37 Year old athlete implant journal

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Hey Iwill...

I think you are just like the rest of us.
Your previous post did sound too amazing to last, but really you are just as human as we are.
It is a marathon as you said. It is a healing process that takes time. Deep down you know that.
I can remember a few times when I thought I wasn't doing something right and I couldn't seem to deflate without a lot of pain, but it all worked out.
This site and everyone including Hawk have been very helpful.
Stay well, be safe, and keep on pumping.
No pain = no gain
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I smiled as I read these posts to catch up after our talk. I smiled for several reasons.  First, your progress is great.  Next, your concerns vividly bring back memories, and I smiled because I know what is in your future.  You will soon post not just about the great changes in your penis but about a psychological transformation.  Knowing you have a perfect bionic penis that will never let you down, that can function on the spur of the moment and last all night.  

Write down your measurements because even though you don't think you will, you will forget.  Always use the same ruler.  If necessary, round the sharp corners for comfort on the end that you bone-press.  

I could not be happier for you.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks guys!

Your support makes all the difference in the world going through this.

Day 8-

Okay, small victory from yesterday and feeling better. I realized yesterday the CONSTANT throbbing in my sack was from my pump simply resting on the bottom of it. Once I lay on my side or support it, it goes away. So that was a game changer for pain. Ended up tucking a pair of boxer inside my briefs and under my sack lol.

My actual shaft stopped aching as well. That's a miracle since it hurt BAD. Got some Tylenol on hand now just in case, but amazing to get some real sleep after that night of horror last night lol. Lastly, idk if I've been distracted because of all of these other issues, but I haven't even noticed my reservoir pain the last 24 hours, so I think that pain is finally going down or away completely. First time since day 3. This was all without pain meds so it has to be improvement.

Weird situation with my sack though. It's still bruised and kinda swollen so I'm sure once that settles down I won't need the support there. But nice to know I have a solution. Sitting in bed right now pain free, just appreciating this moment to breathe.

I cycled last night and this morning, just 10 minutes and didn't push too hard just to ease back into it. Cycling was easy, no major pain while hard, and no lingering pain after. I'll probably add 5 minutes a day until I'm back at 30, and next time I'm going to throw in the towel if it gets too bad instead of trying to kill myself. I've been doing the modeling while inflating and I think that will help long term. What I mean is, any areas with a little kink, where it's not perfectly straight, I'll put a slight amount of pressure on that part to correct it while inflated. My goal is a 100% straight dick. For me that would be huge given I've always had somewhat of a weird looking dick. Congenital curve initially and then bad hourglass and narrowing when Peyronies Disease hit. Yet another reason I went the implant route. I quite literally had nothing to lose, and knew I'd end up with a better looking dick than I ever had pre Peyronies.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Day 9-

Fully back in the groove of cycling now. Did 25 min pretty easily this morning. Could have gone longer but as I mentioned, working up to it so I do having a throbbing dick all night lol. I'll prob start doing a minimum of 30 each time starting tomorrow, and get up to an hour sometime in the next 1-2 weeks. I can only imagine my gains when I start hot baths and tadalfil. Somehow I feel like getting blood to the area makes all the difference in the world.

Reservoir pain is a 0 just walking around eveyday. If I stretch or something I'll feel it some and it's maybe a 3 or 4 max. Still sensitive if I press on the area. But just thankful to see improvement.

My balls and dick remain sore. I've concluded my nerves in that area are prob just all super sensitive (rightfully so). My biggest complaint is my balls though. That makes it hard to walk for long. Just the feeling of standing where the pump rests on the sack is painful. It's literally painful to the touch, so I need that to resolve and then im sure I'll feel WAY better. From what I hear this is what takes the longest to recover so I'm expecting maybe 4 weeks before my sack looks pretty normal.

I bought a school style measure stick and did a flacid measurement today which was 7 inches. I don't want to hear anyone else complain about their flacid after this LOL. It's been quite the awkward situation trying to poop. My dick actually will not fit inside some toilets, and have to hold it so it doesn't go inside the water. As far as concealment, I'm not too worried about it though. While it is a thick and long flacid, I can easily tuck it left or right so I don't anticipate a problem. I certainly will have to do some exploring when I get home because I do still want to wear form fitting clothes. I think there's a way to have balance here. May have to end up wearing like two pairs of briefs and tucking my dick to the side. I'll figure it out though.

When I cycle here shortly I'll take an erect measurement and post that tomorrow. Has to be AT LEAST 7 inches though right? So that's a win. Only up from here (no pun intended)

Lastly, I found out today my insurance denied the claim because Erectile Dysfunction was listed as the primary diagnosis code, instead of Peyronies. So I had joy of talking to them for hours on the phone trying to figure out what needed to happen. I read the entire fine print about coverage exclusions and I meet all the criteria for the IPP, so should be all good, they just need to resubmit it under the right code for primary. Good times good times.

I fly out to go home early next week so I'm excited for that. Ready to get off the plane with my new life ahead (with my working dick).

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 06, 2023, 09:47:06 AMOkay, small victory from yesterday and feeling better. I realized yesterday the CONSTANT throbbing in my sack was from my pump simply resting on the bottom of it. Once I lay on my side or support it, it goes away. So that was a game changer for pain. Ended up tucking a pair of boxer inside my briefs and under my sack lol.

My actual shaft stopped aching as well.

A couple of points.  The scrotum lining will toughen up, but right now, squeezing it against a ridged bulb will understandably make it sore.  Since the scrotum is very loose, one tip is to slide the scrotum over the somewhat stationary pump bulb so that you are not squeezing the pump with the same two sections of the scrotum every time.  You can even change up in the middle of a cycle.  Also, for some reason, a wet washcloth between your hand and the scrotum helps.

I get the impression that you are or intend to start tucking your penis down.  I would NOT do that for several months. Based on several pieces of information, I maintain that will give you a less stable erection angle.  I think you said your natural erection angle was about 3 O'clock.  Unless you do not mind an erection angle of 4 or 5 0'Clock, I would not point my penis down.  If I am wrong and you keep your penis pointed up, you lose nothing but a bit of inconvenience.  If I am correct and you point your penis down, the results are irreversible.  That does NOT mean your penis will not work.  It will still be firm as the penis of a horny 17-year-old, but it will affect the aesthetics.  If you insist on pointing it down because someone told you it is not an issue, I would at least not do so for a couple of months. When you do, there is a compromise technique that might minimize the impact on an inflated angle.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I've heard that Dr Eid says keeping it pointed up is only important in the first couple weeks after surgery as the scar capsule forms fast. Even then, only do what is comfortable for you.

I wore my flaccid down and erection angle did not change. 3pm erect angle and my flaccid angle is at 6pm.

If your pump is also hurting, maybe take a day off from the cycling.

My best advice for you would be don't stress too much about the little things, take your time and just enjoy the implant when you get cleared for sex. Cycle normally for the first 3-6 months and just use it like a normal penis.
Peyronie's Disease
Titan Touch 22cm - Dr Clavell 06/04/22


Day 10:

Another successful day of cycling. Did 30 minutes both morning and night. Oddly enough I think I felt more pain in the area underneath my dick, where my sack connects. I guess that makes sense since that's where they cut into from the scrotal approach. At this rate it's hard to tell since I think it's all nerve pain and it kind of radiates. Sometimes I'll feel it in my shaft, other times in my sack. Cycling was painful but manageable. Im not using pain meds for cycling, but taking 2 Tylenols before bed.

If it wasn't for this pain in my scrotum, I'd feel like normal pretty much. I say scrotum pain but as mentioned I really have no idea where it's coming from since it's like a radiating pain. What I do know, is I have to figure out how to stand without my sack throbbing. Because I want to start getting out some. Sometimes no matter what position I'm in it's like a constant throbbing feel. I could be standing straight up without moving and feel pain that's 7/10, and it's from the pump hanging in my sack I'm pretty sure. I have briefs but they're normal ones not the special ones with the supportive pouch. I think a lot of this will be relieved when I get my Separatec briefs. I've concluded part of the problem is that sense my pump is not just low, but also BEHIND my testicles...the heavy pump actually pulls my sack back also. I think these briefs have a separate pouch for your balls so I think that will help a lot to keep things in place. I'm also sure the more things heal the less sensitive everything will be.

In other news, I switched to heat today, and WOW. What a difference. I'm only doing ice after my cycling. I also started using heat before cycling to warm up the tissue. Since I can't take baths yet this is the next best thing.

One last weekend in my air bnb laying around lol...it will be a breathe of fresh air to be back home next week.

This surgery really is a funny thing. There's literally no clear path. Everyone has their own struggles, some similar and some different.

I have my final appointment with Hakky soon and will be interested to hear his thoughts at almost 2 weeks post op.

Overall, still happy with my decision and I think things are going great and as expected. Obviously, I'd prefer to not have the pain, but it's expected and I plan to be dealing with it the first 1-2 months. If I feel this much better in 10 days, I can imagine how much better I'll be at one month. Once again, my reminder to myself when I've had the "what did I do" thoughts along the way...is remembering the alternative. I stress this alot because I think more people need to compare to their situation BEFORE surgery, not before Peyronies. For me anyway, I couldn't have sex in the months before surgery. If I did, it was extremely risky and there was a chance I'd end up in the ER over one small wrong move. If so, that one incident could have cost me inches if I ruptured my dick. Worth it? Not to me, so I stopped sex the last month. Then remembering how 1.5 hours of my day was consumed with restorex/ VED. Using pills. And most importantly, the mental toll it takes feeling inadequate because you know you have a deformed and unstable dick. I thought about it DAILY. Everytime I saw a girl, I'd think about it. So while this recovery is tough, I'll take this any day over what I had before.

Lastly, my official post surgery erect length measurement was 7.5 inches BPL. 7 inches even without pressing the ruler into the skin. No idea about girth but didn't feel it was an accurate comparison without natural engorgement to fill out the spong/glans. I'll take that measurement at about 30-45 days, but as mentioned I already have more girth on the top half of my shaft where the narrowing was. Bottom half prob slightly less. Can't wait, or even imagine, how my dick will look at 6 months!
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


To clarify, I could not have sex the 1-2 months leading up to surgery. Well I could, but the risk was way too high for injury.

While I'm here... Day 11 update:

Had my follow up appointment this AM and Hakky said everything looked good. I think about 95% of the swelling and bruising in my sack is gone. It looks almost normal now.

I have to say, Hakky is a class act. The guy is incredibly smart but talks to you like a normal person.

No other major news to report today.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 09, 2023, 10:57:18 AMHad my follow up appointment this AM and Hakky said everything looked good. I think about 95% of the swelling and bruising in my sack is gone. It looks almost normal now.

Hell yeah! Congratulations!
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


Very happy for you!

I have noticed some of your issues on FT, and trust me, after a few weeks they will be non-existant.

I'm glad you found Dr Hakky, I will be seeing him too if my issues don't resolve within the next year.

Try take it easy, rest, keep your mind at ease. If there are no signs of infection, you will be fine and living life as your pre-peyronies self (or possibly better) within the next few months.

Cycle, but if there is excruciating pain, take it easy. Remember, you have a whole year to get back your gains.

