Are these reviews real?

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My impression from this board for people having Xiaflex shots were either improvement or nothing. But when i found these reviews its mostly negative and made things worse. Why such a different experience? I was gonna get shots done, waiting for insurance approval but those reviews honestly concerned me.
Symptoms started 6/23
90 degree to the upper left
Tried RestoreX and Manual traction


Howdy: the reviews of Xiaflex a probably real, however, they do not reflect the current state of care. Endo (drug manufacturer) did not recommend intense stretching and wrapping immediately after injection. Severe swelling and suboptimal curve correction resulted among early patients. That has changed. I don't want to sound like a sales person, however, Dr. Trost has developed a protocol of stretching and wrapping that minimizes side effects and maximizes results. He is quite blunt that his regimen is quasi-military, however, patients get out of it what they put in to it. Dr. Trost offers free 20-minute phone calls to discuss a patient's condition. If your finances permit, suggestion is made to have the phone consultation and be treated by Dr. Trost as he will secure optimal Xiaflex results. Dr. Trost got me from a 70-dgree curve to 20-degrees or less with one course of Xiaflex. It was not easy and it was not fun. Would I do it again? Oh heck yeah.
-Peyronies Disease onset 11/2021
-Xiaflex inections by Dr. Trost 03/16/2023 & /03/17/2023 + aggressive RestoreX use
-Pre treatment curve 70 degrees, post-treatment curve estimated at +-20 degrees by Dr Trost 04/11/2023
-Daily Restorex use to prevent recurrence


I very much agree with you. I'm scheduled for tx of xiaflex in December,  waiting on insurance as well but read Pages upon pages on web MD on all reviews,  there were basically NO GOOD NEWS. All have said shrinking, horrible pain, loss of girth, erection,  etc etc. I'm so discouraged and afraid. Feel like there has to be alternative solution.  Surgery perhaps??? Good luck to u.
53 yo male/ married, diagnosed in January of 2024 pyronies.  Starting xiaflex tx in December of 2024. I'm diabetic taking metformin a1c at 6.3 I have bend at left side base of penis.  I'm taking 5 mg of cialis and taking 100 mg of viagra


Ledavis: it's hard not to feel discouraged, but you can always reach out to Dr. Trost like richestorags said. It's well worth a try before you proceed with surgery. Many of, his, patients benefited from his protocol to treat peyronies!


As Pfract has said and many others too. The proof is in the pudding.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)