Did I ruin myself using Hirudoid Cream?

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Hello to everyone,

Long time lurker here since my first injury a year ago doing sports. Had another injury when about to have sex may 2023 that has lingered with pain issues. I finished university this year and upon finally having free time, i decided to focus on healing my penis which was at this point constantly sore flaccid, erections where diminished and overall having a lot of trouble having intercourse using a condom.

Stupidly, I decided earlier last week to start applying hirudoid cream upon the recomenndation and good experiences from people in the forum. At the same time, I dropped masturbation completely (Which might be partially to blame for my Erectile Dysfunction issues with partners) Leading to an incredible drop in libido and a liveless penis. Upon revisiting the hirudoid information sources I realized 2 people claimed that it had ruined their erections. I tried to induce one and I daresay it was perhaps strong enough for penetration but the whole mental aspect is making me seriously wonder if I hurt my penile tissue and ruined myself even further. I always made sure to use a little bit, and apply to the shaft solely. Some contact might have been made between the shaft and the glans regarding the cream. I only applied it like 7 times and made sure to spread it and no more than a fingertip of material at a time.

Please advice

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Welcome Sesaig77 to the forum. Thank you for filling our your signature line. Also please download our survival guide -->Survival Guide.  This will give you a comprehensive list of peyronies and it's treatments.

So after your first injury did you go to the Dr and get checked out? Then after your second injury you are now having pain/erection issues? Is their physical damage/indentations/curvature to your penis? A trip to a qualified urologist preferably one who specializes in peyronies would be good.

Worrying about things will do more damage than you realize. Get a diagnosis first then proceed with a treatment plan. Condoms do cut down on your sensations and can cause a loss of erections - which worrying also does.

I do not think that the hirudoid cream did any damage and it is useless in treating any penile condition and should be avoided. I also don't believe hat you have ruined yourself.  Reducing masturbation will let things heal. Whether or not your testosterone is low will is debatable and a blood test would reveal this to you -  a free testosterone test. It sounds like you are health conscious which is a good thing to have. My son is also a surfer but has not had any injury.If you do have peyronies then you must adopt the mindset that this is a marathon and not a sprint in regards to it's treatment. Again welcome to the forum.

Mikel7 :)

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hello Mikel7 and thank you for your time and reply,

I did see a DR. after my first injury. They said that there was no damage to the tunica and no scarring, however this was done in Peru where I doubt the expertise of the operator due to the rarity of the injury (Was checked by a ultrasound radiologist). At the time, I was still able to have intercourse without a problem, not using a condom with my GF at the time as long as I didnt have her on top, which produced a sensation of instability. Other life preocupations and my limited function kept me satisfied that I just deemed it as another of my many injuries which required some limitation in my activities. Surfing definitely became a bit harder as due to the wetsuit forcing pressure against the area, but nothing impossible.

Since I live in the UK at the moment, I have taken the time to go other Drs. So far, they did notice that I had a slight indentation in the penis, and I voiced my concerns regarding the pain in the area. I have an ultrasound doppler test scheduled for tomorrow, but for the moment they have indicated that I should be taking 5mg tadalfil. Both doctors I have attended have suggested a conservative approach, and theorize that the pain im feeling is due to a nerve irritation (up in the left side shaft, below the glans, my second injury) and a change in the penis base angle and slight hourglassing (slight 10 degree leftwards)  Hard to admit, but perhaps all those years since being young and having access to porn (im 24) have contributed to declining erectile function in addition to the so called death grip. At this point, I do not know what extent of the damage I have caused was due to my injuries, or due to the excessive masturbation and pressure. Therefore, I have tried to lay off all porn and masturbation. This plays dangerous games in the mind in regards to your libido, making me wonder if the hirudoid cream had damaged me. Thank you for the reassurance, im pretty sure it has not.

my main aim is not to reduce curvature or alter the angle my penis is in, rather just restore its erectile function to the best it can be considering all in all. A reduction in the flaccid pain would be wonderful as well. I guess I should mention that I.ve always had problems with condoms and having sex. Is this normal?

Personal life issues have definitely affected me. This whole last year was a crunch in order to finish university and secure an apartment, in addition to finishing a long term relationship, business problems and distancing myself from my inmediate family. I realize a lot has to do with my position in life, as when I was more busy before I would find a way around this ED problem, either through telling my partner  that I did not do well with condoms or whatever. I realize that perhaps having no inmediate path or aim at this moment in life has affected my mental state, causing myself to obssess with the issue rather than continue my life. However, the concern of the flaccid pain was too much to ignore. For the moment, I will lay off masturbation and pornography, perhaps experiment with a higher dosage of tadalfil and wait until the ultrasound doppler yields further results.  

Anyways, thank you so much for your time. Wishing you the best and good waves for your son!

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Good luck with the ultrasound! Hopefully you will get some answers and direction. Yes condoms can present as a problem in reducing sensitivity. When I was first married ..35 years ago I also had difficulty in wearing condoms. You can try lubing up your penis a little first before putting them on. Then stretch the base over your testicles to provide added stimulation. You need to purchase the large condoms though with the thinnest latex. I do know from experience that porn will take it's toll on your erection quality and play havoc with your mind. Give it time and with your Dr's suggestion of using tadalafil I believe you will get through this. Get control of your thoughts and keep worrying out of the picture.

Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Ahhh, unfortunately went for my ultrasound today and there had been a booking error... Had to be rescheduled for Friday. My anxiety has been spiking through the roof recently. Hopefully this post can be updated with solid news and a clear game plan some time next week after my appointment.

I am definitely going to have to take steps to try to control my anxiety and frustrations as I think this is creating a negative feedback loop. Whereas there is no denying there was a loss in my erection quality following my little "accidents" I could somehow get by succesfully without condoms. Furthermore, I do wake up with good quality morning wood every now and then, especially when my stress has calmed down. I usuallty try to count how long these I can mantain these erections without stimulation and they might last minutes.

Another main preocupation of mine is a dreaded venous leak... Especially due to the blunt trauma nature of the injuries i sustained. I understand that a doppler ultrasound should be able to detect these, however, my question remains if they are treatable. I pray to god that this is not the case. The ultrasound they are proposing to do is without injection, which the Dr. seems to think will be appropiate, however, I've also read multiple people in these forums say that it is best to request one under an erection, although Im very nervous it can damage me worse than I am at the moment. Will contact the hospital friday and perhaps ask them to de a pre and post erection (under induction with caverject or something similar)

might create a new thread to keep updating.

thank you for your time

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


It's unfortunate about the rescheduling error but in the medical field it happens a lot. It is good that you are having morning erections which shows that your hormones are working and so is your penis. Anxiety is what will kill your erections - maybe trying some calming breathing exercises or B vitamins for your nervous system? Do you have a hobby that you would like to engage in? Reading a good book or etc...

I would stop worrying about a venous leakage but I would request an erect unltrasound. It will clearly show your blood flow with one. When I had my ultrasound Dr Levine did the injection to produce an erection. It was painless but I had a lot of anxiety beforehand. After about 10 minutes and WOW it worked like magic and I could clearly see the blood flow in my penis on the ultrasound machine. Dr Levine then ruled out and blood flow problems. You also don't need to start a new thread regarding this, just keep us posted.  You are going to make it through all of this and look back one day and be able to help another man suffering from this disease. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Hello Mikel,

You are totally right about the anxiety, exercise and what im currently doing to keep myself preoccupied. I suspect that my living situation, stress, finishing university and other factors such as my panic after using Hirudoid cream. These events probably triggered an increase in my baseline anxiety by 100x.  At the moment, I have moved to London as I was looking for jobs around here... The health problems have definitely gotten in my head and i've stopped applying as I have this mentality of fix my health first and then worry about other factors, since all my life I was used to having surgeries while I had to continue work or studying, draining me.

Thank you for the information regarding the ultrasound. I will make sure to request one. Could I please ask you if you suffered any scarring or pain afterwards? Pain doesnt bother me really, just dont want additional scarring if it can be avoided, and also did it leave a mark? Im not sure how to explain to my partner, as ive been very generic with the troubles ive been facing until I know she's staying with me or going as the relationship solidifies.

Thank you for your time Mikel, and I sure hope to be here helping other people like you are once i'm out of the woods!

kind regards

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


After my ultrasound there wasn't any pain but rather a small reddened area where I received my injection. My only pain from it all was all of the anxiety I caused for myself about the whole procedure. Everything went back to normal after a while. You need to try using some heat therapy on your penis for pain. The info for it is in the forum. It basically is applying gentle heat to your entire groin/penile area for about 30 minutes at a time - never to burn. I use a heating pad on low wrapped in a towel and it works wonders.
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Thanks for the reply, Will let you know how it goes.

Do you think I should mention to my Dr. I applied Hirudoid cream? I fear he will get angry and tell me i have indeed reason to believe I've damaged myself. Furthermore, I forgot to mention that the injury i sustained the first time definitely altered the base of penis, weakening it severely. I suspect I have liagment damage to the suspensory and potentially fundiform ligaments, due to the rippigng and twisting motion between me and the board at impact. The weak base has in my opinion lead to further damage. I will write to my doctors secretary to get a order for an MRI if possible, to cover all particular bases and stop wasting time.

Overall, this really seems like the worst combtionation of possible factors. Constantly having to try sex with less than adequate erections will only injure me further, while I have no way of having good erections all the time. I seriously think I was recovering until I tried that cream,..... atleast I noticed night time erections when I woke up. I cant attribute it to anything either way. Maybe its my decaying psyche. I am kinda all by myself in this city and all my friends are busy, carryin on with their life. My partner doesnt even know the full extent ofmy injuries and why I cant reliably get it up...

Therefore, Today I will attend the ultrasound doppler with a copy of this article https://ajronline.org/doi/full/10.2214/ajr.183.4.1831085
To be able to tell the ultrasound specialist what my concerns are, and to please pay particular attention to these things in the examination. I do not know if an erection will be induced this time, but if anything, it will let me know if there is any damage to the tissue itself, and perhaps when an erection is induced (Depend on the technicians answer, I will ask him if he has experience doing these things and how confident he is on also providing a report on the venile function) and should cover most bases. Hopefully, the doctor can also de an evaluation under an induced erection to give me his opinion regarding my penis base stability, and potential treatments if any.

What do youo think about viagra 50 & 100mg doses? Might have to try one today to attempt sex confidently.

Mikel, Thanks again for your time... You have been such a legend to me, and if I ever fix my life, this issue and my situation, I hope you let me get you a drink & meal wherever you are. I will continue updating this, probabaly sunday.

Scared as my partner is coming later. I just told her
24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Quote from: Mikel7 on November 03, 2023, 05:56:37 AMYou need to try using some heat therapy on your penis for pain. The info for it is in the forum. It basically is applying gentle heat to your entire groin/penile area for about 30 minutes at a time - never to burn. I use a heating pad on low wrapped in a towel and it works wonders.

Will give this a try soon. I dont even own a microwave yet to heat stuff up! Maybe I'll soak a towel in the shower. Hope today yields answers in this investigation and that this approach can also serve others to have a systemic idea on how to attack their problems and find worthwile solutions.

On another note, Life can be crazy sometimes, and I can appreciate everyone whose been in a position like this feeling alone, scared and all the dark thoughts associated with it. At the moment, I truly feel alone and as dumb as it sounds, this forum has provided me with a feeling of company and that someone out there actually has a shred of an idea of how it feels to be like this. Neither my family, which at best im estranged with for years, nor friends nor anyone I know how this feels like. Perhaps my compulsive nature makes me assume the worst, act in haste (like with the cream) and feel perpetually doomed, but it seems to be a recurring thematic since I injured myself. If I could have one wish this year, it would be health for me and everyone who is lacking it right now, as life is truly less enjoyable without it.

Thank you for listening, good day to all.
24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Update 2.

So, I went to get the ultrasound today. Upon walking in, I tried to convince the radiologist to do under an erection, although he claimed that doctor must explicitly order so, and I could return next time to be evaluated under an erection free of charge if requested. Therefore, my ultrasound doppler was done flaccid. He claimed that atleast with such, we would be able to examine the tissues and have an idea of arterial inflow, and atleast form an opinion of whether he thinks Venous Leak is potentially in the cards. He claimed that he could extrapolate from both arterial inflow and outflow if it was likely to be an issue (again, limited as he was not ordered in the Dr.s form to do an ultrasound while errect)

He told me the following
A) Excellent arterial inflow to be expected from someone my age.
b) based on his evaluation he could not see any particular damage to the tissue in the areas I was feeling pain. He did mention that a more precise evaluation has to be undertaken under an erection, but there are no fistulas or air gaps either or any obvious damage to the examination with the doppler.
c) he recommended if I still want to chase up the issue, to request a ultrasound doppler under an erection from the doctor. Furthermore, an MRI would be in order, with contrast, to get a clearer picture. This is something I'm willing to do and In fact will try to chase up to set up a date for the Injected US and the MRI.
D) Told me that if I was having sex following my 2 injuries with some degree of difficulty but able to achieve penetration, Id likely have noticed if the problem stemmed, at the time, from blunt injury causing venous leakage. In my opinion, I have noticed a decrease in EQ, but I can also attribute that to the pain causing my erection mechanism to not fire on all cylinders, as more stimulation equals more pain which seems to shutdown my erections. I can only hope the radiologist is right, and that there is no venous leak, even if I undertake the test under erection after I request it from the Dr.

overall, informative and a step in the right direction. I will quote the official findings here after the report is compiled. Furthermore, I will request the Doppler with an erection (Already sent an email to the Dr's secretary, who informed it was forwarded to him) and and MRI with contrast. My next appointment is the 9th of November with Dr. Alnajjar Hussein at Harley Street Clinic London, and hopefully it yields better news and a clear plan forward.

Thank you everyone and hope you have a great day.

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


I read your PM. Good that you have gotten some more info/clarity. I have not ever used hirudoid cream on the penis myself but have read few cases on here where people mentioned weak erections after applying it, I have always warned people to use this on the penis and it even says on the packet not to use it on genital area so I have no idea why some of you guys decide to use this on a sensitive area like the penis. As for permanent damage, I do not think you have caused any permanent damage or any damage at all because you said you did not use it more than a few times right?

What's happened is probably you have gotten worried/anxious that it has damaged your penis and as we all know worry/anxiety/stress is the biggest erection killer. You will get a clearer picture once you perform the ultrasound erect/MRI so until then my best advice is just calm down and stop giving yourself unecessary stress/worry about this.

Most likely everything is fine.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I also want to post in this thread something I think is a bit valuable for people to know. I have a friend IRL who a few months ago messaged me, he knows about my issues so he sought help/info. He had sex with his girlfriend and apparently a ''pop'' was felt/heard. He claimed he was not in any pain or any visual difference/signs of damage had happened to the penis. But he himself was convinced he had a fracture or was developing plaque. His erections suddenly vanished like a ''fart in the wind'' to give it some comedic perspective. He started regularly checking erections and couldn't get fully hard, started freaking out and was 100% sure he had damaged himself.

I told him what to do, he did it, ultrasound showed everything was perfectly normal and the doctor came to the conclusion that the pop was most likely just the ligament that popped (not that it got damaged, just that it popped) Apparently this can happen sometimes when it is pushed down too far while erect.

He is now perfectly fine and his erections are back as they used to so I want to emphasize that the mind is more powerful than some think. He was certain he had damaged himself, and as a result he could not get erect anymore, results came back fine, he now has zero issues. So please think about this.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Hey guys,

Thanks sonic for your really valuable time, input and knowledge. Indeed, I only applied the cream for about 5 or 6 days, twice a day, spread very evenly across the left side of my penis and at max, a dot the size of a Qtip for quantity. To be entirely honest, I did not notice a decrease in my EQ during the cream application, I just really saw it go to hell when I read certain posters claim that they had damaged EQ. Although they made several interesting points, I think its my extremely active and delicate psyche right now that caused me to panic right there and then and have a meltdown regarding my own erections. I've always been a child of the internet, into forums and such, and naturally curious and have had a myriad of medical situations and surgeries before, so I thought I was equipped to try alternative treatments... boy I was wrong. My brain right now is not strong enough to deal with the repercussions, even though I was desperate. Ive masturbated with strong enough erections since then, not real change since before I started seeing this new girl and this pain resurfaced with a vengeance.  Feel like most of the pain i generated by checking my tender flesh obsessively trying to see something that isnt even there...

I need to calm down thats for sure, and I want to thank everyone whose answered my PM's, participated in my threads and given me their insight. You are truly appreciated and thank you for lending me a hand. I will continue updating how my investigation is going as we progress.

I will be trying viagra 50mg and perhaps 100mg this weekend potentially with my partner. I'm hoping it will allow for sex with a condom. I dont mind a bit of pain present as likely will be more gentle than masturbating, but even before these accidents I always struggled with condoms, and somehow im not yet a father. If I notice im strong enough to penetrate before putting one on and fail having sex, I will likely discuss my issues regarding my health atm, and ask her if she'd be interested in taking the pill to facilitate natural sex between us. Otherwise, We'll see what she says... Fingers crossed things work out

Thanks guys, sending love, safe weekend for all of you!

PS - sitting in my room in London, and im shaking. I should be satisfied and calmer, todays results have atleast established some baseline parameters which seem to be positive and done by experience professionals who answered my questions and in my opinion, felt super competent... Idk, feel lonelier than ever, and shaken to the core. Truly humbling experience, and it somehow makes me look back in Life and think if this is Karma for everything Ive done wrong and its finally me getting my fair share.

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Also feel like the porn is perhaps the main reason why my EQ is so garbage. Not even kidding, the previous girl i was seeing I could go various rounds with before the Pain got really bad. I finished university and decided finally to check it out by a urologist in the UK, and i went down the rabbit hole trying to diagnose myself Like I always do.

On another note Condoms are my personal enemy number one since way back and its manifesting right now at my worst moment!! Jajajajaj, atleast I find some humour in that.

Gonna give quitting porn and masturbating a serious try, resist the temptation to restart while I'm having some rest and wondering if I broke my hormonal system since libido goes to trash, and try to stick to sex, hopefully giving my tissue a chance to heal. No more deathgrip and irritaion of the area. I feel like theres a chance I can salvage my situation, no matter how messed up, I've always pulled through by the skin of my teeth. I hope its no different this time.

sorry for my triple posting.

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


You are sounding more positive and getting a plan in your mind that is positive! We have ALL been where you are at! We know the experience and dreadful thoughts and feelings with anything damaging to our prized possession....our penis. You did get some good information from your tests and should dwell on that. Quitting porn is something also to strive for as it will have it's merits. We are a community that cares and loves our members like a family. The world of Dr's has swept peyronies under the carpet because it is not a money maker for them. You need to keep educating yourself and keep telling yourself that YOU WILL MALE IT through this time in your life and come out better afterwards. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Quote from: Mikel7 on November 03, 2023, 06:54:00 PMYou are sounding more positive and getting a plan in your mind that is positive! We have ALL been where you are at! We know the experience and dreadful thoughts and feelings with anything damaging to our prized possession....our penis. You did get some good information from your tests and should dwell on that. Quitting porn is something also to strive for as it will have it's merits. We are a community that cares and loves our members like a family. The world of Dr's has swept peyronies under the carpet because it is not a money maker for them. You need to keep educating yourself and keep telling yourself that YOU WILL MALE IT through this time in your life and come out better afterwards. :)

Hello Mikel, Thank you for your reply.

I have had some successes and answers these days. Let me start by saying the following definitely - Hirudoid really did absolutely nothing to me. I did not decrease my Erection Quality noticeably at all due to physical changes, but rather I panicked because I succesfully let other peoples negative experience with the cream affect my perception. Was it experimental yes, but not particularly harmful. I advice everyone to stay away from the cream, not because it is necessarily harmful (some people have had great results with it, others not) but because its experimental, and should be avoided unless you are totally ok with the mental and physical consequences of that. I will definitely steer away from this cream for this particular purpose in the future, and hope that anyone who encounters this post for their peace of mind does the same. That is only my opinion.

On the other hand side it seems most my symptoms are PIED related and pain related, rather than the presence of a significant venous leakage. I admit an ultrasound under erection would be more useful to determine that, however, my experience with viagra 50mg and 25mg this weekend has somewhat convinced me that is unlikely to be the issue. I will now focus on dealing with the pain and staying off masturbation and porn. If this yields fruits within the next 2 to 3 months in terms of bettering my pain and EQ, I will undergo more testing in the form of Ultrasound under erection and MRI with contrasts. Although there is a slight curvature in my penis base following my first incident, its minor and has long stopped hurting. My second incident complicated me due to the pain. Ultrasound and doctor claims they could find no plaque in this area, so I assume its a soft tissue injury exacerbated by physical and sexual activity. Hopefully no curvature develops there

Thank you for your time and wisdom. I hope I can continue updating this often with more uplifting news. I invite others to read my other post if theyre interested for a more up to date account of my story. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


I dont remember much of the values presented in my US at the moment, but I remember my PSV values being
55 Cm / s for right cavernosa and 33cm for the left. Based on AJR (https://ajronline.org/doi/10.2214/AJR.19.22141, Below figure 5) arterial competence is considered to be anything above 30 "under adequate pharmacological stimulation" which I was clearly above the threshold in a flaccid state.

As I said, I will continue to monitor. Its true that I cannot get the full picture without an erection, how this month goes will decide how I progress in terms of getting an MRI with contrast to detect possible leakages and a US doppler under erection.
24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


PIED is definitely a problem that porn produces. Dr's are seeing young men presenting in their offices with full blown erectile dysfunction. It is from the very easy accessible porn on the internet. At a click of a button thousands of pictures can be viewed and dopamine surges through our bodies. Thus the PIED. You will regain erections from quitting. You may also have a short flatline or none at all. Good luck!
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


hey guys,

PIED definitely is the culprit for most my symptoms. I realized that I forgot to mention I was masturbating excessively while finishing university as a stress relief mechanism, think I mightve injured myself further there. I have taken about a 2 week break and noticed a tiny relief in pain and tingling sensations like electrcity where it hurts, hopefully healing the nerve damage or sensation. I will monitor accordingly for about 3 months and try to limit any masturbation to almost none see if it helps. I'm confident it will.

Think I will get an MRI done just in case while im in London with my Dr. to rule out any actual damage and just hope what is left is irritation. I had crazy erections the last few days I indulged in no masturbation and no porn, so I'm feeling more confident its only the irritation thats left to deal with. Im worried its damage is gonna be long term, as i feel it while flaccid especially.


24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Hey guys,

quick update. Pain still unbearable and my anxiety is off the roof. Last report, my doctor said he thought the MRI was pointless -  I disagreed and have opted to take it. It will be done by the same radiologist as before under a caverject injection. I will also request nicely if perhaps they could do an ultrasound doppler scan while erect. I would be interested in knowing these values with certainty, and not having to do them more than twice ever a injection on that area. Hopefully the radiologist accomodates for such request.

My doctors have clinically claimed that I did not have a fracture, and based on the fact that my shaft is mostly straight, Id have to agree. The base of my penis is wobbly from my first accident and slightly hinging, that is a fact, and I doubt there is a way to truly strengthen that. Thats why I keep my strokes short and lay on the side. Is anyone aware of a way to strengthen these, involving surgery or otherwise? This defect is deep in the root of my penis base, and I for certain have not noticed strong upwards pointing erections since my accident, at most they lay on my stomach or always on the side that it hinges to on the right. My second accident did not seem to excacerbate this.

I must admit guys I am really scared. I have seen that pain shuts down most erections, and its true that after my accidents I was somehow having sex although carefully. I dont know if the pain got overpowering, I got weaker or something happened that has made me shut down to hard erections. Maybe I masturbated too hard which has led to this lasting pain, but thinking back, it was always present in one way or another following my second accident. even riding a bike or ahving someone graze my penis brings incredible pain. I truly am extremely scared. I think after my final evaluation with the radiologist and my Dr's appointment, I will be moving back to Peru and continue conferring over the internet there and with a chosen urologist back home.

I cannot continue being scared in London by myself. I am considering implants at this stage, and im 24 years old! My partner seems to have left me silently when she found about my issues as she's ghosted me... Parents are nowhere to be seen and I generally have been finding myself having suicidal thoughts, and there seems to be no reason to remain here anymore. I can barely look at women in the face knowing of the issues I have down there, I could not possibly desire them.

