All that I've learned about surgeries for curved penies and good news.

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Alright, my story basically boils down to congenital curvature, impulsiveness in decision-making, and regret over having undergone the initial surgery (for more information, it's available in my other posts).

Putting my story aside for a moment, I'll share everything I've learned about surgeries for curved penises. Through numerous research efforts, I won't cite articles here, but if you search online, you'll definitely find them.

There are several surgical methods to treat penile curvature.

1- Nesbit: This was the first method created and consists of making incisions in the tunica albuginea to straighten the penis (to reach the tunica albuginea, they typically perform a postectomy and an incision at the site to uncover the penis, but I will talk more about this later; first, let's focus on surgical methods) and subsequently using non-absorbable suture to close the incisions and see if everything is properly aligned. -> Positive aspects: It often corrects the curvature. Negative aspects: Higher chance of causing impotence (especially for those already experiencing erection problems and Peyronie's disease), use of non-absorbable sutures (this alone is questionable, as imagine having sutures that could potentially harm you for the rest of your life, (I did not undergo the Nesbit procedure, but the use of non-absorbable surgical sutures always bothered me and caused discomfort and embarrassment)).

2- Modified Nesbit / plication: The difference from the previous one is that it is not necessary to make incisions in the tunica albuginea. It was the method initially used by me. It consists of simply folding the tunica albuginea and then using sutures to maintain the curvature in place. Positive aspects: Corrects curvature, very low risk of impotence. Negative aspects: Existence of permanent surgical suture in the penis that may cause discomfort for the rest of life.

3- Plication using Nesbit and absorbable sutures: In this case, to straighten the penis, they also make incisions in the tunica albuginea. However, they aim to make small incisions along the tunica, thus reducing the risk of sexual impotence. Additionally, long-term absorbable surgical sutures are used to heal the penis in the desired position. Therefore, there will be no discomfort regarding the sutures in the long term as they will disappear.

4- Plication with graft : Seems dangerous, I think. I haven't studied it much.

5- Prosthesis

Speaking a little about the incisions for the surgery, there are basically three types.

1- Incision through prepuce removal: Essentially, it involves performing a prepuce removal, accessing the internal layers of the penis through this incision. Advantages: Aesthetically pleasing. Disadvantages: Some individuals report loss of sensitivity.

2- Incision along the length of the penis: It involves a cut along the body of the penis, avoiding the need to remove the prepuce. This method may result in a less aesthetically pleasing outcome as it leaves a mark on the penis. However, if done well, I consider it better for sensitivity issues. I used this method in both my first and most recent surgeries. The first one significantly affected my self-esteem as the inexperienced doctor left ugly marks. However, in the second surgery, the doctor worked with precision and left everything perfect.


My personal opinion now, and something that nobody really talks about: Recently, I underwent a second surgery because the first one wasn't well-executed. Always aim for the best possible doctor, a specialist. If you don't do this, you might regret it immensely.

If I were to choose for my first surgery, I would definitely opt for the Nesbit procedure with long-term absorbable sutures. This is because there is a low risk of impotence and no risk of having surgical sutures bothering you for the rest of your life, requiring a second surgery to remove them (which I had to do recently). However, this is a personal choice, and you will certainly need to evaluate the risks for yourself.

I wanted to remove those sutures for a long time, but I was afraid that removing them would cause the curvature to return. However, to my surprise, it seems that the use of threads in the plication, even without an incision, was able to cause some fibrosis inside my penis and maintain its shape even after removing those threads. I'm only on the eighth day of recovery from surgery, but this has made me very happy. You have no idea.
I'm not sure if for everyone the removal of the threads keeps the penis the same, and I consulted quite a few doctors. Most said that my penis would return to being curved. However, it remained exactly the same after the removal of these threads, and I hope it stays that way. My penis isn't completely straight and has a slight rotation, but it doesn't bother me at all.

And one more thing, make sure you really need the surgery. I was very young and immature, and I had the surgery without thinking about the consequences. If I could go back, I would have thought a lot before doing it and seen if it was really necessary. Anyway, I hope I've helped someone in some way.

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If you are in Brazil, go to the doctor in Porto Alegre known as Alessandro Rossol. He really helped me a lot. He was the only one who said that the curvature wouldn't come back and gave me hope. Plus, he is the most specialized doctor I know. And I've been to several.
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Hello, I'm happy for you, I remember your previous messages.

Did the Dr. succeed in removing all the sutures and correcting your curvature?  

I'm in exactly the same situation as you, I'm having trouble finding a surgeon who guarantees I can do this, why did you choose this surgeon? Did he tell you that he performed this surgery many times?
27 yo

- 01/2020: Nesbit surgery for a 50 degrees downward curvature with Dr.Faix (FR) : bad result

- 12/2022 : Surgery correction with Dr.Gelman US

- Now : Indentation on the left dorsal side with a rotation to the left that appeared, try Restorex


Hello Alex, I'm still in the postoperative period at 11 days. I believe he managed to remove all the previous sutures because so far I haven't been able to feel any. Regarding the curvature, I was really afraid of undergoing a complete surgery again, so I asked him only to remove the sutures. Thank God my penis has remained in the same shape and the curvature didn't regress after the removal of these knots. I'm quite pleased with the surgery's outcome so far. This was the only surgeon who mentioned the possibility of the penis not losing its shape after the wire removal. I visited several others who said the curvature would return to its pre-surgery state. I chose him because I watched some videos online, and he truly is a great specialist. He performs this surgery about three times a week!
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Okay, thank you very much for your feedback!

I've consulted a lot of surgeons, and none has guaranteed that the sutures can be removed without damaging my penis or causing a recurrence of a new curvature.

Did your surgeon tell you about this?

I'm not sure who to consult, but I'm thinking of seeing Dr. Gelman again soon by video consultation
27 yo

- 01/2020: Nesbit surgery for a 50 degrees downward curvature with Dr.Faix (FR) : bad result

- 12/2022 : Surgery correction with Dr.Gelman US

- Now : Indentation on the left dorsal side with a rotation to the left that appeared, try Restorex


So, I'm not sure about what previous surgeries you've had and what exactly was done. I only had a plication done, and from what I understand, to remove the previous stitches, all that was needed was to reopen the penis and cut the sutures holding the stitches (similar to removing stitches on the skin). Therefore, the chance of causing damage to the penis would be very small.

This doctor was the only one who said the penis would probably retain its shape, but he did explain that there could be a slight return of the curvature. There aren't many studies on the removal of surgical sutures, and believe me, I've searched extensively. But one factor I understand that helps your penis maintain its shape is the healing time post-surgery.

I had undergone the first surgery four years ago, so the tunica was already well healed, and from what I understand, it caused fibrosis due to the presence of these sutures that kept the penis in its position

This study here briefly discusses the removal of sutures in a patient; it was the only one I found on the topic :
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