T.E.P (tunica expansion mesh procedure) and implant journal

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One of the first signs of infection once you get past the first days post IP where you might leak fluid is that you notice you cannot feel the details of your pump as clearly.  Infections almost ALWAYS start in the scrotum. The pump becomes covered with a thick bio-slime for lack of a better term.  For instance, when the swelling goes down and you can feel the concentric circles around the pump bulb.  If they become covered and undetectable it is time to ask questions.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It will have NOTHING to do with dogears.  Dogears are common in the early months with a Titan implant.

It may affect the stability of the penis at the base, affecting the angle. However, it will NOT affect the axial rigidity.  Those inflated Titan cylinders are NOT going to bend.  

It might affect the erect angle, which is more cosmetic than a functional issue.  Think of an implant base like a fence post planted in a hole for stability.  RTEs, like the very base tips of the implant, do not inflate.  If they scar in tight, the base will be stable, but without them, part of the implanted base inflates tight into the capsule giving even more stability.  RTE.s also move the tube connection of the cylinders further forward on the shaft.  If you have a very lean (low fat %) body type, this could mean that the connection where the tubes connect to the cylinders can be more easily palpated at the base of the shaft.  Without RTE, this connection is a little deeper in the body.

Many men with implants have RTEs and are very satisfied with the outcome.  I am sure you will likely be among them.

Here is a link to a post on RTE's. https://www.peyroniesforum.net/index.php/topic,10805.0.html  In this post, here is a link to a very instructive video by Dr. Eid

PS: I merged your six posts about possible infection into your journal so all posts concerning your recovery journey could be easily found in one place.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, thank you for merging the posts.

Day 11 Update:

I think the swelling has gone down by about 20%. Pain is about the same, painful but bearable with pain killers. Keep in mind I had the TEP procedure done as well, so my recovery may be a little longer and more painful than others.

Now, I'd like to talk about how I have been mentally. I read a lot of journals where people initially regret their implant, they think "what have I done", become stressed about size etc. This wasn't me, I knew what to expect. However, I have been very overcautious and overthinking every little thing. For example, the fact that my surgeon used a titan 22cm +2.5cm RTE had me very disappointed. This is due to all the negative reviews on RTEs as well as the following video by Dr Eid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGBMccEQERw the video portrays a man with a 22cm titan +4cm RTE, his erection is wobbly, Dr Eid then installs a 26cm Titan, the end result is a rigid, solid, erection. To note, in the video, the patient has 4cms in RTEs, mine are 2.5cm. I also read somewhere that the 24cm Titans provide additional girth, I have no learnt that this is a myth, I think they expand slightly more than a 22cm but the difference is negligible. My surgeon is probably the highest volume surgeon in Australia, he initially advised that he dislikes using RTEs, thus, I could not understand why he would use 2.5cm RTEs, he said it was because with a 24cm, there would have been pump placement issues. I received this message from a user on FT which helped put things at ease:

"Dog ears happen when the early stiff cylinders bend. Take an empty paper towel cardboard hollow center and bend it. The tube flattens at the bend and there are sharp points on opposite sides. As the cylinders soften with use the dog ears will go away or greatly reduce. The stiffer the cylinders the greater risk of the problem. As far as RTE's it is considered best say some top doctors to use as little as possible. The doctor that did my first surgery and the well-known NY doctor listed above and there are others. The "main" reason for using RTE's is to bridge the gap between the available cylinder sizes. But it is not the only reason. If the proximal corpora cannot be dilated enough for the cylinder and tube from the pump to be inserted or if the doctor wants the location where the tubing from the pump attaches to the cylinder to be at the corporatomy, then RTE's are used.

When I first read OP I thought to myself the explanation given by the doctor was one that sounded like preconnected cylinders were used and the doctor did not want to splice. Not sure about Coloplast but AMS 700 cylinders come in pre-connected tubing and also in cut to fit tubing during surgery. My LGX was cut to fit. But Coloplast has more problems with tubing failures I can see why preconnected tubing would be used. It seems to me that a doctor that dose agree with the published data that less RTE's are better, would use them only for a real need. That need was stated by him as pump placement. The preconnected tubing was too short to use the longer cylinder. It would have resulted in a high pump that would have been very difficult to operate. The tubing could be cut and spliced like my doctor and other doctors do. But that doctor it seems did not want to do so and use the preconnected device. I did go to the web to view an implant surgery by that doctor and sure enough he was using a preconnected device. The RTE's were added so more tubing would exit the corpora and the pump would then be lower and easier to use.

Now for my take on RTE's. Yes less are better. Just like some doctors are better than others. Just like sometimes a doctor dose a better job than others. But not all of us can go to the best doctor. And even the really good doctors have a problem from time to time. No one is perfect even the best doctors. And some are better at different parts of this surgery than others. No need to be concerned about this now as it is already done. And you have not had any problems with it. Now is the time for the recovery process and to get this device up and working.

Best of luck to you."

My new worries have been the following:

- just above my circumsision scar, circumferentially, the skin is swelling, I am worried it will stay like that permanently. User tortao who was also circumsized and had the TEP, had a sort of similar result, he never logged back in to say if it was permanent; and
- on the 28th of Feb, I am being deflated a little bit just for comfort, my Doctor is on holiday, so the nurse will be deflating me. Now, my Doctor is great, and very competent, I can tell he enjoys his work and is passionate about his craft. The nurse, not so much, I am worried she may deflate me too much and compromise the TEP.  

I have learnt that, its normal to worry, these are some natural fears, doubts etc. Especially having peyronies for 4 years. The fact that I may have a fully functional penis and a sex life again seems surreal. What I have been trying to do is, to just put my faith in the process, and reassure myself that I have chose the best surgeon who most likely has performed the best possible procedure, for the best outcome.

It's just a matter of waiting, seeing the results, and going from there.

Perhaps these thoughts, worries etc may help the next person. This implant and in conjunction with TEP, was a really big step, especially at 34 years of age. Sometimes the hardest part is waiting in anticipation for the end result, and dealing with the minor complications along the way.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


What was the reason the doctor gave for having to circumsize you? My opinion is that you should just enjoy the ride now and look forward to recovery and re-gaining size. I know you have a 100 different thoughts right now but you should relax because everything will turn out good. Try do things that keep your thoughts away from worrying.

Just look forward to the process and have fun with it!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thanks Sonic, I am trying, it's just can barely move atm and am mostly bedridden on pain killers.

The reason for the circumsision was due to a sub-coronal incision in order to do the TEP procedure. He could've done a lower incision without a circumsision, but would not have been able to fully deglove the penis and perform TEP all the way up, or look at all of the inside of the penis to see if other areas requires remodelling. He offered both approaches, I chose the circumsised with TEP to maximise length/girth restoration.

Atm, the pink shaft skin where my circumsision has been stitched is swelling up. Starting to look the way it did in Tortaos journal, I am worried if it does, and it is permanent, it would look quite unappealing. Tortao never logged in to say whether it was permanent or not.

I guess all I can do is wait and see, and stay positive.

Thanks for the support.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


The combination of your procedure and your personal tendency to over-think the issues mean that telling you to relax is not going to help.  I have no personal experience with a TEP but.

I am confident it will all heal and look normal.
There is nothing you can do at this point but follow the instructions of your surgeon.  Worry is a waste of time.

3 months from now you will look back at your journal and smile at all your concerns.

Good luck

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk, I appreciate your supportive words, they are reassuring.

Day 12:

Today I feel good, accepting of whatever outcome. I am a little worried about the pink skin swelling up in front of the foreskin, where I have been circumsized (see pic). If anyone has any idea on what this is or how to prevent it, I would appreciate your advice.

As you can see, day 12, but still very swollen.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I didn't have the exact same procedure as you, but it may help you to know that it took me 3-4 months post-surgery for everything to look and feel "normal".
Give it time, healing is a slow process.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thanks for the support guys, I havent asked the surgeon or his staff, my surgeon is on holidays atm, my next appt with the nurse is in 9 days.

Unfortunately, here in Aus, after the surgery, the after care isn't as great as the USA. I have heard how you guys have access to Dr Eid's 24hr phone. Nothing like that here.

Might text the nurse and ask, I think they will just say to rest and heal.

On a positive note, the pain and swelling finally seems to be subsiding!

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Congrats with pain and swelling subsiding! Definitely check in on Monday with the doc and leave a message for the surgeon. They will reply in my experience with long wait time for responses. You might as well ask now because you will have to wait and by the time they answer would be the time you probably would be fun to ask. If that makes sense  
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Day 14 Update

Officially 2 weeks.

The pain and swelling subsided by 20 percent from what it was a week ago. I tried to reduce my pain killers today, but still struggling, can barely walk without pain and discomfort, anything I do causes discomfort, still peeing in a bottle, still inflated I think 60-70% my erection is about 5inches non-bone pressed (estimated). I was about 6.5 inches bone=pressed pre surgery (see pics above).

I imagine a lot of the pain and discomfort is due to having TEP, implant, and circumcision.

Some things I have noticed:

Erection slant
My penis is slanted to the right, not sure why, there seems to be a dent at top right side base, or perhaps there is just less swelling in that area. My erection is becoming a bit wobbly. A part of me is wondering if this is due to the RTEs, although, it could be a number of reasons for now, swelling, partial inflation, etc etc. Best not to think about it until a few more months when healing is over.

There is a pic attached which seems to show tubing in my pubic bone area, this could just be due to swelling as well. I have attached a pic. As you can see, I am still a bit swollen.

It was a four hour procedure involving incisions to the tunica (TEP), circumision as well as an implant, so I imagine recovery is going to be rough. I'm a bit worried, they may not extend my pain killers, but I will check in with the doctor tomorrow.

I am also still quite inflated as you can see, the doctor wanted to delate me a bit on our last appointment 6 days ago, but there was just too much swelling, he was not able to do so.

My doctor is on holidays, I have messaged the nurse a few things which she hasn't responded to yet (it's been over a day), I needed to know if I should extend my anti-biotic medication (I am almost out). There is another Doctor at the practice who may speak to me.

Kind of makes me realize, after reading most of the journals on this site (peyronies forum, I will be copy and pasting this post into FT), most members here have been implanted by Dr Eid, or another world renowned high volume implant surgeon, some who give you 24hr access to their mobile phone numbers, I've noticed some of these surgeons will even pay a private visit to you in your hotel room. In contrast, on my day of discharge from the hospital, my surgeon was suppose to come down from his office to the ward (a 2 m walk, in the same ward, of the same complex), he didn.t Although, this was just to tell me what size he had implanted me with, it was important to me. Later, the head nurse who was trying to discharge me (in a rush) told me "he is not coming down jjst to tell you what size you got, we need you to get into the discharge lounge", she said this to me, while not introducing herself as a nurse, and walking in on me naked, in pain, trying to get dressed. One of the only complaints I have, but this too, is more of a hospital care issue, as opposed to the surgeon. One thing I noticed is that some of the male nurses are bit more compassionate than the female nurses (generally), I think this may be due to them being able to empathize more with having any kind of procedure done to the penis.

My surgeon was great, I would definitely say he is competent, kind, a good listener, very skilled, one of the best in Australia, and does not rush you out of his office (I had another high volume implant surgeon in Australia who did rush me out of his office, despite me showing interest in wanting to have the implant done by him). By high implant surgeon in Australia I believe it is around 70 implants a year, as opposed to Dr Eid who does 300 a year (please correct me if I am wrong). The only negative thing I can say about my surgeon is, I wish I had a 24cm titan with 0.5cm RTE as opposed to 22cm titan with 2.5cm RTE. Further understanding into why I have been given 2.5cm RTEs seems to indicate that, the surgeon used pre-connected devices and to use a 24cm with 0.5cm RTE would have meant that he would have to splice the tubing to get the pump to fit optimally, there is a detailed explanation of this in a post above. I also spoke to another member on FT implanted by the same surgeon who received a 24cm titan with 3.5cm RTEs, this confuses me, as the surgeon advised he preferred to use as less RTEs as possible. To me, 3.5cm RTEs is an excessive amount. I could be wrong, and perhaps he made the best decision at the time, but after reading all these journals, I would have to say, would Dr Eid have made the same decision? Dr Eid is a doctor who I believe installed user Merrix with a 22cm titan, then decided there was room for more, so added 1 or 1.5cm RTEs, but then thought there was still room for more, so he did something that not many would have done. Instead of stacking RTEs and giving a lower quality erection (as per merrix journal), he removed the whole thing, threw the 22cm implant and the RTEs in the bin and installed a 24cm implant without RTEs. This is a doctor who can definitely say prides himself in his craft and in patient satisfaction. If necessary, would he have spliced the tubing where required to ensure I had less RTEs? Most likely.

This all brings me to my next point. You might read all the journals on this forum (peyronies forum) and think they are all success stories so, it is likely your implant will also be a success story? But what's important to consider is that, most of these members had access to world renowned surgeons such as Dr Eid, who would (as described above), go above and beyond to ensure patient satisfaction. Further, the majority of these members are 50+ and married, if they receive a sub-par result, it's likely their sex life with, one woman, who they may have been with for most of their life, is able to be accustomed to still result in an above satisfactory sex life. E.g going 3 basic positions, 2/3 times a week at 50 - 70 years of age. As opposed to a 30 year old who may indulge in sex 7 times a week, 7+ positions, threesomes, one night stands, anal/oral, discreet pumping, non-disclosure of the implant etc..

With the above in consideration, I have been thinking a lot about my early days with peyronies, how in the first year, I saw amazing results with VED (my old posts are probably still in the improvement forum, almost 4 years old now I would say). So, I would urge a lot of new members, who may not have access to world renowned surgeons, due to the cost, or travel, etc, or members who are still in their 20s/30s and may not be ready to take those steps, to please start the therapies ASAP, and exhaust all other avenues until you believe an implant is the right choice for you, and you have come to acceptance that, no matter what the result of the implant, it is far better than living life with your peyronies condition. With me, my condition progressed to the point where I could not have sex at all, thus, an implant was the only option, Unfortunately, travelling to see Dr Eid, Hakky, Perito etc was not an option for me due to the costs, currency conversation rates, travel accomodation, etc. My surgeon in Australia cost me about 15k including Aestheticist, implant, TEP, cirumsision, hospital stay, post implant appointments. Rebate is about 3k, so in total I may be about 12k out of pocket. If one was having just the implant, it is around 7-8k, with a $1500 rebate (approx).