Another concern of mine, if all exams come clear and my function with caverject is good, is nerve damage. Although it would seem extremely unlikely, the constant pain there correlates where I grip to masturbate and where I hurt myself. I feel sensations of warm liquid like blood and urination specifically from the left side of the glans.

I'm going through a really tough time guys, hope I can get all your support and update here with good news. last year has been tough since my accident, im hoping new years forwards its all up. I feel so pathetic asking for this, but if you can lend me your strength, got any kind words, can keep me in your prayers, let me know, ill keep you in mine. Ill be grateful for it.

thanks guys

24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


Hey Dude,

I don't have anything new to say, other than I'm going through the same crap as you and completely feel your anxiety, despair, frustration, and shame. It's normal and natural. But don't beat up on yourself, you didn't do anything wrong, nor did you do anything different than millions of other men out there. crap just happens. It happened to you and it happened to me. I went through what you're going through last year and felt like I lost my mine. This lead me down a path of wasted time and stupid decisions, because I was allowing my self-pity and catastrophizing to cloud my judgment and prevent me from taking action. Best advise, seems counter productive, is to not think too much about it and focus on other things. If you can, find a good therapist, its difficult, but necessary for dealing with something heavy like this and for dealing with an addiction to pornography and sex.

I did the MRI with contrast and it didn't show anything, the doctor that ordered it didn't really know this condition too well. I had another doctor who specializes in this call it overkill and didn't even bother to look at the imaging when I presented it. So it might not be worth the time or effort. The US with erection will provide the best detail in terms of deformity to the penis as well as curvature, but according to the Dr I'm seeing, and Dr. Trost in this forum, it does not show plaque, scar tissue, or fibrosis. From my understanding this is up to the Dr's experience and observation. I'm worried about the chance of it causing scar tissue and more damage, but a train professional is doing this while there are millions of men who inject themselves all the time, so I'm trying not to catastrophize this as well.
Quiting porn and masturbation, although very difficult, is the best move as this can cause more harm from masturbation and just overall quality of life.

QuoteI feel sensations of warm liquid like blood and urination specifically from the left side of the glans.

I have a similar sensation on the glans and only on the left side. Could be an injury there and could be pelvic floor issues. The muscles in your pelvic floor could be so tight it irritates the nerve which cause this sensation down stream. Think of having a pinched nerve in your neck and you feel tingling, numbness, and electricity in your fingers.

Best of luck!
Injury diagnosis April 2023; first symptoms pain, slug penis, new upward curve and indent dorsal base of head an two indents on right side.
Did Pentox 2x 400mg for 3 months. Now only tadalafil


Quote from: bent_narsil on February 03, 2024, 10:03:17 AMThe US with erection will provide the best detail in terms of deformity to the penis as well as curvature, but according to the Dr I'm seeing, and Dr. Trost in this forum, it does not show plaque, scar tissue, or fibrosis. From my understanding this is up to the Dr's experience and observation. I'm worried about the chance of it causing scar tissue and more damage, but a train professional is doing this while there are millions of men who inject themselves all the time, so I'm trying not to catastrophize this as well.

The thing about ultrasounds is that they don't really provide much, unless you want to make an US prior to xiaflex injections to better detect where the plaque is, then it could be a good idea but other than that what does it provide? Sure it might show blood floow issues related to erections and some scarring might be detected but it makes no difference in the end because you will still be offered the same treatments regardless which is usually PDE5 inhibitors or surgery/implant.

