Pain suddenly appeared months in

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Hey guys,

I feel like I'm in a bit of a confusing (and painful) situation.

As I never had penis pain before in the months I've been dealing with Peyronie's Disease...

But suddenly, a few weeks ago, I had a dull pain that seemed to travel a bit. It was just on the side of my penis where the bend was, but now it feels like the pain is more in the head of my penis and can sting. Sometimes it even feels like the pain is in the eye of my penis.

I've unforunately allowed this to destroy my mental health, as I thought having Peyronie's Disease was bad enough – let alone now having pain that reminds me of this disease 24/7.

So, I'd love some help troubleshooting this. What positive steps could I take? Some hope would be nice, too.

I've stopped using the RestoreX (as I feel maybe this injured it?), and I'm taking paracetamol.

Has anybody heard of pain coming on after months of not having any pain?

Sorry if I'm sounding desperate; I'm just at a loss at what to do – and deathly scared that this pain will never go away.

I also have an appointment with my urologist in two weeks.

Thanks so much, guys.
41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


Pain often radiates making it hard to locate the source. One way to get around this location problem is to press the candidate locations, in turn, and see which spot increases the pain.
53 years old
Peyronie's onset in 2009, diagnosed in 2021.
Indentation in the left CC near the base.
Lost 5.5 cm, regained 4 with RestoreX
Cause: injury due to wife's vaginismus.


Thanks. I'll try feeling/pushing around my penis to try and find the location of the pain.

I'm also wondering if anybody has heard of pain starting months after having no pain?

And is there any hope for pain healing? Or is Peyronie's Disease pain most likely something we suffer with for life?
41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


Further to the above, I'm seeing my GP (Doctor) tomorrow. Are there any pain relief options I should ask for?
41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


Try some applied heat therapy. It does wonders at helping things to heal. Read up on it in the forum. Low setting though so you do not burn yourself.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks I'll have a search about.

I have one of those wheat heat packs you put in the microwave, so guessing that will do the job?

41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


You don't want to burn yourself. I believe the correct temp is around 104* F
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks Mike.

Have you ever heard of someone getting pain after months of no pain?
41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


You need to remember that peyronies is a mysterious healing disorder in how it affects each man differently. The only thing that is certain is that no woman will ever get it.:)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks Mike.

Just hope there's still a chance the pain will end.

41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.

Lostand Looking24

Though this is not an excuse to be extreme with traction, or go overboard with it, it is normal for some men to feel pain from traction

I have experienced this personally when I first started traction, and the pain for me felt similar to gym soreness, like the sore bicep feeling from doing heavy bicep curls. It feels like the biceps are tired and need rest, and similarly in the penis after traction.

But be extremely careful, and do whatever treatment at your own discretion. You may be one of those who get pain from traction, as you say you've been using the Restorex. You may be getting pain for a different reason. But for myself personally, I continued doing traction and I no longer get pain from it. It actually feels quite good now, like finishing a gym workout.

I think the gym analogy is good. When you first start going to the gym, you get muscle soreness, eventually the soreness stops and it feels good. The same thing happened for me with traction. YMMV.

Also, how significant is your curve? Is it more than 30 degrees? Your signature is not very specific, a left curve can be 10 degrees, and a left curve can be 90 degrees. It's hard to consider without knowing the degree of curvature.

Also heat therapy is great for this. I personally just aim the shower when having a mildly hot shower at my penis, and cover my sack with my other hand to avoid heat getting on them.

Quick note: My pain from peyronies only lasted a week or two, and would only occur when getting an erection. This was in August 2023, when I first got peyronies after waking up with it one day. I started traction therapy in February 2024. The sore feeling then came as soon as I started traction, thus I attribute it to me being one of those men who get pain from traction. However, the pain I got in august 2023 when building up to an erection was sharp and painful. The soreness I got from traction was a dull ache sort of pain, as I said similar to gym soreness, which was present even when flaccid, and would not worsen when getting an erection.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.

Lostand Looking24

Quote from: curvedcarnivore on March 12, 2024, 03:05:47 AMas I thought having Peyronie's Disease was bad enough

And on this point.

