Reporting on 12 week Restorex regime

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Fire guy


I have posted a couple times as responses to other members, but I thought I should start a separate post on my progress, as I am determined to use my Restorex as recommended. The company claims I should see positive results in 12 weeks, so we shall see.

Peyronies for about 1 1/2 years, 40 degree dorsal curve. No E.D., no indentation.

Tried 10 Verapamil injections along with manual traction, curvature worsened during this timeframe.

Started Restorex usage May 4 2024. Min. 30 minutes, twice a day. (30 minutes consist of 15 min straight traction, 15 min. 90 degree counter flex.)

400 IU Vitamin E daily, and 10 mg Cialis every couple days

As of May 25 2024 (3 weeks of Restorex) No change in curvature, but erections are high quality.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


Unfortunately, no surprise regarding verapamil injections. Good luck with using restorex. Please keep us posted. Accounts of improvement are always welcome!

Fire guy

I will do my best to bring positive results to the group.

I won't get into my Verapamil experience much here, as I know this is a Traction related feed, but really feel disappointed and misled by my urologist.
He told me repeatedly that 2/3 of men will have their curvature improved with 6-12 injections. He wasn't really interested when I kept reporting no improvements.
In Canada, as you know, there is no coverage for the injections, and surprisingly to me, my extended healthcare plan also denied any coverage towards the injections. But now I think I know why!! They were smarter than me, and knew they were a waste of money!!

Anyway, onward and hopefully not so much upward we go

61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


I also had many sessions of verapamil with EMDA (electromotive drug delivery). My penis continued to get worse, they should stop selling ineffective treatments, also remove them from the forum.
32 years,injured at 25.
Slight curve, narrowing and retraction in flaccid and semi-erect.
Loss of sensitivity due to peyronie and circumcision  moderate erectile dysfunction, pain.
I improved the pelvic floor with kinesiology.
Frequent urination.


Fire guy: It's the usual. When things go south, that's when you see the real side of these doctors.

I am surprised you had extensive health coverage? What benefit is there if healthcare is free in Canada, if I may ask?

Fire guy


It's "extended" benefits, provided by a private health insurance company. Most employers provide the coverage, and the plans all differ. Usually covers dental, eye glasses, hearing, physio, and drugs that the National Plan may not cover.
Ironically, they paid for the actual Verapamil drug, (which is cheap anyway), but wouldn't pay the urologist to inject it!

I might get some reimbursement for the a Restorex device, but I doubt it.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.

Fire guy

June 2 2024

Have been using Restorex religiously for 1 month now.

The good-

Penis seems fuller, more girth, great erections.
Even the head seems fuller (surprised by that, considered the poor thing gets crushed for an hour a day lol)
Using the device has become easier as I have developed a good pattern/regime.

The bad-

No change in my 35-40 degree upwards curve.
Length is unchanged, as far as I can tell.

I was getting discouraged, as I hoped at the 1/3 mark of the recommended 12 week regime I would see even a tiny bit of curvature improvement. But after reading some posts on here I am confident that eventually there will be some positive results.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.

Fire guy

Now at the 6 week point of using a Restorex.
So, that is the halfway point of the prescribed 12 week program.
One thing I know for sure, it's going to take a lot longer than 12 weeks, which is fine by me if I'm improving.

The good news- over the last week I am starting to believe I have a slight reduction in curvature. Maybe from 40 degrees to 35 degrees upward curve.

This is after 6 weeks of religious usage, during which I was really not seeing any change.
I am happy with the device, as it makes me feel like I am in control of my treatment, not the useless Urologist who I turfed recently.

PS- I have been taking 10 mg of Cialis every couple days while using Restorex. Gives me frequent erections through the night and morning, and I believe has been very beneficial to this treatment regime. Lots of fresh oxygenated blood to the subject area, makes sense.
Really hoping the next 6 weeks brings some really tangible improvement.

61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


Glad to hear you're starting to see some potential curve reduction. Try posting a picture if you can. I'd recommend uploading to google drive and then posting a link to the photo. The good thing about doing it that way is if you ever want to delete the photo from the post, you can just delete the photo from google drive and it will no longer load.
Mid 20s
Congenital curve since youth, injury in 2021
43 degree downward curve, 12 degree left curve
Starting RestoreX, 900mg Propolis, 300mg CoQ10

Fire guy

Thanks for that. Being older, I am unfortunately technologically handicapped.
But you are right, pictures tell the story. The harder the erection, the higher the degree of curvature, so sometimes I think I'm improving, but just wasn't as hard as the last time!
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.

Fire guy

Today marks the 8 week point of my Restorex usage.
I am happy to at least not have any worsening curvature. Perhaps very modest gain, but not sure.
I could live with my current state if necessary, but would love to achieve 15-20 degree reduction in curvature.
Time will tell. In the meantime, I am quite pleased to have no pain, and decent sex with good erections. Not as good as I was, but could be a lot worse.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.

Fire guy

So, now at the 10 month point for my Restorex usage.

Curvature, my primary concern, remains in the 30-40 degree range.

Erections are good, sex has been good, although penetration requires concentration as penis wants to bend towards the plaque ( my bend is about 1 1/2-2 inches in front of gland)

My condition seems to have stabilized, which is a big win for me.

I am optimistic that I will see curvature improvements over time with Restorex.

I have just started using a new protocol with my daily Restorex usage, and I wanted to see what you guys think.

I do 30 minutes of straight traction, take an hour or more break, then do 30 minutes of counter bend traction.
At the end of the day, I do a 30 minute session of 15 min straight and 15 min counterbending.

So with the 30 min of straight traction, I am able to get to 6 or 7 "clicks" on the extension rods. Prior to this, I was getting to 4-5 "clicks". I am getting a better straight stretch this way.

With the 30 min of counterbending, I am able to do 15 minutes at 90 degrees, then 15 min at 120 degrees. I was rarely able to achieve 120 degrees without slippage when I was only counterbending for 15 min. So, I am getting a better counterbending stretch over all.

Hoping for expediated results from this!

Will keep you posted.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.

Fire guy

Sorry, above post should read "10 week"
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.



Interesting new protocol. Curious as to how it's been. Can you update us please.
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Fire guy

I have completed the 12 week Restorex regime.
Not surprisingly, I am far from done.
Curvature remains at 40 degrees dorsal, but I am happy that it has not worsened.
Erections are good, sex is fine, but I would LOVE to reduce the curve, even down to 30 degrees would make me happy.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


Are you still using the same new protocol you mentioned on your week 10 update?
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