Restorex making it worse?

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Hi, I had hinging in hourglassing last January 2023. I got two Xiaflex injections in August and the second one gave me a massive plaque on the left side and caused me to start curving, lower quality, erections,and it's getting worse every month.

Every time I have used the restores for more than several days I get pain. I started using it again and I've been noticing more pain on the lower left side and plaque, forming at the base of the clamp. I even use the makeup pads with it.

The place where it would counter bend  also suspiciously formed plaque. It seems anything I do seems to make my penis worse. Apparently I'm still in the active phase. Could the plaque just be a coincidence? Should I just keep pushing through?
Developed hourglass and hinge in 1/2024. 800 mg of pentox in February. Developed insomnia. To Xiaflex injections in August-got worse. Now have a progressing 30° plus curve and more plaque. Curve progressing despite restorex, and 70% DMSO topical


I would say skip a day in between your treatments to see how that does. You very well may still be in the acute stage.  You should also look into VED therapy and heat therapy. The heat therapy for me would bring faster healing and pain relief. Also are you using any tadalafil? It will promote healing through increased blood circulation and a reduction in inflammation. Doing nothing can make your situation much worse in the long run. Also how is your worrying and anxiety levels? Finally remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I also notice pain when stretching and counterbending mainly on the side of my penis where my plaque is located.

I'll even feel this when at work throughout the day. The feeling comes and goes.

I often wonder if these pains are there because it's a sign my penis is improving or getting worse.

I continue and be consistent with my RestoreX treatment while taking Tadalafil and supplements along with heat therapy.

I am 7 weeks today of my treatment plan.

I honestly don't think at 12 weeks I'll see a noticeable improvement. I believe it will take 6-12 months.

I'm hoping I can put my faith into Dr Trost using this device and that it will not worsen my disease and actually improve it.

There's no other choice.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2