45 hrs Post-OP 29 y/o PEG w/SIS Graft&Plication Surgery Lateral 65 Degree Curve

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I am writing all of this from my bed 45 hours post op PEG w/SIS Graft & Plication surgery to correct a 65 degree lateral curvature from Peyronies Disease.

I wanted to make this post as I've been participating on the forum for the last 18-20ish months as a viewer and not a contributor.  Battling with my own diagnoses of this disease lead me to this forum and it has helped me significantly while I was seeking a treatment plan and just trying to stay sane.  Just 45 hours ago I underwent surgery through the Cleveland Clinic to correct my lateral (to my right looking down) Peyronies curvature of 65 degrees, which has been preventing my wife and I from having a healthy sex life and affecting my confidence in many areas of my life.  As all of us here already know, this disease is brutal for a number of different reasons, but primarily the 'slow burn' of waiting until you're at the chronic stage is unlike a lot of other medical issues and has it's own unique set of challenges as a result.  This forum was a tool/resource for fighting against this and it's been extremely valuable and I want to give back in any way I can to hopefully give someone else hope while going through this, because I really needed it (and still do).

Quick Medical/Physical Background:
No other serious medical conditions other than a low resting heart rate as a result of under nourishment from an eating disorder (excessive exercise with caloric restriction) I developed in senior year of high school that stretched through my time at college.  I was a swimmer throughout high school and very active lifting weights in college and still do to this day.  Main hobby now is lifting weights/natural body building.  
Graduated high school at 5'11" 135lbs 18 years old.  Currently 5'11" 170lbs at 29 years old with ~12% bodyfat.

Onset of Injury/First Signs of Symptoms:
There was no sexual event that happened which lead to the onset of my Peyronies to my knowledge/memory. Rather, one night I randomly woke up from what felt like a 'pop' or 'tight' feeling on the right side of my penis up mid-shaft.  It was unlike anything I've ever felt before and almost burned/stung a little bit - the feeling was strong enough to wake me up from sleeping.  I went back to sleep eventually that night but in the days/couple weeks following I noticed a small bump followed by an indentation forming which lead to the deformity/curvature.

Seeking Treatment:
I went to a General Internal Medicine doctor in January 2023 and told her about my concerns and that I thought this may be Peyronies or potentially penile cancer (I wasn't very educated at that time with the disease other than quick Google searches that wouldn't last long until I felt overwhelmed and chose to distract myself in other ways). She didn't know anything about this and recommended me to a urologist in the University Hospital network, Dr. Aram Loeb. I didn't follow up with him because I was extremely overwhelmed and in a stage of denial/shock of what was happening to me.  The curvature continued to worsen at this stage and I decided to see a different local urologist through another hospital network and he was the one that officially gave me the diagnosis of Peyronies Disease on March 28th 2023. The one good thing this doctor did was give me the name of another Urologist, Dr. Kenneth Angermeier with the Cleveland Clinic and said that he's the leading expert of this disease in my area.  Besides for that, this doctor that gave me the initial diagnosis did not have good bedside manners and being only 27 at this time I really felt like I needed some reassurance or some positive reinforcement that my life isn't f'~c<+d and I'll never get to enjoy sex again. Which is part of the reason why/how I found this forum.  After receiving the diagnosis, I needed someone somewhere to understand what was happening to me and finding this forum was what helped. 

First Appointment:
I had my first visit with Dr. Angermeier on April 19th 2023 where he examined me and confirmed the diagnosis of Peyronies Disease with a 30 degree rightward curvature.  The plan at this time was to buy a RestorX device to try and correct the curve and/or stop it from getting worse. He didn't want to go with any oral medications or vitamins as there's not enough research backing them up to be a viable option for treatment.  However, at the time I wanted to do something about this rather than just waiting for the acute phase to end.

Second Appointment:
08/21/2023 I had my first follow up appointment with Dr. Angermeier 4 months after my initial.  Curvature was still at 30 degrees, but I didn't buy the RestorX device yet.  Seemed almost like things were stabilizing but passing moments of discomfort/pain randomly maybe a few times per week.  Plan was to come back in December and see if condition has stabilized and either start Xiaflex injections or discuss scheduling for plication surgery.  