This may help put things into perspective for members in Australia, and members who do not have access to Surgeons such as Eid, Hakky, Perito, Ralph etc. There was a member here from Australia, AverageBloke, still in his 20s if I am not mistaken, who I believe mortgaged his house to go see Dr Clavell I think, my heart goes out to him, that is a very big decision and a very expensive debt, especially given currency conversion rates, 1 Australian dollar is about 65 US cents currently, so 30k Surgery would cost close to 50k , and that doesn't include accommodation, food, tickets, etc

Interested in what other members thoughts are as well, especially younger members.

Few more thought provoking things I want to talk about in my next post, but will leave it at this for now.

Nonetheless, will I still have a great result? Time will tell.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


The issue of it being wobbly should be no problem since you are only partially inflated. Once you get max inflation this issue should go away. Interesting post. Totally agree about the thing you mentioned with Dr Eid. He definitely does have the highest satisfaction rate when it comes to this implant process.

I am also in a spot where it might be my only option in the future and just as you it's impossible for me to travel abroad and have it done due to the cost.

I don't think sweden has any "high volume" surgeons at all. At most they probably do 20 a year. I can't even believe I am in this current position. My curvature is relatively mild, I can have sex with it no doubt, but my ED is a nightmare.

I really don't know what the problem is, only 2 years ago they were rock solid and 100% reliable. I have an appointment in early May for further investigation. If I get told at this appointment that my only solution would be an implant I honestly don't know how I would react. Shock, sadness, confusion.

It is a surgery I am very scared of. I should probably try a VED to see if that could help me regain some erectile function.

Good luck to you, I am in here reading all the updates!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Appreciate it Sonic, I'm not sure if surgery in Australia would be an option for you. But, your currency is euros? I think they would convert to double or more here in AUD? Correct me if I am wrong. If it is an option, see how mine turns out.

I've been thinking a lot and thought I'd do a thought provoking post, a lot more to come.

With the wobbly erection, I'm a bit worried, as a wobbly erection can be a result of RTEs, but only time will tell.

Thanks for reading and for your support.

Do try VED when you get a chance, helped a lot with me in the beginning, and if I stayed consistent with it, and abstained from sex, I think I would've been quite close to being healed, as other members (including old man) had been.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Sonic, just to add, have you tried pentox +5mg cialis (to be taken daily) and then 100mg viagra as needed (30m prior to sex), this cocktail allowed me to have a perfectly functional sex life in the early days of peyronies.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


QuoteI imagine a lot of the pain and discomfort is due to having TEP, implant, and circumcision.

From  all i have read online, the more you have done in your implant procedure the longer the recovery time and pain you will feel, so your assertion is correct.

QuoteErection slant
My penis is slanted to the right, not sure why, there seems to be a dent at top right side base, or perhaps there is just less swelling in that area. My erection is becoming a bit wobbly. A part of me is wondering if this is due to the RTEs, although, it could be a number of reasons for now, swelling, partial inflation, etc etc. Best not to think about it until a few more months when healing is over.

I would say that it is too soon for you to know how exactly the erection is going to be, in terms of stiffness and wobbliness? Definitely wait for you to be able to inflate fully and then some to get the full picture.  
QuoteIt was a four hour procedure involving incisions to the tunica (TEP), circumision as well as an implant, so I imagine recovery is going to be rough. I'm a bit worried, they may not extend my pain killers, but I will check in with the doctor tomorrow.

Please watch out with the pain killers and advise with your doctor if he has prescribed you with narcotics. They are very, very addictive and that is the last thing that you want to be dealing with later on. If you are not aware, please google about Purdue pharma and "oxycontin".

QuoteKind of makes me realize, after reading most of the journals on this site (peyronies forum, I will be copy and pasting this post into FT), most members here have been implanted by Dr Eid, or another world renowned high volume implant surgeon, some who give you 24hr access to their mobile phone numbers, I've noticed some of these surgeons will even pay a private visit to you in your hotel room. In contrast, on my day of discharge from the hospital, my surgeon was suppose to come down from his office to the ward (a 2 m walk, in the same ward, of the same complex), he didn.t Although, this was just to tell me what size he had implanted me with, it was important to me. Later, the head nurse who was trying to discharge me (in a rush) told me "he is not coming down jjst to tell you what size you got, we need you to get into the discharge lounge", she said this to me, while not introducing herself as a nurse, and walking in on me naked, in pain, trying to get dressed. One of the only complaints I have, but this too, is more of a hospital care issue, as opposed to the surgeon. One thing I noticed is that some of the male nurses are bit more compassionate than the female nurses (generally), I think this may be due to them being able to empathize more with having any kind of procedure done to the penis.

My surgeon was great, I would definitely say he is competent, kind, a good listener, very skilled, one of the best in Australia, and does not rush you out of his office (I had another high volume implant surgeon in Australia who did rush me out of his office, despite me showing interest in wanting to have the implant done by him). By high implant surgeon in Australia I believe it is around 70 implants a year, as opposed to Dr Eid who does 300 a year (please correct me if I am wrong). The only negative thing I can say about my surgeon is, I wish I had a 24cm titan with 0.5cm RTE as opposed to 22cm titan with 2.5cm RTE. Further understanding into why I have been given 2.5cm RTEs seems to indicate that, the surgeon used pre-connected devices and to use a 24cm with 0.5cm RTE would have meant that he would have to splice the tubing to get the pump to fit optimally, there is a detailed explanation of this in a post above. I also spoke to another member on FT implanted by the same surgeon who received a 24cm titan with 3.5cm RTEs, this confuses me, as the surgeon advised he preferred to use as less RTEs as possible. To me, 3.5cm RTEs is an excessive amount. I could be wrong, and perhaps he made the best decision at the time, but after reading all these journals, I would have to say, would Dr Eid have made the same decision? Dr Eid is a doctor who I believe installed user Merrix with a 22cm titan, then decided there was room for more, so added 1 or 1.5cm RTEs, but then thought there was still room for more, so he did something that not many would have done. Instead of stacking RTEs and giving a lower quality erection (as per merrix journal), he removed the whole thing, threw the 22cm implant and the RTEs in the bin and installed a 24cm implant without RTEs. This is a doctor who can definitely say prides himself in his craft and in patient satisfaction. If necessary, would he have spliced the tubing where required to ensure I had less RTEs? Most likely.

This all brings me to my next point. You might read all the journals on this forum (peyronies forum) and think they are all success stories so, it is likely your implant will also be a success story? But what's important to consider is that, most of these members had access to world renowned surgeons such as Dr Eid, who would (as described above), go above and beyond to ensure patient satisfaction. Further, the majority of these members are 50+ and married, if they receive a sub-par result, it's likely their sex life with, one woman, who they may have been with for most of their life, is able to be accustomed to still result in an above satisfactory sex life. E.g going 3 basic positions, 2/3 times a week at 50 - 70 years of age. As opposed to a 30 year old who may indulge in sex 7 times a week, 7+ positions, threesomes, one night stands, anal/oral, discreet pumping, non-disclosure of the implant etc..

