Verapamil injection

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Hey everyone, I've been dealing with Peyronies Disease for almost a year now and the only treatment that I tried was ESWT, though my uro suggested Verapamil injections, I wanted to know if anyone had tried it before and if its risky or not? And if there's any chance that it may get better? Thanks
31 years old, diagnosed with Peyronies Disease a year ago, severe curve to the right, no ed
No treatment yet


Verapamil has been replaced with Xiaflex. I was not aware of any doctors till using Verapamil.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

Fire guy

Hello all-
I had a series of verapamil injections over the last 8 months. I originally had a 20 degree downward curve when I first seeked treatment. The doctor was treating plaque on the top of penis, no sure why I had downward curve.

After a few injections, the downward curve corrected, but I had lost length.
I wish I had stopped receiving injections at this point ( around 6 injections), but the doctor told me my plaque was smaller, softer, etc.

Over the course of the next few months, and 4 more injections, I developed a significant upward curve. I told the doctor this, and he said he was targeting the plaque that was causing this. The curve stayed the same, or may have worsened.

I have discontinued the Verapamil injections. Since I received them during the early stages of disease, it's impossible to blame the verapamil for my curvature, but I am confident it did not help. Very reputable doctor as well, I got the feeling he would carry on injecting me indefinitely ($) regardless of outcome.

It is hard to find much positive feedback on Verapamil injections out there.
I have purchased a Restorex device a couple weeks ago and am really hoping for some positive results.
61 years old, downward curve and discomfort started Oct 2022
Verapamil injections 2023-24, during this time significant upward curve developed
May 2024 discontinued Verapamil, purchased Restorex device.