Worsening Curvature/Started RestorX:
09/15/2023 I bought the RestorX as the curvature was continuing to get worse, about 45 degrees by late November 2023/early December.  I was wearing the RestorX device with a counter bend to the left for 1 hour on 30 minutes off followed by another hour on.  I did this on average 4 days per week for the next 4-6 months.  The stretch was pretty aggressive, but not to the point where it physically hurt or brought on too much discomfort, but I understand that there should be some feeling of stretch/counter bend in order for this to actually be effective.  In my case the RestorX did not correct my curvature or prevent it from getting worse as I ultimately ended at a 65 degree curve, however I could've been more regimented with wearing it and tracking days and who knows maybe I would've been even worse than 65 degrees at the end if I didn't use it at all.  As will all things on this forum we can only speak from our personal experiences and everyone's case is different anyway so there's no real comparison we can make from one person to another - respectfully.  

Second Opinion - Appointment w/ Dr. Loeb:
12/05/2023 I decided to see Dr. Loeb and get a second opinion and see if he would potentially offer other treatment options.  For my own sake/peace of mind I wanted to get another opinion to make sure that I was exhausting all options and I was desperate for intervention at this time as the curve still continued to get worse even while wearing the RestorX - albeit not exactly regimented but Dr. Angermeier and Dr. Loeb were not surprised that it didn't work as it's not much of a guarantee or else everyone with Peyronies Disease would have it and never have to undergo something as invasive as surgery.
Dr. Loeb examined me and looked at the photos I had taken to that point showing the worsening in curvature.  He recommended Xiaflex and said that we could start injections almost immediately once insurance cleared and all of the paperwork was done.  He also prescribed me a low dose (5mg) of Cialis daily which I started taking and that helped with erection rigidity/overall quality.  I didn't feel completely comfortable with proceeding forward with the Xiaflex injections at this time as I didn't feel my condition was in the chronic phase yet, so in my mind if we proceeded forward with Xiaflex before I was in the chronic phase I would be more susceptible to having the curve develop again even after getting Xiaflex or it not helping at all.  I felt like Dr. Loeb was trying to push Xiaflex on me and not take into account that I haven't been at the 18 month mark yet to more definitively know that I was in the chronic phase and not continue to get worse.  This made me lose faith in Dr. Loeb's ability to help me and so I decided to go back to the Cleveland Clinic but also get another opinion from another leading Peyronies Specialist there Dr. Petar Bajic on February 19th 2024, however I already had another follow up scheduled with Dr. Angermeier on January 3rd 2024.
Third Appointment (Dr. Angermeier):
01/03/2024 I followed up with Dr. Angermeier where my curvature was at 55 degrees and there was still sporadic pain in my penis. I felt like things were still getting worse and Dr. Angermeier scheduled an MRI before proceeding forward with any further treatment recommendations/plan.  The MRI was scheduled a few weeks after this visit and I saw Dr. Angermeier again on January 29th to review the MRI results.

Fourth Appointment (Dr. Angermeier):
01/29/2024 reviewed the MRI results with Dr. Angermeier and the findings were consistent with thickening of the tunica albuginea/plaque along the right lateral side which is suggestive of Peyronies Disease - due to my age and the fact that there wasn't an exact event that caused this Dr. Angermeier said repeatedly that 'this is a very peculiar case' so he wanted to absolutely confirm what we were dealing with via the MRI so that he can make the appropriate treatment recommendations. If condition is stable for another 3 months I will be available to proceed with an invasive treatment option (surgery). At this time I told Dr. Angermeier that I also had another appointment scheduled with Dr. Bajic for another opinion and Dr. Angermeier encouraged this and thought it would be a good idea.  Additionally, with both doctors being part of the Cleveland Clinic I didn't think there would be any conflict of interest but rather they could discuss together and formulate the best treatment plan.

Third Opinion - Dr. Petar Bajic Cleveland Clinic:
02/19/2024 I saw Dr. Bajic who had used a Trimix injection (10iu) to induce an erection and perform a penile duplex ultrasound with pulsed Doppler analysis of the area of the plaque for additional imaging/better idea on blood flow, etc.  To me this made sense to do as I would want to exhaust all imaging options before proceeding forward with Xiaflex injections or any invasive option. Either way it made complete sense to me to get another set of images/more information.  The ultrasound showed that blood flow was good throughout the penis and that again the findings were consistent with Peyronies Disease - nothing else 'out of the ordinary'.  At this point I had another follow up already scheduled with Dr. Angermeier for May 29th 2024.

