T.E.P (tunica expansion mesh procedure) and implant journal

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Happy to report that I cycled today and everything went smoothly. I was worried about deflating, but I just squeezed the valve slightly harder than normal and everything deflated as per usual. Really not sure what happened before, seems like the valve was stuck or something and needed to be squeezed very hard to unlock.

Also, very happy to report that I pumped to about 90% and checked my natural engorgement, when engorged, the penis is round and the girth is very impressive.

One question I do have is, is it necessary to pump up to excruciating pain when cycling? I pump up to the point where it feels like the tips are going to burst out of the glans. Then I leave it for 1 hour (twice a day), as painful as this is, I am just putting up with it. Is this necessary? will pumping up to just some discomfort do?

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Man! Happy that it turned out to be nothing, but I can imagine the stress you have. As for the cycling, that's what everybody and every website says. Soldier through the pain at least for 6 months. But you may see growth up to a year.  


Update 7 weeks

I think this will be my last update for a while.

This journey has been tough, I will write some things in detail below.


I received a lot of criticism on FT for choosing to be circumcised. For anyone considering this procedure in the future, remember that, there are different types of circumcisions. Each cut may produce a different result, and different sensitivity. It's impractical to compare someone who was circumcised at birth, as an adult due to hygiene/aesthetics, due to infections (ballantis etc), due to stuck forekin etc. Each cut will be different and can result in a different outcome.

I asked my surgeon to keep as much foreskin as possible, which I believe he did. The only other journal I have found who went through this procedure, is Tortao. Tortao states that, over time, sensitivity is returned, and sex is just as pleasurable as before.

So, if you receive criticism for choosing this procedure and getting circumcised, just remember, the circumcision you go through, may not even be the same cut as other circumcised males.

I did a lot of research and asked a lot of people. Most say that sex is the same just different, some say there's less sensitivity, of course handjobs and masturbating is different. It was only a small number of cases who absolutely hated their decision, and most of these were the result of a botched circumcision.

You can get the TEP without circumcision.

TEP without circumcision

In this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision just above the scrotum and turn the penis inside out, he will be able to perform TEP along 3/4 of the penis. This will not require a circumcision, however, the doctor will not be able to perform TEP throughout the entire shaft. So, it is more likely that there will be better length/girth restoration when circumcised and the entire penis is degloved.

I chose the circumcised method and I am glad I did as the surgeon stated that there was narrowing in my penis all the way up to the glans. The surgeon was able to rectify this with incisions to the tunica, had I chosen the inverted TEP, he would not have been able to see that far up the penis. I am now 7 weeks from surgery and am already 6 inches bone pressed (6.5 pre-surgery) and my girth is better than pre-peyronies. I attribute this to having a titan, as well as the doctor performing length/girth restoration incisions in the tunica (TEP).


Cycling was tough at first. I got ahead of myself and started doing long sessions very early, I do not recommend this!

Because I started cycling late, at about 5 weeks post op, I would endure long sessions (45m to 1hr) and I would pump to excruciating pain, twice a day. I think it's important to work your way up to this. Start with 1 x 10m, then each week, gradually increase.

Today, I cycled for 1 hour, I then decided to do my second session just 30m later. This was a mistake, it resulted in a lot of pain.

So, remember to keep some time before sessions and gradually work your way up to longer sessions. It does get easier and less painful.


The pain of this procedure was not too bad. It was not until I was deflated and started cycling that I actually feel like the pain was an inconvenience. TEP does require a longer recovery. I would say, the pain is bad, but with the nerve blockers and pain killers they give you, it is definitely bearable.

I have pain now, 7 weeks out. I am assuming that this is the body still recovering from TEP. I have pain when flaccid along the shaft, mostly where my peyronies dents were. I also get pain in the scrotum and in the perinium area. Also, some burning sensation.

All I can do is wait this out for now.


I had no idea what auto-inflation was until Pfract brought it to my attention. I was inflated for 5 weeks, I should have been deflated at least partially on week 3, however, my surgeon and nurse went on holiday. I have been worried that the reservoir will heal without the full amount of saline in it, resulting in a partially inflated flaccid as the reservoir will not be able to accommodate the full amount of saline when deflating. I have been able to deflate. I do seem to get some auto-inflation, I know this as my flaccid is not wrinkly and the cylinders cannot be easily felt. I think this is common with titans as it is and from what I have read, leaving the flaccid partially inflated, does not cause any harm.

In saying this, this is a real risk that people should be aware of. If I was aware of it, I would have ensured I saw another doctor and was partially deflated at the correct time.


My sensitivity is slowly coming back. I am definitely less sensitive. This is expected considering I was circumcised, I think the surgeon may have used a graft as well, TEP also requires moving of the neurovascular bundle which results in some numbness. User Tortao gained back all his sensitivity with this procedure. I believe I will too as time goes on. I can definitely say that each week I do feel more sensations.

I have read studies on vitamin B12 and Acetyl L Carnitine which promote nerve regeneration. I have been taking a moderate dose of these.


The stitch which was not dissolving, has finally 90% dissolved. Something to remember as well, if a stitch does not dissolve within 8 weeks, it can pose a risk of infection etc.

Deflate issue

Not sure what happened the other day. After 9 days of successfully deflating while cycling, my deflate valve was kind of stuck. I had an erection which would not deflate. I managed to fix this by squeezing the deflate valve extremely hard, instantly, the penis went soft and started deflating. I then squeezed the penis and deflate valve and deflated as I normally would.

My guess is that the valve was stuck perhaps. If this ever happens, just remember, squeezing the deflate valve really hard may help, squeezing the deflate valve and pump at the same time may also help.


Pre-peyronies I was around 7-7.2 inches BP. Pre-surgery I was 6.5 inches BP. When I started cycling, I was 5.8 inches. I just measured today and after 11 days of cycling I am 6 inches BP (pic attached). My girth is impressive, it is girthier than my pre-peyronies penis. As stated above, I attribute this to TEP and having a titan.


My major dents from peyronies are prominent when flaccid. They are nowhere near as bad. They seem to be filling. When I cycle and my penis is inflated, the dents seem to fill. This seems to be improving with each session. It would be great if the dents filled completely when erect and flaccid.


When inflating, the penis is very oval. However, if I try to get naturally engorged, it does become round. It is difficult to get engorged or even think about sex atm considering the pain.

Just know that, you may start with an oval penis, this will improve with time and with engorgement.


I was disappointed that, from day 2, my titan OTR started squeaking when pumping. This is suppose to be common with the Titan classic. After talking to Hawk, he advised that, pumping slowly or doing half-pumps will result in a lot less of a 'squeak'. I tried this and it is true. If I pump slowly or half pump, the device does not squeak. I also think that over time as everything breaks in and softens it may get better.

Getting used to the implant

When I had my natural penis, it was difficult to imagine getting an erection through a pump and an inflatable device. 7 weeks post op, I have barely done much, but my body is slowly getting used to it. I can now pump and deflate a lot easier. When I inflate the device, it does seem just as good as a natural erection. Mentally, I feel that, sex may be different, but just as enjoyable.

