Important Question About Cialis and Peyronies Disease Prevention

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This is a long-winded question but it's been bothering me for over a year now on nearly a daily basis so please bare with me and if anyone could provide some well thought out and articulate answers it'd be greatly appreciated.

Is cialis capable of halting the progession of Peyronies Disease? If so how effective is it, and how early does it need to be started to do this? I've read a ton on this and not been able to find exactly what I'm looking for. I missed my initial doctor appointments (plural, back to back, and still have immense guilt over it) to ask for cialis and it took 20 days from then to get the cialis. So factoring in how long insurance may have taken that's around 20-15 days or so longer. I'd like to say 15 but that's to be generous, it's hard to say. I know it's very easily to quickly write that off as being no time at all and not having a massive effect however here's some stuff to take into consideration: the first few months are the most pivotal time in the forming of the scarring and deformity and this was in mid November that I missed my appointments after an injury at the end of September. It's also been said Peyronies Disease can rapidly progress in a matter of weeks, idk if this is rare or common or if that even matters...I often think what an incredibly long time 20 days is to pass for such a thing. When I hear how long things are now, I've for a long time compared them to that 20 days and thought of what a long amount of time to wait that is (such as it only being 14 days since New Years right now, and it feels so long to wait to treat my Peyronies Disease.) I never meant to miss the apts obviously but I f'~c<+d up, and such an easy thing as driving across my little town. I was late the first day from hitting snooze on my alarm (they'd made me wait over an hour two last apts, and I barely slept at all that night) and then slept thru my alarm or maybe didn't set one the second day, I'm unsure. So you can probably see where the self blame comes from.

I saw a study that said cialis can halt the progession up to the beginning of the scar "chemicals" or whatever the medical term is being released, it's late at night so I'm highly paraphrasing - but I couldn't find a timeline of when this typically happens though it seems very fast after injury. That was just to stop the initial onset and ability to heal it I believe though and not so much prevention moving forward, though I'd have to check again. Then I saw this post: which is something I've been looking for for over a year now - it seems to be someone who started cialis early and got out in front of the disease and prevented it. I left a comment on the post and you can read further about my thoughts if you like.

I am torn though, as some docs don't even recommend cialis unless you have ED and see it as pointless, however I think MANY docs, including all the ones I've seen just blindly follow what their rigid medical doctrines tell them and don't actually think for themselves thus will never find actual fixes as they never try other solutions. I saw a urologist who outright told me I can't get better from this, and that was F^@$!ng crushing. My condition is on the mild side I'd say but I do have deformity, size loss, and medium ED. So while some studies say cialis can prevent Peyronies Disease from forming if you get on it early enough and even possibly reverse it over time (though the study I read said it doesn't but nonetheless), many docs don't even recommend it, such as the ones I saw even as a preventative. I don't even F^@$!ng understand that. Idk if that's a fundamental misunderstanding on the urologists part or what. The ones I've seen didn't trust any studies though, which are the only things giving me hope.

I had talked to ChatGPT about this a lot but he shifts his answer constantly based on what I say and which side I lean toward, but "he" did mention that once you start cialis the deformity becomes more apparent for many people due to better bloodflow which may have been the case for me. My deformity also pretty much hasn't changed since the cialis in any noticable way which also makes me think the cialis halted progession which also makes me think I could've stopped it sooner, though it could've possibly also already run its course by that time, but it seems more likely to me that the cialis did stop it and could've possibly stopped it sooner too, but I also must admit that I do not know the truth for certain.

Ultimately I'm just wondering your alls opinion on this, if cialis could've prevented this or not for me. In that period of time when I missed my apts - about a day or two before the apt would've been I noticed a thinning at a level I'd never seen before like it was struggling for oxygen, this seemed to have maybe been hypoxia which would say that was very possibly a critical time for scarring. I was also experiencing a lot of pain at that time. I can't remember for certain but it seemed like it was greater than before during that time, though maybe I just felt it more due to regret also. I did read in my journal from the time that the pain stopped during that time for a bit eventually which sort of contributed to me not reaching out to my doc again, but it was mostly out of fear that if I asked online he'd say no and I'd hurt my chances since he's very by the books and I worried he'd be upset I'd missed two apts, in hindsight foolish anxiety, but I've beat myself up over that enough so nonetheless. It feels terrible that these two days of small mistakes could haunt me and greatly effect me the entire rest of my life.

**So here's my few other questions:**

2. I, about a year or so later than I found out about it and should have, have finally bought the penile heating pad from TotalManShop. I've been optimistic about heat therapy and it's findings but I was skeptical about the product and being ridiculously tight with my money and wasting it all on drowning my sorrows every weekend at the bar for months instead (like a moron). Anyway, I now have it and it is VERY hot on the side by the power button and wire and not nearly as much anywhere else. Like so hot that it's unbearable after a few seconds if it's wrapped very tightly and it makes it hard to find an appropriate way to wrap it on where it's on well to get enough heat but also not burn me. The thing is made pretty cheapy so I feel it's just a flaw of how it's made but has anyone else who bought it had problems like this with it and what have you done?

3. I've heard VEDs help restore girth. I was told by that same urologist about a specific medical brand called Augusta Medical Systems. He told me it was the best and that if I got any I should go with the best/most trusted/etc. The manual is $200 and the premium version is $300. I imagine they're partnered with the Hospital and get some kind of kickback or something. I don't trust crap about the medical system tbh. I don't wanna get scammed spending too much but I also don't wanna get some cheap junk one and not get all the benefits I could or injure myself. I see plenty of people here say they use cheap ones from sex stores...not sure I'd do that. But if anyone has a real sense of the difference or what works or doesn't pros and cons please let me know.

4. I haven't done traction outside of some hand traction (no I've never hurt myself) but I am considering getting the RestoreX hearing how much it's helped some people. It is really damn expensive tho. Anyone got it second hand and had it work out? I know the penimaster is cheaper but I want something for quick use. I hate to spend that kinda money cuz I'm not working and been struggling all this time to save to move to a nicer part of the world and start my life over, but I might have to shell out for the RestoreX. I wish I'd started all these treatments a long time ago tbh. All this crap has just been incredibly hard on me. I've essentially lost 15 months of my mid 20s to all this. I'm ready to finally move the F~@< on from this now, but blaming myself for "letting this all happen" over the missed apts for cialis has been incredibly hard so I'd like to have some kind of closure on what the real reality of that is.

5. I take cialis and pentox daily now but they absolutely burn up my inside so much now that I have to take Tums like they're candy throughout the day. I was at one point taking a massive concotion of antioxidants. I had bought around 30 or 40 at one point while being really hesitant about physical treatments and just hoping to "heal" the scar from "medicine" I guess was my thinking. Now I don't take any of them, i quit many months ago but just the cialis and pentox alone burn me up terribly, so much that I only take one pentox a day as opposed to 3. Anyone have any solutions or thoughts about this? Thanks.

If there's any treatments or anything that's helped you or anyone you know of who's recovered PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I love hearing stories of hope and copying what they've tried! I know I just need to move on and accept what is now and move forward, TRUST ME, I KNOW. So you don't need to be mean and comment that in some mean backhanded way. It's F^@$!ng difficult. I am trying.

24 (2024)
Single, attempting dating
Injury was Sept 2023 - Deformity Dec 2023
Mild ED, pain left & returned, possible venous leakage, lost girth & some length, penis twisted, large dent
Pentox, Cialis, heat pad
Second injury on other side