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Hello my friends,

Hesitant to post this for a variety of reasons but wanted some input so putting on my brave face.

I am on day 6 of RestoreX. I have been using it 3ish times a day for 15-30 minutes per time. Once I learned to do it correctly (I think), it is very comfortable. Like, the stretch feels SO good and I look forward to that time/want to do it more. I might just be using it better, but stretch size has gained over half an inch while using device. I am also on 5mg of cialis daily.

Now my dumb question - is it possible RestoreX has been working already? From quick iPhone measuring tool on photos, my curve looks to be about 5-10 degrees less and my erection is much harder. Doctor (not a specialist) felt plaque like substance (one bump and maybe a band) on my penis where my curve is but referred me (have not yet seen urologist) but he did recommend traction and cialis (he knows the urology clinic apparently).

I am also on TRT for low T (tested in low 200s, been on it for about 6 months weekly, has made big difference). Since being on testosterone shots, sex leaves me more sore (maybe mild pain but usually not until after - during I think the pleasure cover it all) than normal because of my curve and wife's anatomy. Last night we had sex though (all in missionary, which isn't normal because of my curve and we like changing things up) and my penis felt bigger and straighter (also noticed by my wife). Could RestoreX be working already? Could ED be a bigger culprit than we thought and the cialis is what is making these changes? I measured this morning and curve is around 25-27 degrees and looks a bit less harsh/ sudden(compared to 30-40ish before). It's also harder/longer, which I felt like normally worsened the curve, but I could be wrong on that.

Any thoughts? Obviously going to keep using both RestoreX and Cialis but curious about what's actually going on since it seems WAY too fast for it to be working on peyronies/congenital curve (which doctor says I likely have both).

Let me know if you need more info. Picture of my penis from this morning with measurement on it that actually looks pretty normal?? Which is very strange to me. Unfortunately don't have a good before picture because I would instantly delete because I felt sad about them.

Trying to not get hopes up or assume more will happen, but hard not to get excited when sex went so well last night. Feel free to crush my dreams or tell me if doctor seemed incorrect with diagnosis haha
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Also should note - I don't really care about appearance, care more about functionality and pain/soreness after sex, etc. I'm happier with how it looks now but not primary motivation or anything. Post seemed more about appearance, but just easiest to use that as guide to me. But always happy to learn.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


RestoreX did in fact restore my length at some point during the first couple months of usage. As I didn't measure during that time, it could have been even less than two months. I believe sildenifil helped, as well as possibly VED.

You should see the urologist to get a proper diagnosis. It does look like a dent under your curve but it could be genetic since it sounds like it's been like this for a long time.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Definitely plan to go to urologist! My primary care doctor is supposed to be helping find me the right one since the one who worked with Petronius/congenital curve is no longer in the area.

What would a dent indicate? I'm very new to all of this and still learning.

Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


I'm no expert but the corpus cavernosum, which is responsible for the erection of the penis, is surrounded by the tunica albuginea: This is a dense fibrous sheath that surrounds each corpus cavernosum. It provides structural support and helps maintain the rigidity of the erectile tissue during an erection. Peyronies Disease happens when there's a fibrous plaque, or scarring, of the tunica albuginea which doesn't allow blood to expand that area during an erection. I'm not sure if the plaque extends into the corpora cavernosa but it seems affected as well.

So a dent and narrowing is caused by restricted blood flow to that area.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Don't worry about slight dents. May not mean anything. You are correct to focusing on functionality. Whether or not is due to the Restorex we can't prove. But there is high correlation between the fact your are using Restorex and now seeing some improvement. Be happy and enjoy the improvement.

And thanks for sharing this. Hopefully it provides hope for others.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thank you both! Got the names of a few urologist to see who can get me in the quickest! We will see what they say.

I will keep posting any updates too!
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Hey bro I'm super happy with you. So I have had pain when flaccid and erect for around 3 ish years do you think I can use the restorex? Or should I wait for the pain to go away ?
Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


I am not a medical professional and the only thing I know about penises is that I have one haha

Your signature says waiting for urologist - have you talked to any doctor? My primary care doctor was decently knowledgeable and told me traction is considered safe enough to do before seeing urologist but that I needed to see one. He was helpful, did a physical exam and said he felt some plaque, said it was fine to do traction and go in cialis until I could get into urologist. Might be a good first step!

I will say RestoreX is a ton of force. If you have pain flaccid, it might really hurt and directions say to stop with pain (saw somewhere Dr. Trost said that's true except in acute stage). I don't know if it's harmful or helpful, but maybe try some manual stretching with just your hand and see how it feels? If I grab beneath my glans, counter bend, then apply force, it's doing a very similar thing but way less force. I have zero pain except for post sex or with really strong erections, and even that is pretty mild all things considered.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Man, I hope you are improving!  I have a downward congenital curve myself, never been an issue.

Thinking more of functionality is a great state of mind.  I think I'm gonna think this way from now on.

I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes


It's not a *huge* issue, but I hate being so sore after sex and feel like it slips out so easily in most positions. I think a lot of it is likely my anatomy paired with my wife's. She has a short vagina (or something, idk haha) and my doctor explained how anatomically that makes sense that it would give me soreness with my shape. It also doesn't allow for positions like doggy very easily because it's way too deep and uncomfortable. Really hoping I don't get much length added because that may bring new issues. If restorex wants to give girth, I am willing though haha that's where I feel I'm lacking. But my partner is happy, I'm just a dumb insecure dude.

Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Quote from: nevertheless on July 06, 2023, 12:03:41 AMIt's not a *huge* issue, but I hate being so sore after sex and feel like it slips out so easily in most positions. I think a lot of it is likely my anatomy paired with my wife's. She has a short vagina (or something, idk haha) and my doctor explained how anatomically that makes sense that it would give me soreness with my shape. It also doesn't allow for positions like doggy very easily because it's way too deep and uncomfortable. Really hoping I don't get much length added because that may bring new issues. If restorex wants to give girth, I am willing though haha that's where I feel I'm lacking. But my partner is happy, I'm just a dumb insecure dude.

Maybe you should get a doppler done?  Get an official diagnosis when you see a uro.
I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes


The first urologist I saw didn't even bother looking at the ultrasound, saying "Why did your physician order that?"  But he also admitted he didn't even treat Peyronies Disease (months later).

My advice is to get someone who at least can recognize and advise what to do if it even IS Peyronies Disease.

My observation in your case is that you're fine for now. The bend isn't bad right now and a little creative thinking can make sex great. IMO
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


I have an appointment at the end of the month! Did a bunch of research and he seems like really the only local person that specializes in peyronies at all. I also asked their organization who I should see for possible peyronies/curvature and two people said his name and added "without a doubt he's the best" so we will see what happens!

Right now it definitely is fine. Just worried about it getting worse or there being something that could be helped with at least establishing base line care and caring better for my penis.

Sorry for too much information, but we just had sex and had a wonderful time. Not sure if cialis or restorex but every position even worked better than normal. But I'm SO sore right now I just went and got some ice from our freezer to minimize the continued soreness tomorrow. Would love to figure a way to lessen that.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


It's probably a bit off-topic but I've always had more soreness with each sex session in a 24hr period. By the forth session (rare for me) the pleasure and soreness balance is about equal. That was wayyy before Peyronies Disease.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


If I have sex twice a week, I am on cloud 9! Four times in 24 hours has me feeling more sore just thinking about it!

We are also about out of little kid phase (in a few years I guess), so maybe my numbers will climb back up to when we were in our early 20s!
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


When I say rare I mean it was some time back, around your age. Lately it's more once a day, at best. But now TRT and Viagra and a willing partner helps a bunch - not to mention not getting on a head trip about this damn condition.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Let me correct that. I was down once or twice a month in my thirties because we were raising kids. Big wet blanket for sex. At least with a partner. Solo was another story. Always is.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


I had Covid really badly almost 3 years ago and got myocarditis from it; which resulted in testosterone tanking and some other weird side effects. So my sex drive was waaaaaay down. I thought it was just exhaustion from having three kids. Since starting treatment about 6 months ago, it's way up and thankfully our lifestyles/home life are able to handle that a little more.

All that to say, maybe a blessing in disguise! Haha TRT and cialis make me feel better sexually than I ever have before since I'm also just so much more confident now.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


I was diagnosed with low-T about 16 years ago but only last year got the proper dosage (0.75 mL/wk injections from my wife) and have been back to a 20-something's libido. Yeah, sildenifil has also been a godsend.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Nice. I'm doing 100ml once a week and feels like a sweet spot. Getting new labs drawn in a few weeks so we will see where I am. Was on 100 every other week but levels were still way low. But they can't find any other reason. I am about 15 lbs heavier than I would like to be but doc said that shouldn't be enough, so wondering if it's a long Covid thing or something. Who knows. I do need to work out more but I'm decently active - just hard to find time to go to gym with little kiddos/work/friends/etc.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


100mL? That's a lot. Maybe 1000mg? At 0.75 mL I'm filling about 3/8" into the syringe.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Ope, meant to type 1.00ml!


Should also note I was on a zero exercise restriction for a year because my heart was inflamed and resting heart rate was like 145bpm for a few months. Was a solid 1.5 years before I felt pretty normal.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Sheesh! You've had your share of medical problems at your age. Hope the heart's good now.

I started using Androgel over ten years ago, but insurance stopped covering it so I just stopped using it. After a year or so I was at the lowest point ever. Started up with 1000mg/2wk injections but still wasn't good until the endocrinologist upped it to 750mg/wk. Red cell count is high but I give blood to Red Cross as much as possible. My arm and leg and penile veins are visibly larger, I think due to TRT, and I hope that's not a bad thing.

Peyronies Disease is tough enough, but adding TRT and other physical and emotional issues can really strain a guy.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


I've been on TRT for almost 20 years and the usual starting dosage is 100 mg per week by IM injection.  The standard bottles are 200mg per 1 ML.  So 1/2 of an ML is 100mg. I've tried every form of TRT and injections are the best way for me. It is not perfect with the high hematocrit and watching your E2 but it is better than without it. :)
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


I get confused about that conversion all the time. My endocrinologist said to self-inject IM 0.5mL initially, then to up that to 600mg, then to go up to 0.75mL. Very confusing. But it's easy to just move the decimal point left or right. 0.75mL is 750mg, 0.5mL is 500mg.

I think  :)
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Okay, I'm wrong. My pharmacist daughter corrected me. I was converting liquid to weight. At 200mg/ml, my 0.75mL (syringe) is 150mg.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: RexRG on July 16, 2023, 09:03:10 AMSheesh! You've had your share of medical problems at your age. Hope the heart's good now.

All is good with my heart! All things considered -  I consider myself fairly healthy. Have never been on regular medication until trt and now cialis. Some things are just out of your control.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


Could have been worse. You could have not been diagnosed for another 20 years.

With Trt (and a perfectly normal member) you're good to go. Rent a cabin for the weekend and celebrate with the missus.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: RexRG on July 16, 2023, 04:38:09 PMOkay, I'm wrong. My pharmacist daughter corrected me. I was converting liquid to weight. At 200mg/ml, my 0.75mL (syringe) is 150mg.

This sounds reasonable. I about passed out when I thought you were injecting 1000 mg a week. You should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  :D
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)


Pretty sure improvement is still continuing. It's hard to measure and obviously depends on strength of erection and everything. But I think it's down to around 20 degrees, which is about 15 less than the time I measured before starting RestoreX and Cialis.

Curious if going off Cialis would bring any of the curve back but gonna keep on it until at least the 12 weeks are up and then can test some stuff out. Urology appointment next week.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


There is definite improvement on first and second pic compared. Keep going. You seem to be a lucky case of a good responder to your treatment protocol.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Quote from: Mikel7 on July 17, 2023, 05:49:59 AMThis sounds reasonable. I about passed out when I thought you were injecting 1000 mg a week. You should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  :D
Honestly Mikel, my veins are massive compared to before TRT. The free testosterone is above normal and my pharmacist daughter says it's probably all due to TRT. I look a little like Arnold that way. The arms and legs and penis are bulging.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi


Quote from: Sonic on July 17, 2023, 03:07:44 PMThere is definite improvement on first and second pic compared. Keep going. You seem to be a lucky case of a good responder to your treatment protocol.

Thanks! Definitely planning on keeping going. Picture was like 16 days after starting I think so surprised I'm seeing results so quickly. I think both length and girth have increased too, which wasn't a goal but is an added bonus I guess.

Quote from: RexRG on July 17, 2023, 10:13:20 PMHonestly Mikel, my veins are massive compared to before TRT. The free testosterone is above normal and my pharmacist daughter says it's probably all due to TRT. I look a little like Arnold that way. The arms and legs and penis are bulging.

My penis veins are also bulging, especially big one on top. Thought maybe it was from RestoreX since I didn't notice them before and the vein on top stretches during use, but maybe it's TRY, that, and cialis.
Early 30s. Downward curve for as long as I can remember. Peyronies from injury as teen. Started restorex/cialis June 30, 2023, seeing fantastic results.


I noticed the arms first, then the dorsal vein on the penis had grown. Thought it was the Peyronies Disease. But more recently even my inner thighs have 1/4"-3/8" thick veins popping out. Lots stretching over the shin bone also. I mean, it's cool, but a little bit concerning too. Maybe red cell volume.
68, diabetic, retired
20cm 1cm RTE Coloplast Titan 1/30/24 Faysal Yafi