I was given a leaflet from my doctor which was made by the British Association of Urological Surgeons. It says 'It affects approximately 1 in every 16 men (6%). But most urologists suspect that it is under-reported, and may affect as many as 1 in 10 men (10%).'

Now, assuming your penis is still functioning and you have a curve that is somewhere mild to moderate, not preventing you from intercourse:

If you were told:

What happened is quite common, as much as 10% of men get curved penises in their lifetime.
As long as it is still working functionally and you are able to have intercourse due to the degree of curvature not preventing it, it does not need to be treated if you do not want to. Just make sure to monitor it and if it gets any worse come back for another appointment and we can begin treating it.
If you have lost length and/or girth, you may regain most if not all of it with non-surgical treatment over time which requires just 30 minutes a day using the Restorex according to published data.
The scar tissue usually shrinks and softens in the long-term.
Some men are born with a curve naturally without scar tissue, which they can treat the same way you can treat yours if they choose to, though most don't and live their whole lives with it without seeking treatment.
Sometimes men like yourself acquire these curves later in life, instead of being born with the curve.

Does the above apply to peyronies disease? Yes. Would it in any way be deceptive to someone with peyronies disease? No.

Compared to being told:

You now have a disease of the penis, which has no cure, and 10% of men get it in their lifetime unfortunately. You probably got this disease through rough intercourse or some moment of trauma - if only you didn't have intercourse that day which caused it!
You might improve it with treatment, maybe maybe not, or with a surgery which requires degloving of the penis and/or a penis implant.

Do you see my point? The truth is, the first thing is actually closer to what reality is if you have a mild to moderate case. Though most of us tell ourselves the second thing. Why?

I'm pretty much half your age and have a curve to the right. For me it is mostly a mental issue. I woke up one day with a 20 degree curve and yet it still works just fine, the same as it did before. I can go my whole life with this newly acquired curve with no issue whatsoever. Am I treating mine? Yeah. If I didn't, and it remained the same my entire life, would I be in any way at all physically impaired? No. If I get erectile dysfunction or diminishing erection quality in the long term am I going to attribute it to my 'disease'? No, I'm going to attribute it to the normal, expected regression in erectile tissue as I age. Just as everyone else does.

Most people who get peyronies only get one occurrence in their life time.

My advice would be to stop telling yourself it is a disease. Tell yourself what it literally is, with no label. You have a newly acquired curve, which can be treated if you want to.

A lot of bodybuilders get torn biceps, torn pecs. They don't tell themselves they have a disease, even though their torn muscle never returns to completely back to normal. What they do is adjust their methods of working out said muscles. They still hit the gym and make gains.

Maybe what I'm saying is controversial. Maybe people with more severe peyronies will not like what I say, it is not applicable to them anyway. But the truth is, as someone who is only 23 with this, when most people on this forum are double to even triple my age and more and so things like erectile dysfunction which you may or may not have may be wrongly associated with their peyronies disease when it is just the natural occurrence of ED with age.

I have had no physical issues caused by this newly acquired curve. If I was told that up to 10% of men acquire a curve in their life time and as long as it is not causing any physical issues it's fine, I would not even be on this forum. The truth is that being told that would not even be a lie, it's true. It applies to peyronies 'disease'. But because I was told it is a 'disease' that's when it started to bother me mentally.

I hope this helps.
Symptoms at 22
Curve to the right that fluctuates between 20-30 degrees and indentation. Indent is exactly where the curve is.


This all helps so much. I've just gotten out of hospital for another condition so will try to reply when I'm more with it.
41 years old.
I discovered a left curve several months ago.
GP inspected my penis and diagnosed Peyronie's.
My urologist wants me to give treatment another three months.
Treatment: Keto + heat + RestoreX + Cialis + supplements.


Quote from: Lostand Looking24 on March 18, 2024, 08:17:52 AMAnd on this point.

I was given a leaflet from my doctor which was made by the British Association of Urological Surgeons. It says 'It affects approximately 1 in every 16 men (6%). But most urologists suspect that it is under-reported, and may affect as many as 1 in 10 men (10%).'

