Penile Injury not Peyronies

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I have been assessed by a doctor and he has said that what I have seems like a penile injury and not peyronies disease.

This makes sense given my lifestyle of having vigorous group sex.

Because there isn't a noticeable lump or scar tissue he said it would be a penile injury.

It's reassuring as it means I'm not at risk of a condition like peyronies that is likely to worsen over time.

I would imagine that treatment is the same. Traction, VED and Tadalafil.

Also I would imagine that the tissue can be reshaped this way and likely to correct itself.

Is anyone else's an injury rather than a genetic autoimmune disease?

35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2