Thoughts on TEP

User Tortao states that, if he had the choice to have just an implant done by Dr Eid or go through the TEP, he would choose an implant with Dr Eid. I half agree with him. I think if your narrowing and length loss isn't too bad, just the implant from a high volume surgeon should suffice. I think age and marital status can play a factor in deciding this.

In my case, I chose TEP as I wanted to restore as much length/girth as possible. Bein 34, single, I think TEP was the best decision for me. You can already see from the pics, I am only 11 days into cycling, have already gained to close to my pre-op length, and my girth is better than pre-peyronies.

The recovery is tough, there are higher risks, but I do believe it is worth it.

High volume surgeons in Australia

In Australia, we are really limited in choice for high volume surgeons. If I had the money, I would have flown to the U.S and seen one of the best. I paid 15k out of pocket for my surgery, with probably Australia's best surgeon, he has over 30 years experience. I believe he is the only surgeon in Australia offering TEP.

Last thoughts

My advice to anyone considering this in the future is to be prepared. Weigh up how bad your peyronies is. If it's causing you serious mental health issues, if you cannot have sex at all, then it is probably time for an implant. I know this decision is a lot more difficult for younger guys to make. We have to consider the multiple revisions, extra risk of infections, the pool of women we are dealing with who are not all familiar or as accepting when it comes to an unnatural erection. Some of these factors can influence your decision in whether to get the implant or wait, especially if you can still have sex with your current penis.  

I believe that, if you have severe deformity/Erectile Dysfunction and cannot have sex, you must accept in your mind that you no longer want to live with peyronies or a dysfunctional sex life. Then, you must accept whatever outcome the implant brings, and you are ready for surgery.

I was prepared to come out of the operation with a 5inch penis with loss of girth, I was also prepared for the event that an infection occurred or something went wrong. I accepted any/every outcome. I think this is the true indicator that one is ready to be implanted and will have no regrets.

My mental state

I feel grateful, and happy. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. In the past, my peyronies would get me down, there were constant reminders, feelings of not being adequate, pain etc. The fact that I could not have sex at all, was like a dark cloud over me.

Today, I feel good, I am happy. I am talking to girls, I have no worries that I would not be able to have sex, or that sex will result in further injury.

I feel like this newfound happiness is exactly what I needed. Being happy and successful with overcoming peyronies, I am now able to focus my energy and prosper in other areas of life.

Final words

I would like to thank Hawk, StepOne, Pfract, Monty and OldMan (not sure if OldMan is still around). These guys really helped me on my journey, prayed for me, checked in every now and then, and gave me some solid advice.

Don't let your condition get you down, there is so much more to life, try the therapies, stay positive, and remember that there is hope out there and it does get better!

Wishing you all the best.


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).



That was yet another great post.  I am beyond happy for you.

A couple of quick comments.  I read your dilemma with the pump.  I cannot be certain what is going on but do not be too concerned.  There are times when the pump can act in a non typical fashion, especially when new.  For starters, I could NEVER get the rerelease valve to set in deflate mode and I have very good grip strength.  Some men never get that to work.  they always just depress and hold the valve with one hand and squeeze their penis with the other hand.

I know your problem might have been a little different but I have even on a few occasions not been able to pump up.  Every pump was as hard as the first pump required to reset the valve and little fluid would pump.  Like you I was a little panicked that my pump was shot.  I just alternated a pump then pressed the valve, alternating back and forth a few times and it was fine.  Coloplast actually has a document on trouble-shooting the pump.  It is on  their site and I am certain it is here on the forum but I would have to search to find it.

I am looking forward to more updates, at least on a weekly basis.  Don't have so much fun with your implant that you forget to check in :)

PS: I added your journal to the Implant board index so it will never get burred.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Congratulations on your journey jj21. Thanks for the detailed journal. Extremely useful for all of us.
It was a tough journey, but you made it through.
I hope you can have a happy, peaceful and worry-free sex life.
God bless
41 yo, married. Onset on 07/20. Flare up on 07/21. Brand new flare up 01/23. Indentations and hourglass. It still hurts sometimes; No erectile dysfunction. Taking Pentox, Cialis, Supplements, trying diets, fasting, VED and manual traction.
God bless


Congrats JJ! Glad you're healing up well and happy. Enjoy the new freedom of the mind and enjoy the new machine haha...

29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


Jj! Loved your last update. I am hoping even more good things come your way as you put this behind and finally start having sex again.

Please update us when you do. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your ordeal in such great details and for sharing so many pictures. Gives a totally different perspective and reassures others who may be thinking about it. Glad I could offer encouragement. Thanks for the shoutout.  


Anyone able to tell me if this is this a kink in my flaccid titan? It seems to hurt there and cause issues when sleeping towards the side.

This is only prevalent when flaccid.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


If you can fully inflate and deflate, you don't have a kink. And it is very unlikely that you would develop a kink if you didn't have one when it was initially installed.

It is, however, almost certain that you will have dog ears, meaning sharp corners just like you would have if you flattened a water bottle and folded it in half. Two things will happen over time. First, the cylinders will naturally soften.  Next, because they are Hydrophilic they actually absorb body fat, which binds to the cylinders, making them softer.  They will gradually soften for well over a year.  

I developed a habit when I was laying in bed of squeezing the points of those dog ears together from each side.  I think this softens the cylinders up at that point. I don't have any research to prove that.  It is just my opinion. I squeezed them a 100 times a minute probably for a couple minutes off and on.

PS: JJ, I deleted the duplicate post in the other topic which was completely unnecessary. The post should be in your journal as it currently is. Making duplicate posts is a violation of Forum rules and we can't make exceptions. If we did, the form would be a total mess.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk,

What can I expect over the future in regards to these dog ears? Will they eventually take normal shape?

Atm, it is very painful and uncomfortable, if I lean to one side it causes pressure on the dog ear, which causes pain and discomfort.

I was actually thinking that this was the result of one of my peyronies dents not being filled completely as it is in the exact same area.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Dogears are usually, at the most, a little annoying until you are healed.  As you know, with a TEP, that will be a much longer period than with a standard implant procedure.  All you can do is work around it by positioning yourself at the most comfortable angle.  It is very individual, and you can try anything that is not harmful, like maybe wrapping a couple of wraps of Coban around that area to hold yourself straight, etc.  You can put in a few pumps to fill the tubes a little, but that is not advised 24/7  Your reservoir needs to be COMPLETELY full for several hours a day to stretch out the scar capsule that will surround it.  Also, staying partially pumped 24/7 can contribute to erosion, although that is not common.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hang in there JJ thank you for the updated posts. You're doing good man soon this will all be behind you I know you are still in the healing process. Fingers crossed for you bro 🤞 I'm sure it will turn out just fine.

@hawk how low to the base do the dog ears usually sit? just curious

28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Guessing where dogears will form is like sitting an empty water bottle on a table without the cap, then pushing down on it from the top and guessing where it will buckle.  Titan cylinders only slightly expand and contract lengthwise. If they are long enough for your erect penis, when your penis contracts on empty cylinders, there is no option.  They have to bend.  If they are new and stiff, that means dogears somewhere.  Each cylinder could bend at different points.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It's been a week since my last update, and almost 8 weeks post surgery. I have had ups and downs which I will explain below.


I am very happy and grateful for the way my penis is going size wise. Today, before cycling, I pumped to about 90%, I tried to get engorged, and it worked. My girth is very impressive and much girthier than pre-peyronies, so, girthier than ever! I need to invest in a tape measure so I can measure for you guys, and also to track if the girth improves over time. Lengthwise, I have not measured, I estimate it's the same as my last update, I think there is an extra half inch length when engorged. The glans swell and the penis becomes round when engorged. Without engorgement, the glans is a little smaller, and the shape of the shaft is very oval and flat. It is difficult to stay engorged as I am still in pain and sensitivity is still down.

I am very happy with the girth, I will invest in a tape measure and measure it soon. I do attribute this to TEP and having a titan.


I still have flaccid pain, there are times where I have done something and caused extreme pain. For example, I tucked everything upwards and went downstairs to play with my niece, 5 minutes later, I was in excruciating pain. I really am not sure what happened but I almost went to the emergency department. About an hour later, the pain subsided. This seems to be intermittent and aggravated by certain movements. I have booked in to see my GP in 3 days. My scrotum is still adjusting to having the pump in it as well, I still have pain in my scrotum too. I think this may just take time. I do get pain and burning behind the glans at times as well, though this may be due to cycling.


Deflating is easier, I can find the valve easily. Now, today, I deflated by putting my fingers in an ok position and squeezing down the penis while holding the deflate valve. Almost like a jelq I think? This seemed to give me the best deflate ever. My penis is now very flaccid, looks like a flaccid, is pointing straight, and the dog ear has disappeared (for now). I have been this way for about 3 hours and the device has not auto-inflated, and the dog ear has not appeared. However, I suspect things may change when I sleep and lay on my side.

It still takes a lot of effort to deflate, and also about 1-2 minutes to fully deflate. This would be difficult to conceal if one were to choose not to disclose the implant to a partner. In saying that, I am not against disclosing the implant, I do however, believe that some things are personal and I may only disclose to a long-term/casual partner.

I have noticed that, being deflated more, seems to be causing more flaccid pain.

Dog Ears

The dog ear was/is very uncomfortable. It makes sleeping to the side very uncomfortable. However, as explained above, after deflating a certain way, it seems to have disappeared for now.

My dog ear is on the right side base, when erect, my penis is slanted slightly to the right. Almost like a little twist. Now, I am wondering, if I was shorter on the right side due to peyronies, and this is what is causing the dog ear. Perhaps, as everything stretches out, the slant and dog ear will heal itself.

Burning sensation

At times I get a burning sensation within the shaft, and behind the glans. My anxiety is saying this is erosion or an infection, but I think the more likely reasoning is that it is simply the coating from the cylinders or stretching from cycling. I will confirm with my GP in 3 days.


An important thing to note, and please correct me if I am wrong, but for some of us who have been aggressively sized, does it make sense to go easy on the cycling? I was sized an extra 1cm, and then another 1cm for TEP, so 2cm extra. Now, I am thinking, if I cycle to excruciating pain, I could be overstretching the tissue and causing more damage.

I was doing 2 x 1 hour sessions to excruciating pain. I now do 1 x 40m session and work my way up, I'll pump to 90% for 10m, then 95% for 10m then 99% for 20m. This is less painful. However, generally, I have gotten a lot more used to cycling, and it is less painful than before. I may bump it up to 2 x 40m sessions after seeing my GP.


Sensitivity is very slowly coming back. I still have numbness in the shaft, and in particular, behind the glans is almost completely numb. I assume this will improve as time goes on. Regular implant surgery takes time for sensitivity to return, with TEP and circumcision, I assume it may take a few months. I believe my surgeon also did some grafting which can cause temporary numbness as well. I will find out when I get the surgical notes from my GP in 3 days.

Flaccid Angle

Today I got a great deflate in, and my flaccid looks like a normal flaccid, it is thinner and shorter. However, it is now pointing more out, maybe at 3:30. I am guessing this is due to the cylinders still being very stiff. This makes doing anything very difficult, if I point my flaccid up to walk around, it results in pain, same if I point it down. I can't walk around naked or have it pointing out all the time. This has left me mostly in my room.

Some Final Thoughts

I have really been struggling, I am almost 8 weeks out and I am still mostly bed ridden and pain is a constant. I really don't know if this is due to TEP. I think I just need to rest and wait it out.

For people considering this procedure, weigh it up. I think if I had just the implant surgery, I may have been healed by now. I also would have been more sensitive, and I would have had my foreskin. However, I may not have the increased girth, and length which seems to be improving slowly with cycling. Was it worth it? I think so. However, if I was 60 years old, married, only having sex with one woman, I don't think going from 6 inches to 7 inches or even 8 inches length would make a big difference to the one woman I am having sex with 2-3 times a week. In my case, I believe the extra girth/length I seem to be slowly gaining is worth it, especially after 5 years of peyronies. Time will tell.

Feedback is always appreciated, I've been pretty immobile and reclused to my room. Hearing from you guys really gives me support, hope and brightens up my day.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Hello, sorry to hear about your news, to me it sounds so far you are not very happy with the results as there is still a lot of problems. But 8 weeks is in relation really not much just wait more and it will get better. Think about what a massive surgery this was, this needs time.

Can i ask which aspects bothers you the most? I suspect flaccid pain, at least for me.
Deformity, width, errection quality,  length and all these things just matter for sex, which is spent around 1% of time in life. But flaccid pain that bothers you when just peacefully watching a movie, working or going to the toilet is extremly annoying. You should aim for that to better the most.

Right now i am on a water fast, day 5 of 10. Maybe i will do more days but food cravings are strong lol. I just think all the time about what joy it is to eat burgers, fries, soup, bread, ...

Also when completed i will try a 12 week programm of 1.5h daily trainings, stretches and meditation that is said to help with Pudendal Neuralgia, CPPS and Prostatis at the same time. I am very curious how it will work, a good 30% pain reduction in intensity and frequency would be a massive success.

I am a guy with injury but probably no real Peyronies Disease as there was nothing in ultrasound or MRI. Having a congenital downward curvature i would probably benefit from real Peyronies Disease, it may just make my P straight lol. ;D

Can i ask did your friends and family know about the surgery?

27y, injured at 21 y!

Reinjured late 2019 when having sex with weak errection.
No curvature, but rotation of the base to the left about 30degrees
Main problem: chronic flaccid pain.

Trying different stuff now


Quote from: orriw on April 03, 2023, 06:48:57 AMCan i ask which aspects bothers you the most?

Can i ask did your friends and family know about the surgery?

Hey O, the part which bothers me the most atm is definitely the flaccid pain and flaccid angle/stiffness. I cam mostly bedridden still at 8 weeks. I'm usually someone who is in the gym, active, doing things, and this is becoming a real inconvenience for me. I assume that all other aspects, such as sensitivity, will return in due time. However, being immobile for so long, and in pain, is taking a toll on me. Sleeping can also be an issue each day.

My family new I had a surgery, they did not know the specific details, just that I had surgery in my private areas, so they have been supportive. I have some friends that know the specific surgery I have done.

Good luck with the water fast, I tried it, I did 3 days at a time, it was great for health and fitness and discipline (controlling hunger cravings). But, I can't say it did anything for peyronies. However, there was a member here who healed himself with a 5 day water fast. I think it takes 5 days before autophagy starts to  take place. Have lack coffee when you get hungry during your fast, its 0 calories so won't break your fast, and will suppress your appetite.

I also did strict keto for about 8-9 months. Was great for health and fitness, didn't do much for peyronies/ED. Although, other people have said it helps.

Everyone seems to react differently. I highly recommend VED, if you haven't already started.

Hope that helps.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


There is no doubt if you only had an implant, at least by Dr. Eid, you would've been having intercourse since week three. The TEP there's an entirely different procedure.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


If I have done this image correctly, my flaccid angle is at 4 o clock. This is an improvement, but still very very difficult to conceal given how stiff, girthy and big it is. It still points out like an erection.

8 weeks post surgery, about 2 and a half weeks of cycling.

Ideally, I would want a 5:30/6:00 o clock flaccid.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I have no doubt it is inconvenient. That is a small price to pay for what is becoming a perfect, unstoppable penis.

Keep in mind, at this point, the more your deflated angle drops that your inflated angle will drop with it.  I recommend keeping it pointed up at an angle into the crease between leg and groin or bending the shaft down very near the base.  This prevents you from putting downward torque where the cylinders enter the body.  You want to minimize torque on that forming scar capsule that gives upward stability to the implant.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on April 04, 2023, 08:35:53 AMYou want to minimize torque on that forming scar capsule that gives upward stability to the implant.

Really can't thank you enough for advising this. My surgeon told me it would be fine to point my flaccid down (this was 3 weeks ago when he deflated me). However, pointing down caused pain, so I never really took his advice.

I've just been letting it point out naturally for now.

We really need to create more awareness about these small issues. I would hate to have gone through this whole process and ended up with a downwards angle erection due to a simple error such as tucking my penis down to conceal it. This also, from my surgeons advice.

Any tips on getting a 5:30 flaccid? without affecting erection angle? Just wait it out I am assuming?
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


"We really need to create more awareness about these small issues. I would hate to have gone through this whole process and ended up with a downwards angle erection due to a simple error such as tucking my penis down to conceal it. This also, from my surgeons advice."

Is there many places speaking about downward erection from all this? I have been trying to google this but haven't found anything.

Since I've been doing VED/Cialis my erect penis is now point downwards, I feel like it's cause of the VED.  
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


I want to be very clear.  Everyone here knows I am not a medical professional.  My statement about affecting the erect angle of your penis is my opinion based on the experiences of myself and several other men with implants and by applying what seems to me to be sound logic.  If you keep a close record of your inflated and deflated angles in the first four months (with a standard implant procedure), I am pretty sure you will see that a decrease in the angle of one will correspond to a reduction in the angle of the other.  Based on that data, I conclude that the main determining factor in erect angle is the firmness of the crus scar capsule that grasps the implant's uninflatable base.  An analogy would be putting stress on a fence post in a newly dug fence post hole.  If you widen the hole or capsule, the post will wobble.

Regarding how to deal with your 5:00 O'clock deflated penis, I am certain that the angle will decrease on its own.  You have to be patient and creative until the angle improves.  Again, as it drops, I think your inflated angle will also drop some.  Please keep track and let us know if you find that to be true in your case.

Quote from: ohnoohno on April 05, 2023, 07:44:13 AMSince I've been doing VED/Cialis, my erect penis is now point downwards, I feel like it's cause of the VED.

There is no logic by which you can associate the two.  A VED erection and an erection from an oral ED drug are both nothing more than filling your penile chambers with your blood.  In that respect, it is like every other erection.  No penile structure is altered.  If you are using Cialis, then you likely have some level of ED.  Any time you have a slightly less erect penis, it will naturally have less of an angle.  That is just the nature of a penis that is not as hard. You might have some progressive ED or simply a variation in erection but your erection angle is not caused by the VED or Cialis.

Keep in mind, if you are using a band or ring with a VED you are only filling the penis between the band and the tip.  The portion of the penis that is inside of your body is not engorged so that naturally has a temporary effect on your angle.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Measured close to 5.5 inches, first time I have ever measured girth in my entire life. I hope I have done it correctly. I have measured the girthiest part of the penis, it does get narrower towards the base.

This is with no engorgement. I'm not sure how much girth being engorged may add, I just know that when engorged there is a bit more of a round shape (as opposed to oval).

This is after 3 weeks of cycling.

Although, I have never measured girth, I do believe this is the girthiest I have ever been, this includes pre-peyronies.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Things are looking good.
Some people measure at the base, half way, and then right where you measure, but it's no big deal.
Looks like you have a good girth and as your healing/stretching progresses, you will gain more girth and more length.
Congratulations and stay in touch.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Quote from: jj21 on April 06, 2023, 04:33:52 AMGirth

Measured close to 5.5 inches, first time I have ever measured girth in my entire life. J

Not to quibble over numbers but you cannot track progress by estimating.  Each mark on that tape is 1/16th of an inch. That clearly reads as 5 5/16" to me.  You will increase by small increments and you cannot track that by rounding to "about 5.5 inches".

I think engorgement will add about 1/4" but you should measure so you know exactly what it adds.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


StepOne - Thanks a lot, I just went through your journal again recently and noticed you gained girth over a period of almost a year.

Hawk - I will take note, we use the metric system in Australia (Centimeters).

Girth Comparison

Left pic is just few days before surgery, right pic is just recent pumped to about 95% I think.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


JJ the girth difference looks massively promising, happy for you!  
29 y/o diagnosed 13 Jun 22.

went from a slight 30dg bend at glans to whole thing being deformed/loss of length over a year.

trying to find a way out of this all


That is the biggest girth gain I've seen on any forum.

Legitimately even thicker than many porn stars..
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Update 8 Weeks 4 days

I can't believe that it's April already. I remember, New Years 2023, waiting for my surgery on the 7th Feb 2023, wondering if this would be the year that Peyronies would be over for me. I haven't been able to enjoy a New Years or my birthday for the past 5 years, Peyronies just seemed to undermine everything. It was just like a dark cloud over me. There have been times where I have felt like giving up.

It's just over 2 months since my surgery, and although I still have pain from the operation, I can say that, the undermining dark cloud of Peyronies is almost fully gone.

Some updates below:


The pump seems to have broken in, the squeak is no longer present, the pump is soft. The only time the pump squeaks is if I try really hard to get in extra pumps after 20m of cycling.

This is a really good improvement.


As pointed out above in a previous post, I measured the girth in inches incorrectly, the correct measurement is 5.3 inches. It gets slightly narrower towards the base, although, this would probably be unnoticeable to anyone else. It does look really girthy in the pics, I am not sure if this is due to it being more oval/flat, but it is definitely girthier than ever. It does get a bit girthier and more of a round shape if I am naturally engorged, I have not measured while engorged.

Length is the same as my last post, 6 inches bone pressed. This does improve slightly when engorged, I have not measured while engorged.  I don't have it in me atm to try and get engorged, measure and take a picture. But, considering it's 6 inch BP without engorgement, I would estimate that, length is very close to pre-op of 6.5 inch BP.


