of a 20 mg Cialis (I break off the narrow tip and then bite the remaining two thirds in half) about every two to three days. Additionally, on "off" days, I take several HGW - though less than before. I have taken alrge doses of HGW without getting either the effect or the side effects I get with Viagra or Cialis.

I note that a lower dose of Cialis still allows for very hard erections but far less of the headache or flushing I can get with it. Almost any dose of Viagra does that to me. I also note that when I am taking HGW, I get side effects with Cialis at a lower dose than when I am not taking HGW. I take that as a sign of additive effects.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


What's up.

While this isn't exactly an herb or supplement, I thought a solid diet would be a good contribution in the oral treatments section.


1 Whole egg, 3 egg whites Scrambled
Bowl of cereal w/ 1% milk
Glass of Orange Juice

Mid-Morning Snack:

Granola Bar


Glass of Orange Juice (Or other natural juice)
Sandwich OR Sub (No mayo, light on cheese)

Mid-Afternoon Snack:

Granola Bar


Chicken Breast OR Fish OR Steak (Once in a while)

Night-Time Snack:

De-caf Green Tea
Fruit Bowl OR Protein Shake (Find which works best for you)

Keep in mind this isn't set in stone, it's more of a guideline. Most of the people seem to be on a vasodilator of some sort, so I left out anything with caffeine in it. While eating a proper diet might not have a DIRECT effect on peyronie's disease, I'm sure overall being a healthier person in general will go a long way to helping your body fight the disease.


Hi guys,

I'm almost 20 yrs old and I don't know for sure if I have peyronie's because I can't feel any hard tissue, but the curvature in my penis seems abnormal. I first spotted the curvature of my penis some years ago (about 4-5), it was a small curve and I've read on the net that it's a normal thing so I didn't give it any attention. In the last couple of years though, the curvature seems to have increased and sometimes(rarely) felt some amount of pain during erection.

I've read about the "standard" doctor's recommendation of Vitamin E (200 international units / 3 times a day).

How long should this treatment be? Is it like 10 days treatment, 10 days pause and then repeat kind of treatment or just for a long period of time - maybe months without interruption ?


You sound normal to me.  Everybody has some curve.  As far as pain, thats called a "raging hard on".  You should have many more if you're lucky.

Don't worry about Peyronies Disease until you are about 50.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I'm new here, but have been lurking for quite awhile and have followed research into this topic for the better part of a decade.  I believe that vitamin E is a very conservative protocol for Peyronies disease and its benefit is not very well supported from what I've seen.  It shouldn't hurt and may possibly help, but I think that long term use would be called for.  I don't think ten days of treatment would accomplish much of anything.  

In the way of a presentation, I'm 34 and have been struggling with this for about a decade, hourglass was initially bad, but then got noticeably better for a number of years.  This summer I've noticed a significant hardening of the plaque and a corresponding increase of curvature to the right as well as increased pain.  

Liam,  I have found your responses to be generally thoughtful, but I do take issue with your advice to this young man not to worry about peyronie's until age 50.  As someone who got nailed with it in his twenties, I can only envy any of you who spent the best years of your sexual lives without having to worry about it, but there are a significant number of us who are hit early and hit hard.  I know we don't fit the typical profile, but  it doesn't negate our existence.

I'd personally advise the new young member to go to a Urologist and seek a professional opinion.  I didn't have a real noticeable plaque at the beginning either, but did have hourglassing.  I think everyone is different.  I also think that anything you can do earlier rather than later is for the best.  I'm finding that calcification is a real bitch and wish I would have attempted more treatment options earlier on.  For now I'm turning back to VED and adding traction as well as taking Pycnogenol and Ginkgo for better erections (I was also taking arginine, but started to have cold sore breakouts - so I dropped it for now).  Good luck to everyone.  You can count on me to post more often now that I'm having to address this head-on again.   Thanks for everyone's input in advance.



