Overpumped? My first time here

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Hi all,

I am 57 years old and have been a diabetic for 30+ years.  I also have Erectile Dysfunction due to my diabetes and on Viagra 50mg.

While the erection was alright with Viagra - it is not "rock hard"; but still enough to get the "job done".  Recently, I started using the vacuum pump (manual with no gauge) in an attempt to achieve a "rock hard" erection.  Initially, after a week or so, I could see that my erection was harder, then later it kind of went downhill. I was having an erection (after taking Viagra) and then suddenly it just went flaccid, dead.

Now, I am unable to even get an erection even with Viagra. Strangely, I do get a little sensation of blood rushing to my penis and get a tiny little swelling feeling but that's it - game over.  

I have stopped pumping ever since and hope that time will help to recover.  I hope that I have not done irreparable damage.

So I am reaching out to all out there to see if there is anyone who has any experience or knowledge who can share and advise.

Thanks for taking to time to read my post.

Age : 57
Status : Married
Medical Condition : Diabetic for 30 years with ED
Treatments : Viagra 50mg

My story : https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,19582.0.html


Welcome to the forum Yangwei and thank you for filling out your signature line. I am assuming that you have read our survival guide -->Survival Guide .

There are other members here who are diabetic and have dealt with erection difficulties hopefully you can find their postings. Viagra and similar drugs are the first line of treatment for that and do have a good success rate. In teh case of over pumping it is difficult to say if this is what has made your erections worse. If your pumping device doesn't have a gauge on it then you possibly have over pumped. I would give things a rest and see if in about 2 weeks things are better. Possibly try some gentle heat therapy to heal things up. You should read the forums advice for VED pumping and then go from there after the couple of weeks are over.

When an man gets to the point where erections are failing from treatments then you can look into getting an implant. This procedure needs to be done though by a qualified surgeon who does a lot of surgeries throughout the year. The first one who comes to mind is one of our forum Dr's - Dr Eid. He has an outstanding reputation as an implant surgeon and is highly skilled and knowledgeable. He is also a great guy. You need to read some of the forums implant journals to educate yourself.
:)  Mikel7
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Did you feel any sharp stabbing or pain? If you don't see bruising or blood marks then you may have not injured yourself that much, if at all.

Do you have a good seal on the VED?