Fifth Appointment (Dr. Angermeier):
05/29/2024 appointment with Dr. Angermeier to review what Dr. Bajic had found via the ultrasound.  At this point the curvature was at it's worse but stable at 65 degrees. Due to the severity of the curve Dr. Angermeier didn't think it was wise to proceed with Xiaflex, but instead go with the surgical option.  Throughout his imaging with the MRI, Dr. Bajic's ultrasound, 5 physical examinations, and images I provided Dr. Angermeier felt that surgery would be the best option.  He recommended doing 2 procedures for the surgery.

Surgery Plan:
Due to the degree of curvature and the nature of it being lateral and not dorsal, Dr. Angermeier wanted to perform 2 procedures in my surgery for correction.  First, would be excision/graft on the right side using a SIS graft material.  This would allow for a good bit of degree correction as well as allow him to biopsy a small portion of the plaque and send to the lab for further analysis. The second part of the surgery would be a plication on the left side (opposite of the plaque) to further correct the curve and straighten out - depending on how much the excision/graft corrected the curvature, the plication would be minimal to make sure it's as straight as it can be without compromising too much lost length/other complications. Given my age I believe is also a big part as to why he felt he could perform both procedures in the surgery and I could have a high probability of a successful recovery.

Making The Decision:
This all took a lot of time to think about and a lot of conversations with my wife and I also started seeing a therapist at this time to wrap my head around proceeding forward with an invasive surgery like this to such an intimate area of my body.  Through weekly therapy sessions and lots of conversations (some good and some not so good) with my wife over the next few months we decided that this surgery would be the best option.  With the 65 degree curvature I could not have penetrative sex and was in an 'un-livable' state, meaning that I wouldn't accept the state I was in because I would not be able to safely have penetrative intercourse again until I sought treatment.  Due to the degree of curve Xiaflex was out so surgery was the only option in my and my doctor's opinions.

Sixth Appointment - Dr. Angermeier:
06/18/2024 was another follow up with Dr. Angermeier to confirm that I want to proceed with the surgery plan we have in place.  Surgery was scheduled for 08/08/2024.  At this point the degree of curvature is stable at 65 degrees, erection quality is good and still getting night time erections. However, intercourse is extremely limited and cannot have penetrative sex.

Surgery Day/36 Hours Post-Op:
Surgery was from 2:00 PM EST to 6:00PM EST (4 hours) with a little bit of time spent in recovery before going to a room for the night.  After the surgery was complete Dr. Angermeier spoke with my wife and mom and only had good/positive things to report which I took as amazing news.  He has been doing these surgeries for over 20 years and all of the nurses and other doctors I spoke to about him only had great/complimentary things to say.  Due to his years of experience and expertise and that it was done at the Cleveland Clinic, made me feel most comfortable proceeding forward with him and the Cleveland Clinic as a whole.  
I woke up with very minimal pain which was pretty shocking to me, I was anticipating an 8/10 pain scale but I would only rate my pain at a 6/10 at most upon waking up and even in the 24 hours following.  I was on pain killers while in the hospital, mainly dilaudid, some Oxy, but after the night of surgery around 6:00 AM EST I felt like I didn't need them and pain was very manageable at a 3/10 at most.  Only taking extra strength Tylenol for pain management.  I did wake up with a Foley catheter which I could not feel while it was in unless it was purposefully moved around, but even then it wasn't too uncomfortable. I ignored it the best I could and it wasn't much of an issue while it was in at the hospital - the worst part was the 2-3 seconds it took to remove it, wasn't fun and definitely don't recommend but after all this bs what's a few seconds of being uncomfortable?
Upon waking my penis was wrapped in a clear wrapping that almost resembles what would go over a new tattoo, with a cotton bandage overtop.  The cotton bandage was removed at 9:15 PM EST just a few hours after the procedure was done.  I also had a port right above the base of my penis in my pelvic region for any blood to drain from surgery.  Thankfully, I didn't bleed very much and the port never filled completely with blood or anything.  I also had pretty minimal blood and no bruising whatsoever - the only blood I can see is around where the incisions were made but it doesn't look bad at all considering what just happened.

It's currently 46 hours post op as I'm writing this and pain is still very manageable.  I did have a few nighttime erections last night which did hurt and cause me to wake up but thankfully when the erection goes away so does the pain so I can fall back to sleep.  I'm still very early days, but I'm filled with so much hope by how everything has gone so far.  Minimal pain, no bruising, small amount of blood, and some inflammation.  And the best part is, I know I'm straight again!!!! Just need to focus on recovery, taking it one day at a time until I can take it one week at a time, and then into months at a time.  It will be a solid 8 weeks before I even attempt to have sex, and things will be slow to start off, but that's no issue at all considering I haven't been able to have sex in a year anyway.  I'm so thankful and grateful to be in the position I am even with having this disease in the first place.  I have no idea how it happened but it did and it took a long time to accept that - which is completely normal.  However, the most important thing is to keep going and advocate for yourself.  If you live in an area that doesn't have experts or high volume surgeons for this disease that can add another layer of complexity/limitations in treatment options.

I write this to inform others that my experience with Dr. Angermeier has been amazing and I trust that he has done the best job that could be done to correct a horrific, terrible disease that has undoubtedly affected my and my wife's quality of life for the last 20 months.  I already feel like such a weight has been lifted, I can keep updating this as I recover and I'm open to answering any questions you may have about any point of the process or if there's just something on your mind.
First noticed symptoms 11/2022, diagnosed 03/28/2023
Lateral curve to right 65 degrees
RestoreX 3-4 months; PEG w/SIS graft & Plication 08/09/2024
Dr. Kenneth Angermeier Cleveland Clinic Main Campus


Hi Filippo, I'm glad you're getting better and I hope you get better soon. I have been in the same situation as you since 2021, but before "giving in" to the idea of ��surgery I tried other less invasive solutions: xiapex, pentoxifylline, supplements and creams for several months, without any results on the curve but only finding stability in erections.
With a 90° dorsal curve all I have left is surgery, I have already had an appointment with the National Health Service, I am just waiting to consult my trusted urologist to confirm and set the date. I opted for incision and patch graft surgery, no plication will be performed.
Do you know what kind of patch they applied to you? it is often a foreign body but sometimes they use a part extracted from their own body.
Happy healing
41 anni(2023), diabetico
-Diagnosi peyronie nel 01/2022
-curva 80°
-1 xiapex 09/2022, nessun risultato
-integrazione vit.E, omega 3, Vit.D, q10.
-dieta e stop alcol
-04/2023 stop xiapex e inizio cura multimodale


Hi Casper,

My doctor used what's called an SIS or Small Intestinal Submucosa graft material and it was something that was external from my own body - so they did not extract it from any part of my body.

Surgery was definitely a last resort option for me, however due to the degree of curvature and how it was affecting my life I felt as though this was the right decision.  

Good luck with your appointments and if there's anything else I can help with I'm more than happy to!
First noticed symptoms 11/2022, diagnosed 03/28/2023
Lateral curve to right 65 degrees
RestoreX 3-4 months; PEG w/SIS graft & Plication 08/09/2024
Dr. Kenneth Angermeier Cleveland Clinic Main Campus


15 Days Post Op Update:

As of this post I'm 15 days into recovery and things are going really well so far!

At the end of day 6 I was comfortable enough to remove the clear wrapping that was put on right after surgery before they woke me up.  I wanted to keep that wrapping on for as long as I could/until it started falling off by itself to help control the amount of inflammation and I was nervous to take it off over the stiches, with it being so sticky it felt like it would hurt to pull on the stiches before I had time to get over the initial inflammation.  

Pain has been very manageable - some of the worst at the 5-8 day mark due to the bruising/swelling that was setting in.  

Night time erections are still common and continued to hurt a good amount through the first 10-12 days.  They still wake me up now, but are a little bit more manageable after 2 weeks of healing.  As the swelling and stuff is going away more and more feeling is coming back and it's all very sensitive so while the night time erections may not hurt as bad they still do not feel completely comfortable/enjoyable in any way yet.

The ends of the stitches are poking through the skin all the way around the incision (circumcision line) so that's annoying as it's itchy and sometimes rubs against my underwear. But this is normal and a good sign that the swelling is going down.  They've already started to come off at some places and it looks like things are healing up nicely/doesn't look bad aesthetically.

