Traction for how long calendar wise? Until Peyronies Disease heals? Forever if it doesn't?

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I wore my Phallosan Forte 5 or 6 days a week, 6 hours a day for over a year. My Peyronies Disease stayed about the same during this time, but at least it didn't get worse. Then I sprained my foot in a fall and stopped doing traction, because I didn't want to have my dick wrapped around my waist while limping around--it was just too much for me.

I have yet to restart traction because it's just such an annoyance. So I am wondering: how long do you guys do traction, calendar wise? X number of years? Or until it heals? Or just indefinitely if doesn't heal?

15 degree kink to right at first, but upward curve emerged (~15 degrees)
narrowing on the right morphed into narrowing on both sides, but no loss of girth
No longer doing supplements, now just traction (phallosan forte for 6 hrs, 5 days a week


Hi samanil,

I just start PTT and aligned my treatment plan with my urologist to be on the save side.


35 yo Married,
ED&Peyronies Disease diagnosed since 2021, New Plaque 2024 🎉
Dorsal Plaque behind Glans, Bottleneck Deformity, 2-3cm Shortening, OCD
Low Carb, Tadalafil, Vitamins&Minerals, Propolis, Sylimarin, Omega3
Daily Workout, Psycho Therapy & Starting PMP