Situation after 4 weeks

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Hi everyone,

I found this forum 6-7 months ago, but this is my first post.

You know the story. Pills had become less efective. Tried injections, didn't like them. Found this forum, started reading old threads and journals, found FT after reading Merixx's journal, kept reading older posts and academic essays, decided to go with the nuclear option. And here I am.

I got implanted by Dr. Hakky 4 weeks ago. I had chordee, mild Peyronie's and arterial insufficiency. Dr Hakky is great. He was able to fully correct the curvature. He installed a XXL Titan (26cm). I'm doing fine. But I have some problems. I'm in touch with my surgeon and I'll be talking to him next week. But I want to hear experiences of other people in order to learn couple of simple tricks (if you have).

I had minor edema and hematoma after the surgery. In the third week, the swelling increased because I had to travel for couple of days. But it decreased again with ice and rest (Dr. Hakky's advise). I still have some swelling around my right testicle and at the bottom of my sack (still more swelling than first 2 weeks).

The Pump:
The pump is attached to my right testicle. In fact, it feels like it's attached to edema/hematoma which is attached to the testicle. It also feels like it's attached to the swelling at the bottom of my sack.

At first I thought the pump was attached to the scrotal skin (which may be a sign of infection), but I can move it along the skin to some extent. Not freely, but to some extent, let's say one inch. Enough to understand that it's not attached to the skin.

Any of you had a similar experience?

I cycle twice a day. 45-50 minutes per session. I pump it to %75 inflation, wait for 15 minutes, add couple of more pumps, wait for 10-15 minutes, add more pumps etc.

Pump is still too stiff, I assume. That's why when I restart adding more pumps (after waiting for 10-15 minutes during the process), I cannot squeeze the pump for the first 3-4 times. It seems like I have to "massage" it. When I try to squeeze it 3-4 times, the pump softens to some extent. And then it starts sending more liquid, which means I'm adding more pumps. (The pump becomes stiffer after every break which lasts 10-15 minutes.)

I'm not sure what a maximum inflation is. The last couple of pumps are basically half-pumps. I feel like I can add couple of more semi-pumps, but I prefer not to. Because of pain. If I wait for 5-10 minutes to take a breather, I know that the pump will be a rock (because of what I wrote in the last paragraph). At that stage (let's say +%90 inflation, 1 cm less than my original length), not even massaging would be enough to soften it.

I decided to go for it this week. Added as many pumps as I could despite the pain. I almost hit my original length couple of times (close to 20 cm, bone-pressed-measurement, with full natural engorgement), but the pain was unbearable. In fact, when I started to deflate, I couldn't squeeze my shaft. Forget squeezing, even holding it tight was too painful. I pressed deflation valve, waited for 1 minute, then started squeezing slowly.

To describe pain in its inflated state: When I walk around, I have pain in my perineum area. When I lay on my back, I have pain in my shaft and in the glans. If I inflate it to %90, pain goes away after deflation. But after hitting my original length, I had too much pain in the glans. I'm talking about persistent pain even after deflating.

Am I rushing the process? Should I prefer a slower path? It's already been 4 weeks and I don't want to lose size. In fact I'm not a size-freak... but let's face it, every single male human-being is kind of a size-freak.

I had some doubts about having auto-inflation. Especially when I point it downwards during its deflated state. So I decided to take precise measurements. The measurements I'm about to share are NOT bone-pressed. I decided to be more precise. I drew a line with a pen. The line is right at the base of my penis.

When I fully deflate, my penis is slightly longer than 16 cm in length (let's say 16,2). When it's time for the next cycling session (12 hours later), it's almost 17 cm in length. The difference is easily more than 0,5 cm.

I realized one more thing while experimenting. When I lay on my back and point my penis upwards for 30 minutes, it becomes approximately 16 cm. When I point it downwards and walk around 30 minutes, it becomes 16,5 cm.

So I have auto-inflation and auto-deflation? Or maybe I can not stop deflation mode? I squeeze the pump after fully deflating, but squeezing it is not hard at all (Some people say this first pump after deflation should be harder, which is not my experience).

Is there any trick to stop/minimize auto-inflation? J (the Aussie) told me that auto-inflation may increase the risk of erosion in the long run. He also told me that Hawk had a technique involving taping?

I'd appreciate responses. I'm grateful for this forum. I read a lot of journals on this forum. Trapper, J, Iwill to name a few. Thanks guys.
37. Implanted by Dr. Hakky in January 2024. XXL Titan.


Quote from: satyrum on February 02, 2024, 08:47:21 AMSwelling:
I had minor edema and hematoma after the surgery. In the third week, the swelling increased because I had to travel for couple of days. But it decreased again with ice and rest (Dr. Hakky's advise). I still have some swelling around my right testicle and at the bottom of my sack (still more swelling than first 2 weeks).
I don't think there is much you can do for this other than what you are doing.  It will just take time.  I had nothing like that, but that means little.  Laying flat with cold then after a few days applying heat, is the standard for swelling/pain.

Quote from: satyrum on February 02, 2024, 08:47:21 AMThe Pump:
The pump is attached to my right testicle. In fact, it feels like it's attached to edema/hematoma which is attached to the testicle. It also feels like it's attached to the swelling at the bottom of my sack.

At first I thought the pump was attached to the scrotal skin (which may be a sign of infection), but I can move it along the skin to some extent. Not freely, but to some extent, let's say one inch. Enough to understand that it's not attached to the skin.
I have little to offer here.  I would also be concerned and make sure my surgeon got this info directly from me and follow his advice.

Quote from: satyrum on February 02, 2024, 08:47:21 AMCycling:
I cycle twice a day. 45-50 minutes per session. I pump it to %75 inflation, wait for 15 minutes, add couple of more pumps, wait for 10-15 minutes, add more pumps etc.

Pump is still too stiff, I assume. That's why when I restart adding more pumps (after waiting for 10-15 minutes during the process), I cannot squeeze the pump for the first 3-4 times. It seems like I have to "massage" it. When I try to squeeze it 3-4 times, the pump softens to some extent. And then it starts sending more liquid, which means I'm adding more pumps. (The pump becomes stiffer after every break which lasts 10-15 minutes.)

I'm not sure what a maximum inflation is. The last couple of pumps are basically half-pumps. I feel like I can add couple of more semi-pumps, but I prefer not to. Because of pain. If I wait for 5-10 minutes to take a breather, I know that the pump will be a rock (because of what I wrote in the last paragraph). At that stage (let's say +%90 inflation, 1 cm less than my original length), not even massaging would be enough to soften it.

I decided to go for it this week. Added as many pumps as I could despite the pain. I almost hit my original length couple of times (close to 20 cm, bone-pressed-measurement, with full natural engorgement), but the pain was unbearable. In fact, when I started to deflate, I couldn't squeeze my shaft. Forget squeezing, even holding it tight was too painful. I pressed deflation valve, waited for 1 minute, then started squeezing slowly.
It sounds to me that you might be describing a pump in which the valve is automatically locking in the deflate position (but that would deflate the penis) or the valve is stuck in some random position.  The first pump or two after the pump is locked in the deflation position requires a significantly harder squeeze.  I have had my pump require several hard squeezes before it switched to inflate mode. If you do not hear/feel it is picking up more fluid when you release your squeeze on the bulb, then I am sure you have a valve problem.  This will likely improve after your pump is broken in.

Quote from: satyrum on February 02, 2024, 08:47:21 AMTo describe pain in its inflated state: When I walk around, I have pain in my perineum area. When I lay on my back, I have pain in my shaft and in the glans. If I inflate it to %90, pain goes away after deflation. But after hitting my original length, I had too much pain in the glans. I'm talking about persistent pain even after deflating.

Am I rushing the process? Should I prefer a slower path? It's already been 4 weeks and I don't want to lose size. In fact I'm not a size-freak... but let's face it, every single male human-being is kind of a size-freak.

The pain you describe is very normal and to be embraced.  I used to literally clench my teeth and count down the final seconds. It is synonymous with size gains.  Take as much of it as you can endure.  It will eventually subside, and your size will stabilize.  You can possibly get the same gains with less pain over a longer period, but I would learn ways to distract myself from the pain.

Quote from: satyrum on February 02, 2024, 08:47:21 AMAuto-inflation:
I had some doubts about having auto-inflation. Especially when I point it downwards during its deflated state. So I decided to take precise measurements. The measurements I'm about to share are NOT bone-pressed. I decided to be more precise. I drew a line with a pen. The line is right at the base of my penis.

When I fully deflate, my penis is slightly longer than 16 cm in length (let's say 16,2). When it's time for the next cycling session (12 hours later), it's almost 17 cm in length. The difference is easily more than 0,5 cm.

I realized one more thing while experimenting. When I lay on my back and point my penis upwards for 30 minutes, it becomes approximately 16 cm. When I point it downwards and walk around 30 minutes, it becomes 16,5 cm.

So I have auto-inflation and auto-deflation? Or maybe I can not stop deflation mode? I squeeze the pump after fully deflating, but squeezing it is not hard at all (Some people say this first pump after deflation should be harder, which is not my experience).

Is there any trick to stop/minimize auto-inflation? J (the Aussie) told me that auto-inflation may increase the risk of erosion in the long run. He also told me that Hawk had a technique involving taping?

I'd appreciate responses. I'm grateful for this forum. I read a lot of journals on this forum. Trapper, J, Iwill to name a few. Thanks guys.
If you have auto inflation, it seems it is very subtle.  You can ignore it; just re-deflate it a few times a day.  My auto inflation was somewhat significant.  I TOTALLY deflated (including the areas behind the scrotum, then wrapped my penis in Coban overnight so it could not inflate.  2 or 3 nights totally fixed the problem. The idea was to stretch the reservoir capsule and fix the problem.  THIS WAS MY OWN IDEA AND NOT ADVICE FROM ANY DOCTOR.

Personally, I would not ever point my penis down in the first few months after surgery.  Some surgeons dismiss this as a concern but I think it results in a lower angle with your inflated penis because it puts downward pressure on the capsule surrounding the base of your implant.  As a result, the capsule surrounding the base does not scar in as tightly.  I compare it to wiggling a fence post before the post hole sets tightly around the post.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This site is so fortunate to have Hawk here sharing his knowledge.
When I went through the procedure, he was extremely helpful to me.
Thanks Hawk for all you do.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: Stepone on February 06, 2024, 04:28:50 PMThis site is so fortunate to have Hawk here sharing his knowledge.
When I went through the procedure, he was extremely helpful to me.
Thanks Hawk for all you do.

Well said, and agreed. Thanks Hawk!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thanks for the kind words, but that's enough; you are embarrassing me.  I am just one more guy with an implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you Hawk for your detailed answers. Appreciate it.

Quote from: Hawk on February 04, 2024, 10:02:58 PMI have little to offer here.  I would also be concerned and make sure my surgeon got this info directly from me and follow his advice.

I talked to my doctor. What I have is hematoma. He advised me to apply heat for couple of times per day and "play with my balls". Gently. After which I have to apply ice to avoid more swelling. He also prescribed me an anti-inflammatory drug. I'm writing this for other people that may encounter a similar problem. Hope everything will be better in couple of weeks. Thanks again.
37. Implanted by Dr. Hakky in January 2024. XXL Titan.