Starting VED use?

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Hey friends,

I haven't posted in about a year. Things have been pretty stable except I feel like I've had a bit more loss of girth. Chatted with my doctor and we are starting me back on Cialis, upping RestoreX use, and he also mentioned VED. I have appointment with urologist in about a month and will ask him too but wanted some advice.  

I've been reading posts here about it, but hesitant to buy another device. RestoreX definitely helped with erectikn strength and maybe added some length back but haven't noticed much difference with girth.

Has anyone found VED help with girth? Is it just for after use or does that girth have the potential to stick around?

I'm also hesitant to stay on cialis for long term use but it seems like that's the direction I'm headed. I have a hinge so makes everything a bit more stable.

Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


In my opinion VED therapy is a great adjunct to your peyronies treatment. It does help with bringing in fresh blood/oxygen and stretches things out. Give it a try and see for yourself if it works for you. Follow the protocol suggested here in the forum.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)