is this peyronie or normal?

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i am a 23 YO Male, i have been dealing with stabbing pain for 9 months now and noticed increased curvature of my penis ( it has always been bent upward but now it is worse) and loss of girth and length (not sure if it is because of the pain i can not get 100% erection).

i went to three doctors, two of them said i have no plaques/peyronie and one said they he can feel it and it is peyronie.

pictures attached, what do you think i should do? doctor told me to wait and see and document how my penis changes but has not prescribed any medications. should i start taking anything?
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Lostand Looking24

Looks completely normal to me but at the end of the day idk what your dick looked like before, only you do.

To me it looks like it just aims/points upwards as a whole, which is normal, as opposed to a curve or bend upwards.

Stabbing pain for 9 months is not normal whatsoever though. Maybe at your next doctors visit just focus on discussing why the pain is there, instead of focusing on peyronies, it really doesn't look like peyronies to me.

Trust me as a young guy it is already hard for doctors to believe you have peyronies disease even if you do have a new curve. In these pictures it looks like you have 0 curve.

Basically, if you show a doctor these pictures and say you think you have peyronies because of the 'curve':

-> they will think its all in your head (because from the pictures it looks like that, there is no curve visible, at all)

-> which might cause them to think you're exaggerating the pain aswell,

-> which might cause them to completely brush everything off because in their mind you're exaggerating/experiencing a psychological issue rather than physical.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.


Welcome JellalFerr11 to the forum. First thing you need to do is to fil in your signature line -->Signature Line. This will give other members a quick snapshot of your history. Then please download and study our survival guide -->Survival Guide. This is our comprehensive list regarding peyronies and it's different treatments.

Sorry to hear you are experiencing pain and some problems with your penis. I agree on what LostandLooking said about it appearing normal. You say that you have lost length/girth but do you know about how much? You need to get some preliminary measurements for
future reference.  

Pain is an indicator of something wrong and needs investigation. Is the pain in an area that you can pinpoint? In your pelvis or inside an area of your penis? Can you pinpoint a time when this all began? Was there an injury from sex or it just appeared like this?
So your 3rd Dr said that he could feel plaque. Did he do an ultrasound? Do you have normal morning erections when waking up and is there pain with them? Have you fallen on your butt and/or injured your tailbone?

Possibly you may need an erect ultrasound to see what is going on. It is true that you are young and peyronies hits older men more frequently but you cannot dismiss that there is something going on. You may also have to go to another Dr for examination. For the pain you need to look into heat therapy as this may provide you with some relief. Curvatures of the penis are congenital and normal. You say though that yours has gotten worse. By how much? Just try to get a hold of any anxiety and don't obsess over this. Get a game plan and work it out. I would not start and traction or VED therapy at this point in time until you find out exactly what is going on.  :)


Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I am getting an Ultrasound in two days, i will keep you guys updated.

i would like to hear more people comment on this :)

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I've been on this forum for a long time. And I have seen many images. Some posted on the forum and some sent to via email. It presents really normal to me. I agree with the prior post that without before and after pictures none of us can tell you anything. I really don't understand what you are concerned about.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


the pain disappeared, but i still feel like i do not get 100% erection as i used to. my erections used to be rock hard and somehow painful but now i feel like i am only 70% hard and i do not feel the same kind of sexual drive /libido i used to have. maybe this is related to me thinking of Peyronie or a testosterone problem? I do not know.

unfortunately, i do not have old pictures but, i believe that there is increased curvature with loss of girth (as i mentioned i only get 70% erect which may explain the girth loss)

i am getting my ultrasound result tomorrow and will check with two different doctors.
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turned out to be peyronie.

by both examination and ultrasound.

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