I am sorry to read that you felt rushed after your procedure. I did remember reading back in the day when Dr. Kramer was still super popular that even him did it a few times, so it is not that uncommon even by the big names. As for the selection of the implant and RTE's and how patients perceive the doctor's choice and the following outcome, i read an interesting paper a while back. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5583047/ This is not you, by any means but it is related in some ways to your train of thought and sort of highlights how Doctors feel about this.

I would say that there isn't anything that you can do for the moment except letting it heal and then once you are fully healed and have used your implant you can then think about your next step. whether it is saving for a new revision to address the RTE's issue or trying somehow to be content with the outcome you got. A lot of the folks are happy with their result even with bigger RTE's than yours. If it was all BS and the erection was of poor quality because they are in their 60's it is something one can ask, but i did read multiple accounts of that so there is hope for you.

Got my fingers crossed that you will be ok buddy!


Thanks Pfract, that is a reassuring post, I appreciate it.

Yes, the doctors are quite reluctant to continue prescribing oxycontin due to dependency. It's just difficult as there is still a lot of pain present, and I am finding it difficult to function. I have to lay on my back with my penis upright 24 hours a day.

I attempted to get some more pain killers from the doctor at the practice today, but he told me to check in with my GP (who is in another state). Really not sure what to do. I have a plane to catch in about 10-12 days and if things don't improve this is going to prove to be very difficult. My actual surgeon is on holiday so I may just have to deal with the pain.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on February 21, 2023, 07:41:47 PMSonic, just to add, have you tried pentox +5mg cialis (to be taken daily) and then 100mg viagra as needed (30m prior to sex), this cocktail allowed me to have a perfectly functional sex life in the early days of peyronies.

Not pentox sadly. Not available here or at least none of the doctors I visited even mentioned it or prescribe it.

5mg Tadalafil yes, I was prescribed this, insanely expensive I just felt though that the some of the side effects and just the effect overall wasn't worth it. The medication which gave me the best effect was definitely viagra (Sildenafil). I tried 50mg. I might ask for another prescription of this or possibly 100mg as you said.

I have an appointment in early may for further investigation. Hope you are having a good day! I like that other people are chiming in here giving you info and support. Really great stuff from this forum. Also thank you for making this detailed journal to help others get more insight!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Narcotics can be addictive, but it is not much of an issue if they are used responsibly for a month to treat pain.  They work great for acute pain, just not chronic pain.  I once took 5/325 Percocets.  I took the maximum dose allowed due to the Tylenol content.  I took 12 a day for 30 days and still almost went insane from a trapped kidney stone that would not move, even after lithotripsy.  When I finally passed the stone 4 hours before my scheduled surgery, I did have what I believe was some withdrawal.  I lacked motivation and was depressed for 3 - 4 days.  It could have been just crashing from the adrenalin rush and pain, but I don't think so.  

Having said that, the combination of Ibuprophen AND Tylenol should help a lot.  You can take both because they are processed in totally different ways.  You cannot, however, double up with any other medication that could contain Tylenol (acetaminophen) since that could be deadly.  I think Alev (Naproxin Sodium) and Tylenol are an even better combination.  A positive effect is that the Alev or the Advil, whichever you choose, also reduces inflammation which your current pain meds do not.

Keep in mind that you say you were in surgery for 4 hours.  I assume that was the time just in the OR and not recovery.  By contrast, I was in the OR for less than an hour, and the surgical part of that was less than 40 minutes.  You have a lot of healing to go through, so consider yourself as doing great and probably ahead of schedule.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sonic, there is a generic of cialis available now so should be much cheaper. Although, some people do suffer bad sides, you could consider reducing the dosage. If you're reacting well to viagra, it may help you to have a functional sex life, which may in turn, help you to cope during these tough times.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Thanks Hawk, appreciate it. I agree, its all about using narcotics responsibly. I managed to get more scripts from my GP today, and enough to last me to get onto a plane in about 12 days.

Should be deflated a bit next Tuesday.

As for the update, swelling reduced in the slightest bit, pain about the same. I am getting a bit of dribble after peeing which I assume is expected considering im inflated.

As always, appreciate the support from all you guys, I might not be here without you's all, and if the time ever comes, I'll be here to support the rest of you's through your journey.

Excited to see the final result in a few months.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


jj, that's nice to know! Should take some stress out I hope? :D



Day 17 Update:

Although there isn't really much to update, being locked in a hotel room with nothing to do, on pain killers, writing this journal is somewhat soothing. Letting out my thoughts and expressing myself.

Swelling and pain is down, albeit, in the slightest. In 4 days they are going to deflate me a little so I can get on a plane.

Does anyone have experience with initial deflation? My doctor is on holiday and he has left it up to the nurse to deflate me a bit for comfort, and so I can get on a plane. I think due to TEP, I will still be inflated a little for up to 6 weeks. I am worried that, if the nurse is inexperienced and deflates me too much, it will compromise the TEP.

Mentally I am struggling a bit, I am someone who is in the gym everyday, reading books, working on self-development. At the moment I can barely move, and its difficult to concentrate on reading considering I am on narcotics.

I have been thinking a lot about my decision, realising that every 5-10 years (maybe more, maybe less), I will have to go through this process again, although, quite possibly less painful and a quicker recovery, and less expensive. Risk of infection will still be there each time. I'm 34, if I live till 74, that could be 5-10 revisions required. Something to consider for the younger guys, I think the youngest guy I spoke to was a 20 year old who had peyronies, also from Australia.

Some other things I have been thinking, the trade off between not being able to get a natural erection, the intimacy of a woman touching you and feeling your penis grow, spooning in the morning and having your gf wake up to your hard erection. These things can be a very intimate part of a relationship. This in trade for an erection which can stay up as long as required, which also can have it's benefits. Is it worth it? In my case, yes. I got to a point where I couldn't have sex without the implant. I will till miss that intimate feeling of waking up to a woman touching me and my erection growing, and women themselves love touching you and seeing your erection grow, it reassures them that you're attracted to them, makes them feel sexy, and powerful.

Now, I've been thinking a lot about disclosure. A lot of women that are older 40+ I feel are a lot more understanding to Erectyle dysfunction, they have dated men with ED, some have health complications themselves, they understand. Younger women, in their 20s, some make fun of men who can't get an erection. I know some who, if you told them you have to pump up your penis from your scrotum, would call you an old man. I know some who, if you told them you had a bionic penis, they would laugh and call you a cyborg. Now, these aren't the type of women you want to ever date or be around. But, could this influence the decision of someone in their 20s who wants to get an implant but can still have sex with pills/injections? Possibly. Having one night stands and trying to pump discreetly in itself each time can prove to be difficult and laborious.

I just want the younger guys to realise that, an implant is a good option, but if your peyronies/ED isn't to the point where you can't have sex, consider VED/Traction first perhaps. Especially, if you are not yet in a financial position to afford one of the top surgeons. Consider, the amount of revisions required, the recovery, costs, risks of infections. I myself am a bit worried about my 2.5cm RTEs causing a wobbly erection. I was talking to someone who had 3.5cm RTEs and he does have a bit of a wobbly erection, he can mitigate this by pumping harder, however, that ends up being too hard for sex. Choosing a top surgeon is very vital to receiving a top result, and in Australia we are very limited. After 4 years of peyronies and spending 15k on surgery, the pain of recovery, I would want to have sex without having to worry about a wobbly erection slipping out of a woman's vagina (common in cowgirl position).