Despite my issues, I can see how an implant can really give you your life back to Peyronies sufferers.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Day 12 update:

Cycling still going well! Downside to having a 26cm is that it takes a million pumps. I think I'm getting somewhere around 30, and then adding an additional 5 along the way. Call me crazy but it seems like I'm getting bigger already. Prob a ton of pumps left to go.  

Still having pretty bad pain in the area under my dick/deep in my sack when cycling. That pain is worse than the pain I have in my shaft. But previously the shaft pain was way worse. I asked Hakky about this yesterday and he said it's normal because just like the front tips push out, the rear tips do also as the implant expands. So I guess what I'm feeling is that. Otherwise, cycling has been very manageable. Painful but manageable. No more pain in my glans cycling though, just the normal stretch feel.

I really don't have many concerns right now. And as a result of worrying about nothing, obviously my mind has to create something to worry about so now I'm counting down the days to where I know I'm clear from infection. I've been doing meditation everyday to try to stay in a healthy and positive mindset. It's not good for your body if you're constantly worrying.

On the note of infection though, I was wondering this...of course the first 3-5 days are probably the most risky for the actual incision site itself. I think it's after 5 days generally that your body creates a natural barrier to keep bacteria out. There was a very interesting article I read about what happens each day and the healing cycle the body goes through. Point is, by prob 7 days, your body has had a good amount of time to start closing the wound, get protective barriers up, etc. Then the internal healing starts. All of that to say, I believe the general rule is, after 6 weeks you're generally in the clear. Does that sound right to everyone?

I think this shows how important the selection of surgeon is. Choosing someone like EID, Hakky or Clavell with infection rates under 1%. Clearly they know what they are doing from pre op to post op. Then it's just using common sense to keep the incision site clean. Thats my peace of mind anyway. I chose a top surgeon with one of the lowest infection rates. Add in that I'm young, fit and healthy with a strong immune system...that's all I can do. While recovering I've literally had nothing to eat but healthy food. Of all the times I want to make sure my body has what it needs, it's now.

Thanks for listening to me rant, but just wanted to share my mindset for those who are going through this as well. The recovery process really puts your through a roller coaster of emotions/feelings. Mindset in this is huge! Stay positive and stay focused on the end result!
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 04, 2023, 12:25:09 AMIf you're interested in an implant I'd start by seeing the potential surgeon of choice. Doesn't hurt to at least go get established, talk to him, etc. If you were to get implanted, your insurance will want to see you took certain steps before that. I will also say, I think surgeons can kind of fudge things to work in your favor. For example, my condition could have been marked as Peyronies, Erectile Dysfunction, or a vascular issue. All of which are true. But depending on insurance they'll prob have criteria that you have to meet and only certain scenarios are covered. From my first appointment with Hakky, I think it took around 3-4 months to get to my surgery date. When I first met him, I was absolutely not ready for the implant, but considering that as an option. In that 3 month wait my condition worsened and I was very happy I took the first step to get established so I didn't have to wait longer.

Yeah bro this has been to much its felt like I've been kicked down there by an MMa fighter in the dick for years it's constant tender grueling pain.

I've never felt so much mental and physical suffering for so long.

I live near a doctor named Edward Karpman apparently he's a high-volume implant guy.

The thing is I switched doctors because my other PCP wouldn't change my URO even after I told him the guy was rude and didn't care.

So now I switched to new pcp I'm going to tell him that I want a referral to Karpman.

The pain and ED is just ruthless at this point. I'm like 3.5 years to this still wondering why the pain hasn't dissipated.

I was gonna ask you my natural Erection angle no matter the quality of the section is at 12 o'clock. So I wonder if that would pose as an issue when putting in an implant.

Also wonder if they take out the Erctile tissue it will change my erection angle to a straight dick so I can do doggy style.

Because sometimes I feel like it pointing up towards my stomach and me not being able to pull it does is unccomon annoying. Maybe there's a physical anamoly that's causing that even though I remember having it since I was a kid. I thought about I wonder if it'scarring on the bottom of the organ that causes it to angle up idk, but I hate the angle.

Hopefully I can get to Karpman soon and he will actually do some diagnostics on me for physical causes of my symptoms.

I just got my first GF so I don't wanna have these issue anymore lol.

Appreciate the journal I'm gonna keep reading and take notes.
Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


Quote from: Stepone on December 02, 2023, 08:58:44 AMCongratulations!
You are a welcomed success story which can be attributed to an excellent surgeon and an intelligent patient.

You gained 0.5 in girth how is that possible? sounds amazing.
Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


Hey bud-

I've heard of that surgeon before but don't know much about him. Just make sure you've talked to some of his patients and that he is high volume.

About your erection angle, I'm sure they can adjust that during your implant if you get one, or probably even without an implant they could fix that. I'd check with the dr when you arrange a meeting.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


I have a strong recommendation!  This is a patient's implant journal.  As such, others are encouraged to respond to HIS questions or comments.  It is NOT a topic for others to address their own issues unless it directly relates to his recent comment.  It is also NOT a topic for members to respond to other members and end up having a discussion between themselves.  Rather than do that, feel free to start a new topic on yourself, and IWillBeatPD and others will respond to you there.

The point of an implant journal is to have a journal that others can read through to follow another man's experience with his implant journey without getting sidetracked on different issues and topics. They can ask questions about his experience or offer advice to any of his questions. Others reading this journal (now and years into the future) should NOT have to sift through a lot of other posts to follow this member's progress. Let's not clutter it up and cause the topic to drift from its intended purpose.

I will delete this post in a few days so it does not detract from this valuable journal.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


Day 13:

Almost can't believe I'm a day shy of 2 weeks post op. I remember before wondering what condition I'd be in at that point- and here I am. Undoubtedly, I'm getting better day by day. It definitely feels like I'm getting longer and thicker from the cycling I've been doing. Just one major complaint...

This pain I keep getting in my perineum area and sack. It gets worse from cycling and when I stand without supportive underwear- it's a throbbing pain. If it wasn't for that, I'd be out living it up already at 13 days post op lol. If I had to take a guess, I think the nerves are all a little bit angry-initially from the surgery, and then from cycling after that. Supposedly the rear tip of the cylinder also pushes out like the front tip, so I think that's what I feel. I intentionally don't take pain meds except to sleep because I want to feel the real level of pain. If I'm lounging around all day it's tolerable, but if you told me to go walk half a mile...I think my nuts would fall through the bottom of my sack lol. That's how it feels anyway. I have several types of supportive briefs waiting for me when I get home tomorrow so I'll try those out and hope that makes a difference for when I have to be out walking around.

I plan to start going back to the gym at 3 weeks to do some VERY light things, definitely no straining. Just baby weight to start actually using my muscles. I think just getting back into SOME routine will help. Staying in this air bnb for the last 2 weeks feels like a prison lol.

Anyway, that's my only concern, and I think time will be the answer. And unfortunately, I think as long as I have to keep cycling, I'll keep feeling the pain there because I'm constantly stretching the tissue. If there's one thing I know about injuries/surgeries, is that it can sometimes take a year to truly feel 100% back to normal. Our bodies are amazing and capable of so much, but 13 days post op isn't nearly enough time, and I'm aware of that. When I had my shoulder labrum repaired, I didn't feel 100% for a full year or maybe a little more. The best part of this situation is, it only gets better from here. Opposed to before, where it only was getting worse. On the road to recovery finally you could say, and happy to be here. As much hell as this is, I can have a raging hard on in 60 seconds that won't bend or break. Before, I was constantly reminded of my broken dick and that was affecting me both physically and mentally. I think the hardest part of the recovery is there's no set path. Everyone experiences different things, obstacles, and you have to "roll with the punches". I would imagine it's probably rare that somebody just has complete smooth sailing through the entire process. Some days I feel pain in different places, some times there is no pain, some days it's really bad pain I have to take Advil/Tylenol for. In the last 13 days I've had about 100 different worries or concerns, most of which resolve. I think worry is a natural instinct, so as I mentioned before, having a positive mindset is key. For me, I imagine 6-12 months down the road, kicked back on the beach, zero pain, fully functioning dick (better than ever before), just loving life with the full length of my dick back with even more girth. By nature we always think of the worst possible scenario, so I continue replaying the best possible scenario in my head and plan on turning that into a reality.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Hey guy, things sound good to me. It is a marathon, so yes there are bumps in the road to healing, but your observations sound "normal" to me.
It's really hard to think of any surgery where you get things fixed like a car, lol.
Don't forget to take some pics.
Oh yes, I still have some pain now and then, tonight when I started to deflate, my nuts were slippery and my finger slipped and hit my nut, ouch..... no big deal.
I think you are doing super.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


2 week update:

Well, the day has come. I returned to my lovely home which feels amazing. All the traveling, walking and standing around was brutal though. Pain was high, my dick got uncomfortable being stuffed in my pants, and the perineum pain i mentioned was rough. Once I got on the plane I got a whole row to myself and iced my balls the whole flight.

For some humor, when I went through security I was curious what the scanner would show. One yellow square and one red square right on my dick. The guy explained he had to pat me down. As he was patting her grabbed my 7 inch flacid dick which was hanging half way down my leg (lol), and asked if I had something in my pocket. I told him that was my cock he was grabbing and we both laughed and I grabbed my luggage lol. Funny.

Anyway, I'm really hoping for the throbbing pain to start improving. But I also question if it will as long as I'm cycling. If cycling is the cause, and I'm cycling daily, I would imagine it's possible this could continue until everything is stretched out.

While I haven't read about a ton of other people having this pain. I have heard alot of people say if they cycle hard or stay max inflated too long they will feel pain from the rear cyclinder tips. Maybe I'm just experiencing that at a more severe level? Hakky did say he would size me aggressively, but mentioned it would hurt like hell when I start cycling. I said supersize me lol...I'm going to keep cycling and just hope things work out in time. I do have an email out to Hakky to ask his opinion on it.

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


I had the same perinium pain, it was quite bad in the early days. It has slowly subsided. Although, if I pump extra hard, and then wait and pump more, I will definitely feel it, at this point my inflated penis is maxed out and angle is almost 2 o clock.

My understanding is that, it is just stretching on both ends.

Please keep us updated on what Dr Hakky advises.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on December 12, 2023, 09:15:03 PMI had the same perinium pain, it was quite bad in the early days. It has slowly subsided. Although, if I pump extra hard, and then wait and pump more, I will definitely feel it, at this point my inflated penis is maxed out and angle is almost 2 o clock.

My understanding is that, it is just stretching on both ends.

Please keep us updated on what Dr Hakky advises.

Hey JJ- Thats what I'm thinking too. I feel like the more I cycle the more stretching happens, which hopefully will equate to less pain (and a bigger dick) after everything has been stretched. Just weird how in the beginning I felt really bad aching in my actual shaft, and now I don't feel much at all there but only in the perineum.

How long did it take for your perineum pain to go away? And did you feel it only when cycling or when not cycling as well?
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 12, 2023, 11:24:33 PMHow long did it take for your perineum pain to go away? And did you feel it only when cycling or when not cycling as well?

I felt it when cycling and just generally as well. It took about six months to subside, I still get it when I have an intense cycling session.

Keep in mind that I also had TEP done and developed prostatitis after my surgery, so these may have contributed.

I think you will be okay, just try and take it easy, your 2 weeks out and your body is still adapting.

You are also on the bigger side, so this could be why your experience is different to others, more tissue to stretch. Pre-implant I was 6.5 inches, pre-peyronies I was about 7.2 inches (approx), and post-implant I was somewhere around 5.5 inches, I also had lengthening (TEP) as well. so the tissue had a lot to stretch I am guessing. These factors could be why we feel pain in the perinium area with both sides stretching, we have a lot of stretching and expanding going on. I am also very lean as well.

Merrix also had pain in his perinium I believe, it subsided for him after 6 weeks if I recall correctly.

Dr Hakky usually advises against hyper-inflation (inflating to extreme pain), maybe try ease it down and work your way up. It's a marathon as StepOne says. I know you just want all your gains as soon as possible, but remember, some people make quick gains, other people continue gaining up to and over a year.

Hope this helps, let us know what Dr Hakky advises.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Day 15 update:

Yesterday was a big mile stone. Not only did I manage to survive all the traveling (walking maybe a mile through the airport, standing around for hours, having to sit in an actual chair, etc), but I was also able to meal prep all my food for 2 hours and do all my laundry last night. This was quite the feat for me seeing how I basically laid around in bed for 2 weeks. In retrospect, I think I should have slowly challenged myself to get out after the first week or so, so it was a gradual progression and not going from 0 to 100. But I survived!

I decided to go right back into my normal routine today if waking up at 5 am and going to the gym before work. It felt amazing. Don't get me wrong, I didn't manage to do much of anything in the gym besides lifting 5-10 lbs for a million reps, but just going through the motions of normal life helped SO MUCH. Felt great to get some blood flowing. Speaking of blood flow I'm starting tadalfil today as well again. Prob 5 mg a day. Hoping this helps get some blood back into my glans/spong.

For the first time, I feel like I am getting back to life. Couldn't be happier. I cycled last night for the second session, and I can absolutely tell my dick is already thicker. The last half of my shaft is far thicker than it was prior to surgery. I also noticed some of the links I referred to before are going away. Very minor little things but I can see improvement already.

Overall, very encouraging day yesterday!
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Unnecessary quote removed as it violates "rule 7. We can use the quote button only when we want to quote a small portion of another post - delete the part of the quote not needed."

Why are you thinking about taking Tadalafil?

How much girth did you gain after the implant?
27 year old.

Had multiple penile fractures.

Tried Verapamil injections, Pentoxifylline, Tadalafil, Vitamin E, heat therapy, Castor oil, L-Citrulline, Shilajit, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, Velvet beans.

Lost more than 6 inches.


To start getting some natural blood flow to my dick. Of course you get some, but I feel like that will "kick start" my natural erectile function in the spong/glans.

I have measured but maybe an inch at the part that narrowed before. The base is comparable to pre surgery. Currently it just looks different because there's no natural engorgement. If you inflate you dick and have zero natural engorgement, you won't see the normal round dick you're used to with the glans full of blood.

Cycling is definitely not enjoyable so being hard during that time absolutely doesn't equate to natural blood flow lol.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Congratulations again
One day at a time
Soaking in a whirlpool bath was good for me during my first month when I would pump.
I seem to remember drinking a beer and listening to NPR while my cock throbbed from me pumping.
The heat relaxed my ball sac and made deflation easier too.
I fuched the spouse on my 31st. day after my surgery.
It was pretty good and each time has gotten progressively better.
My cock was sore and the pleasure didn't get to amazing until maybe the 5th or 6th month....or it could have been longer.
You have progressed so far already, so just imagine where you will be at 6 months, 12 months, etc.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I'll be posting my erect pics closer to 2-3 months so I can show you all a *hopefully* insane transformation.

However, here is a flacid photo. While you'd think a 7 inch flacid would be hard to hide, thankfully it bends nicely at the base and lays flat.

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


It looks amazing
I can't believe it's been only 3 weeks.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


This guy went from a busted up penis with narrowing that made it look like a chewed up dog toy to a 7 inch flaccid monster dick.

Dr. Hakky really is a miracle maker.

Absolutely amazing. Enjoy your new "flag pole" Bro!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Quote from: Sonic on December 13, 2023, 07:53:58 PMThis guy went from a busted up penis with narrowing that made it look like a chewed up dog toy to a 7 inch flaccid monster dick.
Haha! I agree! That's one enviable log.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: IwillbeatPD on December 13, 2023, 09:09:17 AMI can absolutely tell my dick is already thicker. The last half of my shaft is far thicker than it was prior to surgery. I also noticed some of the links I referred to before are going away. Very minor little things but I can see improvement already.

Hopefully, you are keeping scientifically objective incremental measurements and not just subjective impressions.  Our emotions and attitude are so closely tied to our penis that objective measurements are all that count.

Your photo is amazing, however.  Congratulations and good luck with your progress.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks everyone! Definitely happy with how things are looking so far.

Day 16 update:

I've noticed, the more pumps I get, the better my dick looks. Assuming that's because the tubes are perfectly round and symmetrical and when it's max inflated it's stretching the tissues to adapt to that. SO MUCH PUMPING though!

I think I'm up to about 35-40 pumps. I'm sure I have a ways to go though also. I was reading through my surgical notes yesterday and it says I actually have 135cc of IV saline. From what I understand that's a lot, so I'm sure once I have fully stretched out I'll be pumping around 50+ times. However, I've read by many that it's more enjoyable for both you AND your partner to have sex at closer to 80-85% inflated. So when the time comes I won't be using that as an opportunity to max inflate-not trying to kill anyone lol.

But, maybe after sex I will pump up a few more times in the bathroom to get as much stretch as possible before deflating and cleaning up.

A couple things to note. I've realized kegels have some correlation with the pain I'm experiencing in the perineum area/balls. When I do a kegel is almost pauses or reduces the pain by maybe 50%. Also, when I do a kegel, where I feel it is at the exact location of the pain. No idea what that means, but I've been doing some kegel exercises incase that helps. Figured it can't hurt.

Also, since I can't take a bath while cycling until 4-6 weeks post op, I've found a real game changer. At home I have a heating bad that is perfectly sized to sit on so it goes between my legs right on my perineum area. I turn that on max heat, sit on it 5 min, then start cycling while I'm sitting on it. This significantly reduces pain. Even when I'm not cycling I've been applying heat. Heat increases blood flow, and blood heals damage. So I figured maybe this will promote faster healing. At a minimum, it eases the pain alot.

Lastly, I've been doing a variation of cycling. One day, 2 times a day for 15-20 min. And the next day, one time for 30 min. As time progresses I'll up the intensity. Don't want to push things too fast though as I'm making significant progress already with how many pumps I get.

As mentioned I'm back in the gym, went off day 2 this morning at 5 am after my coffee. Super light workout and walked around for a while. Feels great to get out.

Trying some new briefs I got today. I have been wearing Tommy John's to workout, but also got some Hanes and separatec briefs with a pouch for your sack too. Will try them and post an update soon on that.

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Day 17:

Okay, I've concluded cycling hard two times a day causes more pain. I mentioned before I was alternating between cycling 1, and then 2 times a day. Last night I did my second cycling session which was painful as usual, but the lingering pain after was an absolute killer. Tossing and turning all night basically, but prob also my fault for not taking pain meds.

I think it's exactly what I said, the cycling caused somewhat of a radiating nerve type pain near my perineum area. Has to be from the stretching. I've also concluded that pumping to 80% causes almost no pain. So when I do have sex for sure I'm not pumping to 100% because it would absolutely kill the pleasure lol. Couldn't even focus honestly with that level of pain.

But as I said, wow, so much pumping. Which I guess is expected with a large implant and reservoir. I counted to 45 pumps last night. Some could have been half assed pumps though.

Lastly, I'll add that the other problem with cycling twice a day is that you're squeezing/pinching your scrotum 2 times a day. 45 pumps x twice a day is almost 100 pinches on your sack. Obviously not helpful in reducing pain lol.

I'm playing it by ear though. Hakky did clearly say I should cycle ONE time per day, but in some cases he recommends two if it's a Peyronies situation. But he went back and forth so I concluded it's not a huge difference as long as you're consistently stretching the tissue. Definitely cycling just once today and will go for two again when things settle down. Maybe the second session I won't go for max inflate or add pumps in between.

I noticed this morning my reservoir site was sore, almost like the feeling of a sore muscle. Assuming this is from me being more active and just moving around more. Which is why I think it's probably beneficial to do active things that don't require lifitng anything heavy or straining. If you walk around hunched over you're going to heal that way, and then when you do stretch your core out it's going to hurt like hell. It's like any rehab essentially. This makes sense in my head anyway. So I'm going to keep doing some super light stretching, walking, etc.

Nothing else to report really other than I can absolutely tell I'm getting longer and thicker. The girth is the biggest change I think.

I have been taking 5mg of tadalafil a day. Just for kicks I watched some porn the other day to see what happened. I could feel some tingling and engorgement in my head. Definitely have all the feeling in my dick still. I honestly don't think I'll ever attempt sex until 2 months minimum. I'm not in a rush and would rather be fully healed. But I am doing some version of perito exercises to mimmick sex. Also I will prob get a flashlight or something after 4 weeks just to do some test runs. I really don't see the rush when people recover from surgery. I mean yeah I want to have sex, but after such a big surgery I will HAPPILY wait 2-3 months if it means sex is better when I try it and im fully healed. Not to mention, I'll hopefully be back to my normal size by 3 months with a better looking dick than I've ever had.

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Again, just to reiterate, after you are healed, you could squeeze your pump 300 times a day, and it would never rise to a level 1 pain.

Just curious, when you are counting pumps, are they wall-to-wall, meaning the interior opposite sides of the pump bulb touch each other?

I kind of agree with your conclusion not to rush into sex, especially since you are not in a long-term committed relationship.  Just for reference, however, I had intercourse on day 21.  It started out as a scientific experiment but ended up as fully satisfying sex that did a world of good physically and emotionally.

Point of consideration: Cycling once a day for twice as long out half of the wear and tear on your pump although the pump is typically not what fails on a Titan implant.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on December 15, 2023, 10:52:31 AMJust curious, when you are counting pumps, are they wall-to-wall, meaning the interior opposite sides of the pump bulb touch each other?

I try to do this, but because it hurts when I repeatedly squeeze my sack sometimes I don't think they're full complete wall to wall pumps. I might start doing one session a day for longer until
I can start baths at week 4!

Thankfully the pain from cycling last night has mostly gone away as of this afternoon. That was rough lol.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Day 18:

Okay guys, yesterday was probably the most discouraging day in this recovery journey so far. For one, it was the second night in a row I got almost no sleep from the constant throbbing in my sack. Just laying there not moving at all it was throbbing. Two, I must have irritated the area my reservoir was in because it was sore after being more active the other day, also, some swelling in that area. I felt around and it doesn't seem like there was any herniation, just sore and a little swelling. It must have been triggered easily because I didn't do much. I'm wondering if the stretching I was doing caused it somehow. Because I didn't attempt anything crazy or even lift anything super heavy. But I certainly was more active those two days and did some stretching with my arms up that could have pulled in that area?

As of tonight, I think I have some silver lining to write about. The reservoir area feels less sore and seems swelling has gone away some. Also, while laying in my bed last night in pain, staring at the ceiling, I had an epiphany about the pain. For the first time I considered that the pain I'm feeling is from pressing on the scrotum itself. This would make sense, because as mentioned the pain starts when cycling. The more I pump, the more it hurts. And the pain location is the back of the scrotum, which would explain why I thought it was the perineum. I think the pain just radiates so I feel it other places. This would also explain why it hurts just to stand up, because when I stand the pump rests in that area. After 24 hours of my last cycling, the pain is gone while laying down, and seems only present when standing up. So that's good, I can actually sleep tonight.

I think I'll skip cycling tonight and try tomorrow. This should let everything settle down in my sack, and should also be a good test to see how much better I feel not squeezing on my sack for a day.

I know people say you can move the pump around so you're always pressing in the same area. And while I can move it some, there's just not that much room. Once the swelling goes down (which is likely worse from all the pumping), I'm sure there will be plenty of room to move it around.

Really hoping for the reservoir site to return to normal again, and also hoping I can figure out a way to pump without causing extreme scrotum pain.

Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Just curious, was the incision above the penis or at the scrotum? If the latter, is the pump near it?

I've seen both techniques and mine will be at the scrotum.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: RexRG on December 16, 2023, 08:11:22 PMJust curious, was the incision above the penis or at the scrotum? If the latter, is the pump near it?

I've seen both techniques and mine will be at the scrotum.

Mine was in the scrotum, which is why this approach is supposed to take longer to heal than infrapubic. Because of the incision and all the work done through that area, it makes everything in the scrotum tender and swollen. I imagine it would be much less going infrapubic. But each approach has there pros and cons, and I'm ok with a longer healing time. Hakky said 6 weeks for scrotal and 4 weeks for infrapubic.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Where is the incision irt the area of your pump? Are you aggravating the wound by pumping? I find it hard to believe he'd have you constantly irritating the area near the incision. You're giving me questions for my surgeon now.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: RexRG on December 16, 2023, 08:52:05 PMWhere is the incision irt the area of your pump? Are you aggravating the wound by pumping? I find it hard to believe he'd have you constantly irritating the area near the incision. You're giving me questions for my surgeon now.

Definitely not pumping near the incision site. And that's the problem, because reduces the area I can pump in even more. I pump only in a certain area where I can move the pump to that's away from the incision.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G



You definitely need to reread some journals.
I looked back over mine, and I was still experiencing pain in my scrotum well into 65 days and longer.
Perhaps one day someone will write a "expectation guide" such as

Day 90 pre surgery, start stretching exercises for your penis by...  
Day 15 post surgery try to pump to maximum and hold as long as you can or a minimum of 15 minutes.
Day 45 post surgery at this point you should be pumped to full for 45 minutes daily
Day 60 post surgery you should start to feel a relaxing of the pump as it gradually and slightly loosens from your penis.
Day 90 post surgery pump daily and

Of course what I typed above is inaccurate, but I thought someone at one time was going to do something like this. Maybe there is?
Of course I know it would be only a guideline as every surgery is different,
But this could be very helpful for anyone having this surgery.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks Step. I knew these things going in but have to continuously remind myself along the way. This isn't a smooth and consistent path to recovery. Day 14,15,16 for me were some of my best and was feeling super positive. And day 17 and 18 were some of my worst. Lots of ups and downs but I have a feeling I'm about to turn the corner for the better. I had a real night of 9 hours of sleep last night, no pain. I feel like a new man. So today I'm going to do a test run of being super careful pumping. As slow as I need to and going to try to use a towel or something to see if that helps minimize pain pressing on the scrotum. Time will tell and I'll be very interested to see what happens. I imagine I'd be back to feeling most of the pain in my shaft like on day 4-7 if my theory is correct. As of this morning reservoir site is a lot better pain wise. Haven't evaluated swelling as still in bed but will look later and post when I update. I'm assuming swelling went down too.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Thats a beautiful looking dick man! Haha happy for you
I have a bananacrooked penis that Im trying to get solved. No pain, No ED, No only a big large curve that is bothering me alot. Have had it since I can remeber.

Life can be crap guys but remember. Everything passes.


Im trying to find the "banana" dick picutures you mentioned in my thread, can you tag me or send it? Gone through all post in here (I think)

Where you always this big? 7 inches flaccis is a joke man  ;D Good for you brother!
I have a bananacrooked penis that Im trying to get solved. No pain, No ED, No only a big large curve that is bothering me alot. Have had it since I can remeber.

Life can be crap guys but remember. Everything passes.


Quote from: Doktercoke on December 17, 2023, 11:41:49 AMIm trying to find the "banana" dick picutures you mentioned in my thread, can you tag me or send it? Gone through all post in here (I think)

Where you always this big? 7 inches flaccis is a joke man  ;D Good for you brother!

My fault, apparently the pre Peyronies pic is in another thread. Just my pre surgery photo is here. You can see the dick I had my whole life pre Peyronies at this link:


The curve is the one before Peyronies, straight and deformed dick is prior to surgery.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


I have a bananacrooked penis that Im trying to get solved. No pain, No ED, No only a big large curve that is bothering me alot. Have had it since I can remeber.

Life can be crap guys but remember. Everything passes.


Day 19 update:


After getting a full night of sleep with zero pain. Also, my reservoir site feels back to normal now pain wise. Swelling is basically completely gone. New day and feeling great.

I was going to cycle at night but decided to this morning instead when showering. I was very careful pumping and used a pair of boxers between my fingers to reduce the pressure on the scrotum. I pumped about 30 times to what seemed maybe 90% inflation. This time, instead of trying to get more pumps in every 3 minutes, I left it alone. Because of this, I was able to go 45 minutes (and could have gone longer) with minimal discomfort. Maybe 6/10 pain, which is a huge adjustment from the 11/10 pain im used to.

Perhaps I should have been less aggressive previously in trying to stretch, and eased into it more. My previous approach was prob great for trying to stretch, but not great for levels of pain during and after without meds.

I'm going to start shooting for one hour a day, trying to keep stretching pain below an 8. Otherwise I know I'll pay after for it being too intense.  

My evaluation after this cycling session:

During cycling 80% of the pain was in my shaft, 10% scrotum and 10% perineum. This is quite the difference as before it was like 80% scrotum/perineum.

As time has gone on I think I there are multiple factors happening here, it's not just one thing. I think the pinching of my sack amplifies the pain. Also max inflation and adding those final pumps really puts ALOT of additional strain on the tissue- making it brutal for the following 24 hours. And lastly, I do think a lot of the cycling pain is also from the rear tips pushing out as previously mentioned. This is what Hakky said as well. I was oversized at my request and was told up front cycling would hurt like hell. But if this results in a bigger dick, bring it on.

On the flip side, I've read some journals where people were undersized, and it makes alot of sense why you'd have less pain. Nothing is stretching.

Starting Monday I'll continue back with my routine at the gym. I'll quite literally be doing nothing there, but just the routine helps me. SOMETHING is better than nothing. But I've also decided I'm going to be very cautious even after 4-6 weeks. I know they say no restrictions after 6 weeks, but yeah, I'll pass on that. It'll prob be a few months before I even attempt a squat. Going to go nice and slow and gradually build up. I'm general it seems nice and slow, constant progression is the overall theme here. Anything to sudden and you're going to be in pain. Especially cycling-ease into it. I'll be doing one cycling session a day for now, going for an hour. Probably will do the first 45 at 90% and maybe take the last 15 minutes one additional pump at a time where I'm at my limit, without over doing it. I'm a strong guy so I can pump pretty hard. So
Max inflation for me might be 90% for someone else.

Thankful to feel the step forward today-it's refreshing after a step back.
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Day 20:

What an amazing day! Many accomplishments that I'm thankful for. For one, woke up at 5 am, did the whole routine of getting my daughter ready for school, dropped her off, went by the gym and did basically nothing, then worked all day. Pain was very minimal if any at all. I really just had to readjust my balls while sitting at my desk. I did a whopping 50 min cycling session this morning. 30 minutes at maybe 90%, and 95% the last 20.

After this, pain was still completely managaeable. I will note, for some reason I've noticed at night my dick just feels a little sore no matter what. But tonight, I decided to go for a second cycling session of just 15 minutes and it was pretty easy. I would have pushed it harder but don't want to get to the point of no return where it kills my sleep all night.

My flacid is actually very manageable if I FULLY deflate. The girth is significantly less and not as long. A lot of people who complain about the titan flacid, it makes me wonder if they're not fully deflated.

In other good news, I took my first official walk today. Maybe a full mile, with zero pain. It was amazing. I'm still testing different briefs but for now I've really like the Tommy John briefs. They fit more snug and the ball support is top notch. In real life, I'll probably end up wearing boxers around the house, and supportive briefs when I go out. Im also not worried at all about my dick showing. I can tuck it to the side and it's really not visible. I mean if someone starts putting their hand in my pocket of course they'll feel my dick lol, but we're men. I'm not ashamed of having a dick or if it shows just a little at time. Even before my surgery, you could see my dick in certain clothes.

I'm just one day away from 3 weeks now...and I am very happy with everything.

Update on my reservoir...felt a little pain after doing alot of moving this morning. Perhaps from sitting inside all weekend to let things settle. That quickly went away and now I feel nothing, and no swelling. I'm convinced the reservoir is comparable to a strained muscle. I'm sure as I become more active I'll feel it a little as the tissue and muscle stretches, but I expect that's normal. Certainly will be playing it safe though and taking things very slow.

Feeling grateful today!
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Day 21:

It's here! Officially 3 weeks post op. Everything still going great! I do have one update. This morning I decided to see if I could get myself hard for the first time. In a matter of 60 seconds I had full natural engorgement, and I swear I probably could have had sex just like that with only a few pumps and my natural erection. First time I've seen my glans swell up since surgery. But this accomplished two things. One, I know I have full sensitivity already, and two, I got to see what my engorged dick looks like with the implant not inflated.

Lately, I cycled this morning again for 50 minutes at almost 100%. Just for kicks I decided to repeat the same process. See if I could get hard while max inflated enduring the current cycling pain. And YES, that worked too. I didn't finish because I didn't know if it was bad too. I know EID says sex at 3 weeks is fine, so I can only image it's not a problem to gently use your hand if you're careful. But, I'll probably save that for week 4-5. What's crazy is how much engorgement I had without tadalfil. I skipped the last couple days. I can only imagine what I'd look like with the help of tadalafil, but at this point I don't think that's even necessary.

I looked at my dick when I was inflated and with natural engorgement, and wow! I was looking at it thinking that's a thick dick lol. Doesn't even feel like it's my dick. Remember I've had a banana type curve my whole life. So I can honestly say my dick looks better now that it ever has in my entire life-which is crazy. And this is week 3. I can't even imagine at 3-6 months out. Couldn't be happier!
Fit 37 year old athlete. Hinging and hourglass began Sep 2022. Tried VED, Restorex, tadalafil with no improvement. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan touch XXL 26 cm no RTE's. Pre op 8.25Lx 5ish G. Post implant: 8.25 L x 5.5 G


Part of the reason you are seeing such good engorgement is because of complete lack of playing around with your penis for so many weeks. Abstaining definitely helps too . Happy for you and remember not to rush , it's a marathon from what I've heard !
26 year old
45-50 degree downward curve with an indentation on one side when erect.
Using RestoreX and Xiaflex injections
Taking coq10 with daily Cialis 5mg.