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Hey, brothers! I hope you all are doing well.

I just wanted to say that if this condition is taking a toll on your mental health (especially if you are suicidal) then please stop watching porn because that crap is brain wrecking even if you don't have Peyronies Disease...

Porn is the drug of modern world, that crap is good for nothing...

Porn objectifies men and makes us feel that we are nothing more than the size of our dicks... It makes us men feel inferior and mentally F~@ks us in more ways than I can write...

I was a porn addict once and since I got away from porn, my life (and mental health) has got much better...

Try to cut porn from life and see the change in your health...

Thanks for reading, guys, take care!
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Age-64, diabetic and use insulin for 20 yrs and now on a insulin pump
ED started age 35 and pills
About age 52 used trimix
Titan coloplast implant Feb2019,  failed March of 2024
Revison June 25 2024, AMS 700 LGX.  18cm 5rte's


I am fully behind this message. Been trying to quit for years but always end up going back to it no matter how long my streaks are. What I have noticed is that every single time I quit for long periods my mental health takes slow steps forward for the better. I just feel like I am a little less anxious, a little less irritable and much calmer.

I've read tons of research about the negative effects of it due to the way it hijacks the reward center and creates unbalanced levels of dopamine. It's really been pretty much a life long battle. Truly hope the day comes where I can put this behind me and never ever go back to it.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


My take is a bit un-PC.

Although there's no historical evidence that porn is either detrimental or otherwise for men, I don't see it as anything more than a potential crutch. And even then, as a potential temporary crutch. It can even be an instruction manual for men. Yep.

For those who are young and inexperienced it can be instructive (to a degree) in how to approach sex.

As to specifics, it's not that great. But it'll get you close enough to be sexually conversive beyond the average virginal experience. We all want some confidence with women initially.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi