Does Therapy make depression worse for anyone else?

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As my Peyronies Disease has become progressively worse over the past 4 months, each day has been worse then the last. The obsessive thoughts are all-consuming and I don't really remember what feeling happy is like. What I'm really upset with currently is that speaking with my therapist (who in most sessions is fantastic) makes me more depressed than anything else. listening to someone try to combat the Peyronies-caused-depression by challenging me to focus on reasons to live despite not having a functional cock only highlights how bleak a dickless life is. Having someone challenge my Peyronies-caused-anxiety by suggesting that it may not turn out so bad makes me angry because it comes from a place that is ignorant of the research that points to Peyronies Disease being in nearly all cases; progressive, incurable, and untreatable.
also increasing my antidepressant dosage does nothing. this feels so deep, so primally f'~c<+d up, so beyond the tools of psychology and psychiatry. I am at a complete loss and I haven't even completely lost the ability to have sex yet. I don't know how I can cope once this disease takes sex away from me permanently. How are you all coping? I don't think I'm strong enough. I don't know whether to be inspired or skeptical of the men on here who imply that they are happy with their lives. how do you do it?
Symptoms started May 27 2024. Hourglass (only semi erect) narrowing, one inch lost. Diagnosed June 20th Dr. Zbraki


First of all you stated 3 things that peyronies is progressive, incurable and untreatable. Yes it can be progressive for most men. Second there is no cure for it. Third you are incorrect on as there are several different treatments for it. You can use traction and VED therapy. A lot of men have had success with restored length/girth with these two forms of traction.

I understand as just about every man here does, that this disease wrecks us emotionally with the thougths of desperation and hopelessness. We think we will never have sex again and our penis is worthless. We define ourselves with our dicks so to speak. You are right now in a state of worrying and anxiety which all of us have experienced.  

Now you just need to get your game plan in order and realize that you will get through this. Stay with your therapist and educate yourself with traction and VED. You are still in the acute stage and this wont last forever. It does help if you develop some sort of plan now and stick with it. Educate yourself on the tools that are here in this forum and use them! You do need to be gentle now with any sexual activity as this can worsen things. Most importantly is to get a grip on your worrying and set your mind into thinking that this is a marathon and not a sprint. You will not get through this in a month or so - it takes time and dedication.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)