Another "is it Peyronies Disease or not" question (with pics)

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Hi guys

32 year old male.

Always curved to the left but tried enhancement with a bath pump about 5 years ago and injured myself. Had on and off hard flaccid type symptoms etc since then but never had any major issues in the sense I can get what I think are full erections, still get morning wood, no pain in erections etc. Sex isn't painful either.

However, as you can see in the pics, there is strong indentation in the left side of the penis, and I often get hourglass issues when I need a bowl movement.
The penis as mentioned has always curved to the left when erect but again not anything that has caused any issues.

If you can take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.

Please note: I've recently had 10ml of HA based filler, so my penis is a little fuller than normal.
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


I don't think there's really much anyone on here can say because your pics have layed all the info out clearly.

It is evident you have a dent, those are really difficult to treat. I have one myself on located near the base of the right side although mine is not as deep as yours. How are the erections? Are they just as hard as prior to this? Mine has given me ED due to the fact that the area impacted does not fill out properly.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Curves or dents when flaccid are not necessarily indicative of Peyronies. A true indication of Peyronies would require presenting symptoms with an erection.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thanks for the reply guys. To answer your questions - my erections are fairly normal and the penis fills out and the indent goes I believe.
As previously mentioned I've always gone to the left and had a curve. Ive had filler injections however so the true shape of my penis is a bit of a mystery to me. If I try to straight the bend out too much in its flaccid state I feel pain.

I sometimes don't know if I have hard flaccid or peyronie's. Either way I have an appointment at andrology London with a urologist on Wednesday this week, so hopefully an ultrasound will clear it up.

I can't deny I'm having major anxiety about all this, peyronie's just seems like a death sentence and I'm struggling to keep it together in the build up to the appointment. I'm so terrified what the Dr is going to say...

32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


I honestly think I'm losing my mind.

I visited a uro at a private clinic in London on Wednesday as I mentioned I would do. He did a physical examination on me and told me point blank he doesn't believe I have peyronie's.
He felt all the lumps and bumps etc and said he is convinced it is filler (which he added is the reason why he doesn't recommend filler, because it lumps together etc) and that he has written clearly in my notes that there is no obvious sign of peyronie's disease or plaque present.

He told me to go home and move on with my life, or if I wanted to "really kill the dead horse" I could get an MRI to be absolutely 100% certain as he could only offer 99.9% due to the filler being in there, but he said he is convinced they wouldn't find anything and to save my money.

... So, long story short, I'm still freaking out, and I'm booking the MRI at great cost ASAP.

I think I just need total clarity. I always curved/bent to the left and I don't think that has gotten any worse or changed direction but the filler in my penis might be masking that. I do have hourglass symptoms, when flaccid (when cold or when I need to poo mainly, not erect) and I always suspected I messed up my pelvic floor which caused this using a bathmate 5 years ago which caused what I believe was hardflaccid, but have in recent times been more worried was peyronie's.
I also cant say with absolute certainty that my penis hasn't gotten shorter over the last 5 years, as I can't really tell as I've never measured properly, I was never big to begin with so if I have gotten smaller it won't have been by much, I've not exactly dropped 8 inches to 5 for example of anything drastic.)
I don't think I've ever had painful erections but again, I don't know how painful that would have have to be or how the pain would feel. I don't have any issues getting an erection but the quality can fluctuate depending on state of arousal, but I assume that's normal.

The uro told me peyronie's is incredibly rare in men my age (I'm just about to turn 32) and is often aggressive if it does occur when young. Basically, he said if I had it I would probably have experienced quite severe changes and his words "would know all about it and not be so unsure."

I'm so confused, I was desperate to be told good news on Wednesday and I got it, but I really think until I have clarity through an MRI on this I really can't move on.

Am I just being ridden by my anxiety?
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


Yes, you are being ridden by your anxiety. You need to calm down right now. I have read every single word you have said. You are freaking out over deformities in the flaccid state of your dick. I can tell you those things you are seing when flaccid is completely useless to even waste a single thought on my friend because when it comes to this disease it's the deformities that shows up when ERECT that's an indicator of wether you have the disease or not.

From what I have read you have normal erections when fully hard, always had a curve and the dent on the pic you posted fills out when erect, these are your own words. If you have no deformities while erect then there's absolutely no way you have peyronies.

I am not advising against getting and MRI, this is your own choice and actually if you feel that would help you to get rid of these thoughts then I would actually advise you to go get one. Why didn't the uro offer an ultrasound himself god they are so lazy...

You need to relax right now before the anxiety gives you real issues mate.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. The fact these places exist and people support one another truly is a beautiful thing.

He didn't do an ultrasound because he said it would offer no more certainty than he already was, I.E 99%.
He said the only true 100% way to know is with an MRI and an artificial erection, which they didn't do in house but can refer me to a local private hospital to do, which as it stands I'm waiting on a date for.
There are just a couple of little bumps etc im just obsessing over that could very well be filler, but I just can't tell.

Tbh, I've been back a forth and freaking out for the last few days. I've been doing more research on hard flaccid and given my age, and my symptoms, I'd say I'm more likely to be experiencing that perhaps than peyronie's.

I self diagnosed myself with hard flaccid years ago when I first injured myself, i freaked out then massively too, but time went on, I noticed it less (I feel it has remained, more so I just got use to it being like that.) and I got on with my life. Cialis seemed to always keep me at my best and as I'm in a long term relationship with a young child I never needed to take it that often haha

I don't know, I won't deny that I'm literally an emotional wreck currently, for some reason peyronie's terrifies me so much more than hard flaccid. I can't make sense of why but it does.

Hopefully the MRI can give me closure on peyronie's, and I can start to tackle the hard flaccid issues and try and improve that.

Of course in about an hour I'll have 180'd back to having peyronie's again in my head and will be a mess.
32 yo UK
Engaged with two young children
Injured 2017, healed
RE injured Sept 2022
Chronic flaccid pain since 2nd injury
Starting 5mg cialis daily, trying to obtain pentox online

Possible hard flaccid, possible Peyronie's, possible nerve damage


Hard flaccid is a bitch. I have it myself so I know your struggles. But seriously, you should be proud of yourself that you went and got it examined. Right now you need to relax, I know it's easier said than done but go work out, read books watch movies anything to get you out of the whole peyronies thoughts. You now have an appointment awaiting for an MRI this is very good because when that is done you will have all the clarity you need. Until then my best and only advice I can give to you is do not freak out over something you do not even know.

Right now you do not know for sure wether you even have the slightest damage done let alone even Peyronies so why freak out?

The odds are 99% on your side as your Doc said, so why bother yourself that much over a measly 1%!!  ;D

And btw, no problem helping each other is what this forum was made for!
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.