Now, I know I am stuck in a hotel room with nothing to do, inflated, only able to lay on my back and my mind may be wondering off into negative thoughts. 4 years of peyronies and I have passed on quite a few attractive females, I am looking forward to getting back out there and exploring the dating scene and sharing intimacy with women. My depression from peyronies affected other areas of my life, my career/study took a hit, general mental health, social life. I became a bit of a recluse, and I am starting to realise that it's time to come out of that isolated shell I put myself in. I have forgotten how to date, make friends, be social again.

Wish there was a group or club here in Australia for us implanted guys where we could get together and share our experiences, discuss dating, doctors, support each other. Mens mental health is already a subject which isn't talked about enough. Not many people can talk about peyronies either, most doctors even rush you out of their office. I can see some men here who are younger and don't have access to all this information, money for surgery, pills, VED/traction etc eventually falling close to suicide.

I received a message from a member today which was quite thought provoking, he told me that, some Australian doctors will use excessive RTEs as, they do not perform implant surgery in high volumes in comparison to Eid, Perito etc, so if they need to throw out an implant to install another one, it is too costly for them. Thus, they will use RTEs where necessary, avoid having to use multiple implants during one surgery.

Some things to think about I guess, when choosing surgeons in Australia.

Keep in mind, this is all written while in a hotel room, barely able to walk, in immense pain. 4 months from now I may write up a post telling you all how this has been an amazing experience and I recommend everyone to do the same. Keep in mind though, that the risks will always still be there.

Very interested in anyone else thoughts, especially younger guys, and members from Australia.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Awesome progress JJ!  Glad it's working out!  Looking forward to the rest of your journey and advice.

Be well!

I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes


Jj21 you summed it up great, an implant may be an awesome solution but in no way a simple one. The process, the surgery and the embarassing feeligns is one thing. I dont know if u could ever pull it off, to ashamed probably. And then the fact that its not forever, as you mentioned need to repeat / 5-10 years. Wow.
The recovery process would be ok for me i guess, ive become good in letting time pass and just be patiently waiting. But immsense pain despite pain killers is bad ofc. You have good thoughts and i wish you great recovery.
I will soon try ved, something ive been afraid of. But today i had a whole day of chronic pain or discomfort and i just have to do.somrthing about it it wont go away on its own and i dont even know why it is there or causes it.

You had flaccid pain too ( right now you have another source of pain of course, i am sure u cant tell if this is still there // as the stronger, more acute pain blocks the weaker one )  -  was this all over ur penis or on local spots? Bc i try to figure out my puzzle. Much points to hard flaccid/ pudendal neuralgia, but then again the fact its so local points to scar.

Sorry this thread is about you, not me. Good recovery
27y, injured at 21 y!

Reinjured late 2019 when having sex with weak errection.
No curvature, but rotation of the base to the left about 30degrees
Main problem: chronic flaccid pain.

Trying different stuff now


FrankPD - appreciate the kind words.

Orriw- Have you tried pentox? Cialis daily 5mg tabs? They did help me initially with pain and ED. Regular VED usage also helped mitigate pain as well.

My flaccid pain became quite bad and intermittent, I couldn't sleep in certain positions and wearing tight clothes was always uncomfortable. The implant usually fixes peyronies pain, but I am too early in the healing stages to know yet.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


I was diagnosed with Peyronies in 11/2022. The first eurologist I went to see told me that there was nothing that could be done about it. I started to experience ED along with loosing girth and about half length of my penis. I went to see another Eurologist who recommended Xiaflex. I started the Xiaflex treatment but it was not having any effect. I then went to see what I would consider the best Eurologist in Southern California at USC Keck. They recommended a Penile Implant. Surgery has been scheduled for March. I will keep everyone posted as to my progress, very excited to have surgery, hopefully I can return to having a great intimate life with my wife as I did prior. My sexual life has been all but no existent for about over a year.    
60 yo, diagnosed with Peyronies 11/22, 20 degree curvature, indentation mid shaft, lost girth and length, 6 inches to 3 inches. unable to sustain an erection for a prolonged period.


Quote from: Jmaldo44 on February 26, 2023, 10:21:08 AMI then went to see what I would consider the best Eurologist in Southern California at USC Keck. They recommended a Penile Implant. Surgery has been scheduled for March. I will keep everyone posted as to my progress, very excited to have surgery, hopefully I can return to having a great intimate life with my wife as I did prior. My sexual life has been all but no existent for about over a year.    

Wish you the best of luck but it is concerning to me that this is becoming done more often. It genuinely seems if one has Peyronies + ED the only real solution is the implant. It concerns me because not everyone has access or money for top docs like Eid for example. Many of us are either left in the dark or forced to have the procedure done by less experienced surgeons which can lead to disatrous results.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Sonic, your concerns are very valid, reading some of the posts on FT, you can clearly see patient satisfaction varies where a lot of their members have had implants done by less experienced surgeons. Just to add to your concerns man, I really really recommend you tryin out VED or traction, in my early days, it really helped a lot. My improvement posts from VED are probably stll in the improvement section on this forum. My problem was that I continued to have rough sex and continued to injure myself further. I really believe in the early days there is a good chance of reversing the disease if treated correctly.

Pfract, I tried to reply to your private message but your inbox is full.

Day 20 update:

As usual, there is not much to update, but being alone in a hotel room there is just something soothing about writing in this journal and letting my thoughts out.

I would like to talk about the pics I have uploaded here. Now, see how my penis slants to the right, it will not move to the left, even when forcefully trying to move it with my hand (as shown in one of the pics). I am wondering if this is an issue with th surgery, RTEs or simply just this way due to only being partially inflated.

Tomorrow I will be partially deflated so I can get on a plane soon. I think the nurse will be doing it as my doctor is on holidays, I am just hoping she does not deflate me too much and compromise the TEP but I am sure it will be okay. As you can see, the swelling has gone down quite a bit. I am not sure if my penis is still swollen, I think it is slightly, otherwise this would really be some impressive girth! The pump in my scrotum is very solid, I can feel it but it feels rock hard like a pebble. Will find out tomorrow how the deflation goes.

As for the pain, it is improving now. 3 weeks almost exactly and I can say, I finally am feeling a bit better. Being inflated has been tough but I am sure it will be worth it in the end. I am already feeling positive about the progress.

Mentally, I have been struggling a bit. Now that my peyronies may be over, some other mental health issues I have had have been starting to resurface. I had peyronies for 4 years. During those 4 years, I passed on many relationships, one night stands, and battled a lot of depression and anxiety all while trying to finish uni with two degrees (which I was constantly deferring courses due to mental health issues). I also isolated myself and became a bit of a recluse. What I am trying to say is, to anyone struggling out there, don't let your peyronies control you, have a plan, always know that an implant is an option, try and excel in other aspects of your life (finances, health, social skills, intelligence etc).

If anyone has any advice on whether the slant in these pictures is something to be concerned about, it would really be appreciated. It's confusing that it slants to one side, but not to the other, this was an issue I had with my peyronies. I am hoping eventually I have a rigid enough erection to enjoy sex, I don't want my penis slipping out in cowgirl position, and I don't want to have to pump up to the point where it's uncomfortable to have to find rigidity in my erection.

