Weird ask, but seeking before and after photos

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Welp, never thought I'd be be making this request but I'm at a loss. My urologist referred me to a surgeon to discuss potential surgery in my future.
Not sure what will be recommended exactly but from reading posts here it seems like an implant is the only Peyronies Disease intervention that leads to any sort of meaningful patient satisfaction.
Problem is, I would never have surgery on my penis without seeing the outcome on other patients, and I can find any.
Could anyone here post/DM/or direct me to where I can find before-after photos from men who have gotten an implant? Hourglass sufferers preferred.
Thank you
Symptoms started May 27 2024. Hourglass (only semi erect) narrowing, one inch lost. Diagnosed June 20th Dr. Zbraki


Go to FT and there are threads there that will show before and after.
Age-64, diabetic and use insulin for 20 yrs and now on a insulin pump
ED started age 35 and pills
About age 52 used trimix
Titan coloplast implant Feb2019,  failed March of 2024
Revison June 25 2024, AMS 700 LGX.  18cm 5rte's


Mabye a dumb question...FT?how do i find that site?
From Sweden and i'm looking for as much info i can find about Peyronies

Thank you
In relationchip
First symptom -21
60 degree upward bend bad hourglassing
Diagnosed peyronies in Sweden
Implant is only option for help says doctors


Symptoms started May 27 2024. Hourglass (only semi erect) narrowing, one inch lost. Diagnosed June 20th Dr. Zbraki


Sorry but when I spell out the name it abbreviates it every time, but it is    Frank   Talk      all one word.   posted the link below.

Age-64, diabetic and use insulin for 20 yrs and now on a insulin pump
ED started age 35 and pills
About age 52 used trimix
Titan coloplast implant Feb2019,  failed March of 2024
Revison June 25 2024, AMS 700 LGX.  18cm 5rte's