Other than the night time erections still waking me up/hurting and the ends of the stitches poking out which is more uncomfortable rather than painful, I would say that considering what I had done things are trending in the right direction and I'm happy.  I still have remaining swelling above the incision but below the glands, so it's kind of like an inner tube is inflated under the skin but pumped up more on the sides/underside and not as much on the top.  This has been decreasing steadily over the past few days so I'm hopeful that it will continue to do so and by the time I see my doctor for my first follow up on September 4th, 26 days post op, this will be nearly all gone and the ends of the stitches will nearly be out as well.

At this point in recovery there's not much else significant to report other than continue to heal daily and do not push yourself too much before your body is ready.  I would like to start doing cardio sessions on the treadmill at home next week (3 week point) just to keep moving and get back into a routine, nothing crazy maybe 20-30 minutes to start at a steady walking speed.  From there when I meet with my doctor next I'll ask about lifting weights and hopefully he will give me the green light to at least start with upper body movements. Legs I plan to take it very light and avoid any pressing movements until I'm well into recovery and fell confident.

I'll make future updates when I see my doctor next, at the 4ish week post op and 8ish week (Early October) post op appointments. If there's anyone who has questions or anything please feel free to reply or send a dm.
First noticed symptoms 11/2022, diagnosed 03/28/2023
Lateral curve to right 65 degrees
RestoreX 3-4 months; PEG w/SIS graft & Plication 08/09/2024
Dr. Kenneth Angermeier Cleveland Clinic Main Campus


MY STORY: This is important to read. Has pearls that will help you along the way towards treatment.

My first symptom was I  noticed shortening during intercourse, less penetration. I thought it was my imagination then I started having pain. I realized what was  going on. I am a physician but not a urologist. This was May. I had a regular appointment with my urologist at UPMC Chautauqua the following Januray. ( I am 57 at this time). He could not see me so they put me in with the female CNP. When the LPN took me back, she asked me if I had contracture. I told her no and she said "well, then you don't have peyronies disease". The NP came in to the exam room and asked me the same thing and again told me I don't have peyronies disease. She had me drop my pants and began examining me. I have never had my genitals examined before and I was quite mortified. She examined my testicles first for what seemed like forever. She then grabbed the head of my penis with one hand and ran her fingers along the shaft feeling for scar tissue (plaque) with the other hand. She suddenly jumped back like she had been burned. I reached down and pulled my pants up. This is when I realized I was just starting to become erect. I wasn't aroused. I didn't even know. It was horribly embarrassing. She told me she didn't feel any plaque. ( I could feel it). She said even if I had peyronies disease "there is nothing that can be done about it except Xiaflex injections and it's really painful". "My advice to you is to just forget about it". I left the office wishing I could forget about it. BY October I had significant dorsal contracture making sex  impossible. I went back to the urologist again and they stuck me with the same NP. She came in the exam room and said "I'm not going to examine you because I already told you there is nothing that can be done!" She told me just to keep the January appointment with the urologist. I asked about using traction devices or other things to slow down the progression. She told me they don't do anything. I told her that I was really concerned about the shortening. She told me, "Peyronies disease does not cause shortening! IF you have any shortening it's because you're" (and she the spread her arms real  wide and made a fat face). Yes, she did. Maybe she was mad about what happened the first visit? Maybe she is offended by overweight people? Personally, I think she is just a perfect example of rule number 2! I'm 6'4" and about 280 lbs. I'm built like a football player. You wouldn't look at me and think "fat." This leads me to my advice on CNP's. A urologist usually gets 10 years of post graduate training and school. A NP gets 2, usually with no specialist training at all. If you make an appointment with any "ologist" you should see the Dr for your initial appointment. If you can't, go somewhere else.  I saw the urologist in January. He asked me to show him how bad the contracture is with my bent finger. He suggested starting Xiaflex injections. I was not keen on this. (read about Xiafles under treatments). I made an appointment with the Dr at the Cleveland clinic that is supposed to be the expert on peyronies, Dr Angermeier. On my visit a resident came in and asked me questions and had me show him (bent finger again) how bad the contracture is. The DR  came in and examined me. He stretched my flaccid penis out and said "Look, that's how long it will be after plication surgery." OK.... So six inches may be groovy to him but a loss of 2" not so much to me. He said we would do Xiaflex and then do plication surgery. I had to be fine with that. He is supposed to be the expert. I tried to schedule the injections and they told me they would do it in about 4 months. ( see rule #2). I contacted the first urologist and he was able to start it in about 3 weeks so I set it up. In the meantime, Cleveland sent me  a link to a live webinar on peyronies. I watched the webinar and a young Urologist talked about his experience with graft surgery and how it has a better result with maintaining penis length than plication and how "95%" have satisfactory erections after surgery. I made an appointment to see him in about 4 months. (rule #2 again) In the meantime I began Xiaflex injections. There was no anesthesia or anything just 4 shots into the scar tissue in your penis. I knew it would hurt but I was surprised how much. I did two series of Xiaflex. My penis swelled up so much each time I had to pull the swelling back to pee. I think if anything, it deformed me more. I didn't do anymore. Eventually I had my appointment in Cleveland with Dr Petar Bajic. He told me he wouldn't do anything without examining my erection and doing an ultra sound. This is the most important thing you should remember. This is a disease of the erection. If your Dr doesn't examine your erection than he can not treat it appropriately. Go elsewhere. On that appointment, he injected my penis to make it erect (didn't hurt) and left the room for a few minutes. He came back and examined the firmness of the erection, measured the curvature and then did the ultrasound. Afterwards he injected something to deflate it (it was painful and made feel like I had to pee badly) and squeezed it pretty hard with both hands to deflate it. He told me The curvature was too severe for plication and that I had calcifications and was not a candidate for Xiaflex. This is something that would have been discovered 8 months earlier if either of the first two Doc's had examined the erection. I was scheduled for the surgery. You should read about the surgery in the treatment section if you're going to do it. Forty-five minutes after I left the ultrasound, the erection re-inflated. It was painful and lasted about 90 minutes. I think the pain was from it being squeezed so hard.  Pain was not an issue after the surgery. I got an erection about 4 days after the surgery and pulled some sutures loose. It took a long time for that to heal. Dr Bajic said that getting an erection in the first month  after surgery was uncommon.  After two weeks they had me begin using the restorex traction device an hour every day and begin Cialis 5 mg daily. ( Quit taking the Cialis 3 days before your urology check-up if you want to avoid embarrassment. ) I have a section about Cialis etc. in "treatments". After 4 months, and with the Dr's permission, I began using a vacuum pump once a week. I think it helped with restoring girth and uniformity. Traction once a week after 10 months and then once a month after a year.