Just some thoughts for now, in a few months these may prove to be completely invalid.

Time will tell.

Always eager on receiving support and messages from you guys, so any advice is also appreciated!


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on February 27, 2023, 05:59:28 AMSonic, your concerns are very valid, reading some of the posts on FT, you can clearly see patient satisfaction varies where a lot of their members have had implants done by less experienced surgeons. Just to add to your concerns man, I really really recommend you tryin out VED or traction, in my early days, it really helped a lot. My improvement posts from VED are probably stll in the improvement section on this forum. My problem was that I continued to have rough sex and continued to injure myself further. I really believe in the early days there is a good chance of reversing the disease if treated correctly.

I have always appreciated your advice jj. Time goes by so fast that in June it's already been 3 years with the disease for me. My biggest problem was not taking any action sooner but instead just going the supplement route. I was sitting here all these years contemplating traction or VED and ended up doing nothing because I was afraid of justr aggravating the issue. I was interested in a restorex some time but it does not ship to sweden. The PMP seemed a good option but I have read so many posts on here about issues with slippage etc that I stayed away.

I have the option of ordering a SomaCorrect pump.

The pics you posted look very good imo. Compared to your older pics it's like two completely different penises. I see no signs of dents or curve now, just as you said a bit slanted but this will be solved I think once you start inflating to max.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thanks Sonic, I always appreciate your support as well. It  reassures me that I am not alone and there's other people out there who can relate to this disease. We as men always suffer in silence, there is not much resources out there for us when it comes mental health, let alone, peyronies.

Appreciate your thoughts on the dents being healed, I am just not yet sure if that is due to swelling or if the dents really are filled.

Sonic, in regards to RestoreX, there is a service I think it's called ParcelX, have a look on this forum and you will find it. It's basically where an authenticated third party, purchases the item (restorex) and couriers it to you. You will find it's legit and some members here have used it with success. About two years ago when I was considering restorex, I was going to use the service but the same day I purchased a somacorrect from a medical company in Australia and they advised that they were just in the early stages of getting restorex stock into Australia (Restorex in Australia is $1500AUD currently, I think to purchase restorex in America it's $525 USD, you guys are lucky there!)

I found the key with restoreX is to go slow, start first with the smaller bars and slowly work your way up. Start with straight traction, you may find that if you have dents in multiple places, curved traction may not be an option as it will aggravate your dents in the opposite areas of the penis. Straight traction with restorex definitely helped with pain for me, the stretch was quite satisfying, I felt that it did help with bloodflow and, if you look through the pics on my journal in my traction diary I feel it did help a bit with length. In saying that, towards the end of my peyronies journey just before my implant, I would say that my peyronies progressed so much that even when seeing some improvement, the narrowing had gotten so far up the penis that even 10% improvement would prove to make minimal difference in erection quality and rigidity. So, my point is, start soon before the disease progresses. My surgeon himself told me after the implant that my penis had significant narrowing all the way up to the glans (he degloved the penis and was able to view everything, this how he performed the TEP). The narrowing was clearly evident in my final pics prior to my implant. Now if you compare them to my early pics (4 years ago) (all in my traction journal), you will see that there wasnt much narrowing but a sight curve (where sex in most positions was still possible). My point being that If I continued VED/Restorex at this point, before my peyronies progressed into severe narrowing and was just a curve, there is a good chance I may have been able to reverse the disease earlier. This would have saved me over 20k in medical costs, device, medications etc as well as a lot of time and mental health issues.

Apologies for the long post, but I just dont want you to make the same mistakes I did. Coincidentally, June this year will also be 5 years of peyronies for me. Mine started June 2018 when I was 29 years old.  

I will be doing an update with how my Doctors appointment went today a bit later. I have some thoughts on modern dating as well which I would like to share, and am very interested in other peoples thoughts.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Congratulations on your decision to get an implant, I battled peyronies for many years and yes it plays on your mind, I wish I had of made the decision to get an implant years before I did (2022)

Can I ask why you stayed in a hotel for the 3 x weeks after your operation ?

My surgeon, Dr Clavell, recommended just 2 x days, I stayed 3 x days before flying for over 20 hours to return home to Thailand where I currently live.
Peyronie's Disease for 6 years
Titan touch 20cm + 1 RTE
Dr J Clavell, Houston, Sept 2022
Age 58


Gap, the reason was that I had the TEP procedure done along with the implant which drastically delays recovery, I also was and am still very swollen. I was supposed to be deflated a week after surgery to get on a plane however, there was too much swelling to feel the deflate valve. Today marks three weeks since my surgery, and my swelling still has not gone down. I was supposed to be deflated a bit today again too to get onto a plane but the nurse was not able to feel the deflate valve due to the swelling.

I heard Dr Clavell is a great surgeon, how did you find him, and did you regain your size/girth?

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


An updated I have had which is causing some concern, as you can see here this strip of skin (I am struggling to find informatino on this. this strip of skin was intact on the groove which  I believe was stitched as shown. It has now ripped off, is this normal? Is this th frenulum?

I am very concerned as this is quite painful.

I can't get a hold of my doctor and the nurse is not responding. AFter care here post surgery is pretty bad, anyone with any advice please help.  
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on February 28, 2023, 08:06:57 AMGap, the reason was that I had the TEP procedure done along with the implant which drastically delays recovery,


Ok, fair enough, in my case it was just an implant which Dr Clavell told me was very straight forward, he told me earlier that day he had 2 patients that had complications with fitting thier implants, which delayed my operation.

On the day of my surgury he said he was doing 4 x implants, and 2 different operations, he had a busy day booked.
Peyronie's Disease for 6 years
Titan touch 20cm + 1 RTE
Dr J Clavell, Houston, Sept 2022
Age 58


Quote from: jj21 on February 28, 2023, 08:06:57 AMI heard Dr Clavell is a great surgeon, how did you find him and did you regain your size/girth?


I researched the surgeons recommended on this forum and went from there.

My first choice was Dr Eid, I sent 2 emails to his office and got no replies, so I looked for another surgeon.

I read a few reviews about Dr Clavell, and then sent a message on messenger to his office and to my surprise got a reply from Dr Clavell himself within 10mins (it would of been 5am in Houston)..................He advised me contact his office to organise a video appointment and I went forward from there.

After my surgury he wished me luck and said any issues to contact him 24/7, he gave me his personal email and messenger contact, I have only contacted him twice since surgury, once to let him know I had made it home to Thailand safely (3 days travel) and the 2nd time to check if I can start cycling (after 6 weeks)

So including the video consultation and the day of surgury I have only met Dr Clavell those two times, ive never been to his office.

Regards the sizing I havent taken any precise measurments, just happy to have a working penis again and it has been faultless in that regard, I also recieved a 1.5cm RTE which was a surprise after all the information I had read on this forum, Dr Clavell said it was to maximise my sizing with the Titan implant................................its working fine, straight as an arrow, and it doesnt wobble about which I read can happen, not one regret  8)  
Peyronie's Disease for 6 years
Titan touch 20cm + 1 RTE
Dr J Clavell, Houston, Sept 2022
Age 58


Gap, sounds like you have had a great result, I am very happy for you.