Welcome!  I always glad to see a posts from someone that has been lurking even though I am sorry for the circumstances that prompted it.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


hey amigo

good to have you here, whats the reason for using Pycnogenol.


thanks hitman and Hawk... Hitman, there was a small study in 2003 indicating success at treating erectile dysfunction with pycnogenol and arginine.  Here's a link to the abstract... I'm pretty sure it has been posted on here before, but just in case:


It isn't clear from the study whether the arginine is necessary or not.  It is pretty clear that the pycnogenol IS.  It's moderately expensive (about $25 a month) but still less than a copay for my insurance covered prescriptions.  If anyone else has found a study that contradicts this one, i'd love to know.  The quoted 80- 92% improvement is pretty impressive.  Any extra bloodflow down there seems to be a good thing.


Pycnogenol is indeed good stuff, but it is definitely expensive.  I have been taking it for several years now, along with a number of other supps.  During that period, my Peyronies has not progressed, but has in fact been on the retreat.  Arginine is also definitely good.  I take it in the form of SAN VasoFlow, since they add other components that enhance the Nitric Oxide effect.  This makes it possible to get the same effect from a much smaller amount of Arginine and greatly reduces the likelihood of side effects from the Arginine.  I have also discovered that elevated blood sugar/insulin levels really pours gasoline on the Peyronies and making sure I keep those way down helps immensely.  I used to experience unexplained flare ups, but since I have cracked down on the high glycemic carbs, that problem has disappeared completely and the Peyronies has become very stable and much under control.


Are Pycnogenol and Arganinin widely available supplements? I'm guessing I won't be able to pick them up at GNC, but would my local well-stocked herbal supplement shop have them? Or, like DMSO, am I going to have to pick it up from an online vendor?


Arginine and Pycnogenol are available at GNC if you want their brand.

DMSO should be researched and only then purchased (from an online vendor)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


George -what dosage of VasoFLow do you take?  I see it is a little pricey as well if you take their recommended 6 capsules a day.  Ocelot - you can find pycnogenol and arginine in any health food store or vitamin shop.  I get almost everthing I buy at our local Vitamin Cottage.  Although, if I was ever going to try VasoFlow, I'd have to order that online - haven't seen it here locally.


Amigo, I only take three per day, one before breakfast, one between lunch and supper, and another before bed.  The six capsule recommendation is for bodybuilding purposes.  Also, I buy them from bodybuilding.com.  They have just about the best price of anyone and their service is excellent although their focus is the bodybuilding community.  But they are an Arginine product so you should probably go easy with them until you get your cold sores under control.  Usually cold sores resulting from too much Arginine will go away with a little Lysine, you might give that a try.  - George


Thank you George.  Funny you should mention Lysine, I picked up a giant bottle on Tuesday hoping to ameliorate the cold sore symptoms next time I try Arginine.  I appreciate you sharing your source for the VasoFlow, I'll probably at least try it once with Lysine and see how things go.  


Gents, I have a question I need your counsel on.  I'm 36 and have had a "stabilized" case of Peyronies Disease about 5 or 6  years now.  My only lasting symptom is a head that doesn't get as full or hard as it did before my run-in with the dreaded Peyronies Disease.  Consequently, while I get good, usable erections, they are kind of high maintenance, as the head is not fully hard most of the time, requiring constant "attention" to keep my erection nice and hard.  Because of this, my doc gave me Viagra samples and finally a prescription.  I use 25mg and it's outstanding - I get a nice hard erection that I don't have to worry about going down if it goes a few minutes without attention - I love it.  The side effects of the V (headache, flushing) have even decreased for me, while the efficacy has not.

However, here's my concern.  I'm with a girl currently who loves to have sex every day.  She doesn't know I sneak a V-bomb before most encounters, as I'm emberrassed about being so young (relatively) and taking V.  On a couple occasions I didn't get a chance to drop a V, and everything worked, but I was a little worried about maintaining throughout.   Because of her insatiable sex drive (which I love, of course), it got me to wondering about long-term affects of taking Viagra.  I'm looking at taking 25mg a day for the foreseeable future.  Specifically, I'm worried about developing a dependency, or even worse, suffering diminishing returns after a year or two or three at 25mg - will I have to start upping the dosage?  And what if I get to the point where no dosage works?  

Has anyone been on V for a long enough time to determine the long term affects?  It's got me a little concerned given my relatively young age for this drug.  It absolutely works like a magic bullet for me, but I can't help wonder about the future.  Any perspective would be appreciated.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.



I never heard of a dependency on Viagra however, if a person is on a downhill course when introduced to Viagra, the decline could continue (age etc) and the dose have to be increased.  That is a result of the progression of the original problem, not a dependency issue IMO.

If a 25 mg Viagra does wonders, I am willing to bet that 2000 mg of L-Arginine (maybe less) would work as well.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, thanks.  I am experiementing with L-Argenine ... I try to take 3,000mg a day, but it seems like I can never remember to take all three sets of pills.  I'm also trying horny goat weed to see if that will do anything, but it's just so convenient to pop a Viagra half an hour before I need it, it's really like a magic bullet for me.   I guess I have the same concerns about Argenine and HGW as I do the Viagra - I just hate the thought of getting my body dependant on something for good erections.  But in the face of the tremendous confidence the Viagra instills in me, I'd really like to keep using it, worry free.

Thanks for the reply.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Try Korean Red Ginseng for more confident erections.  It must be the Korean Red (not Panama, thats a different tune).

BTW, what you describe sounds more like a psychological dependency than a physical dependency.


Try a Google search.  Its a liquid and is fast acting.  It is also good for energy.
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Thought I'd contribute a couple links to other Korean Red Ginseng abstracts:



I've never tried the stuff myself, but after reading the abstracts, I might.  I'm still impressed with the pycnogenol/arginine study, but am always looking for new alternatives.  


Sounds interesting ... anyone have a reliable online supplier of Korean Red?
51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.



GNC sells 30 viles of Korean Red.  They usually only have a few boxes and the clerk I asked was unfamiliar.  I had to find it on the shelf.  It is a fairly large green box with 30 separate viles in liquid form.  The brand is Prince of Peace and is labled "Red Panax Ginseng Extractum".  The company refers to it as "Chinese Red Ginseng" but the Panax Ginseng is the only variety you want and it must say "red" which denotes the method of extraction.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


By the way, have any of you who take Horny Goatweed had any side effects to speak of?  I quit taking HGW AND yohimbe quite awhile ago when I found myself unable to sleep at night and feeling like my heart was constantly racing.  Hindsight being 20/40 (mine at least) I'm thinking it was probably just the Yohimbe.  Any happy Horny Goatweeders out there?


It was almost  certainly not the HGW, and almost certainly WAS the yohimbine (or yohimbe), which has some alpha adrenergic positive effect, I believe. I would avoid Yohimbine personally for issues of quality of preparation.

Yohimbine is an alkaloid extract of Yohimbe bark. The Yohimbine may act like aphedra or caffeine and add to an overloaded system as a stimulant.

Interestingly, I have been able to correlate activity of my Peyronie's with stress and caffeine intake. For that reason I have mostly quit it. I continue to have a Latte on Saturday morning and to enjoy green tea.

Here is a Safety comment on a weightlifting website:



