Soft tissue mobilization

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Did some searches and scanned through some threads, but haven't seen anybody post about what I've come across in terms of this self-treatment.  Saw user Runaway6's subject line from a few months ago about Soft Tissue Mobilization, and that closely describes what I discovered.  

I posted an into story in the Introduce Yourself board.  I had initial improvement in my late 20's.  I'm currently mid 50's.  Since my 20's, I've noticed what most describe as scar tissue or nodules in my corpus cavernosum.  I had some on the right side.  I also have a narrowing of the corpus, like someone put a rubber band around the corpus. I had some hard nodules mid shaft in that right corpus, and noticed one on the left side of the urethra near the base of the head of the penis.  Over the years, have tried to manually massage them between my fingers, but had little improvement.  

Not sure what compelled me to do this, but took a tool and used it to put pressure on the scar nodules.  

The best way to describe this procedure, is while you are mostly flaccid, use something that won't break.  At first I used a beer tumbler glass, which is pretty heavy duty glass.  Drinking a beer is probably where I came up with this idea. Probably not the safest thing to be using on the penis, glass, but it worked.

My thought was to try to break up the plaques/scar tissue using a rolling pin type method.  A real rolling pin is probably way too wide, but something narrower like the lip of the beer tumbler seemed about right.   I put the flaccid penis on a waist-high smooth counter top in my bathroom, then pressed it with the rim of the tumbler, and pulled and pushed my penis between the rim of the glass and the countertop.  I also tried using the bottom of the glass.  Doing so seemed to break apart the scar tissue and noticed what felt like the rubber band or knot had been loosened up on the right side. It allowed the diameter of the right corpus to seem less pinched off when I was erect.

I did this technique again today with a massage tool I picked up years ago at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Looked it up on Amazon, and it is called Frog Massager, item number B0CPBL8971.  I don't work for whoever makes that tool or Amazon, and you can probably use pretty much any household item instead.  Figured I'd mention that tool since it worked decent.  Basically was trying to find something that had low likelihood of breaking and was the right diameter.   A metal rod about 1/4" to 3/8" inch diameter would probably be better since a plastic massager can possibly break, but don't have anything like that laying around the house.  Actually, a thick Phillips screwdriver shaft might work well.  Just thought of that while writing this posting.  The only problem would be the handle might get in the way of getting it flat with the countertop unless you did this near a corner.

I pointed the four knobs of the massager away from me creating a tripod between the two knobs and the middle of the tool, then massaged the penis shaft back and forth about a 1/2 inch at a time.  Started mid shaft, lifting and working the tool toward the tip then back to mid shaft and working toward the base of the shaft.  This was done using the middle part of the tool against the shaft.  Basically like rolling or pressing dough.  It is somewhat painful, but never had more than a 4 out of 10 pain.  

I'm not a doctor, so take this post for what it is worth.  You should seek medical advice from a doctor before trying anything on yourself.  

That said, I experienced improvement, and noticed the narrowing of the right corpus now seems to be 95% or more expanded/improved.   I will probably do this again in the future, after letting things rest for a week or so, and see if I can get it above 95%.  Still feels like there may be a slight amount of tiny scar tissue in there, but nothing like the pea sized knots I had when I first noticed them.  

I think this technique basically breaks up the scar tissue and allows more blood flow in the corpus tissues.  Just wanted to post in case this helps others.

Learned that my brother's son may have Peyronies, so suspect this is a genetic condition.
Colorado - I work on computers. Have had Peyronies since my early 20's and am in my mid 50's.


Very interesting treatment option. Kind of like rolling out cookie dough.  Have you looked into using any traction or VED in your case? That is what is generally used to stretch and bring fresh blood into your penis. Yes peyronies can be genetically passed in the blood lines and it is linked to the disease called Dupuytren's contracture.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Have you continued with this technique? Any more promising results?  
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I would be interested in an update as well. How much pressure did you apply? I assume you didn't include the glans in this massage? And did you have any dents that got flattened out?
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Apologies for a delayed response.  Didn't receive any email notifications, so didn't realize anybody replied to my thread.


Yes, it is very similar to rolling out dough.  Actually, a device that rolls like a rolling pin would probably work better than what I used since it would created vertical pressure without stretching the skin along the shaft too much.

A rocking motion with a tool is probably best since it is applying pressure from the top without rubbing the tissue and creating irritation.  Pressure is good, rubbing or friction doesn't feel good.

I haven't looked into traction or VED.


I have tried this technique a couple times since I last wrote.  I see some  improvement.  I would say when I started in October, I had one main problem area, but my penis was back to about 90% normal compared to when I had Peyronies in my 20's.  The problem area is where I had my first nodules/thickening.  After the first time I tried this technique, I was probably back to about 95% normal.

I would say the last couple attempts are breaking up the scar tissue and getting things to about 96% normal, but the gains seem to be more minimal as the scar tissue nodules are smaller and smaller.  I still have a dent on the right side in the main problem area where the outer surface of the corpus cavernosum seems to have more permanent damage.  The diameter of the shaft is smaller in that area than anywhere else along the length of the penis.  

I might try a tool with a smaller diameter to see if those smaller nodules can break up even more.  The gains here are becoming increasingly smaller, so not sure if it is worthwhile.

Update, just tried a Papermate InkJoy gel 0.7 pen as a tool.  It had about the right diameter and was able to roll the small nodule on the tip of my left cavernosum.  That seemed to produce some improvement in both reducing the size of the nodule and reducing the pain when I squeeze the nodule.

Side note, having a countertop the right height is critical since it is much harder to work on this when bending your knees.

Don't really know this technique will ever be able to fix that outer surface of the cavernosum, but diameter is much less of a concern to me than the pain I was experiencing with the nodules.  They normally don't hurt, only when I put slight pressure on them.

Should also note that I've tried turning my penis sideways while applying pressure to see if I can focus more on the dent area, but that is really difficult since the two cavernosum's are stacked and slide off each other.  Angling probably helps to a small extent but doesn't seem to be as effective as just keeping the penis in a normal position and using pressure from the top.


I apply a significant amount of pressure.  Not sure there is a good way to quantify it.  Not really enough to cause damage to the tissue in my penis, but enough force to break apart the scar tissue.  Would say that it is uncomfortable, and slightly painful, but not where I'm afraid that I'm going to tear the skin.  Kind of like if you push on your hand with your finger, you can tell when it is painful, but would have to use a lot of pressure to actually cut your skin.

Correct, I didn't need to involve the glans or corpus spongiosum in the process, however they will get squashed along with the cavernosum when applying pressure with a tool.  I did massage all the way to near the tip since I had nodules on the left cavernosum near the tip.

As I mentioned above to Transformer, it didn't fix the dent.  When I'm erect, I can feel a few dents along the outside of the cavernosum.  It isn't smooth like I remember when I was in my 20's, but is more like an old car that has been neglected over the years.  Wish there was a way to fix that, but am currently pretty happy with breaking down the scars/nodules that were inside the cavernosum, as well as removing some of the pain associated with those nodules.

Just tried again, and was able to get some improvement on the dented cavernosum by becoming semi erect, then squeezing the top of both cavernosum(sa), while focusing the fluid into the dented area.  A little hard to describe this, but I've done it in the past to limited success.  Kind of if you had a water balloon and want to make one part of it swell up, you put your hands around the other areas and squeeze so the exposed part pushes outward.

Hopefully this helps explain things somewhat.  Please ask away if any of you have more questions.
Colorado - I work on computers. Have had Peyronies since my early 20's and am in my mid 50's.


Did you experience any pain after you massaged your penis? I tried it yesterday and only had some discomfort while doing so, however later the dents where I applied pressure began to hurt a bit. Not sure if I was going too rough, I used the handle of a brush, with about 1/3 inch diameter. I only massaged the outer parts as that's where the dents are located, basically squishing the side of the penis. Might be better to spread the pressure in an even manner and apply it from the top rather than to pinch it probably.
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Hi Wald, yes, I've experienced slight to moderate pain afterwards but nothing severe.  Probably a level 4 to 7 out of 10. I would say my penis was tender for about a week after a massage, with the discomfort decreasing each day.   I've avoided back-to-back treatments and tried to leave time to heal in between.  Progress has been more of a marathon than a sprint.
Colorado - I work on computers. Have had Peyronies since my early 20's and am in my mid 50's.


Really appreciate your feedback. Did you refrain for some time from sexual activity as well? I feel like the added blodflow from an erection might help in the healing process of the tissue.
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You're welcome.  I may have refrained from sexual activity for a few days, but don't know that it is necessary.   Agreed, added bloodflow may help.
Colorado - I work on computers. Have had Peyronies since my early 20's and am in my mid 50's.