Now, assuming your penis is still functioning and you have a curve that is somewhere mild to moderate, not preventing you from intercourse:

If you were told:

What happened is quite common, as much as 10% of men get curved penises in their lifetime.
As long as it is still working functionally and you are able to have intercourse due to the degree of curvature not preventing it, it does not need to be treated if you do not want to. Just make sure to monitor it and if it gets any worse come back for another appointment and we can begin treating it.
If you have lost length and/or girth, you may regain most if not all of it with non-surgical treatment over time which requires just 30 minutes a day using the Restorex according to published data.
The scar tissue usually shrinks and softens in the long-term.
Some men are born with a curve naturally without scar tissue, which they can treat the same way you can treat yours if they choose to, though most don't and live their whole lives with it without seeking treatment.
Sometimes men like yourself acquire these curves later in life, instead of being born with the curve.

Does the above apply to peyronies disease? Yes. Would it in any way be deceptive to someone with peyronies disease? No.

Compared to being told:

You now have a disease of the penis, which has no cure, and 10% of men get it in their lifetime unfortunately. You probably got this disease through rough intercourse or some moment of trauma - if only you didn't have intercourse that day which caused it!
You might improve it with treatment, maybe maybe not, or with a surgery which requires degloving of the penis and/or a penis implant.

Do you see my point? The truth is, the first thing is actually closer to what reality is if you have a mild to moderate case. Though most of us tell ourselves the second thing. Why?

I'm pretty much half your age and have a curve to the right. For me it is mostly a mental issue. I woke up one day with a 20 degree curve and yet it still works just fine, the same as it did before. I can go my whole life with this newly acquired curve with no issue whatsoever. Am I treating mine? Yeah. If I didn't, and it remained the same my entire life, would I be in any way at all physically impaired? No. If I get erectile dysfunction or diminishing erection quality in the long term am I going to attribute it to my 'disease'? No, I'm going to attribute it to the normal, expected regression in erectile tissue as I age. Just as everyone else does.

Most people who get peyronies only get one occurrence in their life time.

My advice would be to stop telling yourself it is a disease. Tell yourself what it literally is, with no label. You have a newly acquired curve, which can be treated if you want to.

A lot of bodybuilders get torn biceps, torn pecs. They don't tell themselves they have a disease, even though their torn muscle never returns to completely back to normal. What they do is adjust their methods of working out said muscles. They still hit the gym and make gains.

Maybe what I'm saying is controversial. Maybe people with more severe peyronies will not like what I say, it is not applicable to them anyway. But the truth is, as someone who is only 23 with this, when most people on this forum are double to even triple my age and more and so things like erectile dysfunction which you may or may not have may be wrongly associated with their peyronies disease when it is just the natural occurrence of ED with age.

I have had no physical issues caused by this newly acquired curve. If I was told that up to 10% of men acquire a curve in their life time and as long as it is not causing any physical issues it's fine, I would not even be on this forum. The truth is that being told that would not even be a lie, it's true. It applies to peyronies 'disease'. But because I was told it is a 'disease' that's when it started to bother me mentally.

I hope this helps.

Very insightful! And very helpful! Thanks a lot for that, I'll be returning to it when I need to refresh my perspective.
15 degree kink to right at first, but upward curve emerged (~15 degrees)
narrowing on the right morphed into narrowing on both sides, but no loss of girth
No longer doing supplements, now just traction (phallosan forte for 6 hrs, 5 days a week


Quote from: curvedcarnivore on March 15, 2024, 12:00:33 AMThanks Mike.

Have you ever heard of someone getting pain after months of no pain?

I've had peyronies for over a year, and just recently I've been getting significant pain after pretty much no pain at all (except in the very beginning). My mental health took a nosedive recently and seems to be correlated with the pain in my penis, which is on the right side where the main plaque is.
15 degree kink to right at first, but upward curve emerged (~15 degrees)
narrowing on the right morphed into narrowing on both sides, but no loss of girth
No longer doing supplements, now just traction (phallosan forte for 6 hrs, 5 days a week