bio oil?

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Hi all,
Just saw an advert for this on TV turns out it's primary use it to remove new or oll scars on skin, it probably won't work and so it would be in the same category of castor oil because it would need to penetrate the Corpus Cavernosum, but given that Peyronies Disease (mainly aimed at scar tissue from an injury not the progressive type) is mainly about scar tissue you'd think this would have it's place as a treatment. Wondering if anyone has tried it, or knows if it would make even a bit of difference. If there was in fact some way to get oil to selectively penetrate the CC then great but I don't think that's possible.  
M25, single, mild Peyronies Disease (?) from one or more minor sexual injuries.
- castor oil (I actually thought I had a bit of success with this).
- Currently trying l-arginine and l-citrulline
- vit e (?)

Can get an erection.

No Ashwaganda

Hi unsureincognito, looks like you had same thought as me, does bio oil work for peyronies? I got this condition due to using Ashwaganda supplements due to the side effects which were  in my case extreme, anyway i just started using bio oil today and intend to apply it 3 times a day for a period of at least 1 month. Will let you know the results if you haven't already tried this yourself. If you have tried it, please let me know how you got on with it.
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Guys, let's be realistic. No over-the-counter cream/oil you can buy will cure or reverse Peyronie's. If it were really that simple, this forum would not need to exist.

Peyronie's scarring is not the same as typical scarring of external skin. It's a complex "over-healing" auto-immune condition that creates scarring in the tunica that often times calcifies (not always). Another analogy has been that the scarring is enmeshed in the fibers of the tunica like concrete around re-bar. This is no simple scar.

I mean, you're welcome to try it, but studies showed topical verapamil didn't even penetrate to the tunica in a significant amount. The likelihood that Bio Oil will is pretty remote.

Just trying to keep you from getting your hopes up.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


Yeah as Nemo said, do not waste your time. I have used bio oil myself, never for Peyronies though, I do not know where you got that hilarious idea from.

Bio oil can reduce skin problems like dryness, rashes, minor scarring to become less evident. By no means could it break up peyronies scarring inside the dick...

30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.

No Ashwaganda

Guys, I have to tell you how wrong you are. I have been applying bio oil for just 3 days now twice daily and I'm absolutely astounded at the improvement. I would say there is at least an 80% improvement in the condition, I can actually really feel the difference when my penis is erect. It felt so hard and and abnormal on the underside of my penis, now it feels almost back to normal and there is hardly any curvature of the penis when it is erect, where as before it had a very noticable upward curve and there was some discomfort on erection. I had used bio oil before to reduce the appearance of a scar on my back, and it dramatically improved that but really did not expect it to have the same results.

If it can improve my peyronies then i really don't see why it can't do the same for anyone else. All i'm going to say is don't be so defeatist, this is working for me and it could work for you too. What have you got to lose? O.k maybe a few pounds, or dollars (It's really not that expensive) but I'm telling you the truth I am really amazed at the improvement bio oil has had on my peyronies. I really do hope that anyone who uses bio oil for the condition gets the same results as me.

I am going to continue using it for a month, even if it is completed corrected before this time, and I will keep you posted on my progress, but as already said i am well pleased with the improvement thus far, I feel it is almost back to normal.
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You used Bio Oil for 3 days and your pain and curvature just like that went away..

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.

No Ashwaganda

Yes i know it sounds hard to believe, but there has been dramatic improvement in just 3 days. I don't have any other explanation. I have only had Peyronies for about 2 months or so but it showed no signs of improvement until I started using the bio oil. Now when fully erect my penis is showing minimal curvature. and plaque dramatically reduced. I no longer have a Bill Clinton. I was going to try a vacuum pump but I guess I won't be needed one now.
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Hi there,

I've just ordered this oil as I'm really curious to try it not only for my Peyronies but also for some scars that I have on my skin. If it doesn't help with Peyronies, then at least I'll use it for better skin care.

I'll keep you posted  
27 y. o. Peyronies since 2020: very mild S curvature with the top part tilting to the left - 10*. Extensive scarring everywhere, wasting, hourglassing, lumps. Progressive Peyronies Disease, never stabilised. Somewhat acceptable EQ.


Quote from: bentoboy on September 25, 2022, 10:29:40 AM
Hi there,

I've just ordered this oil as I'm really curious to try it not only for my Peyronies but also for some scars that I have on my skin. If it doesn't help with Peyronies, then at least I'll use it for better skin care.

I'll keep you posted

And plaque just dramatically reduced.....🤔
June 2021- observed curve
September - increased curve
October - confirmed Peyronies, refered onwards to Peyronies specialist Urologist - November
Meanwhile immediately commenced traction with RestoreX after initial  visit and confirmation


Not sure what your sacrasm is for. If you don't want to try it out, just do nothing mate  
27 y. o. Peyronies since 2020: very mild S curvature with the top part tilting to the left - 10*. Extensive scarring everywhere, wasting, hourglassing, lumps. Progressive Peyronies Disease, never stabilised. Somewhat acceptable EQ.


Quote from: No Ashwaganda on September 25, 2022, 10:28:10 AM
Yes i know it sounds hard to believe, but there has been dramatic improvement in just 3 days. I don't have any other explanation. I have only had Peyronies for about 2 months or so but it showed no signs of improvement until I started using the bio oil. Now when fully erect my penis is showing minimal curvature. and plaque dramatically reduced. I no longer have a Bill Clinton. I was going to try a vacuum pump but I guess I won't be needed one now.

This is literally like saying you fractured your hand and rubbed bio oil on it and within 3 days your fractured hand healed.

Do you realize how stupid this sounds? You also claimed you got peyronies from Ashawaganda....

Worst attempt of trolling I've see on here and helps in absolutely no way.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Bio oil does contain a few essential oils with at least  anti inflammatory properties, and isopropyl myristate which is a strong permeation enhancer. Conceivably it might have helped reduce inflammation.  the amounts of any of the active ingredients are not listed,  which for me is off putting, and they are nothing special, and regarding vitamin E, no details on the isomeric make up.  This is a critical piece on it  ,

Age 57, Onset 2010, 2" shortening, shrinking and angulation of glans, weaker erections, 30 degree bend. Mild pain few months, but far from worst symptom. Tried many ideas, not just from here, but not consistently. Moderate improvement, maybe 40%

No Ashwaganda

Quote from: bentoboy on September 25, 2022, 10:29:40 AM
Hi there,

I've just ordered this oil as I'm really curious to try it not only for my Peyronies but also for some scars that I have on my skin. If it doesn't help with Peyronies, then at least I'll use it for better skin care.

I'll keep you posted

That's great mate, i really hope it helps.
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No Ashwaganda

Quote from: Sonic on September 25, 2022, 05:41:54 PM
This is literally like saying you fractured your hand and rubbed bio oil on it and within 3 days your fractured hand healed.

Do you realize how stupid this sounds? You also claimed you got peyronies from Ashawaganda....

Worst attempt of trolling I've see on here and helps in absolutely no way.

I think it is you who is being stupid Sonic, You have accused me of trolling when this clearly isn't true and in fact you appear to be trolling me by using your insulting comments. Firstly I have made no claims that this is a cure for everyone. I say it appears to be working for me. Secondly you know nothing about the reason why i claim Ashwaganda caused my peyronies. To clarify just to make it crystal clear to you, a side effect of taking ashwaganda is that it can make you very aroused, even in your sleep. I remember turning over in my sleep whilst taking ashwagandha and well I guess you can work it out for yourself what happened. Thirdly no one is telling you that you must go out and get yourself some bio oil, if you do that it may be the case that it does not work for you and then maybe you will have wasted your money.

It's probably best for you to move on and forget about this thread because it is clearly aggravating you in some way in which it would not affect most people. Maybe there are some deep seated issues that you are experiencing that you need to deal with and I think this thread clearly is causing these issues to rise to the surface.  
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No Ashwaganda

Quote from: projectpd on September 26, 2022, 06:21:58 AM
Bio oil does contain a few essential oils with at least  anti inflammatory properties, and isopropyl myristate which is a strong permeation enhancer. Conceivably it might have helped reduce inflammation.  the amounts of any of the active ingredients are not listed,  which for me is off putting, and they are nothing special, and regarding vitamin E, no details on the isomeric make up.  This is a critical piece on it  ,

Yes the inflammatory properties and the isopropyle myristate is something I noted as being a possible reasons as to how it may have helped. Bio oil definitely penetrates deep down into the skin that is unquestionable. Some of these essential oils also have properties that may be healing, but of course there is never enough money available in reseach into herbal remedies to be convincing enough to the scientific community. Also non pharmaceutical products always get a bashing from the scientific community whose research is often funded by big pharma companies.  
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Even worse. You now say you rolled over on an erection and got a damage which clearly means you got either a minor to moderate fracture and bio oil has cured you within 3 days.

A gel which firstly by any means cannot penetrate the skin deep enough to ever reach a scar build up that deep within an organ let alone remold or reshape a Peyronies plaque, a plack so difficult to treat that many patients even have to surgically correct it.

Bio oil has existed for nearly 20 years and not a single urologist or doctor has ever even attempted to do a study on it when it comes to this disease because it's literally the same as claiming rubbing vaseline on your penis reversed your peyronies. But no, I guess all these doctors who have devoted their lives to studying the disease are all stupid.

Shame you have to come on here with literally no posts, no signature and just post rubbish like this. It's a forum where thousands of men are gathered with a serious issue so when someone comes here and claims a gel that was originally created to reduce stretch mark removed all his peyronies symptoms including a CURVE within 3 days of application you bet your ass I see right through your lame troll attempt.

