My Traction Progress Log

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Hi All,

I am starting with traction as I want to get some control back. Here I will share my approach and updates. Not sure yet if I am confident enough to share pictures.

I was diagnosed with Peyronie's in November 2021. Now my main Plaque is in chronic phase for a couple of months.
Unfortunately I now experience a new plaque and indentation on the right shaft.
Initially a urologist told me the main Plaque is calcifying.
My last urologist appointment the urologist could not see the plaque in US which would mean that no/little calcification is present.

- Palpable dorsal plaque right behind plans.
- No visual curvature as plaque only bends glans up a bit.
- ca. 2-4 cm shortening compared to pre Peyronies Disease.
- Narrowing of the top of the penis, like a bottleneck (ca. 15% smaller but difficult to measure).
- Small palpable plaque on the right side with small indent.
- Narrowing at the base of the penis without palpable plaque.
- No Calcification?
- Reduced feeling due to restricted expansion of the glans.

- I want to gain back 1cm of length.
- I want to increase the girth of the top of the penis to gain more width and therefore improve feeling in the glans.
- I want to stop progression of new plaque.

Other Treatment:
- Daily Cialis alternating 2.5/5mg
- Daily D3
- Weekly B12 & E
- Antioxidants: Propolis, Omega-3, Sylimarin, Selenium
- Irregular Scutellaria baicalensis

Traction Approach:
- I want to favour safety over efficiency.
- I want to use low traction force over long treatment time.
- I want the treatment to be comfortable.

Let's go!
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP



In my updates I will use following measurements:

Stretched Penile Length (Pubic bone to tip)
in cm

Stretched Penile Length to the rim of the glans.
in cm

Diameter of the Penis right behind plans.
in cm

Diameter of the Penis right at the base.
in cm

Visual quality/happiness with my penis.
0-10 scale, 10 is best
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP


Update 2024-12-01

I tested VED for 2 weeks and I gave up on it as it is not easy measurable and feels dangerous with the potential to over pump.

After that I started with RestoreX. I tested it for 2 weeks, but I was not able to find a comfortable configuration for the clamp. Reason is, that the elevated edge of the clamp directly presses on my plaque. I consulted with the very good support team of RestoreX and the suggested some improvements that did not help me. I think that by training a couple more weeks I could get RestoreX to work.

Due to my fears with RestoreX I now want to test PMP so for now this log will focus on PMP.

Today was my first test with PMP. I could not yet get my glans fully into the chamber. I guess there is a learning curve at the start. Tips are very welcome!

SPL: 14   
SPLG: 10.6   
DG: 3.2   
DB: 4.2
VQ: 5

(I realized that the SPL measurements are fluctuating between morning and evening by ca. 1cm. I will take the measurements in the morning and thinking of doing rolling averages over 7 days).
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP


You ask for tips.. .... I would say try restorex again in the near future? Lots of helpful posts here on The board!


Update 2024-12-07

After trying to use PMP for days without success I expected a defect of the device.

The valve did not close correctly and I wrote the PMP support.

The replacement device can finally keep the pressure in the glans chamber. Unfortunately I think the pump ball also has an issue as, when I open the valve with the pump ball it does not keep the pressure. Therefore when I open, release and close the valve extremely fast I can after 2-3 pump rounds get the glans c.a. 50% in. I wrote the support again.

Does anyone have the same issue? Really thinking of trying RestoreX again even so I am scared about the clamp mechanism.
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP


Update 2024-12-23

Received new pump ball. Now the device appears to work. Starting to train with the vacuum. Will start applying traction start of next year once I am comfortable with the glans chamber.
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP


i also had problems with the suction chamber not holding the pressure, turned out the two plastic parts it is made out of were glued together incorrectly so that there was a small hole where air could escape. Customer support immediately sent me a new chamber

Ich war auch sehr frustriert mit dem PMP und habe mir dann doch den Restorex geholt. Was nützt mir das beste Traktionsgerät wenn es in der Nutzung so Umständlich ist dass ich es effektiv nie Nutze? Mit den Make-Up Pads finde ich den Restorex ziemlich bequem in der Nutzung.

23 y/o, problems started Feb 2024
Painful erections, multiple knots, 40° dorsal curve
Occasional Diclofenac gel, heat, Restorex
Stopped Tadalafil because it gives me heart issues and most supplements because they messed with my digestion


Hi why_now,

Thank you for your feedback. I am now starting to get the suction chamber to work. I am just missing 1-2 mm to get the glans in. I think I need to manually stretch the rubber a bit like mentioned in the manual.
Fingers crossed this will finally work then.

For me I want to first try long application times with low force. My gut feeling is, that short stronger forces from RestoreX can cause harm. My condition is not hindering me from having intercourse with penetration therefore I want to be entirely on the save side. My goal is to prevent worsening and play the long game.

In case I develop a strong curve or my shortening goes beyond manageable I will definitely go for the RestoreX as then the risk to reward is more justified.

Happy Holidays
35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP