Congenital Curve or Peyronies?

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Hey guys so I've always had a left upward curve but over the last years or two it seems it's becoming more pronounced. With hour-glassing and sometimes buckleing when flaccid.

Note the 1st photo the lis the oldest it's from when my symptoms began around a 1 year and 7 months ago. The other 3 belo it are the most recent. I would appreciate everyone's input.

 Could this be Peyronies?

Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


On the all the pics there doesn't seem to be any difference in curvature at all but I do notice on the flaccid pic there is a dent on the left side of the shaft. This could be some scarring that prevents that area from expanding or it could be pelvic floor related. I do not notice any hourglassing here, hourglassing is when the dick is pinched on both sides making it narrow out like the shape of an hourglass, another word for this is ''bottle necking''

Your right side looks normal in the flaccid pic whereas the left side is pinched, this is a dent. However to me, it looks like upon full erection this ''dent'' seems to be filling out prett much completely? You can aswer this better, than me as I can only see pics and you can see it in real life but when you are fully erect, does your left side feel like it doesn't fill out like the rest of the penis? Or does it fill out and look the same as it always has done?

Flaccid pain rarely indicates Peyronies and rather points towards something like hard flaccid.

In my opinion self diagnosing Peyronies is relatively easy. If you have had pretty much a very straight dick your whole life and all of a sudden it started to bend or curve sharply then it is most likely Peyronies. You stated you have always had a congenital left curve. It may simply be this, but your mind is playing tricks on you thinking you have Peyronies which have sent you into a negative feedback loop and in turn caused hard flaccid.

If you do not know what hard flaccid is, hallmark symptoms are:

● dents/hourglassing while semi erect/flaccid.

● Flaccid pain

● Colder/retracted penis while flaccid, (turtling)

● Curvature/deformities when semi erect that fills out upon complete erection

Erectile Dysfunction

● Harder to get and maintain erection

Hope this helps.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Hey bro I'm having a hard time being able to tell if my curving while erect changed that much from 2 years ago or not.

I feel like it may be curving left slightly more but I can't find any good pics from 2 years ago.

 I think you might be right hopefully this is just hard flaccid.

Do you think it's possible for me to have been having this pain while flaccid due to my natural /congenital curvature  ?

Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


Hey so I've been in a little bit of denial.

When I feel in the area where I get flaccid pain it feels like a basketball if that makes sense. It's a tiny spot of the penis that feels very firm compared to the spongy soft feeling of the rest of it. Could this be a plaque because it's right where my pain is at ? Or are some spots of the penis just harder than other places ?
Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place


Best way to confirm that is have an ultrasound made on that spot.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


I've seen a lot of pictures that men have sent me over the years. Your curve I would consider very slight and it presents like it is a congenial curve and is not peyronies. In my opinion I do not see any evidence of Peyronies disease.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I'm praying to god it is.

But I've noticed narrowing at the base and girth and the length are a little bit smaller from a few years ago. I think I may have always had a congenital curve idk if that makes me more susceptible to peyronies. I can feel a hard spot where the pain is idk if it's a plaque. But in seeing a uro soon so.
Untreated Penis Fracture in 2018 or 2019 
Soft Erections Unusable for Sex + Soft glans
22 YO constant flaccid & erect pain for 4 Yrs
Issues with frequent Urination + emptying bladder
Upper left curve \ hard area on penis where trauma took place