It's been 3 weeks and 2 days since I started cycling. The pain has reduced significantly but is still there. I now try to do 2 x 40m sessions per day. In a week I will increase this to 2 x 60m sessions.

I noticed some pain post-cycling, this seems to vary each day.


I still get random sharp pains and a burning sensation throughout my shaft and glans. There have been times where something has triggered an episode leaving me in pain for about an hour. This has been after going to the bathroom, tucking my penis up towards my belly button to walk around, and sometimes from pushing down on the glans. When this happens, I usually wait it out, and the pain eventually subsides.

I have asked my GP what he thinks of this, he said he wasn't too familiar with this whole operation (TEP etc), and referred me to a urologist.

Dog ears

There is a dog ear on the right and left base, this is also where the dents are. It is a little painful and only present when flaccid. When erect/inflated the dog ears are not present at all.


If you look back at my original pics with peyronies, most of my dents were on the underside and the most prominent narrowing was at the base of the penis. Most of the dents are no longer present. However, when flaccid there are 2 dents at the base of the penis. When erect these are almost completely filled.


My flaccid points at 4 o clock, it is stiff, tender, and still sore. This has been a very big inconvenience for me, I am unable to point it up or down, both result in pain. I also don't want to have a negative impact on the erection angle by pointing it down.

I still get flaccid pain, the pain/burning sensation I described above were all while flaccid.


I received my surgeons notes from my GP, it turns out that the incisions to the tunica were covered with a TachoSil graft. This may be what is delaying my recovery.


Deflating has become significantly easier, I can locate the deflate valve very easily. I press the valve and squeeze gently on the penis, I found squeezing top and bottom of the penis or in an ok position to work best. Squeezing left/right seems to cause discomfort. It takes about 1-2 minutes to deflate. I then press the pump once to lock.

If I just squeeze the valve and hold it, the penis does seem to deflate a little on its own.

Important to note that, squeezing too hard can result in pain post-cycling.


Peeing has definitely improved, I still have to either sit down or lean forward due to my flaccid angle, however, my stream is straight. There is also a lot less dribble after peeing. I believe this will improve as I continue to heal. Straight after surgery, peeing was difficult, stream was in different angles, sometimes it could be painful. This improves with time.


My sensitivity is definitely returning. Each week, I feel my sensitivity is getting better. The procedure was long, complex, there was also grafting done. I have seen people on FT say that it took 6 months to fully recover from just implant surgery. I expect, with TEP/circumcision, it may take just over 6 months for sensitivity to return to normal


I can get engorged, it is a bit difficult considering I am still in pain and my body is adjusting. When engorged my penis looks and feels like a natural erection. The shape is more round, and it does increase in length/girth.

Interstate Procedure

I did this procedure interstate, mainly because, the most experienced high volume implant surgeon was interstate, and he is the only surgeon (I know of) that does TEP in Australia.

Something to consider is that, an interstate procedure means you do not have regular access to your surgeon. During the healing phase, this can be very important. Last week, I was in pain, I went to my GP, he did not feel that he was knowledgeable enough on the device to give me an accurate assessment on what may be going on. I then got a referral for a high volume implant surgeon in my state, and I also contacted a previous high volume implant surgeon in my state. One was booked out for 2 months, the other may get back to me in a week. Both these surgeons in my state may not be familiar with TEP either. Considering that, a local urologist may not even be familiar with IPP, or TEP, I do not have many options.

If I was in the same state as my surgeon, I am sure I could have gotten an appointment to see him within a week to confirm why I am still in pain. Even if it is unlikely something has gone wrong, reassurance and peace of mind at this stage can be very important. Going through 5 years of peyronies, then the complex procedure, the last thing you want, is to have endured that much only for something to have gone wrong.

It can be in your benefit to choose a surgeon in your state, the surgeon who performs the procedure is in the best position to give you advice/assessment if you feel something may be wrong or recovery is delayed. Something to consider when choosing a surgeon interstate.

Mental state

It has been tough being mostly immobile for 8 weeks, the constant flaccid pain, being stuck with my thoughts and just feeling like life isn't progressing. On the other hand, I am feeling positive about getting my sex life back, and feeling more like myself once again.

This procedure is tough, anyone considering it in the future, be prepared for a long healing journey. I estimate at 4 months, I will probably feel normal and active again. In saying that, the girth/length restoration does seem promising.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).

Bud luck

I love your posts, thank you very much for sharing with us. Your penis now looks great
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Wow, great detailed write up.
It looks like you are on track, thanks for your honest and open details.
Stay in touch...and yes your penis looks good.
Stay patient and time will be in your side to a great reward.
You will eventually be amazed with all the things your new penis can do.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC



Those dog ears are a clear sign that you were sized correctly! Read all your updates and I couldn't be happier for you. All you have been through so far and seeing that dramatic picture comparing girth and even the straightning.... Wow!  


I have experienced some improvement, so decided to do an update. I would also like to give a very honest, impartial review on everything.

I think I will make this my final update until I see some progress or I will try to do monthly updates now.

9 Weeks

Intermittent Pain Issue

The symptoms included, severe to moderate pain in the glans and shaft which lasted an hour or two. This usually occurred after the following:

- going to the bathroom;
- pressing down on the glans;
- tucking penis up or down; and
- random movements.

This would occur 1-3 times a day and was very uncomfortable. Imagine randomly moving or going to the bathroom then being in extreme pain for 1-2 hours.

This started about a week after being deflated (week 6/7). Prior to this, the pain had mostly subsided, I could tuck my penis up towards the belly button and walk around, albeit with some discomfort.

My thoughts on what may have contributed to this:

One evening, the deflate valve seemed to have been stuck and I could not deflate. I was fully inflated for about 2 hours, eventually I pressed the deflate valve extremely hard and that seemed to work. However, at times, while trying to deflate I would have squeezed the erect penis (expecting it to deflate) quite hard. I think this may have contributed to what left me having intermittent pain for the next week.

The only other thing I can think of that may have contributed, is that I started cycling a week earlier to this incident. As I had been inflated for 5 weeks, I rushed into a cycling routine and started aggressively cycling for 2 x 60m sessions, leaving myself in excruciating pain each session, to the point where it felt like the tips of the cylinders may burst out of the glans. I started to cycle for shorter periods with less intensity.

This became quite an issue for me, it stopped me from cycling as I was constantly in pain.

How it is now:

For the past 3-4 days, I noticed that this intermittent pain has subsided. I do still get some pain when squeezing the glans, even if I squeeze it lightly to wipe excess pee. However, it is nothing like before.

I am really not sure what happened, perhaps I aggravated something or had caused some inflammation. I am grateful that this has improved.

I think being cautious and gentle is important here. Also, gradually increasing cycling intensity.

Flaccid Movement

One great improvement I would like to report is my flaccid penis can move left to right! My peyronies penis would not move this way, it would have to kind of move in a circular motion, I would have to point it up and sway it to the right if I wanted it to point to the right. I would usually be in pain if I tried to just move my flaccid peyronies penis to the right.  This use to make sleeping very uncomfortable for me. I would sleep to lean my penis to the left, if I wanted to move it to the right to turn around I would have to get up and sort of push my penis up then sway it to the right, then lean to my right and sleep. This could also make walking in tight clothes very uncomfortable, sometimes if I was walking or in the gym and my penis started to move to the right, it would cause some pain and discomfort. This was still the same up until a few days ago.

