40mg Tadalafil & 200mg Sidenafil & 60mg Dapoxetine

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I use to regularly take the following combination on a Saturday night 1-2 times a month over a 2 year period.

40mg Tadalafil
200mg Sidenafil
60mg Dapoxetine

This was so I could have lots of vigorous sex in swinging clubs in a night. I remember the highest amount of women I slept with in one night was 7.

I would go home afterwards and go to sleep and wake up the next morning with a semi hard penis.

I wouldn't say this was ever priapism as it wasn't ever fully erect after playing. Just a bit big in a flaccid state.

I would watch porn and see men have vigorous sex all the time on ED drugs so thought it must be fine as they seem to be doing it.

I guess this trauma didn't help and led to peyronies eventually.

Has anyone else had a similar experience and took medications to make them last longer, causing trauma?
35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


Just bumping this thread as I've had no response.

35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


I'll add my 10 cents here....First things first - you do realize that porn is not real and the actors are just that. Secondly those actors usually do have a gigantic penis and do use erectile drugs to keep them ready for action. Some of them do have excellent refractory times and can recover fast for another round.

Now if perhaps you were a genetically gifted bodybuilder and could go to the gym everyday and did use steroids you could possibly gain a very sculpted body. If you were just a random John Doe off the street you could not do such a thing without injury and potential harm to your body and health.

Lets look at your penis and what you have subjected it to. An extreme amount of working out and activity. Forcing it to go beyond what it's normal recovery period is. Depleting your body of it's natural fluids and overloading on it's enzymes and chemicals. Ultimately causing it to be completely exhausted and worn out. How should it respond? No judgement here I just want you to get a clear picture of the stress that you have subjected your most prized possession to.

Yes all us us men here have one thing in common. We have a penis that is giving us a problem and needs fixing. How do we fix it? That's our goal here to help men cope with peyronies and penis problems of all kinds. Just remember here that there is hope and a commonality among us. One thing a lot of us have learned is that now you need to be very careful with your prized possession and let it heal. If I can quote the phrase form Star Trek you need to stop trying to, " Boldly go where no man has gone before".


Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks for your response it's much appreciated.

I had heard of peyronies many years ago.

So when my wife came to me and said it looked like I had it I remembered it sounding familiar.

You don't realise what it truly is until you have it.

After the age of 35 health problems occur.

It's just unlucky if you end up with this problem.

Many are reckless and have no issues.

So just have to go on from here.
35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


Things do improve gradually with a plan of action! You have overcome the mental acceptance part of this disease. Just keep things in perspective and remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.  Be encouraged!  :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)



I had to google what dapoxetine Was, since I had no idea, or so I thought. Interesting that you were taking an ssri commonly used to treat PE on top of the ED medications.

How long were your sex sessions? Did you have erections for more than 4 hours straight? I read about porn actors and the risk to develop peyronies because a great percentage of them inject ''caverjet'' to stay hard during sets.

I remember reading an article where recreational use of ED medications could cause injury to the penis more easily, if you already had perfect erections before, given how much it would increase the pressure inside the cavernosal tissues and could also cause a priapism.

Do you have any plan, in terms of addressing your condition? How is your erection quality now?  


My erections are better than ever now I'm taking 5mg Tadalafil daily. They haven't been this good since my early 20s.

I'm planning on taking this continuously with supplements alongside VED and traction.

To answer your question on having erections 4 hours straight this was often the case. They would drop off after this as the body was often exhausted.

Even when taking these medications you would often have difficulty maintaining an erection after a few hours use.

After these long sessions we'd have on a Saturday night, my penis would not be engaged for the rest of the oncoming week. To the point where you wouldn't get spontaneous erections or be interested in sex. Since the 5mg daily Tadalafil it feels like genuine libido interest in sex rather than forced.

If that makes sense.
35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


Thanks for sharing these links. I will give them a read, as i always find it fascinating to read about people who partake in that lifestyle even tough i could never do it myself. Having erections for that long would absolutely affect your penis, in my opinion. But it is nice to know that you are benefiting from the current treatment options you chose.

QuoteIf you ask a man who watches straight porn why he needs to see a man in the scene, why lesbian porn does not interest him, he will tell you: dick identity. He needs to imagine himself, but not too much of himself. This creates a paradox: The woman is still the focus, but cocks remain essential for the average male viewer. Perhaps men are undervalued in the porn industry because masculine lust has generally been viewed as surplus, dispensable. "There is something about the tremor between men and women's sexuality in this culture," says Habib. "For a long time, men have been told to pursue it, and women have been hold to withhold it."

Found the end very poignant. For sure, something to reflect on for a while on this taboo subject.


This article says they were shooting a shower scene and the guy fell through the glass panel and still had an erection after glass was sticking out of him. All because he was either using an injection or implant.


Since having peyronies I've noticed it in other men when out swinging.

When it came to playing in a group recently, a guy we were with had the same curvature as myself. Up to the left.

A woman mentioned it saying we had the same dick.

It made me wonder how much the other guy knew? It's not something you talk about in that situation. As we all just wanted to enjoy ourselves and have a good time.

It seems to be common problem.

Us men need to speak out more and the medical industry needs a solution.

There must be a cure out there.
35 years old
Married and open relationship
In 2023 Peyronies caused by repeated micro trauma, first noticed in April 2024
20°-30° curvature to the left
SOMAcorrect, RestoreX
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Vitamin D3 & K2, 5mg Tadalafil


It is true that there is a very high percentage of male porn stars that have peyronies or penile related injuries. There are male porn stars that have an implant too, Ramon Nomar for example. There is no cure and probably wont be for a long time.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)