Questions: penimaster pro - penis more curved after use

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Hi there,

I have been doing traction already for 4 months or so using a Penis extender device (the one with a strap). Not sure about positive results because I haven't really measured it but it seems that there's at least some improvement (in terms of girth and width, the curvature seems to be the same though). I acquired the penimaster traction device a few weeks ago and I was really excited as many people reported positive results.

So, I've been using the penimaster traction device already for a few weeks. It's quite a good device, very comfortable and easy to use. There are two problems though. First, the glans are quite inflammed after every use and look quite disturbing. Do you think I need to do anything about it? Second, I've noticed that my penis looks more curved (to the left) when flacid after using this traction device. Interestingly, it wasn't the same with the Penis extender device (every time I used it, the penis was somewhat straighter and looked more natural). But now when I use this new device my penis looks worse, even though temporary (after some time it gets back to normal). Have you experienced anything similar? I would greatly appreciate your advice.

27 y. o. Peyronies since 2020: very mild S curvature with the top part tilting to the left - 10*. Extensive scarring everywhere, wasting, hourglassing, lumps. Progressive Peyronies Disease, never stabilised. Somewhat acceptable EQ.


Hi Cyrilt,

Sharing my experience of using the PMP pro for more than 6months before deciding to go for plication surgery.

1. The glans will look inflamed if used for more than 1hr sessions, which is why I try to take breaks in between. It looks like water/fluid retention that is happening more than anything else.

2. I too noticed more curvature too after using the version with the strap, even after getting more gains (length+ girth) and realized that the scar tissue I had on the left hand side was just too "taught" to be stretched - this is what prompted me to visit a urologist and subsequently have plication surgery.

All the best in your journey!
33 yo

2018: 1 year of experimenting with traction device (PMP)
2019: Plication surgery for a 60 degrees up+side curvature
2020: Residual curvature of 40 degrees
2022: Considering xiaflex treatment overseas


I've been using the PMP for about 1  1/2 years now with improvements in both length, girth and curvature improvement.  In the beginning stages of learning about the device I also had small blister like areas with distortion.  I fooled around with several different combos of the sluices and diaphragms until I found the correct one for me.  I no longer have any problems using the device at all.  I also purchased the Restorex and can say that it has way more stretching strength than the PMP and it also works for me.  The learning curve on this device was also different and it did take time.  It all depends on the individual.  
Lump 4/2020, age 63 , Dr Levine 6-26-20, Dors Curve 11/2020, Peyronies
Vit E400mg, COQ10, Heat Therapy, Penimaster, Pentox, Cialis, Restorex
SNHL 7/2020 - Stopped all Meds because ototoxicity  Heat/traction/VED are working. CPPS Diagnosis - Stable :)