I have thought about doing one many times as I have not done one but the last urologist I visited told me it's pretty much a waste of time because nothing will change in regards of treatment. For ED there is really not much that can be done other than PDE5 inhibitors, VED or implant. Doing an ultrasound will not change this fact. I have been told that if ones ED does not resolve or gets worse with years then sadly the implant route is the only way left.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Hey Sonic,

Thank you for replying. I have a second Ultrasound with the Urologist I first saw in two weeks. From my understanding we are checking for progression of curvature, and feeling for scar tissue and plaque. I'm honestly scared of the procedure for the above reason of scarring and fibrosis, and I don't like the treating urologist. Most urologists I've seen are complete assholes. Do you think its worth doing? Am I making the scarring a bigger thing than it is?
Injury diagnosis April 2023; first symptoms pain, slug penis, new upward curve and indent dorsal base of head an two indents on right side.
Did Pentox 2x 400mg for 3 months. Now only tadalafil


Quote from: bent_narsil on February 03, 2024, 05:42:11 PMHey Sonic,

Thank you for replying. I have a second Ultrasound with the Urologist I first saw in two weeks. From my understanding we are checking for progression of curvature, and feeling for scar tissue and plaque. I'm honestly scared of the procedure for the above reason of scarring and fibrosis, and I don't like the treating urologist. Most urologists I've seen are complete assholes. Do you think its worth doing? Am I making the scarring a bigger thing than it is?

Do what feels best for you. Honestly there is some men who have gotten worse of by doing ultrasounds. Generally injections is never a good idea for people prone to Peyronies but I guess one injection for an exam shouldn't be that bad but I've seen people on here and other forums say they had damage done by them. Usually it's if the erection gets so strong that it doesn't go down and the doctor has to do another injection to get it down.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Quote from: Sonic on February 03, 2024, 08:12:41 PMUsually it's if the erection gets so strong that it doesn't go down and the doctor has to do another injection to get it down.

This is what happened the first time, I don't have venous leakage. In fact, according to the Urologist I have perfect venous trapping and he had to do another injection so the erection went down. I don't know. The curve upward is getting worse, in my opinion, and I just don't want to make it worse.
Injury diagnosis April 2023; first symptoms pain, slug penis, new upward curve and indent dorsal base of head an two indents on right side.
Did Pentox 2x 400mg for 3 months. Now only tadalafil


Hi friend. You didn't ruin yourself using Hirudoid cream, you are simple in the flat line: when you start stopping masturbation and so doing no fap, it happens that libido goes to a very low level for a period. This is a period necessary to reset your brain and your dopamine levels, so don't worry, after 3 months-4 months of nofap this flatline will go away.
24 years old
ED and peyronie


Hey guys, quick update as its been a minute ive been on the site.

After this whole ordeal I moved back to Peru, England had nothing left for me unfortunately, didnt enjoy london nor the live it gave me. I'm pleased to report I'm having strong erections, sex almost everyday and no major inconvience. The pain is still present, although its sharpness has subsided. Im only praying that eventually it will all leave. I take 2.5mg cialis few hours before sex on empty stomach whenever I think I will do it later. I could probably manage without the cialis but I will slowly work my way there as the pain subsides.

Throughout all my doctor visits, ultrasounds with and without erection, and MRI nothing concrete has been identified. All doctors suggested the pain would subside eventually, I had no evidence pointing to a fracture and that the tissue looked complete in both MRI and US scans. I've got no chio

I'm back being active, surfing and riding my motocross which distracts me from this. The wetsuit and motocross seat saddle sometimes rub me in a way that hurts, but much less than before. The discomfort can be lots in my day to day life, but I gotta stay positive - a few months ago I never imagined having sex consistently ever again. Gotta admit that the mind has lots of power over the body, recovering and taking the steps mentally to dig me out of this hole probably did just as much for me as low dose cialis. Having a nice girl is understanding is also a massive bonus, whereas with my previous partner id be so tensed up for having sex due to the discomfort that I sometimes wouldnt be able to keep it hard lmao. I dont miss those days, nor how it made me feel.

I will keep all updated. I wanna give a shout out to everyone who helped me through this journey, massive thanks from the bottom of my heart, did loads to keep me company during a horrendous point in my life. I'd say compared to how I was a few months ago, im 50% of the way there, and expect to improve atleast 25% more. I hope everyone I interacted with has their own personal success story and can leave this behind.


24 yrs old.
First accident surfing 2022. Lead to curvature in base and decrease in erection strength
Second accident May 2023. Lead to localized pain when flaccid that does not go away.

Taking supplements and going gym more


That's awesome things are going well for you! We underestimate the power of the mind and how it can impact our life. I never have had the opportunity to surf but my son does in Santa Monica. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)