Dr Clavell seems great, I have seen some of his youtube videos. It's just amazing to see these Doctors offer services where they give you their personal contacts and allow you to message/email them after surgery. We have nothing like that here in Australia.

Having surgery on your penis can be quite devastating, in particular the worry of infection, so that aftercare from your surgeon/their team really makes a difference.

Very happy for you results.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Update Day 22:

I had my appointment yesterday with the nurse, unfortunately I am still too swollen to be deflated a bit. The plan was to deflate me slightly for comfort so I could get on a plane back to my own state. The nurse could not even feel the default valve in my scrotum.

I was told by my GP that sometimes swelling does not go down for 4-6 weeks. This has been taking a toll on my mental health, I am stuck in a hotel room interstate, swollen, in pain.

Not much else to update, just a heads up for some people who travel interstate and have the TEP/Implant procedure done, to be prepare for complicated circumstances.

I have been thinking a lot about other things, the circumcision, the state of modern dating, and the expectations modern women have of men, and the lack of support for men's mental health. I really want to write more about this, too tired today from pain killers, will continue tomorrow.

Am really concerned about the lack of peyronies information/surgeons in Australia. Would love to get a group of guys together more interested in creating a group for support for us.

To anyone reading this, just know that I appreciate your support and really look forward to any messages.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Quote from: jj21 on March 01, 2023, 09:10:15 AMThis has been taking a toll on my mental health, I am stuck in a hotel room interstate, swollen, in pain.

Hey bro, no pain no gain!  ;D

I genuinely think 6 months from now you will look back at this time regardless of how painful and annoying it was to be one of the greatest moments in your life after Peyronies. The whole idea behing having to pump your penis everyday for 15 minutes or having your dick entrapped in a device for hours is also very draining on the mental health.

The thing is that for you that's all in the past now. You are gonna come out of this a winner and we are all here for you rooting for a speedy revovery!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Also jj I just wanna say last year in April I had surgery on my elbow, ulnar nerve transposition surgery to be precise. I had been walking around with a misplaced ulnar nerve that kept falling out of it's place snapping over the bone on the inside of the elbow. For 10 years I walked around with this BS knowing surgery was the only thing to fix it and in the end I opted for surgery. It was my first ever surgery and the recovery was a really bad experience.

Everything went well but the pain in the beggnining was horrible. And then I had to wear a bandage for 14 days and fecking hell when it started to itch underneath it and I couldn't do anything about it I wanted to jump out a window!!

2 months later everything had healed so well I had forgotten I even made surgery. I feel like this is how you are going to look at things with a bit time as well. That was surgery on an elbow so I can only imagine how painful it is to have surgery on the penis especially such an advanced surgery as an implant but also combined with a circumcicion which is quite painful procedure on it's own.

Hang in there buddy, everything is gonna be alright!!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Update day 24

Still swollen, in a hotel room. Thinking of waiting until the 14th when my surgeon is back, booking in with him, seeing if he can deflate me and then getting on a plane back to my state.

Very curious about beginning cycling, with TEP, you usually stay inflated for 4-6 weeks before beginning cycling. I'm almost at 4 weeks.

I have mixed feelings, on one hand I am nervous, on the other hand I am excited to put this journey past me. I really wish there was some more journals with TEP. I know user Tortao did a TEP procedure journal, he regained all his peyronies length back, he never came back to report any further details.

I've read so many mixed reviews on circumsision too, some claim they preferred sex with their foreskin, some say sex is more sensitive without foreskin, some say makes no difference.

Time will tell.

Appreciate all you guys messages and support.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Update day 25:

While I am still swollen in the hotel room, hitting day 25, I've been thinking a lot. I'd like to talk about some of the depression which peyronies has caused me, as well as modern dating.

Modern Dating for woman
With the advent of social media, women are really spoilt for choice. The average woman who's probably a 6/10, with makeup and a few provocative pics on Instagram (transforming herself into an 8) will most likely have at least 20/30 messages a week from guys wanting to take her out. You can guarantee at least 5 of those are men in the top 10% of the wealth pyramid. I am not saying women are shallow and gold diggers, just that they are naturally hypergamous, and they crave security, protection and a provider, and will most likely prefer to date wealthier men of high status. As you take her out on a date, she's probably got 10 others lined up with guys richer. With this in mind, some younger women can have a low tolerance for erectyle dysfunction (wait till the end before making judgements). Why would she want to deal with average joe earning 60k a year with depression from peyronies who can't keep it up when she could date Tim from Accounting earning 150k a year spoiling her with holidays n fancy gifts, giving her amazing sex in extravagant positions twisting her into a pretzel hitting her G/A/K and whatever other spots there are every night. Unfortunately, a majority of women will only love you on the condition that you can provide financially, give safety, emotional security. It's hardwired into their genetics. In the stone ages when we were hunter gatherers, if a woman did not pair bond with a competent man who could provide resources (shelter, food etc), she would die. So, you can see how women will naturally filter out mem to pair bond with the wealthy, competent, confident. Of course there are always anomalies and exceptions.

Modern Dating for men
Well, we are competing with a huge pool of guys. Go on tinder and you may be lucky to get matches. If you're just an average guy earning 60k a year, average looking with a belly, the woman you're interested in, has probably got dates set up with guys earning 100k+, with fit bodies, etc etc.

Of course this isn't to say that women are shallow. The most important aspect of a relationship is trust, love, emotional connection. Just that dating has changed. 50/60 years ago, a man would court a woman who's only options would be the men in her town that were not related to her and of a similar age group. Any man could provide a decent living for her as the cost of living back then was so low, further, most women were dependent on men. Women were not spoilt for choice, it was rather, the other way around. Contrasting from my points above, when you have been with a woman for 40 years who hasn't had much experience with other males, and you're now 60/70, or dating women over 40 who are used to men in their 50s with Erectile Dysfunction, they are much more understanding and tolerant of Erectile Dysfunction.

Divorce is also currently at an all time high, and in the USA 70% of divorces are initiated by females (google it).

So, I have tried to put into place how dating and peyronies can be different for people in their 20/30s to people n their 60/70s.

Now I want to get to why I am writing all this.

The last 4 years of peyronies for me:

During the last four years of peyronies I was severely depressed. I had anxiety and PTSD previously, and when peyronies hit I also suffered severe depression. I was on and off medications but most anti-depressants cause Erectile Dysfunction and I didn't want the lack of erections/nocturnal erections to have a detrimental effect on my peyronies. My life took a real hit. I was always a gym junkie and thankfully this is the one area of my life I always kept up. Unfortunately after this surgery I am slowly losing my body, but I will much easily gain it back. I was also in uni studying two degrees. I finished them just late last year. That makes me a 34 year old just starting out his career still living with his parents.

Now with the above information in mind, you can imagine, being 34, without my own home, starting a graduate career, dating is going to be rather difficult. It would have been even more difficult with Erectile Dysfunction. Now, I can wait 6 years and build my career up, feel more comfortable where I can provide better financial security for a wife and chlildren etc, but that puts me at 40 years.

I actually should have finished my degrees and started my career 4 years ago but the severe depression from peyronies and other aspects caused a huge hindrance in my life.

The positives:
My plan is to hustle hard, with my career as well as side hustles, I have been reading vigorously, learning about finance, business etc, I have improved my mental health drastically, trying to network and make new friends. Peyronies has actually turned me into a much mentally (and psychically) stronger person. Always turn your disadvantages into advantages, negatives into positives in life. We are also looking at creating a mens health group here in Australia where we can support each other in every way.

When you take everything into consideration, you can clearly see how dating in the modern world with peyronies can really be difficult for some of us younger guys.

My point in all of this is that, as you can see, the 4 years I was depressed, I should have been excelling in all other aspects of my life, focusing on becoming in one of the top 10% males in the wealth pyramid, improving my mental health etc etc finishing my degrees instead of stretching them out for 4 years (I was almost done until peyronies hit, I kept deferring classes).

So, my message to any younger guys out there suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, worrying about what women think, worrying about peyronies is this; excel in every other aspect of your life, go to the gym, diet make your body the replica of a God. Work on your mental health, be so strong minded and happy that you radiate positivity and women are just magnetically attracted to your vibe. Work on your financial situation, business, career etc so that you never lacking anything. Make yourself one of the top 10% of males and peyronies will not even matter to you. Get that implant and overcome everything you're faced with and women will see you as a competent man who can overcome any obstacle that's thrown with him. Turn this period of peyronies, into a period of drastic self-improvement and self-development and come out a stronger, wiser, smarter, wealthier man. Even if you've lost 1-2 inches of size, you're basically in the top 10% of any other aspect of life, your confidence , aura and energy alone will be enough to have women attracted to you.

I wish that for each and every one of you.

Love to hear other peoples thoughts.

(Apologies for any spelling/grammatical errors, I am still on pain killers and dozing off here n there)

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Very well said jj I am going through something very similar although I haven't had the time or resources to get an implant. That is the best path you can take I think is what you stated. The entire world is hyper competitive right now, and unfortunately that includes seX.  

I am still working on getting the motivation to get back in shape. But this is the path I am trying to take as well
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


You're damn right, JJ. We let this condition consume us way too much.
God bless and I wish you a continued good recovery.

Most of the failures I see here is people losing the psychological battle of the "disease", which in my experience is at least 50% of it all.

Man in his 20s with an upward curve caused by repeated micro-trauma.

Dormant for a long time, until new injury in June 2024.
Staying hopeful and will heal by God's will.


Curvekiller - It's great to see that you're ready to start your fitness journey. Yes, my basic message was that, don't let peyronies get you too far down, focus on improving other aspects of your life and just find happinesss n enjoyment.

Desmond - thanks a lot, wishing you the best with your journey too!

I am not sure if this is already in the forum but under 'choosing a surgeon', it may benefit to add in to ask whether the surgeon uses preconnected devices. I was just talking to a member on FT, he used the same surgeon as me and he has 3.5cm RTEs. Now, if he pumps it up to around 80% which is comfortable for sex, the erection is just too wobbly, if he pumps it up to 100% it is rigid and not wobbly but too uncomfortable for sex. The problem is that, because most surgeons in Australia use preconnected tubing, and as they aren't as high volume as Eid, Perito etc so they can't just throw out a smaller implant and install new ones, they are more likely to use RTEs.

My RTEs are 2.5cm and they may be okay. But, I feel for memmbers who have had this whole procedure and end up with a wobbly erection after years of peyroneis simply because the surgeon uses preconnected devices and does not want to splice tubing with a larger device.

Hope everyone is doing well. My swelling as gone down slightly more. Hoping to be on a plane soon and start cycling as soon as possible to get some length/girth gains.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).


Hey JJ,

You definitely have right attitude man. Just wanna tell you my respect for being almost a month alone in a hotel with all the worries and pain.

It is more than normal that you have these thoughts. But still, you are positive and that's what will make you success in every topic you were writing about above. I am rooting for you and you will be the happiest man in a few month  ;D

Best of luck from Germany - I'll follow you story.

29 years old- symptoms since 2 month
Unclear diagnosis: moderate pain (mostlyflaccid, sometimes erect) 10 degrees right curve erect, bend very visible semi erect. 45 degrees axial rotation

In a relationship

Searching for help


I was looking at the pics you posted on Feb 5th. Look at the pic to the left and then look at your most recent pics from the hotel room. You have gained back significant girth. Some of it may be swelling but still, the difference is massive. Now that you have been implanted looking at that pic from 5th feb really shows how much narrowing there really was!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


That's a good message jj keep up the positive attitude!
28 y/o
sex injury - gradually got worse
Hard flaccid, Indentation bottom left close to my body,  mild twist left
28° up 28° Left
official diagnosed @26 peyronies w/pain
Pentox, cialis, NSAID, tramadol(as needed)
Sciatic  pain radiates penis to foo


Hey jj!

I hope you are doing a bit better since the last time you posted. I read the whole thing, and i do understand where you are coming from but i have to disagree with you there on some things. You have a point when you talk about women not settling for a guy that has ED. Some of the ones i dated this year, i could see that being the case.
    But from experience, if you are still functional and can have sex and you are open with the girl about as well as caring for her, giving her pleasure and affection you will not have a problem in being with someone. I used to think that too and i had several partners since 2020. I disclosed that i had pain and could not do certain positions; all of them were fine with it. To two of them, i disclosed my full condition and they also had no problem with it, and reassured me "i was man enough for them".

I can imagine that no matter how much i tell you this, even though we are very close in age, it will not make much of a difference. It is something you have to personally experience. As in, overcoming your fears, shame and anxiety on being open about your condition. And now that you have an implant? you are in a much better spot than before. In the greater picture, what is the big deal with the girl finding the pump in your scrotum when you are confident that you can have sex for hours and not hurt yourself?

You mention tinder too.. I am on the app and again, from experience, what makes a big difference in you getting good matches is having a good profile with great pictures of yourself, a decent bio, and just having a relaxed attitude when swiping away. I had lots more likes and positive feedback once i put effort on the pictures. You do that, you are winning.

QuoteNow with the above information in mind, you can imagine, being 34, without my own home, starting a graduate career, dating is going to be rather difficult. It would have been even more difficult with Erectile Dysfunction. Now, I can wait 6 years and build my career up, feel more comfortable where I can provide better financial security for a wife and chlildren etc, but that puts me at 40 years.

Are you really saying you feel you need to wait 6 years to try to have a relationship because that's when you will be ready?

QuoteSo, my message to any younger guys out there suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, worrying about what women think, worrying about peyronies is this; excel in every other aspect of your life, go to the gym, diet make your body the replica of a God. Work on your mental health, be so strong minded and happy that you radiate positivity and women are just magnetically attracted to your vibe. Work on your financial situation, business, career etc so that you never lacking anything. Make yourself one of the top 10% of males and peyronies will not even matter to you. Get that implant and overcome everything you're faced with and women will see you as a competent man who can overcome any obstacle that's thrown with him. Turn this period of peyronies, into a period of drastic self-improvement and self-development and come out a stronger, wiser, smarter, wealthier man. Even if you've lost 1-2 inches of size, you're basically in the top 10% of any other aspect of life, your confidence , aura and energy alone will be enough to have women attracted to you.

And with this.... i fully agree!  8)