As the number of yohimbe products on the retail market increases, concerns about their safety are raised because of the reported toxicity of yohimbine (the major alkaloid of the plant). Reported side effects from yohimbe use include minor complaints such as headaches, anxiety and tension to more serious adverse events including high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, heart palpitations, and hallucinations. People with high blood pressure and kidney disease should avoid supplements containing yohimbe as should women who are (or who could become) pregnant (due to abortion risk). Also, caution should be used with yohimbe taken in combination with certain foods containing tyramine (red wine, liver, and cheese) as well as with nasal decongestants or diet aids with ephedrine or phenylpropanolamine (which could lead to blood pressure fluctuations). Occasionally, yohimbe is combined with serotonergic supplements (such as St. John's wort or 5-HTP) to increase their effectiveness. It is not recommended to combine yohimbe with other anti-depressant supplements or medications except under the advice and supervision of a nutritionally-oriented physician.  
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Yohimbine was actually an old prescription drug used to treat ED.  These days it has been virtually abandoned by the medical profession due mostly to a distaste for its nasty side effects and doubts about its safety.  I find it amazing that its herbal analog (the refined product itself cannot be legally sold) is still pedaled by the supplement industry.  There are lots of good and effective supplements out there, but in my opinion, Yohimbe is not one of them.  On the other hand, HGW/Icariin is quite well understood and has a pretty good track record in terms of safety.  Its effects parallel that of Viagra, Ciallis, and Levitra, with similar benefits and risks.  Yohimbe is a totally different animal with all kinds of risks and unknowns.  I advise people to stay away from it.  - George


Has anyone whos been on pentox for a significant time seen any results from it?  How many people here are currently on the drug?  



I have been on Pentox for 6 months 2 x 400 mg daily along with the other supplements recommended here (vit E, aginine) I have not seen any imporvements yet. I want to probably try it for a year before I make a decision on wheather to continue taking it or not.

Comebackid, are you on Pentox ? how long ? and have you seen any improvement ?



Levine has me on Meloxicam 7.5mg twice daily to controle the excruciating pain from the inflamation.  I've been on it five days now and no relief from the inflamation pain.

Anybody had any experience with this drug?  Anybody know how to stop the inflamation???


Fish oil (hi Omega-3), flax oil (hi Omega-3), Mangosteen Juice and low glycemic diet.  These are some things that will help to knock out inflammation.  Fats and oils that are high in Omega-6 will aggravate inflammation and so will high glycemic, sugary foods.  Aloe Vera Gel also has systemic anti inflammatory properties.  And the faster you get the inflammation under control, the less problems you will encounter later.  - George

Old Man


I have been on meloxicam 15 mgs now for quite a while for arthritis. Have had no specific side effects from it other the usual gastro problems associated with most anti inflam meds. I take an OTC heart burn tablet before breakfast to counteract the gastro problems and it works great.

I took 7.5 mgs of the Brand name Mobic (meloxicam is its generic) for several years and had to up the dose to 15 mgs and then it went generic. My drug insurance only pays for generics when they are available.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I think his problem with Meloxicam is NOT the issue of side effects.  I think his complaint rather is that it is not working for him.

Old Man


Mobic/meloxicam was developed mainly for arthritis, but it is also used for most any inflammatory problem. As you said, I do not see where it would do any harm for Peyronies Disease, but I have doubts as to whether or not it will help with the cuve/bend and nodules, etc.

It should provide good relief from the inflammatory symptoms though.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Has anyone tried Mederma or some other scar tissue med?  I know it is for scars on the surface but maybe it could leach under the skin?


I've used Mederma for a scar on my face, but I don't see any way it would penetrate that deep ... at least that's not what it's designed for.  It's purely topical, as I understand it.  They couldn't even prove Verapamil could penetrate, and it supposedly had "carrying agents" designed to do so ... Mederma doesn't have those to my knowledge.
51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Did you guys see this news??

- Revision of PDE5 Inhibitors to Include Risk of Hearing Loss
- New hearing loss warnings set for Viagra, Levitra, Cialis


What does this mean for users of Horny Goat Weed... since it is also a PDE5 inhibitor? Shouldn't one be concerned if they use HGW since it acts in a similar manner as Viagra etc, about hearing loss?


I was on the pentox, but had to stop as i picked up a virus and I was fearful that pentox was weakening my overall immune system.  I have temporarily stopped it, but saw positive improvments from it.  Now that I'm off it I'm trying to determine if those improvments are permanent or not.  I will go back on it soon for a long time and stick to it no matter what.  I was on it for about 9 months straight, didn't have any side effects or anything so that was good!
