Particular form of peyronie (root of the penis), Maybe it is not ?

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4 years ago I consulted an urologist for E.D. and was diagnosed Peyronie Disease. I always had a curve and I don't care about it, all I want is improving my E.D. Doctor says my E.D. was caused by peyronie. I never healed from my E.D. but today I wonder if I truly have peyronie..

My peyronie is particular, because it is not somewhere in the body of the penis, it is actually in the dorsal of the "root of the penis".

In flaccid state : we feel an induration when we pinch the dorsal of the penis base. We particulary feel it when we pinch it. It seems less elastic and harder than the rest of the body of the penis. But if we pinch the "root" of the penis , we feel that all the dorsal root of the penis is also hard and indurated ! It is not like a plaque , it is all the area which is fully indurated. Except the root and the first 1cm of the penis, the rest of the body of the penis is fully elastic and seems normal.

Here is the localisation of the induration: [induration localisation](

In Erect State: I have a 45° angle. This begins at the base of the penis where the induration is located .. But I always had a curve and I don't know if it is due to peyronie.

[erect picture](

So I am lost, don't know if I have peyronie, I never head about a form of peyronie in the dorsal root of the penis. I see 2 doctors, the first said I have it and the second was not sure about it. I'm from Belgium so , we don't have peyronie specialist like in USA.

Do you think it is peyronie ? Or maybe it is normal that the dorsal root of the penis feels hard and less elastic than the body ?

What do you think about it ?

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I'm going to share my experience and opinion.

I've always had a slight congenital curve to the left and since developing peyronies I now have a more obvious curve to the left.

It could be that when peyronies develops in a congenital curve it is often in the same direction making their natural curve look more pronounced.

I would be interested in hearing anyone who has had a curve develop in the opposite direction to their congenital curve.

From your pictures it looks like your penis goes straight and then turns off slightly up.

It's doesn't look particularly bad. It looks very natrual which is a good thing so as long as you're not experiencing any pain you should be fine.

Just make sure you take 5mg a day Tadalafil to increase bloodflow and reduce inflamation. And use RestoreX to stop the curve from worsening by regularly stretching and counterbending your penis it should stop the plaque from developing and worsening.

35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


I think the same, had always a congenital curve and it is now obvious. Yes I don't complain about the shape of my penis, it doesn't really bother me but erectile dysfunction is a problem  :-\

It started 6 years ago ago and I don't feel like it's evolved. I tried traction therapy but it has a negative impact on my erection quality unfortunately. In my experience with stretching, my dick is responding well for the first days (more bloodflow, no more flaccid shrinkage etc.). But after 1-2 weeks it start to do the opposite, and I need to rest.

So I currently only do manual stretching 15 minutes every other day and it seems to help.
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35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


I have taken it in the past (20mg), it helped with bloodflow but I am a young man (27 yo) and I have to admit I have difficulties to admit I need a drug to have sex, so I stopped using it.
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There's nothing to be ashamed of.

I am 35 years old and experiencing problems that only older men are believed to have.

I recommend taking 5mg Tadalafil a day. My sex drive returned after doing this.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


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You can also top up with 100mg Sildenafil 2-4 hours before sexual intercourse to make sure you stay hard.

I'll ocassionally take 40mg Tadalafil with 100mg Sildenafil on the weekend when going out to have sex.

Then in the week I take 5mg Tadalafil a day to have healthy night time and morning erections.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2


I still have a lot of tadalafil 5mg and 20mg expired from 2020. Do you think I can still use it ?
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Quote from: BentKnob on October 28, 2024, 11:47:09 AMYou can also top up with 100mg Sildenafil 2-4 hours before sexual intercourse to make sure you stay hard.

I'll ocassionally take 40mg Tadalafil with 100mg Sildenafil on the weekend when going out to have sex.

Then in the week I take 5mg Tadalafil a day to have healthy night time and morning erections.
OMG! 40 mg Tadalafil with 100 mg Sildenafil is the 2X of max dose of Tadalafil + the max dose of Sildenafil!

Can I ask you some questions?
Have you ever faced issues like prolonged erections or blue-vision or any other issues?

On average, how long did your erections lasts and were your erections post-orgasm as hard as pre-orgasm state?

To OP, I would highly suggest you to not take more than the recommended dose of ED drugs unless a medical specialist prescribes you so.

BTW no hate to BentKnob because what works for someone may not work for others. But I'm sure if I take that high dose I'm definitely going to the ER.
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Tried a 5mg tadalafil today (expired since 2020)

I can stay at 90%-95% E.Q. without worriying about loosing it !  I am very enthousiast ! I Hope I will experience morning wood again !
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Quote from: Arthur on November 17, 2024, 06:26:58 AMHave you ever faced issues like prolonged erections or blue-vision or any other issues?

On average, how long did your erections lasts and were your erections post-orgasm as hard as pre-orgasm state?

I ocassionally experienced those side effects when new to taking Tadalafil and Sidenafil.

My erections are only full if I want them to be.

When I don't think about sex or aroused then I'll have a semi erection which is healthy.

It's important to get blood flow to the penis. This helps you not develop scar tissue during sex.
35 years old
Married & open relationship
In 2023 injury caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in early 2024
20°-30° curvature to left
Finasteride 10 years
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Tadalafil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2