Logging my experiences with Restorex

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I'm beginning my RestoreX journey after hearing the glowing reviews from @NeoV and others. I already love the device for the amount of time it saves me, 30 minute treatments vs 3-6 hours with PMP (this alone makes it worth the rather steep price point.) I still like the PMP, being able to wear it for extended periods of time is nice because it allows me to stretch while gaming or watching movies, etc. I'm only on day 5 or so but I already have a few observations. The clamp is a bit awkward at first and I've had some trouble with slippage (If there was a RestoreX 2.0 with a PMP style vacuum it would be perfect) but I've found that wrapping the tape on both sides of the clamp as well as my glans helps with this. I also have some trouble with hiding the white lines. I started just using the lowest amount of traction because it still feels quite strong (stronger than any manual traction I've performed) with the hopes that eventually I'll be able to progress to higher amounts later on. Today I was able to finally hide the white lines at first but about 5 minutes in it slipped up and the white lines showed. I think I'll be able to do it eventually, I'm still just getting the hang of things. I haven't attempted counter bending yet either but I think getting used to the straight stretch first is the best way to go. I'll continue to update this thread, I'm planning to do the protocols for the suggested 12 weeks and seeing how my condition improves.

I haven't taken proper measurements of the angle but my erect penis has a significant upward curve originating from the proximal base and it makes intercourse quite awkward. My penis points straight up in the air towards my stomach. My injury is rather unusual as well because it's located on the base of the ventral side of my penis (I can feel some lumps and indentation) which is counterintuitive because one would expect upward curvature to result from a dorsal plaque. This has left me rather confused about the best direction for counter bending but I think I will try both up and down (with caution of course) and see which stretch feels the best. I imagine I need to go upward to stretch the injured tissues but also downward to 'model' the penis in the correct position. I believe the way @NeoV described his injury sounds very similar to mine and so his consultation would be greatly appreciated but unfortunately it seems he's been inactive on the forum.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX

Lostand Looking24

If you can still see the white lines but feel like the tension is a lot, you might have clamped too much of your penis, possibly a bit of the shaft. Or you might be pulling on the skin as well without realising which is being mistaken for traction

Also if after 5 minutes the white lines are showing again or the tension is decreasing, this is normal. With the RestoreX you readjust the tension every few minutes or so depending on when the tension decreases, as opposed to keeping the tension the same like with the PMP. This is normal, increase the tension when the tension begins to slip
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.
No palpable plaque. When fully erect, the curve sight/indentation is softer than the rest of the erection.


It's been a week and I'm already noticing a slight reduction in flaccid pain and discomfort at work. My penis also feels more filled out and more flexible. Can't wait to see the results after 12 weeks. Thank you so much Dr. Trost  :D  
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX

Fire guy


I wanted to chime in, as I too have recently started with a new Restorex device, and am really hoping for improvement.
First of all, GET the make up pads that have been suggested by other on this forum. Restorex should be paying royalties to the guy who thought of it.
One, underneath the head, one on top, then clamp.

I have not adjusted the factory settings. I find with the pads, one "click" of the clamp will hold things for straight traction. I do 15-20 minutes of straight traction, making 2-3 adjustments to increase tension as I go.

After the 15-20 minutes of straight tension, I am ready for counter stretching. This took me several sessions to work smoothly. First I release all tension on the device. Then I push down to get another "click" from the clamp to maximize the grip. It seems much easier to achieve this after 15 minutes of being stretched and clamped. Then, I slowly work the device to get to 90 degrees of counter stretch. Usually takes a few minutes. When I'm ready and comfortable, I release the tension for the 15 minute session.

I find if I lie down and stay still, my success is greater ( less slippage).
Sometimes it takes me a couple attempts when starting to get the clamp in a comfortable spot. Again, the make up pads are key to that comfort.

Here's to hoping we both get the results we are after. I will try post my progress here as well.

61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


QuoteIn German, Trost means "comfort" or "consolation". The surname may have come from a medieval personal name or byname given to a child born after the death of a sibling. In Middle High German, trōst means "confidence, trust, or helper".

Interesting onomastic factoid, I think we can all agree that Dr. Trost is quite the helper indeed :)  
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX


Perhaps this is a bit TMI but in my subjective experience I've found "use it or lose it" to be true. In my one week of RestoreX usage I've already noticed my ejaculation quality to be improving. Previously, the "clenching" during orgasm was uncomfortable and awkward and seemed to further irritate the injury to my base. I had difficulty with ejaculation which at times was little more than a pathetic dribble. Now that's gone and I'm getting those mindblowing pre-peyronies orgasms and ejaculations again. My curve and indentation is still there (which is to be expected this early in the protocol) but even if RestoreX doesn't fix this, it was absolutely 100% worth every penny just for this improvement alone.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX

Fire guy

Yes, I would agree that there are what appear to be immediate benefits to overall penis health from even a short time with Restorex.
I have been using mine for 3 weeks now. I don't have any E.D. or indentation
issues to begin with, just curvature. Dorsal curve about 40 degrees, originating about 2 inches from the gland..

So far, 3 weeks in, no noticeable reduction in curvature. Hopefully that will change as I move along. 10 Verapamil injections did nothing to help, maybe even made curvature worse.

Would love to hear any success stories regarding Restorex usage and curvature reduction.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


I've observed some slight indentation on my penis right where the shaft connects to the glans. I'm not clamping my shaft itself, it's just that this part of the penis is directly on the other side of where I'm supposed to clamp... Is this temporary or should I be concerned? It seems to fill out when I'm erect and isn't noticeable when I'm flaccid, but it does show up when I'm semi-erect.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX

Fire guy

Have you been using the make up pads? I use the round ones, one on the bottom, one on top. For me the clamp is just below the "ridge" or the start of the head. I don't have any complications from this, but for me the make up pads are key to keeping from slipping out.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.


I've advanced the clamp to the furthest position and I think I'm almost ready to start counterbending. I'm able to bury the rods completely for 30 minutes and it gives me a really good stretch. Im noticing a sensation in the plaques thats really hard to explain. Feels like the plaques are being broken up but it's not painful and actually feels quite good. Hopefully the counterbending will produce even better results.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX


It's just three weeks now and I'm so happy with my improvements. I actually have hope for the first time in years. My flaccid pain and discomfort while standing and sitting is still there but it's not as bad as it has been. I'm able to tolerate long days at work without walking funny or needing to constantly readjust. The lumpy masses on the side of my shaft have basically disappeared already but I still have the indentation on the bottom. It's pretty small and I'm hoping that VED while fix this.

Some of my symptoms seem quite similar to HF, and I imagine that Peyronies Disease and HF have some degree of comorbidity. I'm doing some pelvic floor therapy (reverse kegels/stretches/etc) and trying to address the psychological component (for me it's obsessively erection checking and masturbating just to affirm that my penis still works lol) Since multimodal therapy is the most effective Peyronie's treatment I have to cover all the bases. I will visit a male health clinic soon and see about getting a prescription for Cialis and perhaps even a cycle of Testosterone if im eligible.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX


Quote from: Vril8 on June 07, 2024, 11:05:44 AMSome of my symptoms seem quite similar to HF, and I imagine that Peyronies Disease and HF have some degree of comorbidity.

I developed HF after Peyronies and I am a firm believer that what you said is 100% the case. I've read about enough people with Peyronies who developed HF to make that conclusion. It is most likely due to the hyper anxiety/high adrenaline state that comes due to constantly worrying about the disease, it's progression, erection checking etc. I believe in many men this sets of a cascade of negative things that happen in the pelvic floor region due to the stress and anxiety that comes with it.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Successfully performed counterbending for the first time today. Managed to get to the second "click." It's a bit awkward getting everything in place but the stretch feels great and I have high hopes that I'll see exponential improvements in a couple months.
Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX


I'm around the three week milestone. No changes in curvature as expected but erection quality is better than it's been in years. Unfortunately I'm still experiencing quite a bit of flaccid pain while standing for long periods of time. I can't tell if it's better than before or the same, it may be slightly better but it's still annoying and uncomfortable either way.

I'm noticing that the quarter-sized lump on the right side of my penis feels a bit more pronounced but hopefully this is just the tissue "contracting" because its not used to be stretched (as Neo describes.)
I think I will try counterbending this side but I'm kind of dreading it after reading posts about how the side stretch can be uncomfortable.

For guys in here who experienced flaccid pain in their day to day life, did traction make it better? How long does this take to improve on average?

Upward congenital curvature. Penile fracture 2-3 years ago. Indentation/plaque on the underside of my penis at the base and worsened upward curve. Decent EQ, flaccid pain

Started Penimaster Pro + RestoreX