In the past 3 days, I noticed my penis will move left or right without any pain. I can roll over to the right while sleeping and my penis will just move without pain. There is still a dent to the right which causes some discomfort, I intend for this to improve as I continue cycling.

I am grateful that this has improved, I can actually walk around, and sleep in peace without being reminded of peyronies every day.


One thing I have not spoken about is the sub-coronal scar. This is due to the fact that, I have dark skin, so, the scar is very difficult to notice. There is clearly a vertical cut down the underside of my penis, it is sensitive at the moment, but not very noticeable. This causes no issues for me. However, if someone were to undertake this procedure and had very light skin, their scar may be more noticeable.


I don't think I could have sex at the moment, still a lot of healing to do. I decided to masturbate, my mind needed assurance that everything will work when the time comes. Orgasm is enjoyable, sensitivity is returning, behind the glans and shaft was much more numb a few weeks ago.

One thing which happened is that the semen seems to be clogged when coming out. I note that user Tortao who had TEP as well, noted this. My peyronies penis would usually dribble out the semen, although it did not seem clogged. My pre-peyronies penis would squirt out the semen during orgasm. I really don't know what caused the semen to go from squirting to dribbling out, one doctor theorized that it could be due to the erection being less strong due to peyronies. He advised that a strong erection results in strong ejaculation, and a weak erection results in weak ejaculation (causing semen to dribble out as opposed to squirt out). I know this isn't a big issue but it was always something that bothered me on top of peyronies.

I believe doing kegels and reverse kegels can improve the strength which semen comes out. I may try this once I am healed and report back.

Nonetheless, orgasm is possible, and is enjoyable. I do not have the worry of feeling like I would damage my penis more. This was a constant worry with peyronies and was one of the reasons why I stopped having sex. I can see myself having sex now and not worrying about causing any further damage, this does feel alleviating.

The other thing is, being completely hard after orgasm. I thought this would be strange, or uncomfortable. There wasn't really much discomfort, I can see how someone could orgasm during sex and still continue. I think this is one of the great benefits of having an implant.

Post-orgasm, I had a lot of pain. Clearly, a lot of healing left and the implant is not ready to be used yet.

How circumcision effects orgasm:

I do not notice a major difference. I am a bit less sensitive, at the same time, I am recovering from TEP as well. Obviously, masturbating/handjobs will now require lube. I don't think there is a major difference for me, I still feel pleasure, and the sensitivity is slowly returning. I will miss receiving handjobs during foreplay. While I would have preferred to keep my foreskin, it just takes some adjusting too. I think I would still choose the circumcised TEP if I had to do this procedure again as it is promising for girth/length restoration.


At 100% inflated, the penis is unnaturally hard, you can feel the cylinders. At about 80%, I feel like the penis is still a bit too squishy, although, when engorged, at this level of inflation, it does seem to take more of a round shape. I think going from 80-90% there is some girth gain. 90-95% seems to mimic a strong erection, although, at this level of inflation the penis takes more of an oval shape, even when engorged.

It's difficult to know what would be the most comfortable for sex. 90-95% would seem best, but at 80-85% it's more round.

I think that, it is too early to comment on these features of the implant. I think there is still time for the cylinders to soften and healing to occur, and these may play a factor in the idea level of inflation and shape. I remember reading on FT that, for some people, it can take a few months for the penis to take more of a round shape. Others, seem to keep the oval shape.

I would be very interested to know other members experiences with level of hardness, shape, girth and partner preference. Also, whether the device became softer over time resulting in a more round shape erection. Or if the cylinders softening had any effect on the inflated erection used for sex (e.g could you pump up more without losing glans engorgement).


Currently cycling 2 x 40m sessions a day, I will be increasing this soon to 2 x 60m sessions a day. As advised above, I think it is important to work your way up. When I first started cycling and would sit through excruciating pain, I think I was doing more harm to the penile tissue.

Cycling now is a lot easier and less painful. I feel like cycling does improve the feel of the penis, it may have contributed to my flaccid being more movable.

The pump also broke in about a week ago.


There are two prominent dents with dog ears on the left and right side while flaccid. Upon a good examination of my erect penis, the dents are still there when erect but much less prominent. They seem to be less noticeable the more inflated/erect I am. I intend for this to improve over the next few months. Some members on FT stated that it can take six months for dents to fill.

If they do not improve, the only issue I can see, is that when erect, part of the cylinder sticks out in front of the dent, almost like a kink. This could cause issues/pain for a woman when inside her vagina. The cylinders softening may improve this, I will be reporting back in a few months to see.


The girth looks impressive in the pics and I think that is because it is oval/flat. It may look girthier than it is. I do think it is girthier than my pre-pryoneis penis, but on the other hand, I never measured my pre-peyronies girth. My pre-peyronies penis was more round, so it is difficult to compare just from thinking back/looking/feeling.

Nonetheless, it is still a great improvement compared to my peyronies penis. I had significant narrowing/dents which have all improved. I am grateful for this. There is no hinge and the erection is strong.

Travelling to have your procedure

I would just like to reiterate that there are some disadvantages when travelling to have your procedure. I would firstly like to state that this mainly effects us in Australia as we are limited for high volume surgeons. Further, we do not have access to personal phone numbers etc where we can contact the surgeon post-surgery. I note, it is common for some high volume surgeons in America to give out personal phone numbers to their patients post-surgery.

When faced with issues, I have to wait in my state to see another high volume surgeon and this can take weeks. I could go to a general local urologist but the chances that they are knowledgeable on implants is slim, being knowledgeable on TEP is even less likely.

I think having access to your surgeon where you can send pictures and text symptoms is a great service and can really provide reassurance. It also helps to quickly identify any issues in the event that something does go wrong. I think it's important to take all the necessary precautions in the early stages. You don't want to have to endure the complications of surgery, after having to suffer through peyronies for years, only for something to go wrong. So, keep this in mind when choosing a surgeon.

Recovery (TEP, implant and circumcision)

Recovery has been long and tough. However, this could be due to the fact that I was inflated for 5 weeks. I also may have caused some damage from squeezing the inflated penis when I had a deflate issue, and also from aggressive cycling in the beginning.

I do miss my foreskin but it just takes some adjusting to.

I estimate another 2 months before things start to feel a bit normal. My flaccid is still very uncomfortable and difficult to conceal. For anyone else considering this, be prepared for a good 3 months recovery with an uncomfortable flaccid.

Final thoughts

I am quite happy that I could probably perform very well during sex. This has not been possible for almost 5 years. It is a huge burden off my shoulders. Yes, I would have to pump discreetly or disclose the implant to my partner, but I think in the grand scheme of things, that's a small price to pay to have your sex life back. Especially since, I was not able to have sex at all with my peyronies penis.