People who have no clue what bio oil is may not understand but I know exactly what it is and as you can see by my first reply in here I have used it myself, real pathetic attempt.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


Quote from: No Ashwaganda on September 24, 2022, 04:21:46 AM
I have been applying bio oil for just 3 days now twice daily and I'm absolutely astounded at the improvement. I would say there is at least an 80% improvement in the condition, I can actually really feel the difference when my penis is erect. It felt so hard and and abnormal on the underside of my penis, now it feels almost back to normal and there is hardly any curvature of the penis when it is erect, where as before it had a very noticable upward curve and there was some discomfort on erection. I had used bio oil before to reduce the appearance of a scar on my back, and it dramatically improved that but really did not expect it to have the same results.

That is absolute comedy but hey, absolutely no troll.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.

No Ashwaganda

Quote from: Sonic on September 26, 2022, 01:02:43 PM
Even worse. You now say you rolled over on an erection and got a damage which clearly means you got either a minor to moderate fracture and bio oil has cured you within 3 days.

A gel which firstly by any means cannot penetrate the skin deep enough to ever reach a scar build up that deep within an organ let alone remold or reshape a Peyronies plaque, a plack so difficult to treat that many patients even have to surgically correct it.

Bio oil has existed for nearly 20 years and not a single urologist or doctor has ever even attempted to do a study on it when it comes to this disease because it's literally the same as claiming rubbing vaseline on your penis reversed your peyronies. But no, I guess all these doctors who have devoted their lives to studying the disease are all stupid.

Shame you have to come on here with literally no posts, no signature and just post rubbish like this. It's a forum where thousands of men are gathered with a serious issue so when someone comes here and claims a gel that was originally created to reduce stretch mark removed all his peyronies symptoms including a CURVE within 3 days of application you bet your ass I see right through your lame troll attempt.

People who have no clue what bio oil is may not understand but I know exactly what it is and as you can see by my first reply in here I have used it myself, real pathetic attempt.

Normally I don't entertain trolls but I'll make this one exception with you before ignoring you. It is no suprise to me looking through your posts on this forum that the majority of them seem to be very negative, I feel so sorry for you because clearly you are a very sad individual. I feel that you are extremely depressed maybe about your condition and maybe due to some deep seated issues. This is reflecting in your personality, the way you feel it necessary and exceptable to behave in the manner which you do.

Having the negative outlook on life which you clearly do, can only be detrimental to your own well being. If you think that attacking me is in any way affecting me you are sadly wrong. As a firm believer in the L.O.A i know with absolute certainty that you are just making things worse for yourself, but hey that's your choice.

It seems you don't understand what the word 'TROLL' means either as you are accusing me of being one when clearly it is you who is displaying trollish behaviour.

I am reminded of those very wise words that I have come across on forums from time to time. directed at people like yourself.

''DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!'' - never have these words been more appropriate.

It would not suprise me, despite everything you have said relating to bio oil, to find out you had been out and bought some bio oil for yourself just out of curiosity. Because you strike me as the type of person that would do that.  I find people like yourself very amusing trying to get energy from putting others down. If only you knew that by being kind to people, by doing good deeds, by showing gratitute for the things you have, and by accepting yourself warts and all would give you all the energy you need. I hope that one day soon you will realise this and be able to move forward with your life and stop being an energy vampire.
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What a cretin. Could literally not argue against anything I said because you know it's all facts so you had to write an essay about me as a person!  ;D

But keep telling yourself that Bio oil that's made for the outer layer of skin can penetrate so deep enough to remove scar tissue like peyronies inside ones body.

You are not only a troll but a scumbag as well. If your intention wasn't to come here and troll you would argue with facts not  type a bunch of irrelevant crap about me.

Bio oil does not penetrate the skin that deep enough period. There's literally nothing to argue here, only you are being daft.

People would use if for knee pain and all sorts of similar issues had that been the case. To type such rubbish as you did in the previous post I quouted is an insult to people on here who actually have the disease.
30 years. Sudden rightwards curve detected in June 2020
Narrowing on right side and about a 20° curve to the right.
ED + instability due to narrowing.


i also believe Bio Oil would do nothing. But if some want to try it, so be it.

Let's hold on the insults and finger pointing. If necessary, I can lock this topic.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Please lock it. At this point, after my experience being duped into trying Hirudoid from some one on here, ANYONE that recommends rubbing something OTC on your dick should be viewed as highly suspect and be watched closely by monitors.

This seems like a Frederick Zuckermann all over again.

Any man new here please heed my warning: THERE IS NO CREAM ON EARTH THAT WILL CURE YOUR PEYRONIES OR STOP YOUR PAIN! And no one will see 80% reduction in 3 days. Absurd. The body does not work that quickly.

Lock this thread and silence this guy for being highly suspect please.
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One more thing: do not trust anyone that immediately comes on here and starts posting cures. This is a Zuckermann / Hirudoid all over again.

"Try this cream/gel 2x daily within days your curve and pain will be gone!"

Do not put anything on your dicks people. If you dick hurts leave it alone. Stop jerking off and take lots of Dual for pain. It's that simple.

Urologists don't recommend rubbing stuff on your dick because rubbing things on your dick won't cure you and might actually harm you.

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