Results: It is about an inch shorter when erect.( see the discussion under treatments) The erection is satisfactory. I had no loss of feeling after the surgery.  Something to keep in mind is that most urologists have no actual idea how many people have satisfactory erections after surgery because they only go on anecdotal evidence. He never actually examined my erection after surgery. Keep this in mind when a Dr tells you he has great results with Xiaflex. Ask them: How many of those did you examine erect before and after treatment. Why haven't you examined me erect? How do you know my curvature is not too severe for Xiaflex or if I have calcifications?
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Hi Filippo, how are things going? I think you've started to live normally by now, did you get a good result? Did you lose length? Thanks for your testimony
41 anni(2023), diabetico
-Diagnosi peyronie nel 01/2022
-curva 80°
-1 xiapex 09/2022, nessun risultato
-integrazione vit.E, omega 3, Vit.D, q10.
-dieta e stop alcol
-04/2023 stop xiapex e inizio cura multimodale


Quote from: Casper28 on December 18, 2024, 07:19:20 PMHi Filippo, how are things going? I think you've started to live normally by now, did you get a good result? Did you lose length? Thanks for your testimony

Hey Casper,

Things are going well - I can have sex comfortably again and that's the main goal. I did lose some length but still have enough to work with - it's an adjustment for sure and I would strongly recommend seeing a therapist regularly while recovering. I haven't been able to use the Restorex yet due to where my plication is located and that it was still sore, but I feel like I could begin wearing it now if the doctor says it's ok and that there's even a point or possibility that it would work and increase length.

If you have a good surgeon, I would recommend going through with the surgery.  For what the surgery is the recovery is not bad at all - the most difficult part of recovery was the nighttime erections which were painful but I took it as a good sign that things were working how they're supposed to. And then abstaining from sex for the first 2ish months was hard.  After all this time fighting this disease and finally getting it corrected you want to get back to normal life again but it's important to give your body that time to heal
First noticed symptoms 11/2022, diagnosed 03/28/2023
Lateral curve to right 65 degrees
RestoreX 3-4 months; PEG w/SIS graft & Plication 08/09/2024
Dr. Kenneth Angermeier Cleveland Clinic Main Campus