I do have some thoughts which I believe are just things that will take some getting used to. The device at the moment feels very unnatural. It is still a mechanical device, and having a mechanical penis can take some time to accept. I do think this can be harder to accept for younger guys (no disrespect to the older members out there). We are just less accustomed to Erectile Dysfunction, our age group, the women we interact with, friends etc are all less familiar with Erectile Dysfunction. Nonetheless, the key here is acceptance. Also have to remember that, I may need 5+ revisions in my lifetime. That's 5 more surgeries and 5 risks of infection. These factors can make a difference for someone in their early 30s who can still have sex with their peyronies penis. In my case, I could not have sex at all with my peyronies penis, so, an implant was the only option.

One thing I keep doing is comparing my current penis to my pre-peyronies penis. I think it's important to accept that, nothing is ever going to give you your pre-peyronies penis. I have to remember that, going from a narrowed, dented, curved penis which was not functional for sex, to the current penis I have, is a great improvement.

I have to say, I am grateful for this forum. The first few doctors I saw told me it was "all in my head" and one even told me I had body dysmorphia. We really need to spread more awareness for peyronies and Erectile Dysfunction, especially in younger guys.

I  would like to leave with a quote from a book by Napolean Hill called 'Outwitting the Devil', the quote is:

"Within every adversity is an equal or greater benefit.
Within every problem is an opportunity.
Even in the knocks of life, we can find great gifts."


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Jj great update I really appreciate the thorough updates. Glad to hear everything is working out! It's a process for sure you got this!

Curve killer  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Hey guys,

When deflating the device I leak one to two drops of a clear fluid. It is not pee as I take B-vitamins and my pee is fluro yellow.

The liquid is clear, a little bit stickyish. I can't see how it could be semen as I am not sexually active or doing anything with the device. This has happened a few times.

The fluid does not have any smell.

The nurse advised that it may be an infection and I am trying to get a swab test and start anti-biotics.

I have tried to feel the pump to see if I can feel the ridges, my scrotum skin is just too thick to tell. Only other symptoms I have is pain and burning sensations.

I am very worried, any advice would really help.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Hawk, I noticed you merged my infection post into my journal.

Can I request that you leave it on the implant forum as a separate post for now, this will get it more views, more responses from members as they are more likely to respond to an infection post than go through my journal. This is a bit of a serious issue to me and I would appreciate all the support an responses I can get at the moment.

Can we please merge them once this issue is over.

I hope you can understand.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).



Having run the forum for 20 years, I am not at all sure what makes you think it gets more exposure as a separate topic.  All of the implant guys who are qualified even to have any opinion on an implant infection read all the posts in the implant section.  If posts are made on both topics, it makes for a confusing read when it is merged.  If it is not merged, then you don't have a journal because critical information is scattered across several posts all of which will be buried in time.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


There is not much advice we can give.  First, because few, if any, of us have had an infection, and certainly, you are not going to find a TEP patient who had an infection.

With a typical implant, I am told by Dr. Eid that the infection always manifests in the pump area first.  That would NOT result in clear fluid in the urethra.  There is no entrance to the urethra from the scrotum or the penis, for that matter.

If you can sit in a tub of hot water, that will relax your scrotum so you can feel your pump.  Dry heat will likely do the same.

The urethra is a closed tube from the bladder and the prostate to the tip of the penis. So the fluid would have to originate from one of those sources or within the urethra itself.  I think there is a high probability that what you saw was what is referred to as precum.  It is made in the Cowper's glands.  It is usually clear (unlike semen).  This is the nutrient-rich fluid that is released before semen.  Since it also serves as a lubricant, it is very slippery, much like a drop of KY jelly.

In any case, rather than guesses from non-medical people on the internet, you need a medical consultation with your surgeon or a very good doctor who is in direct contact with your surgeon.  He can give your doctor signs and specific things to look for.  


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on April 10, 2023, 10:32:03 PMThe urethra is a closed tube from the bladder and the prostate to the tip of the penis. So the fluid would have to originate from one of those sources or within the urethra itself.  I think there is a high probability that what you saw was what is referred to as precum.  It is made in the Cowper's glands.  It is usually clear (unlike semen).  This is the nutrient-rich fluid that is released before semen.  Since it also serves as a lubricant, it is very slippery, much like a drop of KY jelly.

In any case, rather than guesses from non-medical people on the internet, you need a medical consultation with your surgeon or a very good doctor who is in direct contact with your surgeon.  He can give your doctor signs and specific things to look for.  

Thanks, I haven't been sexually active or used the implant or anything like that, so, I didn't think it could be pre-cum. But, sometimes leaking/discharge is possible I suppose.

I just did blood and urine tests, currently waiting for a surgeon and my GP right now.

Will update here.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: Hawk on April 10, 2023, 10:10:49 PMJJ,

Having run the forum for 20 years, I am not at all sure what makes you think it gets more exposure as a separate topic.  All of the implant guys who are qualified even to have any opinion on an implant infection read all the posts in the implant section.  If posts are made on both topics, it makes for a confusing read when it is merged.  If it is not merged, then you don't have a journal because critical information is scattered across several posts all of which will be buried in time.



With respect, please consider the following:

- Lets be honest here, the only people 'qualified' to give advice on an implant infection, are doctors. i.e people come to to these forums to seek support from members, some who have been in similar situations, and some who have overcome the same situations. The only people reading EVERY single post in the forums/dedicated sections are moderators, and that is a limited number of people, some who do not even have implants.

- It's obvious, when people log onto the forum, they are more likely to view a post which states 'INFECTION PLS HELP' (indicating immediate assistance is required) as opposed to "34 year old implant journal", the latter having over 30 posts to get through and does not indicate immediate assistance.

- more views =  more responses and more support, that's what we as members seek from the forum.

- my post about infection was self-explanatory, it leaves no confusing read. Simply states symptoms, and asks for advice, in the section of the forum, which is dedicated to implants i.e viewers who are familiar with implants (not confusing at all). I am aware it is unlikely a qualified doctor will respond, but obviously out of thousands of members, there may be some who can give some advice and offer reassurance or a good route to take, or someone who has experienced a similar scenario. I know very well only a doctor may be able to help, but support and comfort is what we seek from the forum.

Think back to the fear of infection, now think back to if your doctor was not available on text 24/7. These forums, with thousands of members, would be your only source of knowledge/comfort as you waited for your doctors appointment.

I would have really appreciated if you left my topic in the implant forum, it is obvious it would have received more exposure.

I highly doubt an infection with TEP, would differ much to an infection with an implant. Accordingly, seeking support from implanted members seems logical.

I also understand that keeping these journals and journal related posts creates a good source of information for future members, and this is what is beneficial to the forum - perhaps this is your main priority. Thus, you want to keep all journal related posts in the same journal. I respect that, as it is a valuable source of information for future members in devastating situations. However, please consider my current devastating situation, I am a 34 year old fearing infection, leaking fluid. If I do have an infection, it would be devastating and life changing. Accordingly, I made the post seeking as much support as possible, now it is buried in a journal with over 30 post (approximately).

Too much policing just dissuades people from these forums.


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


The liquid is clear and had no smell? That definitely dot not sound as an infection. Usual signs are foul smell and yellow/pus colored discharge. How does your general health feel JJ? No fever? No headaches or symptoms of fatigue?

Obviously I am not a doctor but it would be extremely rare for the discharge of an infection to be clear with no smell and also very strange indeed to catch an infection at this stage!

We will see once you get checked. Best of luck.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.



I would have preferred to discuss this privately, but I now have to respond here so everyone understands the issue you presented.

I respectfully disagree with you.  I routinely monitor what topics members look at and have done so for 20 years.  I do NOT believe for a minute that more people would read your post if left in a new topic on the implant board instead of making it part of your journal where it fits.  All implanted members read your journal when they log on.  Men without knowledge of implants would not read your post in either place and even if they did, they would have no clue about implants or infection and would not comment.  So you did NOT get fewer comments or less support.

What is beneficial to the forum is exactly the same thing that is beneficial to the members.  The members are the forum.  It is not two slightly different things.  Anyone with decades of experience building a usable forum understands what it takes. So I politely ask you to trust the judgment that built the most extensive Peyronies database and the largest support forum in the world so we can give men the voice they never had.

When you fracture your journal like that, you put an additional workload on administrators to spot that and merge it.  It is a bit tricky, and I have to manage 90% of all merges.  That makes more work on top of the hours we already donate to members to keep the forum organized and usable.  We cannot make special rules for one person on a forum where we moderate over 14,000 topics and half a million posts.  If just 5% of members fractured topics, the workload would be OVERWHELMING.  The forum would be a mess for those needing support and education.  No one has ever asked us to do this in the forum's history.

If you still don't see the dilemma and desire to scatter your journal over several topics, I will reluctantly allow you to do that.  I will, however, have to unlink your journal from the index of complete journals.  I also cannot return later to try to round up the pieces and assemble them.  That means in 6-12 months, your journal and all the lost segments would get hopelessly pushed down like on every other forum.  They will likely never be seen again.  That would render an excellent journal useless.  Rather than giving back to others, your work would be lost.  I, for one, would be very disappointed.


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



This forum has been a great resource and I am appreciative of everything you and the moderators do. While I do disagree, I will respect and adhere to the forum rules and keep all implant related posts, including urgent ones, in this journal.


update on leaking fluid issue

Did a urine, blood and swab test for the leak.

I will have results in 1-2 days.

Starting anti-biotics as well.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).



I hope to hear about what they said is the reason for the fluid.
But seriously, when you described it, I thought of precum too, as one other person mentioned.
I seem to remember when I received my implant, that one morning I woke up and had some fluid coming out of my penis. I just assumed it was precum, as it seemed to have some slippery feeling and a little sticky. It happened to me a few times after that. It was inconsistent and not regularly occurring either.
I know you said you were not thinking anything sexual, but just thought I would add my two cents.
Have the emissions been constant?
Prayers for a speedy recovery and stay well.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi JJ,

Apologies if you have mentioned this already, but roughly how long does it take for you to inflate to full erection? And roughly how many pumps? Also, do you reckon it is possible to do it discretely such that your partner wouldn't notice?

Cheers brother
26 yrs old
Symptoms since about Aug 2020
Several indentations in top third of shaft
Top third of shaft always hard, even when flaccid
Mild intermittent flaccid pain



I know you asked JJ, but if you read the journals, you will find that everyone seems to have different numbers for inflating. Some people do small pumps, some do full pumps. When I pump, it ranges anywhere between 16 to 24 pumps. Sometimes after engaging in intercourse, I may be able to get a couple more pumps in.
Therefore it can take maybe up to a minute or so, I am estimating.
As far as pumping being discrete, if you are performing oral sex on your partner, you can easily pump with one hand. I am married, so my spouse knows I have a Titan, but many times, I will start pumping as I get undressed or when we are making out. So yes, you can do it discreetly. Sometimes my pump will make a noise, I never know when this will happen, but it is what it is. LOL
Hope this helps,
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I will also jump in since I have had my implant for 4 1/2 years.  I too am married but I am certain I could conceal it if I were dating.  You can comfortably half inflate to a semi-erect (chub) state and from there it only takes 4-5 pumps to make it usable and maybe another 3-4 to make it rock hard.  this is easy to do:

1. In the dark
2. As you are undressing (facing in either direction
3. When performing oral sex or other foreplay
4. Even when receiving oral sex if you have any imagination or creativity  :D

Keep in mind these pumps can be spread out or all at once.  They can be full pumps or partial pumps.
Many men with implants date and do not tell their partners on first encounters.  Once the partner has experienced their performance most opt to tell their partners who are thrilled to know they never have to worry about timing or IF you can perform.  I have NEVER read a report of a GF considering it as a negative and certainly not as a deal breaker.  If you look at the journals, in the index at the top of this board, you can read about single men who have implants.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Jon - roughly 40-50 pumps for full inflation, some are half pumps. I can put in about 22 full pumps, my penis is about 80% inflated, I will get good glans engorgement and a nice round shape at this level. However, it could be a little harder. At 25 pumps, it's about 90% inflated, maybe slightly too hard for sex or just right (depending on the woman's preference), a bit more girth than 80%, but more of an oval shaped erection. Anything above 25 pumps is just for cycling and probably too hard for sex, however, a little increased girth, but very flat oval shape.

When I first started cycling, it didn't seem it would be possible to discreetly pump. Now, 9 weeks post-op and about 4 weeks post-cycling, I think you could easily squeeze the pump without anyone noticing. Deflating discreetly, is a bit more of an issue. It can take quite some time and effort to deflate.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Update -- Fluid leak issue

Just got off the phone with my GP, there was no infection. All tests came back as clear.

Really appreciate all the support from you guys. We don't get access to our surgeons private number or anything like that here. This forum is sometimes the only source of knowledge and comfort. Really helps, especially during distressful times.

Other Updates

Pain seems to be improving. I feel  like the more I cycle, the better everything gets. I now cycle for 50 mins each session. I will pump to max then do 20m, after that 20m I can get in about 2-3 more pumps, then after another 20m,  I will get in an extra 2-3 more pumps and do 10m. 50m total. By that final 10m, the penis is really stretched to it's limit, it is quite painful.

The squeak issue now is almost totally irrelevant. The pump is very quiet, and I think discreet pumping would be quite easy. This makes me very happy.

Getting the device to the right level of inflation can be tricky. Pumping to 80% provides good glans engorgement and a nice round shape. However, could be a little harder. At 90%, it seems really hard, almost to the point where, if you press the sides of the penis, it feels like a hard stick, but at this level there is extra girth and lots of rigidity. Perhaps, over time, as the cylinders soften and engorgement improves, it will be easier to find an ideal level of inflation.

Really have to thank all you guys, and this forum for all the support. Our greatest fear with an implant, is getting an infection. It feels great to be cleared, and feels great to have the support of members of the forum.

I may only do monthly updates now, but I will check in regularly to help and support other members.


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Jj21 thanks for sharing.
I usually pump to max for sex, but I agree it's a personal thing.
Getting an infection should not be your biggest fear, but maybe you didn't mean it that way.
Now that you are past the surgery and have no infection, you should not worry about infection.
Poor hygiene may cause a UTI, but that's no different whether you have an implant or not.
Enjoy your new penis.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC