Interesting Summary of Peyronies Disease from Leading UK University Hospital

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I was interested to read a certain article by Cambridge University Hospitals about Peyronies Disease.

It's pretty detailed and written so confidently it sounds like an academic.

Yet one thing struck me regarding progression. It says "Spontaneous improvement in the disease is seen in 60 to 70% of patients"

Doesn't this contradict what is typically said about Peyronies Disease, that although some cases might resolve, active treatment is required and most just reach stabilization or deteriorate further. In the above article it's saying that most of us just get better anyway doing nothing. I find it hard to believe.

More strange things: Xiaflex injections apparently don't work, Pentox has no mention, and Tamoxifen is the only proven oral treatment... I would love to know the sources of this kind of stuff.

In general, it always seemed to me like Peyronies Disease is dizzying / confusing in its treatment options, causes and, well, everything.

The only reason I take this somewhat seriously is because it's from one of the leading universities in the world.
Age 38, 3rd worlder, suspected acute hourglass+upward curve Peyronie's starting 4 months ago, severe ED, lost 2" length. Trying to find Peyronies Disease urologist.


Check out some answers from Dr. Trost on this forum. He mentioned that long term the disease in some cases gets better.

In the active phase you have pain, inflammation and progression.
In the chronic phase most of the pain stops and you basically have a scar inside your penis.
Scar tissue (especially if you stretch it naturally with Tadalafil night time erections) can soften over time.

Imho it is important to accept that your penis will never be the same, but try to keep the hope up for natural/long term improvement.

Best wishes
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP


Just discovered the Dr Trost section and his post about spontaneous improvement over years gave me some hope. There is a chance.

Though as you say, I must make peace with my penis and sex life in general never being the same as before Peyronies Disease. Even if I'm fortunate to be one of those with improvement over the years.

The active phase I'm in right now is psychologically challenging because it has kinda fast progression, which is alarming.

I wish some articles on Peyronies Disease would write it as succinct and concise as you did. So much confusion elsewhere.
Age 38, 3rd worlder, suspected acute hourglass+upward curve Peyronie's starting 4 months ago, severe ED, lost 2" length. Trying to find Peyronies Disease urologist.