Never give up!!!

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I've been on here often, I've spoken to Arthur a few times (Lord bless em) it started with a growth stunt, it stopped growing at age 11 or 12 prepuberty. Anyway I was always self conscious about my penis. I quit sports because of size worries in the shower room.

Fast forward to age 22. I was jelquing and reached 5 inches in length and a bit as well in girth. I was trying to impress a girl so I tried these penile enlargement techniques. I'm normally a 4 incher. I had a penile fracture after that that didn't get treatment.

It was swollen, bruised, deflated, painful, oscillating to the sides left and right and I went to emergency. They gave me a referral to urology immediately. After 2 days I saw the first uro. He told me "I don't think you did permanent damage" and he walked out on me.

Uro 2: "son you have lacerations in the tunica albuginea, it will take three months to heal"

Uro 3; sent me to a ultrasound but nothing was deemed wrong suspiciously that was the results.

Uro 4: told me to get counseling and pain center treatment.

Uro 5:" oh, just go back to masturbating."

Uro 6: pelvic floor therapy.

I am 19.5 years in the game with penile fracture. It is hurting on the right shaft as I write this. My life is a mess. I almost healed it but I ripped it again.

How many of y'all have just prayed for a healed penis?

This is my lifestyle: lonesome, I take my car out for drives to the mall and gym to walk. It is -40 Celsius with snow here, I hate to shovel or do anything strenuous because I'm self cautious about my injury.

I see a shrink. I'm on meds. I'm currently in a short term respite program for mental health, thank God.

In a few days I will be discharged and back at home with my parents. I am 41. My dad has dementia and my mom is a hard worker with a BIG heart. They are both retired.

My goal is to get into a all male group home but the clock is ticking. My nephew is one years old and I don't want him to see my complexities anymore. My brothers treat me nice but I can't give them the world. My mom needs her independencey. So she can at least travel without issues. Me and my dad need inpatient help.

Life is a mess. The program I'm looking into now is called "fact" stands for flexible assertive community team . They observe you and make you referrals to a group home or such. In my city there are dozens of mental health residential group homes. I wish I could get in one.

When I'm at home with my folks, I get depressed lonely, lazy, angry , avoidance, tardiness, pulling no shows for appointments you name it. Including trips to the crisis response center regularly.

I am bringing the application to my psychiatrist on the end of the month (January) because this is permanent. I have no skills when it comes to women, I have deep deficiencies too, if the penis was healed it would definitely improve my quality of life.

Anyway, at the group home, you pay room and board or rent what have you from rent assist program. The remainder is not much but it is your social assistance income. Yup welfare or disability credit. They serve 3 meals a day but the portions aren't bundles. There's like 5 total men in the basement, where they can be left free and unburdened from all the fast pace of life and less responsibilities and more shelter and more care given. You get wake up calls and curfews , u have to take your meds, ya eat together, no smoking inside, but outside yes. And most likely a tv and a man cave lol with your own room.

I am searching for this venue because there is more to life than giving up. In the end I want to pass the test and go on when it's my time to go. People will be less stressed around me and perhaps I can even heal in there god willing. But no premature death! For anyone looking death in the eye tell him no!!! Keep living,

Thank you for reading my story.
Ps my right leg is numb, and even in the group home I can come and go as I please just gotta sign in and sign out.
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


Oh and uro 7: "it's impossible to have lacerations in the tunica albuginea if there are no lacerations on the skin" completely ignoring that it's internal, some type of pseudo psychiatry.
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


I tried the vitamins combination, tried Cialis. I still have Ed no erections,
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.


How did you almost heal? I damaged my corpus spongiosum and it never healed.

I now have a penile implant and still can't have satisfying sex so, these things never really heal do they??

We just need to find ways to deal with it. One of my struggles.
33yo, single
severe ed caused by injury to cs, soft glans, lack of sensation
penile implant: ams lgx 700


I'm sorry for your situation sonnyjim. It's hell on earth I know. You're still a young man too. I used to compare myself to people in wheelchairs, to the point where I joined a day leisure program at the disability society. I'm telling you I felt at home! But unfortunately my imploding from anger made me quit. Some of those slow/ mentally retarded ones were having a better time than I was. One dude was blind, wheelchair bound and autistic. My goodness, what a predicament! What city are you from? Maybe start by getting involved with mental health services/ resources? Depression can be caused by all types of things; physical health is one. I hope you effing prevail man. God bless you.
Penile fracture at 22, left untreated, did not heal properly, dealing with complications of the injury. Diagnosed with lacerations to the tunica albuginea, as well as Ed.