Re: New member- scared of the future with Peyronies

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Dr. David Peters in Bethpage at NYU Langone Health  He's not just a urulogist.  He Specializes in peyronies.  5 degrees is obviously very small but he would probably prescribe cialis and pentox for you.  Good luck
41 M
20 degree curvature to the left
Diagnosed Aug 2022
Also have BPH (I think finasteride caused my Peronies)
Currently on 2.5mg cialis  and 400mg of Pentox (twice a day)
Started Restorex on 11/17/22


Seems to me that many in here - myself included are suffering from stress, with symptoms that could be stress-related. They go to the urologist, get a Peyronies Disease diagnosis (when there is no real certainly or diagnostic test) then get really stressed)anxious/depressed. According to people that I consider experts, flaccid pain is rare in Peyronies Disease and flaccid deformity mostly not associated with the condition. Does the hard thing on the left base correlate with the curve which should then I believe be basal and to the left?
No deformity or ED. Discomfort (which is improving gradually). Months of stress preceded symptoms. Discomfort can be palpated on practically the whole penis but it comes and goes. I can't find plaque. Latest urologist doubts that it is Peyronies Disease.


I agree about flaccid pain and flaccid deformity not being associated with peyronies.   For myself the plaque is on the left and I bend to the left.  Though I have one plaque now almost where the shaft meets the head but no upward bend.   Yeah sometimes the psychological factor is worse.  My dr said anything under 30 degrees is fine for sex and he wouldn't do any treatment. (other than cialis and pentox)
41 M
20 degree curvature to the left
Diagnosed Aug 2022
Also have BPH (I think finasteride caused my Peronies)
Currently on 2.5mg cialis  and 400mg of Pentox (twice a day)
Started Restorex on 11/17/22


I agree on the stress. 8 days after the doctor told me it is Peyronies I actually started to feel pain while flaccid and actually experienced less erections. Maybe I did something to make it worse I did masturbate once during that time .. but idk . Now it hurts and I have less erections. This is the craziest thing ever. But I appreciate all of the support and I have a dr appointment with your recommendations thanks
44 years old
10 degree curve left, plaque small in middle of base of shaft (confirmed by ultrasound)
Symptoms started March 2022
Taking vitamin e.. started cialis 2.5mg but had a lot of side effects so stopped
Erections at night. Limited during day


I wouldn't worry about it. Five degree curve is nothing. You're not 20 anymore. Your doctor ruled out physical causes for less erections. Take cialis everyday and you'll get morning wood and erections when you need them.
57 yrs old.
Pre-Trost treatment, 110 composite curve (75 up, 35 left)
Post-Trost xiaflex treatment, 0-15 degree curve.


Flaccid pain is certainly not indicative of peyronie's.

If you started to experience flaccid pain after seeing the uro, which made you stressed and highly anxious, which then in turn has worsened your erections, I would strongly suggest it would be psychological, or equally likely issues with your pelvic floor, which can again be highly aggravated by stress and anxiety.

I also have to ask, and I don't mean to belittle it, but a 5 degree curve? Are you sure that's new? Like was your penis always 100% straight or is it possible you just never noticed a slight congenital curve before? I feel like 5degrees is so slight you might not even have noticed it unless you were obsessing over your penis suddenly and looking at it constantly like I imagine you have been recently?

Just playing devil's advocate mostly but might be worth food for thought.
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


Thanks for your comments. I agree this is a psychological component and I do have two different doctors appointments next week. But my penis has changed.. when it's flaccid or does hurt it leans to the left a lot it never didn't that before. When i starts to get hard it's leaning to the left. When it is hard is pretty much straight but a 5 degree lean to the left.  Hopefully I get more answers but I also I'm preparing for a different sexual future.

44 years old
10 degree curve left, plaque small in middle of base of shaft (confirmed by ultrasound)
Symptoms started March 2022
Taking vitamin e.. started cialis 2.5mg but had a lot of side effects so stopped
Erections at night. Limited during day


Flaccid pain is not indicative of peyronies?

I spent the first 3 or 4 months of this condition with flaccid pain at the first lump location as my only symtom, pain which has lessened to almost non-existent but still comes on in waves every couple of days. I also have flaccid deformity at the location of my lumps/plaques. The progression from a lump and flaccid ache to a full left hand hinge and indent came over the next 2 or 3 months.

The lump has progressed to 3 lumps, one of which still causes pain on erection.

How can anyone say flaccid pain is not indicative of peyronies?
35. No injury. Lump Feb 22.
Pain, dent, left & upward bend ~50deg. Bad EQ.
Cialis Dac 22 - ear issues.
Diagnosed Feb 23.
VED Oct 22. PMP Feb 23.
Lump reduced May 23, dent remains, angle a little better. EQ improved.

Supportive partner, depression.


I agree I think pain may come in many different forms - flaccid and/or erections.. it's just your body trying to deal. I do have a few questions for you. (1) what exactly is a hinge ? Is that like it leaning more left or is that like a specific curve? And (2) how has your sex life been? Or you still able to get erection and have sex and masturbate or is that changed dramatically?
44 years old
10 degree curve left, plaque small in middle of base of shaft (confirmed by ultrasound)
Symptoms started March 2022
Taking vitamin e.. started cialis 2.5mg but had a lot of side effects so stopped
Erections at night. Limited during day


Quote from: thegreycat on December 09, 2022, 08:50:24 AM
Flaccid pain is not indicative of peyronies?

I spent the first 3 or 4 months of this condition with flaccid pain at the first lump location as my only symtom, pain which has lessened to almost non-existent but still comes on in waves every couple of days. I also have flaccid deformity at the location of my lumps/plaques. The progression from a lump and flaccid ache to a full left hand hinge and indent came over the next 2 or 3 months.

The lump has progressed to 3 lumps, one of which still causes pain on erection.

How can anyone say flaccid pain is not indicative of peyronies?

Okay I'll rephrase this - it typically isn't listed as a major symptom of peyronie's according to urologists. Erect pain is the gold standard in terms of pain when diagnosing peyronie's.

I too have flaccid pain, and a whole load of other problems like urethra pain/sensitivity and needing to piss every 5 minutes, but all urologists I've seen don't think these are linked to peyronie's.

I'm not saying flaccid pain can't be a sign of peyronie's, just that typically, medically speaking, it isn't, and our boy in this thread should certainly get a second opinion.

Hope that clears up any confusion in my statement 👍
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage