Is there any risk that RestoreX will make things worse.

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I've had peyronies diagnosed maybe 6 years ago. I don't have any pain or ED. I have not had any treatment for it as it has not stopped me from having sex. I've recently felt some penile discomfort that has me worried.

I've seen that Restorex boasts a lot of promise and I wish to regain my lost length and straighten some.

One worry of mine is that it could make things worse and reactivate peyronies.

Are there any cases or chances of restorex making things worse?  
35 y, diagnosed 6-7 years ago
Had congenital downward curve, now have a ~ 30° bent to the right no longer bending downwards. Twisted while flaccid.
Recently engaged.


It could make things worse if you use it improperly or get to agressive with it.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Some people on this forum reported getting a dent or plaque on the other side of the penis due to the counterbending.

I'm just wondering if the PMP is safer.
35 y, diagnosed 6-7 years ago
Had congenital downward curve, now have a ~ 30° bent to the right no longer bending downwards. Twisted while flaccid.
Recently engaged.



I used it myself on and off for a couple of weeks and i have not noticed any dent that would be permanent. Yes, the penis looks different soon after taking it out of the clamp but it always returned to the original shape.
I would say the risk is minor, and if you respect the treatment protocol there is a very good chance that you will have no side effects from using the device.


I have a permanent injury from Restorex.  I think the traction is too strong, or at least it was for me.  Be careful with it if you use it, I'd recommend only going about 1/2 the tension they recommend for the first few sessions to see how your penis responds.
Age: 44
Large Indentation 3/16/20, lead to Penile Microfracture on 6/26/21.  Still suffering from large indentation, some wasting on other side of penis and large nodule when erect in center of penis (dorsal). Penis is straight & erections are good.


I am in the 9th year of the disease and the last one has gotten much worse, my penis is getting shorter, I no longer have elasticity, it is very tense and retracted with dysfunction. The times I gently stretched my penis with my hand I felt like I was breaking the fibrosis and my symptoms improved but it is always temporary and then it hardens and worsens (only once did I improve an area permanently).
I never used device, I wonder if it works or not, since some sell this for some reason. I'm losing hope.
32 years,injured at 25.
Slight curve, narrowing and retraction in flaccid and semi-erect.
Loss of sensitivity due to peyronie and circumcision  moderate erectile dysfunction, pain.
I improved the pelvic floor with kinesiology.
Frequent urination.


To be honest if you have had the disease for 9 years it is very unlikely the traction will help to the extent that you want it to. Most likely the plaques have already calcified and it is too late but you can always ask a doctor, or make a thread in the Dr Trost section on this forum and I am sure he would answer.

He's also the creator of the RestoreX device.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.